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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2019 in Posts

  1. I would walk home from primary school with a classmate, Karen Ellis. We would cross behind some garages and through the woods as a shortcut. The first time I peed in front of anyone was when I needed to go when we were behind the garages. I pointed myself at the garage wall and let go a stream. It didn't seem to bother either of us that one of us was peeing in front of the other. There was no diving for cover or cries of eeeewwww or any feeling of embarrassment for some reason. Clearly Karen was fascinated by my ability to aim and shoot and it became something of a tradition to stop for a pe
    5 points
  2. Are you familiar with “Choose-Your-Own-Adventure” books? With Netflex introducing the on-screen adaptation of this idea (Bandersnatch), I thought I would pen out an example of how I would envisage my own multi-choice book. Here is the result (although I’ve had to make my own selection from the myriad of offered choices, leaping in at a point midway through your exciting day of spraying your pee in public places). Apologies by the way, for not replying to emails (I’m having to hold down two jobs just to make ends meet which doesn’t give much time for writing), but be assured I love feedback so
    4 points
  3. I agree with both, as clearly we feel compelled to scream "TERRORRISM!!!" if there are casualties in the number of dozens rather than a single person making victims I also agree on the fact we must not let this "technical difficulties" prevent us from aknowledging them both as acts of hatred, equally awful Religious fanaticism is Always wrong, no matter who is the perpetrator and who are the victims
    4 points
  4. That was one hell of a night, we went home after an alcoholic party degenerated into a beer battle, we were all drenched and we went home and started to drink again, I was dared to piss standing on a wall and I did, then while other were chatting about who would have been next (in the end nobody did, I love these stories online where ALL girls are naughty but Real Life seems to be less shining), I threw myself on the sofa all scrambled ahahahahah and pissed myself there and then, and not only once ahahahah Too drunk even to move
    3 points
  5. I have mentioned on these pages before that I enjoy peeing somewhere where I know that ladies can see me. Apart from peeing outside, I have had several cases of using "proper" facilities where ladies can see: - A theatre in the West End of London has two doors in line with each other. If they are both open then someone standing in the corridor opposite the door can see straight into the toilets and can see urinals down the right hand side wall and sinks down the left side. The first door was wedged open, so every time someone came into or out of the second door, the opportunity was t
    3 points
  6. Last night started a bit silly I now understand why online girls advice not to eat too well before goin’ clubbin’, as while we were driving to the club, a sudden urge hit me and I ended up having a poo in the garden of a house next to the street, there was nobody in and the garden hadn’t got a fence, hahahaha!!! After being back at 100% operation, we hit the club, and problems started immediately ahahahaha The bouncers were incredibly gentle and polite, but were a bit puzzled because my attire (this one) left my buttocks visible even without bendi
    2 points
  7. Hey there peefans Has anybody some interesting piss stories which happened in an office? I do. I work for an international bank in central Europe. It's the headquarters of this bank and there work about 4000 people here. It's a multiple store huge building! I work in the IT department which means I have to work often on weekends or at night as well. So for me, this building is like a huge piss playground. There is a security guard which makes a tour throgh the building every hour but thats a joke for me. There are so many options to piss! Multiple desks, meeting rooms, carpets, the kitche
    2 points
  8. Wanted to share an unexpected naughty pee I took today. I’m still so excited just thinking about it. I drank a lot of water this morning (1.5L) and was wandering around, looking for a bathroom before finding a place to study - when, to my surprise, I happened upon a vacant office in a quiet hallway with the door wide open. It was completely empty minus a few boxes and an empty bookshelf. Feeling opportunistic with such a nice surprise, I went in, closed the door, and proceeded to turn the wall into my urinal. Letting my piss run down the wall and soak the carpet felt so naught
    2 points
  9. Yesterday,a Muslim fanatic got onto a tram in the city of Utrecht,and shot 8 people,3 dead,5 wounded.Straight away,it was "we dont know it was a terror attack","we think its a family matter"...As if a guy opening fire on a tram isnt terrifying enough,they immediately try to draw it back from the automatic assumption its an Islamic attack...If the guys Islamic,and hes shot 8 people ona tram,its an Islamic attack. So,where is the media,screaming how wicked he is?How he must be a Muslim supremacist? But really annoying is the attempt to label him ANYTHING other than a Muslim fanatic.It
    2 points
  10. I think the reason for the differences in the reaction of the media is the following: 1. Many more were killed in New Zealand. (50) 2. It was a new thing for New Zealand as it's thought of as a very serene place. 3. It was in a house of worship, where one should feel the safest. In light of the above factors, I can see why there was a difference in the media. It makes sense to me, completely. But, I agree. It's awful and yes, we should feel empathy for Holland. I do, however, think your reaction is a bit over-the-top. Makes you vomit? C'mon.
