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    • Does any one here have locations they go to for almost guaranteed sightings? In my town, I know a couple of locations where, if I park up for at least an hour, I know I’ll see some pissing actions.   one of these locations is a leisure centre car park. This car park is had some electric car chargers tucked away towards the back, with some trees behind them. On multiple occasions I have a seen people plug their cars in, then pop behind the bushes for a wee. Unfortunately no female sightings yet, but I’m almost certain it happens judging from the discarded tissues on the floor.   the second location is a nature reserve. It has a small mound with a bench on top, quite a nice view from it too! Behind this mound is some very dense vegetation, and it stinks of piss inside. Tissues all over the floor, and almost always some fresh, wet piss in the floor. I’ve seen girls come out of here, but never caught them “in the act”.   Does anyone else have these “go-to” places where they know they’ll find some pissing action?
    • I had the best freaking experience ever today, literally just a little while ago.  I was at the grocery store, and this guy enters the aisle I was in.  Cute white guy, tall, brown hair, skinny, clothes a little ragged, but I don't suppose homeless, seemed to be around my age.  Anyways, he passes by me, looks around at the different products on the shelf and then he walks towards the aisle end facing the main area of the store but still sort of near me. And he stops, takes the stance (you know the stance i'm talking about )and whips it out and starts to piss.  He wasn't shy, erect or inhibited in anyway, just casually taking a piss right there.  Of course lots of people noticed.  All you could hear was gasping, whispering,etc.  His dick was beautiful to look at too.   He didn't fucking care at all.  After like 30 seconds of constant piss he just zipped up and walked out the store like nothing happened.  The puddle he left behind was massive.  Watching people trying to avoid the puddle too...such a turn on. I have never seen such a display ever, and now it's all I can think about.  Fucking stud just says fuck it and whips it out.  Maybe he was drunk or high  though he didn't seem so. Because I can't understand how any dude can be so non chalant about doing something like that. I was tempted to run after him but talked myself out of it.  Anyways, just wanted to share.  We'll I guess I'll ask while I'm at it: anyone ever do something like this?  Or maybe if not, has seen something like this?  
    • I am absolutely loving this threat. Thank you so much for taking the photos of the piss puddles! 
    • When I’m in hotels I love to plug the bath, and then just fill it with piss for the duration of my day! 5 days into a holiday and the bath can be half full!
    • I have done that before and it an interesting sensation. Once the foreskin fills up I like to let a bit leak out so it shoots out like a squirt gun.  Another similar thing I have done is take a condom and put it on.  Then hold the base of it so it doesn't leak out and pee in it.  A condom can hold a heck of a lot of pee without bursting.  Then masturbate into the condom and cum into my pee. It is fun watching the sperm coming out into the sperm.  (For this you need to use a fairly translucent condom.)
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