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Your Best Pee thing of 2022?

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For me the best thing was joining this Pee Fans site rather than the lurking thing.


The next best thing for me in 2022 was a personal sensual experience, somewhat inspired by @Paulypeeps . As a guy the idea of of pissing in a skirt was a bit ??!!??, but I like a something  a little ...? from time to time.

Had never tried this to date.. But was most V+ V+ pleasing.  Really sexy and most practical, Kinda just pee, and it streams and drips from beneath you. some of it dribbles a bit down your leg, some just goes where where it goes.

For it being a bit winter and chilly ATM ,,,, Not doing the skirt thing until warmer times for now...


My best Pee thing 2022


Euro xx

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4 hours ago, Dr.P said:

Since I am in my early eighties, and partly disabled, my experiences have not been very exciting, especially in this group. There were a few titillating stories on mainstream TV, which I have reported, and numerous stories and pictures on Pee Fans, but otherwise, they are boring. But there was a phone conversation with a lady who has been a more or less Platonic friend, of about my age, for 30 or more years, although we have never become lovers. This one qualifies as "pee talk," since it took place, in a phone conversation. I called her to see how she was doing, late one afternoon.

We had just started talking when she asked, "Can I call you back in a few minutes? I've been drinking cranberry juice, and it seems to go right through me!"

"Sure. Go get comfortable. Hope everything comes out OK!"

"You always say that! And it always does!"

"Glad to hear that! Talk to you soon!" 

While waiting for her to call back, I was fantasizing about her peeing, which I have never heard or seen. She has been bothered by bladder infections, for most of her life, and has freely shared details of them with me, as long as I have known her. She always drinks cranberry juice, as she tries to recover from them. This time was no exception. 

When she got back on the phone, she said, "I'm just getting over another bladder infection, as you can probably guess. I got it about a week ago, from sitting on a bench, outside, on a cold day."

"Sorry to hear that."

Our normal conversation continued after that. She has always been very open about her peeing, in our conversations. When I first met her, she told me a story about how the boys in her middle school in Northern Europe, had found their way under the girls' outhouse to watch her pee. I loved the story, but never revealed my fetish to her. Maybe I will, and I may have something interesting to share, next year!  

But surely you must tell her about your fetish! And try to suck pee out of your bladder with a cathether one of these days, like I do. If you drink a lot first so it's diluted It's DELICIOUS. Good luck! 🍌💦💛💦👅👄😋

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19 hours ago, toiletfloorpee said:

It's a tricky one, but probably my best friend and I, both squatting next to each other in the middle of an abandoned house, while on a ghost hunt. Was originally the lounge of the house and still had a sofa and carpet. 

Her partner peed on the sofa while keeping a close eye on us, of course. 

I'm pretty sure it would have been impossible for me to pee if I was keeping a close eye on that scene. 😄

Mine was probably a drive home with my wife who - just as we left the pub car park - admitted that she probably should have gone to the loo before we left. It was only 20 minutes, but we both felt ready to pop all the way. And when we got back she treated me to a glorious hissing pee off the back doorstep.


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By far the biggest thing for me has been incorporating pee into my sex life with my wife. I've told most of the details in another thread, but I'll provide a recap here. 

My wife (14 years) is (was?) 100% anti-pee, anti-fetish, full-on kink shaming, etc. She didn't want to talk about it, wouldn't let me watch her, etc. 

But over the course of 2022, things got progressively better in that regard. We talked about it more, I was able to better explain why it was a turn-on for me, and eventually she let me try it (peeing during sex). 

By the end of 2022 and into 2023, it has become a fairly regular part of our sex life. I pee inside her about half of the time we have sex. It does nothing for her, but she doesn't mind it, and allows it because she knows it feels good for me. I don't usually pee much, usually a few squirts, then that pushes me over the edge and I come. 

One time, recently, I think it actually helped her come. I was thrusting away, and she was using her finger. She was 75% or 80% of the way toward finishing. I asked "Do you want me to pee a little, and see if that pushes you over the edge?" And she said "I don't care, I guess if you want to." So I peed, and she came. So I would say there's definitely promise for the future.

So far all I've been able to manage is a few squirts. Next I want to try peeing a full bladder into her. She said it'd be ok, but the situation hasn't presented itself yet. All of the activity so far has been on the bed, and even with towels, I'm sort of reluctant to try. I also want to pee on her clit and/or butthole, but she hasn't allowed that yet. 

I'd LOVE for her to try peeing during sex, but so far she won't. She has allowed me to lick her clean after using the toilet. But it grosses her out.

