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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2020 in Posts

  1. Nah! I prefer urinals, trees, walls, grass etc. Toilets are boring. 😉
    7 points
  2. Continuing the tale of Sally and Tricia, with more of the same sort of content as previously. Tricia grabbed a bath towel out of the laundry, throwing it on the floor beneath where she’d sat, beneath where Sally’s desperate pee had pooled in her lap before splattering onto the tiles. As she did so, a multitude of thoughts flooded into her mind. Most of them definitely pleasant thoughts. Standing opposite was her best friend, swaying slightly, although certainly less than before. The friend she’d just shared a passionate kiss with, the friend who’d just unleashed her desperate
    6 points
  3. I am in such a wetting mood at the moment, I don’t know what has come over me but I’m not complaining! I came home from work earlier today quite desperate to pee, I wasn’t absolutely bursting but full enough where I couldn’t sit still properly. After spending a few minutes with my family I went upstairs for some much needed relief. Everything was pretty normal until I closed the bathroom door behind me and saw the toilet. It was like a switch inside my head, I suddenly had this huge urge to be naughty and pee through my clothes again instead of pulling them down. To be honest it didn’t ta
    4 points
  4. I love it. This is my favorite place. In the bathtub or mostly in the shower. Almost always! I like it when it's on the legs and feet. So now enough.😏
    4 points
  5. I'll reply to your lovely messages tomorrow but I just wanted to say... he liked the story! He hasn't been able to keep his hands off me all evening, even "helping" me make an omelette earlier (read - fondling my bum while stood next to me) so I'm going to have an early night and make some more memories 😉
    4 points
  6. What was it like the first time you peed in front of your partner? Was it your average every day wee in the toilet? Or something a little more interesting? I remember mine very vividly so I'll describe it below. The first pee in front of my husband was in the first few weeks of us dating, the first time he invited me back to his place in fact. He had been to my flat a few times but I had always closed the door when I went to the toilet. He would have heard me peeing, but not seen it. The first time I stayed at his was after our third date and we slept together that night. The next morning
    3 points
  7. When we moved into the house I live in now it took a while to meet the neighbors. They were a strange bunch from way out in the woods. Two sons and a daughter. I got along with the dad well enough we would chat in the driveway and drink a beer a couple times a week. The summer she turned 18, I had some friends over. We were all in the backyard grilling, drinking, summertime stuff. I smoke when I drink but never in front of my kids. I excused myself to the woods behind the house for a piss and a cigarette. I walked out behind the neighbors massive chicken coupes to not be seen. I lit m
    3 points
  8. I'm biased, I guess, but I honestly don't get why male and female urination isn't considered more beautiful and titillating than it is. Pee flows put of the same channel as semen for men. The female muscles that hold and release urine are the same as the ones that contract during orgasm in ladies. I often wonder why urophilia is so niche.
    3 points
  9. Thank you! That is a huge compliment. It seems like I have it out of my system for now Thank you! He loved the little surprise. I passed him my tablet with the post open and just sat watching as he read it. Thank you! As they say, sharing is caring! There is a lot of things that happen behind closed doors that I like to keep private but I am happy to share most of my pee related adventures. Thank you! Oh wow, a huge compliment! I am ever so critical of my writing so that really means a lot to me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You
    3 points
  10. Nominate @Eliminature for “best typo of 2020” award
    3 points
  11. I've seen carpet tiles mainly used in offices - they have advantages for offices including the fact that you can change a small area if it becomes damaged or soiled, you can lift a small area if you need to get under the floor (e.g. raised floors for cabling) and if you move furniture and have to re-cut holes for cables etc., then you can make it good without replacing the whole carpet. I would tend to agree with @gldenwetgoose that they are usually short pile and I wouldn't expect them to be very good for absorbency. The other option to consider is carpet samples. A lot of carpet sho
    3 points
  12. Similarly, I'm happy to be called pretty - although I would recommend Specsavers. More seriously though, I absolutely love comments like that @Eliminature and from any of the ladies. Growing up I not only felt like some kind of weird pervert, but also made me feel my desire to see naked female flesh (especially peeing) made me some sort of guy preying on ladies. To understand now that actually it's not all one sided, and a proportion of ladies enjoy the spectacle as much as I do is wonderful.
    3 points
  13. Bathmats are good for this. They come in all assortments. I used to have a thick one for peeing, you can throw it in the washer if you want afterwards too!
    3 points
  14. Well, guys don't like being called pretty, I know. But seeing pee travel out of the end of the penis is a sight that I will never tire of - just as you guys presumably like to see a stream rush out of a lady's urethra.
