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  1. Having a great holiday but now constantly quizzed by the kids having seen mums wet knickers on at least 2 occasions so far. When I went to the toilet yesterday my youngest asked if I had managed to use the toilet. I actually had to lie😕
    5 points
  2. What i love to do is whenever I'm in a pool just swimming and having fun, enjoy peeing when people around me, I start to pee and you can see the cloud start to form just ever so slowly. You feel the water turn warm around you. I just start swimming around to others in the pool just having them be enveloped by my cloud of piss. The people wondering why the water suddenly got warmer, but I just slightly smile as I keep swimming. I feel so naughty and sneaky for peeing in front of a crowd of people and they will never know.
    5 points
  3. I’d do it!! And if I won, I’d probably fly some of you guys over here or somewhere exotic then line you all up and pee on all of you and have you all as my pee slave for the weekend 😂
    5 points
  4. Thank you everybody Back next week if all goes well With a vengeance… and with a video!!! Or at least I hope so!!! Kisses!!!
    4 points
  5. When I know the toilet is clean I always sit and I pee onto the front of the bowl when my stream at its strongest. When hovering i have wet the seat numerous times even myself if i haven't pulled my knickers down far enough
    4 points
  6. Let's say you've just come into a huge unexpected inheritance, of £100,000 / $100,000. But there is one extremely bizarre catch. The money has to be spent solely on things related to pee. How would you spend the money? For example... would you try to think long-term and start your own pee video production business where you direct videos, or maybe just blow all the money on buying a small island (with no toilets) and hire a bunch of willing models to come along and live on it with you for a little while? Get creative, as the best idea gets the £100,000... ... We
    3 points
  7. I mean if i ask you to list 15 bad things and then 15 good things the bad things will be much easier to list. I think it's because we reflect more on bad things so then we remember them longer and that makes us react stronger to them. For example if i miss the train im going to become pissed off and problaby going to start thinking stuff like " why does this always happen to me" and " this day sucks" etc but if i don't miss it am i going to be happy and appreciate it? No i problaby wont even think about it. Bad example mabye but you get the point. Why are we always so negative and never apprec
    3 points
  8. Well said, it's a whole different mindset when you have skin in the game. Jurors are biased just like anyone else and this often leads to wrongful convictions, and unfortunately wrongful executions. I would not want my life in the hands of people that maybe dislike me and are more concerned about being home in time for dinner than whether they kill me in error. As for animal abuse, I'd like to consider the hunting vs buying comparison further. One could argue that buying in the store is worse because you're supporting the profit of mass animal slaughter. Good reasons to hunt in modern day
    3 points
  9. Many times as I was growing up, I would either be sitting around, getting ready for the day or for sleep, I would walk over to the middle of my room, right next to a vent and I would pee. I wouldn't even have to pee that bad or anything most of the time. I just didnt feel like walking to the bathroom next door. I squat and aim onto the vent and hear the noise of the pee dripping down and hear it echo throughout the vents. I feel so sneaky whenever I do it because no one will ever know how amazing that it feels to have the pressure of pee just being released and feeling that immense relief 😉
    3 points
  10. This is for any of our lovely ladies.Please dont be offended,its only a thought,something fun and totally optional,if it ever happens that is! If i ever won the Lottery,i would offer any of our ladies,the following. All travel expenses,all hotel bills,any extras they might fancy like a spa,massage,make over etc,PLUS £5000,or whatever in Dollars,or the currency of your choice,if they were willing to come to my town,stay overnight or a few days,in return for allowing me to come to their hotel room,and watch them have a wee.Thats it,no messing,no touching,in a safe environment.It would
    2 points
  11. This is a question for my fellow ladies: Do you ever accidentally wee over the toilet seat or have your piss shoot through the seat? I find that when I'm drunk and in desperate need, sometimes if I don't angle my pussy backwards, my wee will spray onto the seat or through the seat. I'd be curious to know your experiences with this, especially while you're out in public!
