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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2019 in all areas

  1. In a couple of days it will be the birthday of a human being which not only is the backspine of this forum, but also its greatest overall contributor and one of its most affectionate member. Respected by everybody, loved just as much, unconquered and Always gentle, a Paramount human, whose flaws and weaknesses (everybody has) are peculiar because they do NOT drawn him to his lowest half. they just exist, but his inner light conquered them. No words can describe him, just know that a Birthday party are never complete unless the baker MISSPELLS your name on the cake, and so, my
    4 points
  2. How many fingers did you use to open the can?
    4 points
  3. Ok so there's always someone saying " bann violent games they make kids psychopaths etc." And no that's not right at all a normal human isin't affected by games. Let me give an example in Thailand gta 5 was banned because a guy played it and then shot 2 people. But he was sick he had that sickness in him so if not gta would have triggered him something else would have. And basically everyone under 25 plays violent games if it was that dangerous wouldn't everyone under 25 go on a killing spree?. What im trying to say is a sick human that hurts someone because of a game would have done it withou
    3 points
  4. Having spoke to my hubby he admitted checking the laundry to see how wet my underwear was. He said he loved itwhen the gusset was soaked which it often is. I did tell him that with bigger accidents I rinse them and they go straight in the washer. Anyway does anyone else check there wifes / girlfriends underwear? If so how wet are they? Have you told them?
    3 points
  5. 3 points
  6. I also take chance here to excuse with everybody for my absence. I am traversing the most awfulm moment in my life, I am fine inside and with Alex is all ok, but you all know that the Company I worked for underwent a crack and failed, and I am now working with ex-partners to build a new one, and this means I am NOT an employee, we are a group of nobodies trying to build a Company from nothing, and this means that we have NOT a contract and it means that we must do everything that comes up to be necessary, at whatever time. I have been working so much in the last two weeks that I was
    3 points
  7. Indeed. The only people who might react violently to a violent video game are those who are already violent psychopaths, who would be violent anyway. But they would be that way already. Video games do not turn people into psychos, though psychos might copy some of the violence in a game. But if it wasn't for the game they'd gain their inspiration from somewhere else somehow anyway. And that is because the violent drives are internal to them and not externally caused by this or that video game.
    3 points
  8. I’ve been keeping my pee fetish to myself from the age of 14 and now I’m 26 and I’ve decided I can’t keep it to myself any longer. I’m glad I’ve managed to find an active forum with like minded people. Looking forward to to getting to know everyone and exploring the site!
    2 points
  9. Im often just browsing,when perhaps,WHAM!Something i see causes arousal,so much i just HAVE to masturbate.Its how the male body works i guess!
    2 points
  10. This is very true!!! Happy birthday for two days time 😊
    2 points
  11. Nancy, there's nothing to forgive, real life gets in the way sometimes, I'm sure you have the support of everyone here and we'll be delighted to see you back...when YOU are ready 😘
    2 points
  12. It's ok Nancy. I guess we all knew you must have had shit going on. And it sounds like you've had a lot on your plate in real life. There is no need for an apology at all. I just want to thank you for keeping us informed. I - like I suspect many around here - have been missing your presence but we all understand that life gets in the way sometimes. We look forward to when you are able to contribute more again, of course. But above all, we understand. Thank you for such high praise. Not sure I deserve all that. But thank you. It is indeed my birthday in two days time.
