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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/2019 in Posts

  1. I've seen some comments in the public chat, saying that people want to read my story. I do apologize but there's kind of a long story as to why I no longer share stories with anyone. Not even close friends. 7 years ago i did have my stories online that I'd share the link with close friends. I actually had some good friends that loved my writing. They begged me to write more. They couldn't stop reading my writing. That lasted a few months. Then eventually they disappeared. I never heard from them again. They no longer asked about my stories nor to see any more of my work. I haven't
    7 points
  2. I didn't think this was worthy of its own topic so I thought I'd revive this thread. I came home from work today bursting for a wee so I took off my shoes and ran upstairs. I scurried to my bathroom and quickly hitched up my pencil skirt. I tore down my thong just enough to go and slammed down on the toilet, peeing immediately. I had an absolute torrent gushing from between my legs and the relief was orgasmic. The bathroom door was still wide open but I didn't even care, I was just happy to empty my bladder. went for about 30 seconds and got some toilet paper, sighing happily as I reach
    5 points
  3. "Diane:" A Very Intimate Conversation By Dr.P Introductory Notes: Part 1 of this story is basically a documentary, or memoir, leading up to an intimate and very erotic pee conversation, that I was almost lucky enough to have with a lady friend. I said ALMOST lucky enough, for a reason. It actually happened exactly as I report it here, up to a point, about half way through Part 1, where "Diane" (not her real name, of course, and no relation to other women of that name, real or fictional) shows me a chafed spot on her uppermost, inner thigh, during a conversation at the gym, where we
    4 points
  4. Recently, my husband has been on a kick about peeing on or in random a items. Example, last week, I ended up peeing on a mannequin from a store that was in a storage area. That being said, I am asking for ideas because I have to come up with some items for us to pee on or in. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    3 points
  5. Hi people 😊 Recently found this forum and look forward to getting involved. Cheers
    3 points
  6. Luke's Story (Short) I'm too old for dance clubs but my therapist told me to try new things. This wasn't what he had in mind, but since The Oranola had just opened down in the city, I said fine, I'll be the twenty-nine year old man among early twenties kids for the sake of new experiences for one night. Parking was a pain, the lot was full since I went late so I had to park two blocks away. Inside the place was nice, tons of people. I sat at the bar alone and had a soda since I had to drive myself home. It felt like a waste of time so after about forty minutes, it was almost ten o'clock a
    3 points
  7. Ofc i respect your decision but let me just tell you one thing here you never have to worry about getting your writing ripped to shreds we are a tight community kinda like a litle online family haha and if anyone would insult you or your writing that punk would get thrown the fuck out of here faster then a bullet and @spywareonya would problaby curse him/her but anyway good luck with your writing
    3 points
  8. @Blackinksoul30, obviously your writing is a great help to you personally in a very cathartic way, but your experiences of sharing with others has not been. I understand. I hope we all understand. If you don't wish to share but write only for you and if that helps you, then great. In my younger days - way before the internet - I used to write pee stories using old fashioned pen and paper. Dinosaurs still roamed the earth in those days, lol. Such stories were only ever written for my pleasure. I never had the slightest intention of sharing them with anyone at the time and never did. W
    3 points
  9. I totally respect your decision, iam sure everyone here does. What's important is its therapeutic for you. We all have coping mechanisms and do diffrent things to help deal with stress. Yours is writing, I hope you never stop writing
    3 points
  10. Sure, it's not particularly exciting though. I used to work in a library for a few months and on my last two/three days I decided to "say goodbye" by marking my territory all around the room. Let me just say first that it is a very small and kinda unpopular library, usually we got 3 visitors a day, at most. So, needless to say, there wasn't a lot of work to do and I usually got bored during the afternoon because I was alone and yeah, nobody came and had therefore nothing to do. Anyway, like I said, on my last days I decided to have some fun and started peed all around the librar
    3 points
  11. I travel very frequently and I actually used an airplane as the setting for one of my over-the-top fictional stories that I shared on this forum. However, last week I was able to catch a glimpse of some real-world airplane naughtiness. I really couldn't believe it -- I honestly haven't ever caught a stranger in the act, even in areas more suited for the purpose such as alleyways. I was really surprised and couldn't believe my luck. I was flying Economy class in one of the planes that has a 3-4-3 configuration, meaning that there are three seats, an aisle, 4 seats, an aisle, and three more
    2 points
  12. Couple of experiences when I used to clean the toilets. 1. This was during the late 90s. I was cleaning a WC in Paris that night when suddenly a really voluptuous and buxom woman came in rushing, almost running. She wore a knee length black cocktail dress along with what I suspect a pair of black tights. She rushed straight into a stall and hurriedly undressed (I could hear rustling) and let out a huge gusher that lasted almost a minute and a half. Even after relieving herself she spent almost another couple of minutes in the WC, which alerted my pee-radar. She left after another half a m
    2 points
  13. I guess my bladder isnt as strong as I let on to be, because it sure failed me this morning. My youngest came running into my room shouting for mommy and daddy. I wasnt fully awake yet, so I just kind of turned over to greet them. They jumped up on the bed and decided right then and there that they wanted to be a wrestler and took a dive for my midsection. I hadn't peed yet, and instantly pain radiated throughout my lower half as my bladder gave in to the pressure. I threw my child off if my as I started peeing into the covers, I couldnt hold it or stop myself unfortunately so all I could
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Welcome i think you will like it here everyone is super friendly
    2 points
  16. I have had wonderful conversations with a couple of Bi-sexual females. Welcome to the forum. I hope to be seeing entries from you.
    2 points
  17. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a fantastic time. I look forward to seeing you around.
