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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2018 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone, sorry I haven't made much of an appearance on this site lately, but I have a fun story to share! Last night I went to a Halloween party with my boyfriend at his friends house. He and I have been experimenting with pee play more and more lately so I was eager to find an opportunity to pee somewhere unique sometime during the night. Naturally, there was plenty of drinking going on so before long, my bladder was filling and my inhibition was lowering. My first couple of pees were just regular boring ol' toilet pees, but once I got pretty drunk and had to pee again, I grabbed my
    4 points
  2. I guess, since I own Bound2Burst, I should add a few comments here. I have just been informed about this website by one of the members, which is why I have not been here before. I don't trawl the net all that much to be honest. lovetoseepee is absolutely right. The quickest way to have one's website ruined is to make it a membership only site. I know several producers and some models who have done this, and the end result is always the same; the site stops paying and closes down. That said, I have, for the past five years, run a very limited membership site. It contains only 20 videos at
    2 points
  3. Holy shit, yes I watched Shock Video on HBO as well. I remember that bit about the Japanese girls peeing down those pipes. That was the first time I realized that Japanese women seem to have big bladders. There were at least 2 of those documentaries, and I'm almost certain that one was Shock Video 2002. It also had another scene where a guy was enjoying sex with his new wife after their wedding and then she goes to the bathroom to pee. He crawls over and peeks in, seeing her standing over it like a man. It was fake and the actress was probably holding a water bottle or something, but still it
    2 points
  4. Pretty sure the last time i had sex was in February or March. yea.... sexless marriage is rough.
    1 point
  5. The weather has been good here recently so I decided to finally fulfil the request posted at the very start of my thread. To pee standing up under my skirt somewhere outdoors. I had been looking forward to doing it for a while but just didn’t have the opportunity... until now. This happened after work on Friday so I was wearing my usual work clothes. A black pencil skirt, white blouse and black heels, no tights. Underneath I had a white bra and a white thong. The skirt was long enough I could have spent the day without any underwear but I didn’t like the risk, at least not when working at
    1 point
  6. Yep that sounds about right. And if it was 2002 I was 13 then. I wish I could find that clip online. It probably is nothing but I still want to see it again since it was such a big trigger for me and my kink today.
    1 point
  7. I had an idea that might work. Perhaps we could set times for a "chat session." I see posts in the box, but rarely are there 2 people in there at the same time. So... Maybe we could have scheduled chat times. For instance, post the day and time and then we can all show up. I think this site is from England, right? Are most of the members from Europe? I really don't know. The Admin could probably tell us. I'm in the USA. So, we'd have to choose a time that's good for all. I'm in U.S. Eastern time. That's GMT -5. So, 10:00 PM in England is 5PM my time. Eastern time for
    1 point
  8. Does a day ago count as 'live action'? Fridays at work tend to be a change from the routine, usually a 'Friday treat' of a bacon sandwich and large black coffee first thing and an early finish. Given those two events, lunch is usually a quick sandwich whilst working and in this case a can of coke. I was planning on finishing about 2:30pm, and as it happened as I was just finishing off I was suddenly reminded by a sudden urge to pee that I hadn't been since leaving the house in the morning. The boring option would have been to go before leaving the office, but it's only a 30 minute dr
    1 point
  9. It would help if you gave us details that lead to the current state. There can be a lot of things that need addressed that either person could've contributed to, like maybe some hurtful things said or done that haven't been resolved, old resentments that have grown, stress from work and family, age, health issues, different attitudes toward sex, boredom from the same sexual routine, feelings of neglect, feeling taken for granted, maybe one person let themselves go physically, an affair occurred, erectile dysfunction, loss of love, depression, his testosterone could be low. the list of potentia
    1 point
  10. As kids we used to go around our neighborhood and all pee behind bushes and trees and what not. It was just a common thing to do, but I always really liked it. I purposely would hold it or drink way too much liquids so I could pee outside while playing. Then, when I was in the 11-13 range I saw a special on HBO called something like shock video that featured sex shows from around the world. One of them was from japan and involved women peeing down these elaborate slides or something. Whoever filled up the thing at the bottom first, or maybe whatever team, won I think and that absolutely
    1 point
  11. Ponme: Look at you doing this for a good cause lolol I guess you can say it was a win-win in your case. You helped someone in financial difficulties and in return you got your neighbor to pee on you. *wink*
    1 point
  12. My second experience was a breath taker and let me explain why. At the time, I was single and living in a cheap appartment building. Across from my appartment was a single young woman. I felt bad for her because she had a 1 year old and had no support from the ex.. donator if I may call it. I remember an occasion when she knocked on my door, when I answered, she seemed to have been crying. She had asked me if she could borrow $10 because she had no food for her and her child so I gave her a 20$ and told her not to worry about it. She just jumped in my arms and said thank you. Its not something
    1 point
  13. Hi everyone and thank you for all your comments and feedbacks. First, this young woman I work with has a boyfriend, so I am not hitting on her nor am I interested. I personally agree with Brutus, it's not cheating and I'm not having physical contact with her. Regarding the toilet, I work as a cleaner in a sport center. She always uses the same washroom with a single toilet bowl. I actually know around what time she uses the washroom, so I clean the seat before. The walls are thin and when I enter the singles men wasroom at the end of a corner hallway, (more for the office staff) whic
    1 point
  14. Islam was actually created long after the Stone age, like 9000 years after the stone age. In the 7th century C.E. a merchant named muhammad claimed to be God's messenger and tried to spread his religious relifs in a town called Mecca (modern day Saudi Arabia). He very quickly got chased out of town by the ummayads beicause he challenged their right to wealth and their status in society. He then went to Medina (like a day north of Mecca) and spread his teachings to the city gaining 10,000 followers. He then marched back to Mecca and captured the city replacing the Kaaba's artifacts with ones fr
    1 point
  15. I'd love to read more! I know a couple of girls who play rugby and I often wonder what some of those coach trips fuelled by beer are like.
