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Which is more acceptable?

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So, today I was at a park and the male toilets were closed but the female toilets were open.  Which so people think the general public would think a man should do In that situation if they needed to pee?  Note that I am not asking what you would do yourself (although feel free to answer that as well) but what do you think the general public would think?

a) go into the ladies toilet as the toilet is the proper place to go - even though it would mean invading ladies space?

b) pee in the entrance of the gents where you would be covered from three sides by the wall at the entrance, but would leave pee on the concrete floor/wall/door?

c) go and find a secluded bush?

d) none of the above - best hold on and make your way home, curtailing your trip to the park.

I am thinking that ladies might have a shock if they caught a guy in the ladies toilets,  but you could easily defend yourself with a “Sorry, the gents is closed and I was desperate, hope you don’t mind.”

If you get caught peeing in the entrance of the gents, then you might get some people who find it odd behaviour when there is a perfectly good open toilet next door, but again you could easily defend it with a statement that the toilets were locked and you didn’t feel it appropriate to go in the ladies  

If you pee discretely in the bushes, nobody should see you, but they would probably guess why you disappeared into the bushes for a couple of minutes.

For me, I only stopped at the park because I saw the grills were across the mens entrance and saw it as an opportunity to legitimately pee in public.  It was only when I walked up to the toilets that I saw the ladies was open.

I peed outside the gents in the doorway, but I saw that there were already two puddles there, so I wasn’t the first to think that was the accepted option.

As I turned to head back to the car, I realised that there was a lady sat in a parked car right near the toilet and she must have seen what I was doing. Probably not in detail, but she would have seen me walk into the alcove and stand facing the wall for a minute and then come out again   It wouldn’t take much deduction to know I was peeing.


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I'm an outdoorsy sort of person, so my choice would be c).

Others might readily guess why I briefly disappeared into the bushes, but to me it seems the most acceptable option and the one causing the least offense.

There's another option you left out that many would prefer. You could always wet yourself. 


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I would probably go bushes, but I don't really have any issues if we had unisex loos, they're all cubicles after all.

On a completely different topic I'm just back from a greek Island and the (immaculate spotless) airport gents had urinals and cubicles with lady cleaners working around you while you were peeing.

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I think I would pee in the doorway to the gents, in part as a protest to the gents being closed but in reality I hate public toilets so the next choice would be bushes.

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If you have a female friend with you to scope things out and warn other women you're in there, the ladies room is probably the choice most acceptable to the public. Recruiting a woman who's a sympathetic stranger would also work, and like @M.Vixen said, announce your entrance, just in case.  Otherwise bushes, as long as you can find a spot secluded enough that someone would have to be trying in order to see you (bushes a little way off the beaten path, not hedge by the road).   You have the excuse that the gents was locked and you found an out of the way spot, and you can always say you're desperate enough that waiting to go elsewhere wasn't an option.  For public acceptability, it's still probably best if you have a friend (of any gender in this case) to wave people off if they come close so you can claim it was an attempt at privacy. If they've been warned and they still come over there, it's pretty obvious that they're trying to catch a peek and not likely to complain.

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I think most people are pretty comfortable with men wandering into the bushes so I think that's probably the best/easiest/most acceptable.  That would be my first option.

I'd be tempted (strongly) to us the ladies but would try to recruit a woman to check ahead and/or announce myself and let any ladies inside have a say.  I'm not trying to cause any discomfort or distress.

Pissing in the doorway might be viewed as ok by some but I think most would find the puddles and smells objectionable.  And holding when there are perfectly good bushes nearby is kinda pointless ... unless you're into that aspect of the fetish. 

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I think the ‘socially acceptable’ expectation would (unfortunately) be D - i.e. hold it until you get home. 

That said, in such a situation.. my first choice would definitely be A - there’s such a rush of not only entering the ladies toilets (and thinking of all the female pissing of which has occurred in there), but also adding my own piss to it, too! Perfect. I’d definitely be a little loose with my aim, accidentally-on-purpose leaving a good amount all over the toilet floor etc 😉

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My gut says c, although I really wouldn't mind a man peeing in the woman's room with me at all. There are other women I know that wouldn't like that tho and the last thing I would want is a man getting yelled at when he just wants to pee, so I would think the most acceptable would be pee in a bush. 

My mind, however, says d. I am not a man but I would rather hold it till I got home regardless. 

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I'd have said peeing in the bushes, unless there were loads of people around that area seems the most natural and acceptable to me.  Peeing in the entrance to the toilet but not actually in it somehow seems naughtier and more like vandalism to me than letting loose in the bushes.

I think most ladies wouldn't mind so much if a man rushed in to pee if they had ample warning and knew there was a good reason... a bit like @M.Vixen posted.  Most of us are going to be in a cubicle rather than on show like if I was to enter the gents unannounced.  Hard to know if that is just my love of pee speaking but I think most people would be shocked but understanding, especially if you were desperate.

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10 hours ago, Kupar said:

It's a tricky one. My choice would be bushes, and I think, but don't know, that that would be most acceptable generally. Maybe we could commission a poll of the general public 🙂

“We did the poll and they said we should pee in the face of someone called Pissy McPissface”

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In that situation I would definitely go to / in the bushes.