    2 points
  13. Both of us play video games (we have a PS4 each, lol) and we have no intention of running rampart all over the scenery. People did this way before video games were blamed, just think of the few prominent ones is the 80's. Maigh does cause me some concern when she's online, her Scot background kicks in, and you hear "die fuckers, die" in her sweet voice. She was known as Miss_Murder once, and someone politely asked her to change her name. Both of us are hanging out for Cyberpunk 2077, been following that for a while now. Looks impressive (if it makes it passed our nanny state censorsh
    2 points
  14. You are correct, it's total bullshit that games cause violence. Those kids that shoot people in real life always come from broken abusive homes, or are diagnosed with add and drugged. The side effects of such medication alter the brain's receptors and literally turn that kids emotions up to level 10 and they react in extreme ways. There is also a direct correlation between the rise of fatherless homes and the rise of violence among the youth. There is research that shows video games actually reduce violence because the troubled individuals have an outlet for their anger. The news doesn't want
    2 points
  15. I totally agree with you. Something about naughty pissing that just turns me on hahaha
    2 points
  16. @Dr.P Well you've already lost her, so that means you have nothing to lose by attempting to reestablish conversation. If she declines, no big deal since you've already hit rock bottom with her. I say go for it but make sure to be direct and don't worry too much about being too nice since you saw where that approach landed you. Just walk up and say you need to speak to her for just one minute and unless she's a head to toe bitch, she'll give you that much to state your case. Just explain that you were trying not to come on too strong and made her feel that you weren't interested, but now w
    2 points
  17. Forbiddem=excitement add a fetish to that and you have the answer hope that makes sense
    2 points
  18. I know @steve25805 is interessted in psychology so i'd like to hear your thoughts on this
    2 points
  19. My first assignment… How exciting. The envelope had my plane tickets and all the instructions I would need. I was swooped away by limo then plane then limo. Somewhat exhausted from the ride, I was shocked back to full consciousness by the sight of my accommodations. The limo pulled in the mosaic drive and before me stood a majestic stone villa, perched on the edge of a seaside cliff. A striking lady greeted me as I exited the car. Wait! It was the hostess from both my interviews. My heart skipped and my cock engorged, thinking I may have been brought to this little slice of heaven to
    2 points
  20. Not this time but I have before 😉
    2 points
  21. Following. I dont know why I like naughty peeing so much I just do. I cant really get off to men doing it anymore, just women but I dont consider myself to be bisexual or a lesbian. Maybe I don't need a reason. I get off to what I get off to and that's that!
    2 points
  22. Quite a few of the members here have an interest on so called naughty pissing or naughty peeing, essentially peeing in naughty places. I am certainly one who seriously gets off on the notion of girls peeing in naughty locations - all over the floor, on the table, on the furniture, on the bed, against the wall, in or over all kinds of things. It really floats my boat. I love pics or vids showing this, and true tales and fictional stories featuring this. @Sophie's true account of pissing on her kitchen floor, or @lesley's awesome fictional tales especially of carpet pissings are just two example
    1 point
  23. Nancy, life sometimes gets in the way of things we'd like to do. I guess on the plus side you still have a job, albeit without a contract of employment. A Happy Birthday to Steve!
    1 point
  24. Bladder capacity is reduced as space taken up by your unborn. Also they can move and kick later in pregnancy which can cause leakage. I must have changed my pants at least twice a day with my 2nd
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. No need to apologize Nancy, work can bag anyone out. We all eagerly await your return
    1 point
  27. Happy birthday steve 😀
    1 point
  28. Much as certain types of campaigners love to blame violent video games, and before them violent films, for violence in society it is nonsense. Their motivation is simply that they themselves don't like violent video games and films most of the time, so they just want to stop everyone else from seeing or playing them. It is often about trying to make everyone else conform to their own preferred standards and tastes, and this is inherently a finger-wagging nanny state mind set. Violent video games or films do not make people commit violence, nor do they turn people into psychopaths. Anyone
    1 point
  29. Played "violent" video games for 30 years an and off, although they hadn't been invented when I was a kid lol, never committed a violent act in my life.
    1 point
  30. Here's how I've pieced this together in my head over the years. I think the admiration for anything a woman does in a naughty way, be it peeing or even dirty language, is a result of the perception of women being shattered for that moment. On a society wide level, women are seen as wholesome, clean, proper, gentle, cute, angelic and so on, while men are seen as smelly, foul-mouthed, aggressive, and reckless. We are even said to be toxic now and in need of being more feminine. Basically woman is good and man is bad, and that perception hasn't really changed much through human history in many re
    1 point
  31. Well I was home alone and thought I’d try it 😏 it felt so much more intense!!
    1 point
  32. As for myself,it still seems to me women pass urine as if by magic.Where does it come out from?🤔
    1 point
  33. Today I peed at work and wasn't paying attention to where my stream was going. Droplets bounced off the bowl and onto the seat and my thighs. Got a little messy before I reset my aim.
    1 point
  34. This quote is from Esther Perel, writing about marriage and fidelity, but it seems relevant: (Adventurers may also end up pissing on the fence, rather than climbing it).