    1 point
  16. This is a scene between Lorelie 32 yo and dressed in purple and Endza 21 yo, not dress at all for the scenes shown. We start with some G-spot stimulation. And now the tongue Now we trade places she has it going. Do you wish to CUM twice. Yes. Again And Done
    1 point
  17. I did not write these very short stories, but I thought one was so good I had better post it here:- https://www.wattpad.com/459818775-list-of-random-omorashi-wetting-stories-i-found I especially liked the fourth story. A lovely depiction of a deliberate public wetting. PP
    1 point
  18. Alex was a singer before his band disbanded. They played at many concerts and even were up to record an album with a big company, but something happened and in the end the group crumbled down. Exceeding details about WHAT happened exactly could lead to identifying me and him so I will keep it private. Music is the main passion of us both
    1 point
  19. Mine started very very young. I never was a bedwetter or anything like that but I remember being so fascinated with the ideas of nappies for seemingly no reason. My mother childminded for years while I was small and one of her kids was going through potty training so I was there seeing her learn to pee in the potty. She never wanted mum to help her, she always wanted me, so I saw her pee all the time. When we got older, I helped her transition to the toilet and for some reason, when we played together, we were very open about our peeing needs. We’d often pee openly in front of each other while
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. As I'm not going to get to experience one for real before the cut off date, I thought a story would have to suffice. Martin pulled up outside Jenna's house at 8:00pm on the dot. He bounded up the path and rapped on the door. Jenna answered opened the door and Martin took in the vista of her long shapely legs under a short flared skirt, tight blouse hugging her amble breasts and of course her beautiful face set off against auburn curly hair. "You look stunning - are you ready to go?" Martin walked Jenna down to the car and they headed off to the beach. Martin pulled out a cooler
    1 point
  22. This is a story set in the 'Kaymala' world -- you should be able to read these in any order (although I think this is becoming less true). If interested the first episode and introduction of Simon and Ellen is here, the introduction of Mikah and Jasmine is here, and the introduction of Camille is here. This is a pretty long one so I'll split it up over several comments. *********************************** The first stars were appearing as Simon and Camille sat on the hostel steps. The street outside the hostel was quiet. They could hear the sound of the river lapping at the sho
    1 point
  23. It is four years since your have heard from me, but Denise and I still meet up fairly regularly. I haven't written much, because most of our peeing exploits are very similar to those that you have already heard about. However, we have recently had a weekend away which you may enjoy hearing about. A friend of mine, Charlotte, has a caravan which is set up on a seasonal site near Brighton (South coast of England) and she goes down there most weekends with her family, but her husband had taken the boys to some football thing so she asked me if I wanted to with her instead. I wasn't so s
    1 point
  24. Everyone who knows much about me here knows that my "thing" is for the ladies to piss on the carpet. Anywhere naughty is great. A tiled floor would be awesome. But on the carpet is just so wrong it's fucking brilliant.
    1 point
  25. Mine started when I was in middle school and my crazy class schedule meant I had to hold it for really long periods of time and I slowly realized I kind of enjoyed it. I then started doing challenges with myself to try and make it home without peeing and then it progressed from there. One of my first memories of where I realized I liked this was when I was coming home from school one day. After school that day I already was really desperate to pee but I had made it home fine every single day before then so I thought I was fine. I took the back way home behind all the houses just in
    1 point
  26. I'm sure that I've mentioned this before in another topic, but it was from a friend of my brother, we were playing in an abandoned car, I sat in the driver's seat pretending to drive with my best friend Sandra, my brother and his friend climbed on the roof, and the friend stuck his penis through a hole in the roof and urinated over us. At the time, we were disgusted with the audacity, the smell...but I remember the heat of it soaking through my T-Shirt, it was a chilly, Autumn day...and I remember the steam rising from my wet body.
    1 point
  27. I failed xD I made.my way to the bathroom waiting for the time to be up as I was trying to hold on. I felt a spurt lesk into my panties followed by another. I was trying to stop them but my control was rapidly slipping. I felt my bladder just give out and pee started flooding my shorts. I couldn't stop it no matter what I tried to do as I watched my shorts fill either pee and the wet spot on them grow larger and larger. Eventually I agree up and just felt how amazing it felt to finally let go. My stream slowed to a trickle and I looked down at the soaked shorts I was wearing. I felt so much be
    1 point
  28. My first pee experience was when I was in high school and I was at a party and this new girl at school named Katrina was there. And during the party that girl Katrina and me were play wrestling in the livingroom with around 25 people watching us. Well a few minutes later when Katrina ended up on top of me sitting on my chest I heard her tell me to open my mouth.. And when I did all of a sudden I felt her peeing down my wide open throat while I was just drinking as much of her urine as I possibly could right there in front of all these people. Needless to say while I was drinking her pee I fell
    1 point
  29. When its planned, great! When its not planned, its fustrating, embarrassing and uncomfortable. And yes about the sneezing, i had my share.
    1 point
  30. Since I was a child, I've always had trouble holding my pee, and always wet myself whenever I laughed, sneezed, or coughed. My family doctor told me that I was born with very weak internal vaginal muscles, and would probably get stronger until puberty finally hit. Until then, I was always pissing my pants in public, and always tried holding my laughter in. I was always pulling my pants down in secluded places and wrapping sweaters around my waist to hide big wet spots. I was getting used to this way of living, until I was on a date with a guy...I told him I had to go pee, I couldn't hold
    1 point
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