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Everything posted by Takashi96

  1. I think I heard something about peeing outside being good for plants because there's a phosphorus shortage.
  2. I'm happy to hear that you have awesome parents. Even if it means you weren't raised by wolves.
  3. At that point in my existence I had only seen brief glimpses of female genitalia in the porn mags of others. I'd never seen a girl's secret source of urination. And I'd heard conflicting reports on how their streams exited their complicated nether regions. Furthermore, I had only the vaguest idea of how they peed without a toilet. I'd heard there was squatting involved, though most the girls I knew would avoid it at all costs. I used to wonder if any girl had ever successfully peed upright? The fantasy of seeing it performed successfully overwhelmed me. Had we been classmates, and I witnessed
  4. The struggle is real. My days of the high pressure arcs, once affectionately referred to as "the rooster tail" from a super foxy Mexican drinking companion (with a cinema worthy accent) have long since passed.
  5. I seemed to recall reading somewhere that the group took off just shy of graduation? Not that it matters. Mick should be embroidered on to the school crest at this point. I mean, clearly he absorbed the lessons. I understood what you meant and found it quite endearing. I imagine he's proud of you for transcending the limitations of a working class accent. As a lower class git (see I know your slang) I'm well aware of the differences in perception accents can have on people.
  6. Wow, that's fascinating! As a westerner the idea that they would know each other's kinks and find kinks normal just seems inconceivable to me. To me that really highlights the difference between east and west. The big 3 Abrahamic faiths have contributed so much guilt and shame to the west. Sexual hangups are just baked into our cultures. This was in the United States in the midwest. As for "Julie" from the story. I don't think anyone suspected it was a kink. It was viewed more like she was edgy. She was that girl who would piss anywhere anytime because she did not give a fuck. The incid
  7. My stream is perfectly manageable. It's just that the first and (especially) last few drops are less eager to comply. Furthermore, I must disagree you on the predictability factor. I assure you I can predict precisely where my first and last drops are going every time. And that's on the floor.
  8. Not an enormous fan. But if the mood calls for it. And yes, Marr is brilliant. Well beyond the Smiths. Manchester is one of the greatest music towns in the history of pop. So much talent in one city. It's astounding really.
  9. Frasier? That's the Smiths, lad. Besides, I'm from the Manchester of America.
  10. I love that you peed in the same spot on the way home! There's something special about returning to the same spot at the end of the night. It's like the end credits of your adventure. I could totally imagine the anticipation as you approached the tree for the second time. And the excitement of that second release.
  11. That's so funny. I remember when I was first becoming sexually aware. I was so confused by everything going on internally, and I had this exhibitionist period. Whenever I was at a field party I would feel compelled to turn my back and piss wherever I stood. I couldn't understand why, but I desperately wanted a girl to watch me. I would piss hard and exhale dramatically, hoping they would peak over my shoulder, or aim me, or ask if they could watch me. I would fantasize that they returned to my spot later, when no one was around and squat over my puddle. It made me feel like such a perverted fr
  12. That's the one. Damn, it's lost none of its power over me. I wonder if she has any idea what she did to us? That photo made me cum so hard, so many times, that the church put a hit out on me.
  13. Some of your names kill me. I just saw Drunkpiranha. I love that! Can we start listing the goofiest user names?
  14. I feel you. After all, pants is our word for trousers. Referring to any form of undergarment as pants is quite odd to American ears. Knickers isn't neccesarily dirty, but we don't use it in the States. I think many of us were first exposed to the word through "boy you've been a naughty girl, you let your knickers down." And assumed that was a term for girls underwear. Come to think of it so do I. I favor boxers or boxer briefs (I recently learned that a friend of a friend invented them). Which I refer to as boxers or drawls. In my neighborhood we frequently use the term drawls. But that'
  15. Katherine Hepburn is American, dahling! I mean, technically. I must confess, as a not entirely white person, I have a long running fascination with unforgivably white, old money families from the east coast, who are such fucking anglophiles that they're incapable of losing the accents of their ancestors. And of course Hollywood in the 30s demanded all their young talent learn the Trans Atlantic accent. An accent invented to demonstrate class rather than region of origin. I suppose your voice/my head voice is sort of...Well, it's more to do with clear pronunciation. Like I can't hear you
  16. This reminds me of a weird invention from my dreams. Sometimes I wake up with a need to pee and it's SO hard to get out of bed. But the worst is when I'm sleeping in the perfect position and I know if I get out of bed I'll never find it again. And that's when I wish I had my invention the "bed urinal." The bed urinal is a silicone tube in the middle of the bed with a soft cap to cover it when not in use. The tube would attach to a hose that drained into a tank in the bed. So when I had to pee (as I do now) and I was in bed (as I am now) I could just roll onto my belly, insert my member into th
  17. I was not yet a man and not quite a boy the first time I encountered Sophy Rickett. The photo was in a late 90s British fashion glossy. And it was the first time I had ever witnessed proof of upright female urination. The confidence and defiance in her stance. The control she had over her arc of transcendence. I can still vividly recall standing next to the magazine rack quaking with desire.
  18. It's like, yes, this fetish has moments where it makes us fucking crazy. But we need to allow ourselves enough self control to get back in the driver's seat if it ever starts getting too heavy. I mean it's children for fuck's sake!
  19. I will happily answer any penis based peeing question you have in another thread.
  20. I have tried to edit this several times to no avail. As I am continually being logged out.
  21. Thank you! I love that answer! It was enlightening in precisely the way I was hoping for. In case you were curious, this was something I'd wondered about since one night goofy night in high school. When I witnessed two female friends explain to a male friend that "all girls pee in the shower because it's the easiest place for us to pee." With the other friend commenting "yes, girls do pee standing up." It was a classic example of late night stoned teenage Denny's conversation from the pre-internet era. Still, I didn't ask any follow up questions because I didn't want to come across
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