    3 points
  15. Pissing off of my deck onto the snow
    3 points
  16. I remember my first time with Mr Eliminature. We'd been together for just shy of a year and we were in a hotel room. This was before we were married. He knew that I peed standing, but he had never seen it. I'd always closed the door - mainly out of respect for him rather than any modesty on my part. He'd heard my stream hitting the water and commented how it "sounded like a bloke." For those who aren't aware, "bloke" is UK slang for a man - particularly one who indulges in stereotypical masculine behaviour. Now, I don't remember how the conversation went. With the door open, I watched Mr
    3 points
  17. I made a junkyard run yesterday. I peed about 30 minutes before I got there. I got out on the cold, damp, foggy yard and had to pee again already. I had planned to be in and out so I planned on stopping back at the rest area on the way home. As I am working on pulling the parts I needed, the urge to go was getting stronger to the point where it was distracting. I walked over to look at vehicles that were surrounding me for a good candidate to pull out and piss in, something that would provide good cover. I hadn’t seen many people out being it was so early, and it was foggy so I zippe
    2 points
  18. Thank you. Had another driving lesson today. I'm getting better. ☺
    2 points
  19. [This is the story of an entirely fictional event, but played out in the character of a real life dear friend who is a member of this forum. Contains a brief tame male pee, but mainly increasingly desperate female holding, pain, wetting and for good measure a bit of intercourse] PART ONE “Have you got a semi on there mister?” I laughed as I glanced down to my side at the unmistakable sight of a single high pressure jet of urine drilling its way into the toilet bowl, bubbling deep into the clear water below. “If you’d waited two minutes you could have had the bathr
    2 points
  20. I had a go with a panoramic image of Striding Edge in the Lake District: NB - not one of my photos - I found the original on the internet.
    2 points
  21. A group of us had gone to an outdoor concert. We had lawn seating and everyone was standing, dancing, jumping around, very crowded. Of course we had alot of beer to drink and made plenty of trips to the restroom. During the second band a short rain shower passed through so everyone in the place was soaked. Coincidentally the line for the restroom got much shorter so I'm sure I wasn't the only one pissing myself. There was this girl in front of us sitting and puking, obviously too much to drink. I didn't have on underware because it was extremely hot that day. Towards the end of the concert I
    2 points
  22. I honestly don't remember either. My wife and I have always been very open with each other, but when we first started going out, she lived with her parents and I lived in a shared house, so I don't remember ever having the opportunity of leaving the bathroom door open. It was most likely a case of going into the bathroom together when we were going for a shower and used the toilet first. But I'm guessing. From the point where we lived together, we were always very open and never closed the bathroom door.
    2 points
  23. Time for a techie update - a technique that anyone with Photoshop can have a go at. It may well be possible with other photo editing packages too. I'll admit it isn't my own invention, but it is too cool not to share... - First, open a panoramic photo in the desktop computer version of Photoshop. Ideally it should be a full 360 degree image, but most phones only do three-quarter panormaics. Just whatever you have. - Click Image > Image Size. Then make sure you click to unlink the Width and Height dimensions. - Change the height to be the same as t
    2 points
  24. We know you're not 🙂, and it didn't come across like that to me!
    2 points
  25. You didn't sound very negative to me. I do generally think Europeans are better drivers than us in North America. Many people like you mentioned can't drive a manual transmission car
    2 points
  26. I was taught to squat outside by a friend a year or two older when playing outdoors. I would have been about six I think. She showed me what to do first and then I copied her. After that is was quite a regular thing. I remember feeling really worried that I was going to be weeing on the ground and I was worried I'd get into trouble but she reassured me and I was fine after that. We'd do it almost openly while we were out playing. One or two of us would run over to the bush line and drop our knickers to squat and pee into the grass, then go back and join the others playing.
    2 points
  27. Wow Sophie what another well written and descriptive experience, just lovely. Thank you for sharing
    2 points
  28. That made me wet to read! Sorry! 😆 You're a very good writer. I love how descriptive you are.
    2 points
  29. Looking at B&Q all they have is 50cm2 so you were not far off! But yeah, pretty small. My puddle would likely exceed that. I've used an off cut of carpet in the past.
    2 points
  30. Thank you all. There's been little to report over lockdown, sadly. We've barely left the home except for necessities. I am peeing exclusively in the sink now to save water. The lavatory is a lot cleaner now, too. No limescale! My husband is used to this, though he doesn't seem too inclined to do it himself.