    2 points
  18. Brutus, thanks much for the feedback and very kind words. Writing the dialog was the challenging part. I have written a lot of straight prose, both professionally, as an engineer, and in posts, like this, over the years, but I haven't written much dialog. I thought the story would come across much better, as a conversation, rather than as straight prose. And the challenge of writing the spoken words of a woman, describing very intimate bodily functions, is even greater, because women just say things differently, "go" rather than "pee" or "piss," for example. So it took me a long time to write
    2 points
  19. @Dr.P Really enjoyed that very much and am looking forward to the next instalment.
    2 points
  20. Great so far. The dialogue was engaging, and it was hard to tell when the true part ended and the fiction took over, so it was a smooth transition. As for the epilogue, yeah you blew it and she probably took your lack of pursuit as disinterest, or just got tired of waiting for you to make a move. But almost every guy has a story like that where he played it too safe with a woman and lost her. Looking forward to part 2.
    2 points
  21. Garbage cans are always a good one lol
    2 points
  22. Here are some ideas of varying risk levels: 1) Boxes in some storage room at work, like a room with old things that employees aren't usually in? Assuming you can be certain no cameras will see you. 2) Wear a skirt and no underwear, so you avoid being seen reaching under to move it aside. Then go to a store, grocery, clothing, appliance for example, and maybe pee on the floor as you walk the isles. 3) Messing a public restroom is always a great option. No cameras and they're usually messy anyway. Use the sink, floor, walls, trashcan, etc 4) Go to some outdoor event, maybe a
    2 points
  23. Not a great picture but it's a start :) sure I can improve!
    2 points
  24. I have a new challenging task! Pee on a window. It can be one you have at your house, at a friends house (for the more competitive ones :P), one from an abandoned building, a haunted house and so on. Whatever you want. Have fun!
    2 points
  25. In public or at home? In public, maybe peeing on some art sculpture, like the ones that you sometimes have e.g. in public squares or in the middle of roundabouts..? 🙂
    2 points
  26. Quick note: I have a bunch of these shorts ready so I'll post a new one every Monday.
    2 points
  27. Given the proliferation of sites providing film clips of urolagnia I have asked myself this question: Since the introduction of hard core color pornography (arguably in Denmark in the late 1960's, early 1970's), what country has produced the best pornography? Criteria being quality of filming and stills photography, explicitness, degree of perversity, amateur content, professional full length features etc. It must have been hard to beat Denmark back then, but I'm not sure that they are forerunners anymore. So, Germany, Holland, Sweden, Italy, France or the former East European countries like H
    1 point
  28. I love naughty peeing, I love to pee just for the fun of damaging public and private property, for example: stranger's bike, car doors, changing room floors, public bathroom floors, hotel floors etc... I would like to know the naughty stories of whom shares this very funny and naughty hobby😜
    1 point
  29. Conjures up wonderful imagery. Im focusing on the thong part..😁
    1 point
  30. Seems like your tractors breaks often mabye it would be better to by new ones? I know that's easier said then done tho a tracor is expensive af
    1 point
  31. The Japanese have a curious attitude towards censorship, I've seen many where the vagina and penis have been pixelated, or in some cases covered up. Having said that, they seem t create very imaginative scenarios.
    1 point
  32. Sex & Violence at it's best: GUNSHIP - Dark All Day (feat. Tim Cappello and Indiana) [Official Music Video]
    1 point
  33. I'm in complete agreement with everyone who feels a real life accident with low resolution and poor lighting is exponentially better than a professionally recorded fake accident. And yes, the sound of a camera clicking, the 21st century version of a Polaroid snapping in the background... The horror, the horror...
    1 point
  34. I guess I do now. Lol! Peeing on a toilet does not yield the same issues as what happened to me this morning.
    1 point
  35. My best friend knows. We dated briefly but it wasn’t until we split up that I told him. He reacted very well and will often pee in front of me if the situation calls for it, but has completely ruled out any sort of intimacy with it. As for other friends or family, hell no! They wouldn’t like it at all and I’d be too afraid of any judgement to say anything.
    1 point
  36. this is not an answer!!!! I am curious!!!! tall? minute? round? slim and fit? firm tits? huge tits? curly and raven-haired? otherwordly blonde? cum on, cum on!!!!
    1 point
  37. please describe if a woman more beautiful than this one do exist I need to know no joking now, that girls has something archetypical for me...
    1 point
    1 point
  39. look at the shape of the peak... is it the Himalaya?
    1 point
  40. yes, I had been craving, and yes, I couldn't believe my luck every minute passing what was actually incredible was her calm demeanor and absolute willingness to try anything I mean I met her some weeks ago and we hadn't had any contacts until three days before our meeting because of cellphone problems, then we just talked a bit, and all of a sudden, hours and hous of drinking and talking about ANYTHING, and this marvellous girl (she's barely legal by the way) showing her ass and pissing in front of Alex smiling and wiping my pussy and getting her pussy licked by me while smoking my m
    1 point
  41. the plump one with red shoes?
    1 point
  42. instinctively speakig I would be more crude and cruel to women, like "if you got it, flaunt it" with a little undertone of "or get the fuck off 'cause you are buffering my attention that could be better used on more willing girls" but obviously is a joke being woman in itself is all about intimacy and we are willing to share, just because we feel it is respected that's why this forum is SO great
    1 point
  43. I never wear trousers unless in those days, and yes it can be terrible, it happened to me, still angry two years later
    1 point
  44. I can't stop laughing at my own joke
    1 point
  45. she is already posting a lot, it's funny
    1 point
  46. fascinating all symbols of deep unconscious...
    1 point
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