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Everything posted by Takashi96

  1. Or did they have designated areas. I saw that movie on cable when I was in elementary school and that thought did cross my mind.
  2. I've thought about the convenience of naked peeing A LOT. Not so much peeing in public spaces or on potential in-laws curtains. More along the lines of where could people get away with peeing if they weren't restricted by clothing? I used to wonder if people at nudist resorts peed freely wherever it was convenient? Since they aren't embarrassed by other people seeing their genitals (subsequent research has shown me that that isn't the case). What are the acceptable peeing habits/positions of cultures who wear outfits with exposed genitals? And I always think about the peeing
  3. The "most acceptable" solution would probably vary by the park's location. Using the ladies would ONLY be acceptable if a woman consented to wait at the door to warn other women of the situation inside. But on your own? You should expect police involvement. The bushes would probably be fine outside of North America. But the US has a hysteria surrounding sexual deviancy that could land you on a sex offenders website in some places.
  4. Well, the potential legal and financial consequences would probably far outweigh the act itself. And while I did get a certain thrill from it, my primary catalyst was a combination of desperation+crowded alleys+extreme drunkeness+displeasure over the added fees from using another bank's ATM.
  5. That's a great question! The only vandalism I ever felt went too far was in one of those walk-in ATM's. Because after I did it, I realized it probably had a hidden camera inside it. After a year of not being contacted by the authorities I figured I was in the clear.
  6. This seems like the ideal arrangement. Honestly, what are you supposed to do when you have a fetish? If I had a partner with a foot thing, I'd have no problem with them doing whatever people, with foot things do, with other foot people. That being said, I'd try to meet their foot needs as sincerely as I could. But if I couldn't, I'd leave it to an expert. I feel like if I had a piss partner and my everything else partner was cool with it, then my sexual and romantic attraction to my everything else partner would be through the roof.
  7. I hope the paper didn't fire her. They said they were doing an investigation. The people in the building should have left her something to pee in? Like a bucket or a litterbox or something.
  8. My first one wasn't intended to be naughty. I was around 6 or 7? and found an empty spray bottle in the bathroom. I thought it would be amusing to pee into the spray bottle then squirt it into the toilet. That way I could brag to my friends that I peed in the toilet without unzipping my pants. My plan worked great. Unfortunately, I had to squeeze the trigger way more times than I thought in order to empty the bottle. Of course being a dumb little kid, I didn't rinse out the bottle and accidentally left a tiny bit of pee around the bottom. This happened at my aunt's place, where I was staying w
  9. Honestly, I really love that jacket! You have good taste. Also, it's hot how you moved your hips around to make that pattern with your stream!
  10. Drinking definitely lowers the inhibitions. But I started marking my territory way before I ever started drinking. With that being said, the first pee I ever took while drunk was in a potted plant.
  11. It's hard to write a plot around peeing without it feeling like pandering. Maybe the pee scenes feel unearned because you know they're coming? The hottest pee scenes in fiction are often in non fetish stories. Or they're in erotica, where they feel more spontaneous. I don't know, I guess you just have to do more sampling until you find someone whose style appeals to you?
  12. I have done this...kind of. My then gf tolerated and indulged my fetish to an extent. But also kink shamed me from time to time. After she cheated on, then dumped me, I was devastated. Until she finally took me back four long months later. We'd been reconciled for a few months when I volunteered to help my friend's band load equipment at a small music festival, where I ran into an old friend who I'd long had a flirty relationship with. Now just to be clear, that was just the energy between us. We had never been anything more than friends. Still, I had to basically stop talking to her when my g
  13. I loved doing this with my friends when I was a kid. I think it's a pretty universal practice among boys.
  14. I think I fall under both of those categories. It just depends on the day.
  15. Back in the mid 2000s I used to hit this neighborhood bar after work, followed by a nearby late night pizza place after closing time. One night, a little after three, I was at the pizza place, sitting alone, eating my post bar slices, when I heard this whispering and giggling from another booth. It was just across the aisle, and one up, from mine. I worked near a college campus so there were usually drunk students around on the weekends. And on that night there were four of them within earshot. Three girls and one guy, whispering among themselves (but still loud enough for me to hear) about ho
  16. I have just recently learned of the passing of fashion icon, Dame Mary Quant. A designer synonymous with Swinging London in the 1960s, and her invention, the miniskirt. Indeed, it's difficult to imagine the decade without her highly influential contributions to the fashion world. Her vision and skill have left the world a far more stylish realm than it would have been without her. Thank you, Dame Mary Quant! In slightly more recent times, I ran across a Myspace page where a woman declared Mary Quant her personal hero "for giving women the ability to piss anywhere." So she was good f
  17. A wooded snicket? I have no idea what that is, but it sounds extraordinarily English.
  18. Yes, I think you might find a few people here who share your feelings on the matter.
  19. This is such an egregious example of double standards. Had a male been caught peeing in the hallway of a mall he would have been condemned (and possibly branded a sex offender). But because the video was posted to Pornhub it's classified as a form of revenge porn? And the security guard who posted it is classified as a voyeur? How is it voyeurism if it's literally your job to watch for suspicious activity? The woman was peeing in a hallway. There's no reason she should have any expectation of privacy. I've literally peed in mall hallways on two separate occasions, when I was in my teens. In bo
  20. I'm a huge history nerd. As to how this ties into our fetish? Whenever I'm getting into a particular era, my mind can't help but wander into how they peed? Where they peed, etc.? As for bringing stuff back from the past? Maybe the practice of casually pissing in the street? You mentioned chamber pots. Maybe bring back those wildly obscure female urinals from the 30s?
  21. I worry that they'll get peed on by accident.
  22. Men tend to be very wary of conversation in the restroom. So avoid that. And as someone from a fairly homophobic part of the US, it is custom to pee as far from the other person in the restroom as possible. As someone really into pee, were you afraid the sound of someone pissing in the urinal was a turn on? I don't understand why you felt guilty?
  23. Hi, Mrs.Bridger! Welcome to the community!
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