    2 points
  31. For me it was well before we were even daiting she was a friend of a friend back then and i met her when we were drinking at my friends house. Now we live on the countryside so peeing outside is the norm when the drinks were flowing thru me i just went to the nearest tree that was like 2m to my right and just peed there the whole night everyone could see everything and it didn’t really bother me or anyone else. So yeah the first time wasn’t so special for me and to this day she often sees me peeing outside
    2 points
  32. Am I the only one who routinely applies their park brake when stationary in traffic or waiting at traffic lights so as not to dazzle the driver behind me with my brake lights? Where has this art gone? In any vehicle I drive it is virtually automatic for me to apply the park brake and knock it out of gear in such situations. Saving keeping ones foot pressed on the pedals, which can wear out the brake pads and clutch. With these dark winter nights, staring at the brake lights of the car in front (particularly if they are newer LED types) cannot be good for ones eyes.
    2 points
  33. Not sure if it was the craziest (I’ve done some pretty wild shit) but it’s up there. A few years ago I was staying the weekend with a girl I was dating. I was 27, she was 21 and lived at her mom’s- who was out of town for the weekend. This was a glorious opportunity, as her mom was a a typical strict and overbearing Jewish single-mom who also was not very fond of me at all. We fucked all day Saturday and all over the house. Her mom was pretty into interior decorating, so the house they both shared was full of really nice furniture. We fucked on most of it. At one point we were bangi
    2 points
  34. I was talking with a guy who runs a bed-n-breakfast. We talked about a number of things, and I asked him what's the craziest thing he's seen one of his guests do. Without hesitation, he said it was the night some woman ruined his pool table. He had a pool table in a common area room for his guests. Well, he had a camera on that room as part of his web of security cameras. When he discovered one day that the green felt of the pool table had this huge stain and had formed wrinkles in an area the size of a beach ball, he went back and checked the camera recording. He said it was like 1 AM i
    2 points
  35. Oh ... you naughty man! That was good 🙂
    1 point
  36. So much to enjoy in this story @gldenwetgoose - extremely arousing! Thanks!
    1 point
  37. Key thing is being able to do the Rectangular to Polar change. There are some standalone apps too - Theta+ is one. I worked it out because my drone has an automatic mode to create a sphere panoramic, but when export it just shows as a standard pano. You can play tunes too creating ellipses, or if you miss out the step to rotate the image you can get a 'stuck down the well' look too.
    1 point
  38. I'm sorry the other girls were so cruel to you eliminature Kids are so mean. I have so experience with that since I didnt pee standing up until I was a preteen so I was made fun of a bit
    1 point
  39. @Ms. Tito 😀✌🏻❤ As a little girl, I was lifted up by the backs of my thighs to have a quick wee outside. If we were in town, I'd be taken down an alleyway, usually held over a grate or drain. If we were at the park, I was held behind a tree or bush and released my wee into the grass. Occasionally I was even encouraged to piddle in a garden by being held. It felt nice at the time. I felt loved and safe. I also liked it because my grandmother and/or grand aunt would usually praise me for doing it, too. As Sophie said, I was encouraged to water the flowers/bushes/trees. My grand aunt in parti
    1 point
  40. Not sure why anyone would think that you were crazy for playing bass, it's a perfectly legitimate instrument. Good on you. 👍🏻 I play simple pieces by Bach and Kabalevsky - just beginner's stuff, really. I'm better with Bluesy stuff. I've only been learning with a teacher for about five months, but he's pleased with my progress. He has also taught me a few of the pieces that Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones and Ray Manzarek of the Doors would have played.
    1 point
  41. An unplanned desperation is somehow more "real" and more satisfying than a planned one.
    1 point
  42. Last submission here for today. I went to the post office at lunch time and decided to have some fun. I went to where there is a path that goes over the motorway by way of a bridge with a spiral approach ramp. I had to wait for the coast to be clear, then I walked up the ramp and peed from the higher level down onto the lower level where the spiral crosses the entry to the ramp. It was a little risky as several houses have a view of the ramp and the approach view is pretty open so anyone who appeared on the approach would see what I was doing. Pics show the location, showing the ramp set
    1 point
  43. Thats incredibly kind of you to say that @arg08. Don't know if you read my previous story 'Sealing the Deal' - it's even longer and a bit of a slow burn, but think you'll like it. It was written around the same real life lady as Faye - albeit in a different role. She's a member here who has become a good friend through chatting, so the character traits are pretty true to her, and it are those traits which lead to the situation she finds herself in.
    1 point
  44. You are a very talented writer. Im sorry I haven't been over here to read it until now.
    1 point
  45. I just read your post and went to the link, it is not overly graphic but lovely to watch. The woman urinating does not seem at all happy nor content. To me, it seems, almost like she knows she is videotaped & wants to "get it done with". I do rather enjoy the hidden toilette footage. And wow, hehe, talk about a very messy splashy urination :):)
    1 point
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