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Everything posted by Takashi96

  1. I have, but I'm not sure if my story violates the vandalism rule? The incident involved a former girlfriend and I stealthily pissing around her bedroom to spite her roommate. Taking great care to do it in a way that wouldn't be discovered.
  2. This is a really interesting scenario because on a primal level, the act itself gets me super hot. So if I learned that a friend had peed on my carpet to be mischievous, or as an offering to my fetish (this is a fantasy example because only a handful of people know about it), or because it turned them on, I'd be all about it. But if I found out a friend had peed on my carpet for some ambiguous reason, then I'd probably be too anxious about their motive to be turned on. If I thought I had done something to end our friendship. And their peeing was done out of spite that would probably over
  3. I imagine the other worry might be someone else in the house asking what's in the box? Then if you don't tell them they get even more suspicious.
  4. I'm on a dehydrating med too. Which, as a person with a piss kink, I wish I could appreciate more. Unfortunately, it's not exactly pleasant. And even with drinking a lot of water I still struggle to stay hydrated. Over the last few weeks I started drinking coconut water (honestly not delicious) and Pedialyte. Not together mind you (I have enough struggles in life). Anyway, they've both made a difference, as far as alleviating my dehydration symptoms more effectively goes. I wish I'd introduced them to my system sooner.
  5. I stood on the the curb and projected my golden arc of transcendence on to the busiest street in Detroit. Admittedly there was alcohol involved.
  6. I wish I had a more substantive answer for you. I tried it a few times when I was first exploring my sexuality in the hope that it might give me an orgasm. Something I hadn't been able to figure out on my own. I remember feeling the pleasure of doing something taboo. But it always became uncomfortable before I finished emptying my bladder.
  7. Thank you so much for this question! This is one of those moments where I wish Peefans had been around when I was a lad (over the age of consent of course). Back in my late teens I rented a room in a gorgeous (but run down) old Victorian house with no screens in the windows. And during the hot summers I slept naked with the window open. This house had four bedrooms and one bathroom. And so one night when the one bathroom was occupied, I found a practical excuse for an urge that I'd had ever since I could remember. The bottom of the window began just above my knees, placing it at just about the
  8. That was pretty much a daily occurrence in my teens.
  9. As a guy who has one, I'm extremely interested in the behavior of paraphilias. Foot fetishes fascinate me because they're so common. And they also seem to be relatively acceptable compared to other conditions. They also seem very gender specific. I've never heard of a woman having a foot fetish, though admittedly I haven't put much time into researching it. Paraphilias seem to disproportionately effect men for the same reason autism spectrum disorders do. It's basically a product of how male brains evolved to hyper focus over time. This is especially true of the more visually oriented fe
  10. Man, that's rough. I hope she appreciated it at least. Yeah, the "safety feature" thing was for a long time something I just assumed all guys experienced. My body did that until my late thirties (so pretty recently).
  11. For me, getting hard from the need to pee began when I was a small child. This, I assumed was by design. Because of the difficulty of peeing while erect, it struck me as a safety feature. Naturally, our creator installed this as a backup to make it much harder for males to have accidents. I was a weird kid with way too much religious influence in my life. I agree, the classic piss hard-on can be a little more tricky to get rid of. It is a damn good orgasm though.
  12. I love the warmth and sincerity of your posts and responses. You just strike me as a person with a big heart. It's nice to share this forum with you.
  13. That was mine too! Capriccio, also known as Love and Passion. My first exposure to the erotic cinema of Tinto Brass. Damn, I'll never forget the first time I watched that scene! I couldn't believe what was happening onscreen. On mainstream cable even. I was absolutely paralyzed by the spectacle of it all. And my god, that actress? I haven't been the same since.
  14. I'm all about trying to unlock the psychology behind this condition! And your situation is especially fascinating because it brings up a sort of "chicken or the egg" question. Was your interest in pee laying dormant already and then "unlocked" by your friend? Or did her pee based antics rewire your developing brain? If you hadn't been friends with her as a kid do you think it might have emerged through a different circumstance? Do you think if you hadn't been friends with her that it might not have developed at all? And then there's your friend who may or may not have develope
  15. Thanks for sharing your stories. I really enjoy reading true accounts of different users various experiences. I'd love to read more!
  16. Welcome aboard, Jetstream!
  17. I didn't take it as you trying to disprove my point. I should have been more specific. I believe the reason your generation is more open to sharing your fetishes is because you've grown up with access to knowledge of the world outside your community. And while I'm sure it's still no picnic growing up not cis/het/straight in small town America, I imagine it's helpful being able to research what it is your going through. And thus be able to confirm that you're not the first (and only) kid who ever felt certain urges out of step with the normies around you. It's impossible to describe that
  18. I love this question! It appeals to the historical part of my fetish. I have wondered this too. Like in prehistoric times did people have favored pee spots near the cave? Did they pee in the cave if it was too cold out? Or did they worry about the smell building up over time?
  19. I adore this post! You did a fantastic job of invoking the ambience of romance between you and your man. It was genuinely heartwarming.
  20. That's because your generation grew up online. The differences between your generation and every previous pre-internet generation is night and day. Among my friends with teenagers, the ones with non-binary kids outnumbers those with cis kids. In contrast, when we were growing up just being gay was a scandal. You post internet kids will never know about woods porn.
  21. There's nothing to apologize for. I just wanted make it easier for you to find what you're interested in. You're welcome for the welcome!
  22. You should know you're in the top 5.
  23. By voyeurism, do you mean watched by a voyeur? Because it sounds more like you're into exhibitionism. You'll find all the stuff you've listed off has been done by, or is a mutual interest of the various members of this forum. Myself included. Welcome!
  24. I love this question! It brings up a phenomenon I noticed a few years ago when I was watching some vintage porn. I love vintage porn. But one of things that was really strange about it in the beginning was how there was no consistent beauty standard for getting work or becoming popular. Most of the talent in those films were sort of average looking people. However, they, along with a handful of beautiful people, and a handful of less attractive looking people were willing to fuck on camera. And it's fascinating to watch people fuck who probably wouldn't fuck off camera. Still, I don't think a
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