Would be very concerned about having police called on me if I went into the ladies room, and definitely fear being labeled and ending up on "sex offender" list.


Edited by thisguy20
fixed a typo
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I can imagine most people having different answers for this, as really any option other than holding could result in negative attention/trouble.
If I had to go I'd probably go the safest route, which seems like b or c, depending on how easy is it to hide.
Wondering as well what sort of doorway was b? Like was this sort of an inside "airlock" before the gents or was this just a general doorway to reach both toilets?

Edited by embruh
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I would always make it a point to go to the bushes and many a times I have been rewarded with ladies squatting there as well and usually none get flustered and in fact they relax and this has always given me chance to engage them in small talk or just steal a discreet look It also gets better when ladies in your own group accompany you to the bushes to relieve their bladders. In that case its absolutely more fun.

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On 6/4/2022 at 8:47 PM, M.Vixen said:

I was in a similar situation many years ago (where only the womens toilets were open). Not in a park though, but an indoors area. I was in a cubicle so I wasn’t aware of the situation right away but I think the guy might have asked a lady going in for her help, she checked if the coast was clear, (as far as that is even a thing in the ladies room.. it’s not like we have urinals or anything), he walked in and loudly announced ‘Warning; guy coming in! Mens toilets are closed, I’m sorry!’. I thought it was quite endearing actually :”) 

This made me smile. 

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  • 1 month later...

I was at the park with sister and mom and they announced to me because i was shooting a basketball  that they go pee so all went restroom and men door was closed and women was open and I looked to my mom she shrugged and said your a guy you know what to do so the men door was bars so just stick my dick into the opening and started peeing on the floor as i was peeing two girls in their 20s come walk in the girls restroom and what i was doing  and blush as they looked at my dick i said sorry i had to go they just said they were enjoying the view as i  finished mom and sister walked out and my mom said she i knew you would have thought of a idea  

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  • 9 months later...

Sorry to everyone who responded - I never came back to this thread, can't have had notifications for the replies I guess.   Thanks for your thoughts and it does seem that even amongst us there are differing views about what would be most acceptable.

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On 6/5/2022 at 4:08 PM, embruh said:

I can imagine most people having different answers for this, as really any option other than holding could result in negative attention/trouble.
If I had to go I'd probably go the safest route, which seems like b or c, depending on how easy is it to hide.
Wondering as well what sort of doorway was b? Like was this sort of an inside "airlock" before the gents or was this just a general doorway to reach both toilets?

Sorry for the late reply, but I can answer this quite easily.

The entrance to the Gents is a door on the left side of the building where there is a wall sticking out perpendicular to the building wall and then another perpendicular to that, thus meaning you walk into a kind of alcove with no roof then turn right into the toilets.   The alcove means you are protected on three sides but your back is visible to the nearby road and the pedestrian walkway into the park.

The entrance to the ladies is half way along the front of the building, so is about 6 metres from the entrance to the gents.   The door is set back into the building so you would walk into the recess and then turn left into the door.

It is odd that in both cases the doors have gates across them, but there is nothing across the outer part so you can walk into the alcove and have some visual protection.  It is almost as if they considered this in the design.

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The "most acceptable" solution would probably vary by the park's location. Using the ladies would ONLY be acceptable if a woman consented to wait at the door to warn other women of the situation inside. But on your own? You should expect police involvement. 

The bushes would probably be fine outside of North America. But the US has a hysteria surrounding sexual deviancy that could land you on a sex offenders website in some places. 


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I found myself in this exact situation only both sides where closed. I didn't want to hid anyway just keep up the minimum display of normality so I got my self up to a half slung dong and whipped it out to soak the mens door. I made sure it was fully exposed to some women trying to figure out what to do in the parking lot and and causally turned to give them a full frontal while I zipped up. Not going to lie I was big turned on and scared AF. I walked down a hiking trail until I broke line of site and then walked a half hour strait into the bush. As much as I love the thrill I do not like going to court.

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On 5/14/2023 at 4:51 AM, Horse_water said:

I found myself in this exact situation only both sides where closed. I didn't want to hid anyway just keep up the minimum display of normality so I got my self up to a half slung dong and whipped it out to soak the mens door. I made sure it was fully exposed to some women trying to figure out what to do in the parking lot and and causally turned to give them a full frontal while I zipped up. Not going to lie I was big turned on and scared AF. I walked down a hiking trail until I broke line of site and then walked a half hour strait into the bush. As much as I love the thrill I do not like going to court.

The toilets that I first mentioned in this thread have recently been closed permanently due to the council cutting costs.   Both the ladies and gents are now closed and in the last week I've been there three times to check it out.   Each time there have been puddles or wet patches by both toilet doors although I can't say whether it is ladies, gents or a mix that are leaving the puddles.  Well I can confirm that at least one gent has; that would be me.   I did pretty much what @Horse_water described.   I peed on the door without making any great effort to hide.   My timing wasn't good enough that I gave a full frontal view but a lady did walk along the path nearby whilst I was peeing and it would have been very obvious what I was doing - but what do the council expect if they close the toilets.   I wasn't there long enough to see anyone else use the (lack of) facilities, but may do at some point.

Interesting that they locked the door, but left the gate which covers the doorway entrance open.


Edited by Alfresco
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