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Everything posted by Takashi96

  1. I thought pubes were back for that age group ? Or maybe that's just in piss porn? I remember very well when it wasn't though. About 12 years ago I was at one of those team building/drinking outings with my co-workers. Anyway, this table full of 20-something ladies were talking about how it's gross to have hair downstairs. Apparently, having anything more than a landing strip was considered unacceptable? "What's wrong with pubic hair?" I asked. I mean, I appreciate a woman who looks like an adult when her panties come off. They all gave me these stunned looks, like I'd just fessed up
  2. I'm sure many of us on this forum are familiar with the photo this painting is based on. It's been passed around and even meme'd for years. This artist just took the photo, painted over it digitally and created multiple versions representing different football teams. Most of the reviews I read were from women, many of whom said they were buying it for their husbands or boyfriends. They were especially excited about their guy's favorite team being represented. That particular urinal shot was a clever pic to choose because it shows three women pissing but doesn't even show side butt. I think I r
  3. I guess I was just as surprised to learn there's no toilets built near the stables. I think of upper class life as being never out of close range of a toilet.
  4. I love the concept of naughty peeing witches! The only part that stumped me was the hairless pussy. I've always thought of witches as being very pro bush. You know, like, super natural? *Rimshot*
  5. I adore your prose and admire the fuck out of all the effort you put in to your research. Thank you.
  6. Actually, that does sound plausible. I hadn't considered those mostly springs types.
  7. Greetings to you from way the hell above the equator. Welcome aboard fellow pee enthusiast!
  8. The alcohol isn't just for increasing your number of pees. It also provides the ludicrous confidence required to invite a person you just started talking to to pee with you before you've even learned their name. Conversely, it leaves the other person with a lack of available fucks to give. And then just like that you've found a brand new buddy to pee with.
  9. Who is this author and how did she get in my head? This is exactly how I imagine the female version of me in the parallel universe thinks.
  10. I'm so happy that you got to water the cornmaze! It seems like you hardly ever get the chance for a good old fashioned outdoor pee.
  11. @bungholio69 @Ms. Tito I hate to advocate relocating to an urban environment and drinking entirely too much with other likeminded fringe dwellers, but that particular phase of my life delivered so many incidents of tandem peeing that I'm probably set for life.
  12. An Air B&B that would hire the most thorough crime scene investigation unit to discern our identities through the DNA traces in our urine. After which time they will pass them on to a cabal of international assassins, who will stop at nothing until murdering each one of us, in retaliation for all the gallons of piss permeating every atom of the property.
  13. I feel so much anxiety trying to picture myself in that situation. What happens if it's like five men for every woman? What if I'm not attracted to anybody there and I can't get it up? Or they're not attracted to me? What happens after everybody cums? Would l just clean up and fumble to get my clothes back on, basking in the warm glow of post-ejaculatory shame.
  14. I imagine walking in and everyone's standing around holding water bottles, looking down awkwardly with sweaty, post-coital faces. "Sorry, we peed already. Come back in like, forty five minutes. "
  15. Oh, now that's fucking difficult. The stiffness gives you much less aiming ability than you normally have. Plus it's hard to squeeze your pee through that constricted little tube. In my experience, it was learning to work with a slow, inconsistent stream. I once emptied my full bladder down a partner's throat, and it took forever. But it felt amazing!
  16. Wow, I'd always equated that whole equestrian thing with the prim and proper world of horsey girl schools. I never imagined the privileged graduates of all-girl private schools would ever pop squats in their riding jodhpurs. And now I have a whole new folder in the spank bank.
  17. The feeling you're describing reminds me (and probably most other biological males reading this) of post-ejaculatory clarity/guilt. Could it be that your post-pee "disappointment or calmness" has to do with losing the urgency of a full bladder? Do your non-toilet pees involve masturbation? Is your level of stimulation from peeing outside of a toilet similar to that of masturbation? And finally, do you normally experience similar "disappointment or calmness" after orgasm without peeing? I hope you can forgive my obnoxious, wannabe, clinical questions, but I'll always be a failed sexo
  18. It seems like it would be really difficult to pee all the way through a mattress onto the bed below. But then I've heard plenty of anecdotes of younger siblings who were denied top bunk privileges due to bed wetting. Still, it was never made clear how the pee was raining down. It might have been that the pee from the sibling above was dripping off the side of the mattress rather than straight through. Back then, the thought of peeing onto someone in the bunk below was a great thrill to me. As for your other concern, I imagine it would take firehose force peeing, and a whole lot of
  19. Well, I imagine most of us penis owners aren't constantly hard. Therefore, we try to pee during those in between times. It is possible, however difficult, to pee while erect. Sometimes in a very non-toilet conducive, very horizontal stream. As a younger man, sometimes I'd have no choice but to do it on the shower wall rather than the wall above the toilet. But if worst comes to worst you could always jack off and pee after it goes down.
  20. I suppose most of the time we peed at the usual locations. Parking lots, sides of buildings or houses, parks, off curbs. And there were times when she went without underwear beneath her skirt or dress, and peed without me joining in. She would sit on the concrete planters on the sidewalk, scoot back slightly, then relieve herself in the midst of crowds of people. She loved having the advantage of being able to pee more stealthily than me. She would get the widest grin, locking eyes with me as she hissed away. Taking great pride in the unseen evidence of a forceful stream burrowing loudly
  21. Oh I'm certain she was. Because out of all my female friends she was one of the least likely to pee outside of a toilet. As l also mentioned, she once made us leave a field party (where plenty of our other girl friends had no trouble peeing outdoors) because she needed a toilet.
  22. Why can't catsuits have some kind of discreet opening in the crotch? You know, so you don't have to be topless to pee. They've been around for over half a century but this is still a common complaint. Would it be too much of an added expense to produce or too difficult to conceal? Back in the 90s, my friend had this deep purple catsuit that she loved, but hated that she had to expose her breasts just to pee. So one night she wore it to a concert at a venue that was very far from her home. Afterward she was telling me all about the concert and mentioned that she wore the infamous catsuit
  23. Does being turned on make it hard for you to pee?
  24. I've thought of this before as well. And if you were feeling vindictive, you could pee on someone and make them look as if they've wet themselves.
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