    2 points
  11. Yes yes yes that man is really a sweetheart so I'm sure he will!!!
    2 points
  12. You are a gold member now: find the thread of my piss suggestions and ask for a custom video!!! We could need talking about it a bit because there are some things I have no possibilities to do ahahahahah It won't be like real life but maybe it could be funny and intimate too!!!
    2 points
  13. More than anything because these games are lovely, and Lesley writes in a superb way
    2 points
  14. Oh yes I do, indeed I wrote some accounts about that scattered among the Whole forum ahahahah It happened that I pissed around, but to be sincere, I usually knew the householder so I ended up peeing only where I had her consense, like during "girls bet" or similar plays I peed, standing, on the wall I peed on sofas (sometimes on the floor, sometimes wetting myself on it, was already drenched in beer after throwing at each other) I peed in the bathtub sitting on the edge (and if too drunk, missed to wash it) and other things like this one ahahahah
    2 points
  15. I'm half of an English couple currently living on the beautiful Isle of Anglesey off the coast of North Wales in the UK. Not seen anyone except my wife peeing outdoors here. 🙂
    2 points
  16. I don't remember a time when I didn't have some sort of sexual curiosity. Back when my single parent mum and I were living with my grandparents (which makes it pre-school) I already remember squatting over an old jewellery box using the mirror to see behind myself to determine what was where. Back in those naive days, you got your kicks where you could, and peeing was certainly one of those kicks. To answer the original question, I thought it would be quite kinky to sit backwards on the toilet to pee. That certainly worked for me! A second more accidental occasion might be familiar to gu
    2 points
  17. The earliest I remember is when I was about 3. My mom used to babysit a girl that was about a year older than me, and she'd stay overnight occasionally. We were too young to care much, so we'd usually go into the bathroom together, or if we were playing outside and one of us had to go, we just did. My parents caught us one time and put us under much closer supervision. When I was about 4 or 5, I was in the school cafeteria and heard water splashing. The girl across the table from me wet her pants. Another occasion about that same time is some school or program I was in. There was som
    2 points
  18. Feel free to ask me stuff I may or may not answer depending on the question. But there is no harm in asking and I won't bite
    1 point
  19. This is a story set in the 'Kaymala' world -- you should be able to read these in any order, but if interested the first episode (and the introduction of Simon) is here ************************************************ It was a hot Sunday afternoon in Kaymala; the sky was deep blue and the air was balmy. Simon had a short walk from the bus stop to the hostel he would be staying at. It was a pleasant walk through the cobbled streets of Kusti, the capital city. The town was busy with people out to enjoy the sunshine, some shopping, others sat around outside cafes drinking coffees and be
    1 point
  20. A quick note: I'm not saying you shouldn't read this if you haven't already read the first 2 posts about Carol Anne - The Beginning and The Showoff, but this girl and my time with her was so insane that some of the things I try to explain in those 2 posts could save a lot of confusion LOL. Did I mention that Carol Anne loved sex? Over and over again? And did I mention that she was always horny? I would wake in the middle of the night to her furiously working her pussy and nearly jumping off the bed as her orgasm took control. She made no attempt to be discreet... no attempt to conceal
    1 point
  21. All the time growing up we have it drummed into us that "you must not wet yourself" whatever you you don't have an "accident" and the worst thing that can happen it to be stuck somewhere needing a pee. The training becomes completely ingrained and as we get older many worry more about not making it to a loo, I've convinced myself in the past that I'll never make that car journey or finish that walk without having an accident and panic sets in making it worse. But now I've noticed that because I actually don't care what people think and actually like a little wetting, the panic never sets in
    1 point
  22. In 6 likes you will reach 666 It will mean to me, a lot You have all my love
    1 point
  23. One day we will rise under one flag In my dreams I will be the pivot But I would be happy to simply be part of it
    1 point
  24. I hope everyone learns as well
    1 point
  25. Your analisys is deep I agree Whole heartedly I hope we all learn to avoid for it to get under their skin
    1 point
  26. Ya its sad how kids are growing up here. No one likes to fail or no parent likes to see their kids fail, but guess what, that's life. The earlier kids learn this the better. I believe we are setting kids up for failure in later life doing this. When kids learn to have a good attitude coming in second or third place, they will learn to be great winners As far as not being able to fail a kid on a math test or any school test for that matter is just silly. I mean what is this teaching them
    1 point
  27. @spywareonya I am here oddly enough to try and find friends (since I struggle to make them in real life). As for what I like to find on the forum not sure how to answer this but I do enjoy seeing ladies desperate for the toilet and then losing control when they can't hold it any longer and lose control. I hope this answers your initial questions sufficiently.