    2 points
  12. Given the secrecy with which female urination is viewed, in the general population of Europe and America, so that even discussing the process has many taboos, especially for people of opposite genders, I have a question. Question, primarily for you ladies, but men may have relevant experiences, also: What MOTIVATES a woman to INITIATE a conversation about peeing (her own, his, or a third party) with a man? 1. Is she demonstrating HER interest, especially erotic interest, in peeing? 2. Is she trying to find out about HIS interest, especially erotic interest, in peeing?
    2 points
  13. I am going to put it to the test and list 15 bad things then 15 good ones and see if the bad ones are easier.... 15 bad things... 1. Bigotry 2.Narrow-mindedness. 3. Conservatives 4. Organised religions. 5. Hypocrisy 6. Excessive greed 7. Brussel Sprouts 8. Heroin. 9. Global warming 10. Cruelty 11. War 12. Torture 13. Rudeness 14. Extreme selfishness 15. Speed cameras Well that was pretty easy. Now 15 good things.... 1. Full English breakfasts 2. Sunny days on the beach 3. Golden showers 4.
    2 points
  14. Not weird at all it just shows that you have alot of empathy
    2 points
  15. Not to mention distracting lol
    2 points
  16. Yes it can be difficult hey lol
    2 points
  17. Awwwwww you're so meeeeaaannnn. No worries though. Not electric 😉 woodstove powered. Means you care, so thank you 🙂
    2 points
  18. I won a lucky dip! Absolutely 🙂
    2 points
  19. Well,my numbers didnt come up damnit!
    2 points
  20. That is indeed my main reason for opposing the death penalty. I sometimes put forward the idea that all those in favour of a death penalty should be collectively personally liable for wrongful executions when they occur, and any resulting compensation. Curiously, they are hardly ever willing to put their money where their mouths are. Funny that. But it is a realisation that fills me with contempt for the death penalty lobby.
    2 points
  21. You can throw all the most emotive examples at me you can imagine. I still believe the death penalty is wrong. And I still believe your example only constitutes manslaughter, even though a severe case of it meriting a long prison sentence. I am certain that legal minds would define it as manslaughter rather than murder too.
    2 points
  22. I went on a walk with some girl friends on a trail through the woods. It was a breezy day but it was silent throughout everywhere. We were about 3 miles down the trail and I had to pee so bad. I tried ignoring it and joking around with my friends. But I felt a little trickling down my leg and I knew I couldn't hold it anymore. Without telling anyone, I ran behind a tree, lifted my leg and peed on tree. It was absolutely silent in the woods so i could hear the pee just streaming outside my pussy down the tree and onto the ground. I couldn't stop myself: I exhaled so deeply that i moaned so loud
    2 points
  23. It is nothing sexual, we have seen our parts before. It also gives us a reason to have coversation. At times we will do silly things while peeing and other times, we just pee because we have to and then move on.
    2 points
  24. So halfway through our first trip abroad since having the 2 children. The main thing I have struggled with to date is the toilet facilities. At home we have 3 toilets and I can almost guarantee 1 will be free. Here we have the one which the kids seem to live in. It is also the shower. As you know I am very bad at controlling a pee urge this has led to a few desperate situations of me banging on the door, peeing in front of the kids in the bath and once peeing in a cup.
    2 points
  25. Unless I sit back with my legs spread I don’t, but I aim my stream to the front so it doesn’t go straight in the water because I don’t like the sound sometimes lol but with public toilets I never sit on them, I usually stand or hover and can get some drops on the seat sometimes (I don’t drink so I’m always sober haha)
    2 points
  26. Both. Her stream can be somewhat unpredictable when she has to go really bad. I think it is just how her anatomy is set up.
    1 point
  27. I like the island idea i would pay rebekah and some other models to come with me. And i would make sure there was TONS of beer,since beer makes you have to go a lot. And then there would be only one bathroom but i controled the lock with a remote that remote would be my best friend for a looooong time haha. Ok so when do i get the money?🤣
    1 point
  28. I would buy myself a like minded dude and a put the money toward a place where we could see all over the carpets whenever we wanted.
    1 point
  29. Have you seen this first hand or has your wife wife not cleaned up?
    1 point
  30. Oh I do. Haha I grew up on a farm so I know what you mean.
    1 point
  31. You may think I'm weird, but I could never get into fishing because I was appalled by the cruelty of putting a worm on a fish hook. I did it a few times but I could see by the way the worms reacted that it was inflicting terrible pain on them. I still eat fish, and I guess I could fish with live bait if the alternative was starvation, but I could never do it for fun.