Meanwhile I'm very happy with what she has allowed, and how far things have come. 

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On 1/16/2023 at 1:37 AM, Great Horned Owl said:

Date with tall blonde woman, age 44, 5.11.135 pounds. Before I met my current girlfriend I dated this gal for a short time. She was conservative and not into pee but me being into pee would always listen to her.

One night after dinner and a concert which lasted 6 hours included travel time my date said her bladder was about to explode. Long story short, she wearing a short dress and heels runs to my toilet as soon as we grt back to my place. I thought she was going to have a monster loud pee but "no" she had the longest slowest pee I have ever heard. Her flow was straight in the bowl but a very thin stream that flowed for 3 minutes and 21 seconds. It was so hot because she took forever to drain out. She would not stop and her flow was constant. I made a comment after this one asking if she felt better. She said it takes so long to empty out and wish she could go faster and shorter. I just smiled and said "I am sure you do fine, don't change"

Too bad the relationship did not last.


That’s amazing.  Just imagining her desperation And slow relief as she sat there and tinkled away. Those are some of my favorite pees to hear.  Did she always pee like that?  

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On 1/17/2023 at 10:28 PM, Let_It_Go said:

It blows my mind that so many of you lovely people on here have managed to find a partner who shares your pee kink (or will, at least, indulge you). Never forget how lucky you are! 


I never do forget how lucky I am that my chosen is happy to indulge my kink 🙂 .. Well from time to time.

Find a good partner and exchange kinks.. We all have at least one.



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I was staying in a hotel with the woman in my life.  We came back to our room early so we could spend the afternoon enjoying each other's company.  She told me that she needed to pee, knowing, and intending, to turn me on.  At my request, she sat on the floor in the shower (it was very spacious).  I sat behind her, and she peed on the floor.

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/17/2023 at 3:43 PM, Rosita said:

Probably when my friend and I peed under the table for the first time in a restaurant and got away with it. Both of us were quite desperate and as luck would have it there was a huge queue infront of the toilets. Besides I had to go SO SO bad that I knew I'll wet my jeans if I even attempt to move. Anyway long story short, after a few agonising minutes I decided to fuck it all and scooted to the edge of the seat, pulled my jeans out of the way and started peeing hard for maybe a bit more than a minute with my friend following suit not long after.  You could even hear a fairly loud hiss combined with the soft patter of pee hitting the carpet and it was amazing how no one even looked over to our table. It felt so good that I almost even moaned haha

What can I say this incident lead to a few other wetting under the table scenarios, only those times they weren't accidental

Do you have anymore stories of peeing with this friend

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After not indulging in pee play for a few weeks, I got incredibly horny in my room and wanted to cover the carpet in piss. My bladder was already prety full by the time I wanted to pee but I continued drinking more water to push the urge further. I released a few times onto the carpet making some pretty big stains when I got the desire to put an ice cube or two in my pussy which I hadn’t done since my early stages of masturbation discovery long ago. I put the ice cubes in my mouth for a second before slippingthem into my already wet pussy and the sensation made me want to pee more immediately. The cold interior feeling mixed with my warm stream flowing onto the carpet felt so good, I wish it lasted longer. I came so quickly after rubbing my clit thinking about it and seeing the mess I made

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/16/2023 at 1:37 AM, Great Horned Owl said:

Date with tall blonde woman, age 44, 5.11.135 pounds. Before I met my current girlfriend I dated this gal for a short time. She was conservative and not into pee but me being into pee would always listen to her.

One night after dinner and a concert which lasted 6 hours included travel time my date said her bladder was about to explode. Long story short, she wearing a short dress and heels runs to my toilet as soon as we grt back to my place. I thought she was going to have a monster loud pee but "no" she had the longest slowest pee I have ever heard. Her flow was straight in the bowl but a very thin stream that flowed for 3 minutes and 21 seconds. It was so hot because she took forever to drain out. She would not stop and her flow was constant. I made a comment after this one asking if she felt better. She said it takes so long to empty out and wish she could go faster and shorter. I just smiled and said "I am sure you do fine, don't change"

Too bad the relationship did not last.


The female mega-bladder enthusiast world has lost a treasured find. To think what this 5' 11" blonde was actually capable of if A) you and she had continued your relationship and B) she was into developing her magnificent bladder? I suspect that she was capable of much longer void times, perhaps 5+ minutes.

Tall attractive female blondes with immense bladder capacity-- and endless pees-- are who I worship. If re-establishing the relationship is a possibility, ferret-out her cell phone number and practice seduction techniques posthaste. 😍  

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