    1 point
  28. When I need to pee in the office I just trickle a little here and there either down my legs or move my feet apart and trickle on the carpet. Mostly pee on the way to the office, lunch time or on the way home so don't do much in the office. Sometimes my chair gets a little when I forget where I am.
    1 point
  29. I knew you wouldn't dissapoint us @spywareonya I just knew that you must have peed at parties. I love the idea of you peeing into the cushions on a sofa.
    1 point
  30. I don't know that much about him, other than he invented the assembly line
    1 point
  31. 50 casualties is a wrong price for us to open our eyes I hope it won't go in vain
    1 point
  32. He was a complicated man My opinions about him are too complex, I will keep them unto myself But his house is GREAT
    1 point
  33. I hope its peace that brings about change, I fear violence will. Either way you are right, change is needed
    1 point
  34. Here a little error of mine steps in, and I already joked about it with UnabashedUser in another thread I made the silly mistake of summing up a VERY long night in a short story, thus failing to give people details about my movement The corner was outside of the club but NOT in a garden worthy of this name, it was a pavement area with plant pots, so our piss was showing itself gladly on the concrete and was clearly visible!!! I did often, only a couple of times on the dancefloor (one of them just after a marvellous black girl fingered me among the crowd, I
    1 point
  35. That's why you are so manly About the house, anyway, it looks magnificent Only one reflection: how much would it COST to keep it warm during winter? Ahahahahahahah I bet Ford did not need to worry about such trifle things like money hahahahah
    1 point
  36. Love the idea @lesley, - as you say, this is an extract of one possible path through the book - Like @spywareonya I would love to have the whole book and try out some of the other options. As for titles - I quite like the "50 golden shades".
    1 point
  37. HERE I am beginning to agree with you dangerously
    1 point
  38. I wonder if it is haunted?
    1 point
  39. Growing up in India it was common sight to see ladies pee with little or no discretion. Most were experts at squatting and hiding their bits with their voluminous dresses. As a kid it was common to see girls of my age pee in the open depending on their status in society and condition of living. I was yet to realize my pee fetish but at twelve I had been exposed to female nudity via print media so my curiosity was to witness a naked grown lady by chance which was quite difficult considering 70s was the age of prudes there. However I got a break going to a picnic one sunny winter day with m
    1 point
  40. I went to catholic elementary school. Our 5th grade teacher led the boys line twice daily for our bathroom break. She directed the first boy in line to open the door all of the way out into the hallway and stand in front of it. There were 6 floor length Kohler urinals (I'll never forget! L.O.L.!). She stood across the open doorway and directed traffic to the urinals. We were supposed to be completely silent. If she heard commotion in the boy's room, she stormed in. She got between 2 boys who were arguing while they peed, grabbed their ear, and yanked hard. They shut up right away. Sh
    1 point
  41. The membership site is still there for now, although I am taking away my bondage one. I only have 20 videos posted at a time in membership, but even that brings them out to about $1 per month each. It's fine for older material, but I'd never do that with new videos - financial suicide!
    1 point
  42. I also once peed in the bath while HE was on the toilet lol! He was taking too long to finish and I really needed a pee so I came in, pulled my things down, hovered my bum over the bathtub and let it rip! He was quite shocked at how much came out of me xP
    1 point
  43. Hotel. I’m in the bathtub with the bathroom door open, my gf at the time walks in, squats over the toilet and pisses into it so I can see her stream. (many years later, I take my gf’s hand in a park and lead her into the bushes so she can watch me pissing on the ground).
    1 point
  44. Thank you Thank you... I mean that I was… really sexual… like a dark lolita… it's a bit sinister...
    1 point
  45. I can't recall the first time some pissed in front of me. I remember the first time I seen lots of people(men and women) all pissing together. It was the year 2000, after our football(not soccer) haha championship game. After the game I was leaving and men and women were pissing all over the place. On fences, parked cars you name it lol. It was quite a site to see
    1 point
  46. Piss can be both a tool of submission and one of celebration I love to use it both ways Let's just asy I refuse to let it be cornered to be just a body waste I use it ONE OF THE TWO alone and it means that either I piss on a cooperative victim… or I piss unto a uncooperative one… but I rarely pee dangerless in a toilet!!
    1 point
  47. Suzanne waited with baited breath as soft footfalls made their way ever closer to her position at the end of the attic. She was still naked from the waist down but was too terrified of discovery to risk making any sound that might alert to new arrival to her presence. Her heart was hammering in her chest, seemingly loud enough to betray her location in the alcove by the piss sodden chair she had just urinated over. Suddenly, the footsteps came to a stop. Suzanne carefully edged forwards to peek around the metal rack that was currently hiding her from detection. A deep feeling of relief coupled
    1 point
  48. Can certainly think of a few places they could be put to good use. Branding them sexist, as was done in the article, is surely not necessary...there’s nothing to stop us ladies from using them all the same!
    1 point
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