    1 point
  35. Like Red Bull. It didn’t taste bad, but it didn’t taste like the name. 😂
    1 point
  36. The highest point in Cornwall on Bodmin Moor, rather comically named Brown Willy (lol)….
    1 point
  37. And at the opposite, northeast end, of mainland Britain on the north coast of Scotland, these are the Stacks of Duncansby near John O'Groats.....
    1 point
  38. Agreed. Plus Desperation that lasts over 30 seconds Not showing the girl's face Not showing the puddle Advertising "Train" or "Bus" pissing but the girl gets off the train or bus before pissing (LOVEWETTING is the worst offender) Advertising "Drinking" but the girl never swallows. If you wont swallow pee, find a new job. WORST OFFENDER: VIPISSY Not trying to start a debate, but pretending PEE and SQUIRT are two different things. FFS... It's ALL piss. TOILET PISSING- There is absolutely NOTHING more boring than watchi
    1 point
  39. OK I SO HOLYMOTHERFUCKING AGREE WITH ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The three things you guys listed annoy me to Death I really couldn't come up with other things, in itself these 3 are the worst My most hated is anyway the second listed by Peefreak, really, fake desperation is PATHETICAL You will never see me doing anything fake in my videos!!!
    1 point
  40. I just saw this and it kinda worked!😊 https://xhamster.com/videos/japanese-schoolgirl-piss-walking-through-small-alleys-11616221
    1 point
  41. With all of my pregnancies I seem to remember peeing more often in the beginning weeks rather than later on. My first I distinctly remember waking up to pee every 15 minutes when my husbands alarm was going off for work lol.
    1 point
  42. It's really great to see people posting in here and sharing their stories. Thank you! I went for a run this morning in preparation for a half marathon in June. Nothing extreme just a nice jog. I was wearing my usual black running shorts and a black top, listening to my iPod and drinking from a water bottle as I went. Well after a while I started needing a wee and wanting a little break anyway I decided to relieve myself. I was in a small woods at the time so I just went off the trail and found somewhere hidden. I pulled down my shorts just enough to go and crouched, making sure I wasn
    1 point
  43. I have been to a nude-friendly beach a few times. There are sometimes families with children there (some nude, some not). Whilst I've never seen a full erection, most guys tend to be somewhere between limp and semi-hard most of the time.
    1 point
  44. Maybe that was the "Crissy" effect?:wink:
    1 point
  45. My wife and I frequently go to a nude camp and have also been to nude beaches, parks, and one resort which is also a swingers resort. While they normally discourage you from peeing in common areas where lots of people walk, they also don't seem to mind you peeing in full view of other people. We sometimes tent camp at the nudist camp and will pee right next to our tent at all times of the day. We've both been watched by many and have never had a complaint. I also think the phobia about a guy having an erection has somewhat calmed down. People now realize that it's a natural part of being nu
    1 point
  46. Ah,that makes sense.He has to see each vagina as a mechanic sees a car.He probably never thinks of the woman per se,just a patient.Then when home its wife over washing machine time!I still think initially i would be a bit throbby,but i guess it would go,and then Mr Floppy.As long as i never thought of any of my fellow lady campers peeing that is!:laugh:
    1 point
  47. That could subject could start a whole new thread. I work in healthcare. I talk and occasionally have cocktails with a number of doctors. One of them is a OBGyn. He's married and looks at pussy's all day for a living. He told me that some are obviously more attractive than others. But it's part of the job. He has become de-sensitized to the sight of them. It's because he's looking at them in a non-sexual way, plus there is always a female assistant in the room. When he goes home, the sight of his wife's pussy does get him excited. He tells me it's the context it which it is being vie
    1 point
  48. I've been to a couple of nudist resorts. Two of them were regular family places and didn't see any peeing. There were facilities and it would have been frowned on to do it in public. I've also been to a nude swinger resort. Again, it was frowned on. Although I suspect that if several guests were willing participants, it would be allowed. As long as none of the furnishings or other property were damaged. Seems to me that most nude places that are family oriented do not approve of relieving one's self in public. That doesn't mean that it isn't done. Most people tend to be discrete when
    1 point
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