    1 point
  32. Lol maybe Misspy won for us all 😋😂
    1 point
  33. Thank you for that useful information. I never knew that so have learned something. As such I have modified my original opinion that all hunting is bad and should be banned. Clearly in certain situations hunting can be justified. Some types of hunting, though, are bad and should be banned.
    1 point
  34. Most fish are either thrown back after being caught or taken home to be eaten in the case of anglers whilst industrial fishing with trawlers is for food, so I see little wrong with the concept. And @likesToLick has given some good examples and arguments where hunting looks pretty acceptable and reasonable so I acknowledge that. It is the hunting and killing of animals for fun that is unacceptable yet which still happens in the UK
    1 point
  35. I was like that today on my way home! Wife was sending me nudes while I was at work and driving home with a hard on is difficult lol
    1 point
  36. While I was at my friends house, she was fast asleep. I walked over to her. I didnt want to wake her up, so I had to be so quiet. Sleeping in just my underwear and tshirt, i crawled on her bed. Her still just breathing so slowly, I pulled my underwear down and peed on her legs. And down to her feet. I couldn't help it. I licked her feet just tasting how I was. I felt so naughty I could not stop licking. I heard her moan from my tongue sliding across her and I just grinned from how bad I am.
    1 point
  37. Women go together because one usually announces her need and the other feeling a slight urge decides to follow suit. When I was younger and went to more popular clubs we would often shared a cubicle but other than maybe discuss a boy it was just a pee. As we get older I have tended to use my own cubicle especially if I have wet my knickers or have to change my pad because I have peed in it. It's not something you want someone to know about. (She says telling everyone in the forum)
    1 point
  38. We all have our fantasies of what goes on in there, or in the changing rooms.... that sort of thing, but the truth is probably a bit more disappointing. Facts are that 99.999...... % of people, pee is just pee. Everyone does it, sometimes a nuisance but just a thing. Chances are when you stand at a urinal and there's someone next to you, if you know them you'll talk to them. If you're in a pub / college / restaurant or whatever, talking to your mate and you both go for a pee at the same time, you'd carry on the conversation - just second nature. Why would it be any different when
    1 point
  39. One of my adventures was when I was living with 3 roommates. It was in the morning and I had to pee so bad, so I ran to the bathroom. But my roommates were in them and they werent hurrying up. I had to pee so bad and crossing my legs so hard, I barely could hold it anymore. I ran into my bedroom and just as I came through the door I couldn't hold it anymore. I peed all over the entryway with my door wide open so if anyone walked into the hallway, they would've seen me pee through my underwear in my entryway. I heard footsteps and just as I got up from squatting over the floor, someone walked i
    1 point
  40. So, Brexit is going to make it easier for the government to censor and suppress the people. Well, golly shucks, who in the world woulda guessed that. 🙄
    1 point
  41. @steve25805 happy birthday🍾🍾🍾🍾
    1 point
  42. Can you aim well if you are peeing standing then?
    1 point
  43. Yeah I waited till I was busting them getting near orgasm I had to stop for a sec and let it go then quickly bought myself there, not all of it came out because the orgasm kinda stops the need to go
    1 point
  44. Are your wives underwear wet with pee or normal womens secretions?
    1 point
  45. You don't have to say sorry, one of your previous posts indicated you were busy, that was enough. We knew about it and just waited for you to return. I hope all goes well with your work and manage to make something of it, best of luck with it all.
    1 point
  46. It's ok Nancy. I guess we all knew you must have had shit going on. And it sounds like you've had a lot on your plate in real life. There is no need for an apology at all. I just want to thank you for keeping us informed. I - like I suspect many around here - have been missing your presence but we all understand that life gets in the way sometimes. We look forward to when you are able to contribute more again, of course. But above all, we understand. Thank you for such high praise. Not sure I deserve all that. But thank you. It is indeed my birthday in two days time.
    1 point
  47. New level of teachings in the Ancient Masters thread in the General Chat
    1 point
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