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Everything posted by Takashi96

  1. One of the more difficult aspects of communicating online is the inability to detect inflection or tone. And your response just read super dry to me. But like I said, I couldn't tell if it was intentional on your part. I also found the wording of the question a bit confusing within the context of this forum. However, I was not expecting such a brief, straight answer. It would be like if someone asked "why do you have porn on your computer?" And the other person answered "because I enjoy masturbating," in a completely manner of fact voice. That would make me laugh. Does that make sen
  2. I wish I could find it. I've searched many times and all I can find is unrelated porn.
  3. So, I'm not the only freak who has time travel pee fantasies? They're all pretty much voyeur fantasies. Woodstock and Versailles are both big ones for me. Though I imagine Versailles would be unbearable. I've heard it was constantly bursting with human and animal shit and it was particularly foul in the summer months. That reminds me, I once read a passage about Casanova watching a group of girls gleefully pissing in a field that sounded hot. I've had plenty of ancient tribal fantasies as well. Girls squatting in their buckskin dresses and so on.
  4. That brings back memories. One of my first experiences with naughty peeing was peeing in the locker room of my local pool when I was around the same age. But I'm curious, as a girl, were you taught how to pee standing up or did you figure it out on your own? Also, welcome to Peefans, Lalayla557!
  5. After reading your invitation to DM, the burning question in my mind is how jammed is your inbox? Also, welcome to Peefans!
  6. I find this question confusing for two reasons. First of all, how do I determine which of my pee fantasies is the dirtiest? I'm not sure I'm even qualified to answer. In fact, it may vary by region? However, the more perplexing question is....who has clean pee fantasies? Aren't all pee fantasies inherently dirty? Actually, maybe not. Perhaps some people fantasize about peeing out a fire? Or heroically peeing into the overheated radiator of a stranded ambulance and saving the day? Yeah, I don't know? I'll have to think about it.
  7. I LOVE how specific that is! Personally, I've never had the opportunity to rent a room with a balcony facing a swimming pool. And if I should stumble into that situation in the future, I'll probably have to turn down the chance to pee of it. Unfortunately, I think my window for peeing off balconies into pools has closed. However, when I was a younger man, I briefly lived in an extraordinary apartment at the top of a hill, with a balcony. And sometimes on rainy nights I'd stand naked on that balcony and launch a triumphant arch skyward, like that cherubic boy in Prospero's Books. Ah, those were
  8. I can't tell if it's intentional, but your responses can be so deadpan sometimes that it just cracks me up. Honestly, if I glimpse your name in a thread I get this...I don't know? Excitement? About reading what you've written. Yeah, I know, I'm wired a little different.
  9. I have freakishly vivid long term memory going back to around 3 years old. And though people have often dismissed my claims, I've had many occasions to prove their accuracy. It's also very random, often with no rhyme or reason to why I've retained countless insignificant memories. Such as otherwise forgettable playground conversations from 2nd grade. Is there a correlation between our deep memories and our fetishes? Yes, I certainly believe so. In my case, it's as if I'm caught in a loop of continually discovering that girls have different genitals. Still, I don't understand why I can't
  10. I've never heard of that show. But, wow, what an interesting sociological experiment it presents. From a developmental perspective, the habits that we pick up before age 7 are usually imprinted in us for good. In fact, it doesn't even matter if we remember what caused it to stick in our heads or not. Therefore, if a kid's show plants the idea that peeing outdoors is fun, it might unintentionally engineer certain plocivities later in life. And if it's a popular show, it could do this on a massive scale. Damn, that's such a weird idea.
  11. And while we're at it...all that creepy mommy, daddy, and baby talk. I just nope'd out of hot woman pissing because she was looking into the camera asking the viewer "to watch mommy pee?"
  12. I agree with all the points you just made. However, if we're going to get into what makes a good peeing video we should start a separate thread. Because I could see this turning into a "what a makes a good peeing video?" thread, quite easily.
  13. Thank you for your thank you. The other factor I left out was the normalization of porn. Porn was always more widely consumed than reported. But eliminating the need to visit a brick and mortar porn shop or the room behind the curtain in your local video rental store caused porn viewing to explode.
  14. Where I'm from, males are socialized to look straight ahead at the urinal for fear of getting beat up, just for being suspected of peeking.
  15. I agree. And I think those of us who grew up before internet ubiquity are more sensitive to it. My personal theory is that reality TV planted the seed. But it was the intersection of technology (particularly cameras becoming standard in phones) and social media that accelerated the deterioration of the barriers between public and private behavior. People today are noticeably more candid about bodily functions than they ever were in my lifetime. Especially women.
  16. The judgement directed at those women is appalling. What were they expected to do? Wet themselves? The headlines should read "shitty company treats adult woman as child, forcing her to make undignified choice." As much as I love watching women pee outside, toilets are a basic human right. I loathe people who deny restroom privileges to those in need.
  17. Well, my first clue was that "Girls on Film" begins playing whenever I read your party stories.
  18. MDH is My Dirty Hobby, a notorious German based site specializing in naughty peeing.
  19. I've long been curious what that meant, but was too lazy to look for very long. I also recently learned what JOI meant. Before I thought it was some French term.
  20. One night I was drinking at a straight bar with a very statuesque gay gentleman. I believe he was somewhere in the neighborhood of 6'5. He comes back from the bathroom all excited that they had a trough urinal, exclaiming "I love trough urinals! It's so easy to check out other guy's dicks." "Dude, you can't do that at the straight bar!" I answered, laughing. "That's what narrow minded straight guys think gay guys do."
  21. I know an American woman who spent a semester going to school in Beijing. She said she loved living there, but she hated having to use the open squat toilets! "I suppose it can be difficult when you're used to western toilets?" I asked, feeling a little guilty about my anatomical privilege. "Oh, it's not that?" She replied. "Believe me, I have no problem squatting to pee. The problem was, EVERY TIME I peed in public, these Chinese ladies would stare at me the entire time. I don't know how they thought black women peed? But they always seemed shocked that I did it the same way they did. S
  22. After reading numerous accounts of your escapades, it's quite obvious that you were once a member of Duran Duran. Now for the record, I haven't discussed this with any other forum members, nor do I need to. It doesn't take an exceptional deductive mind to connect the dots. But don't worry, your secret is safe with us.
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