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Everything posted by DoctorDoctor

  1. You unleased the "hiss!" That's the reason for the big smile. 😝
  2. Agree so much. I judge every place within sight on my ability to possibly pee there.
  3. My Niche - Desperate pees outdoors or in abandoned buidlings. Makes it Enjoyable - Seeing my cock making a big, fat pee stream. - Listening to the sound of my pee splashing into the pee lake that is forming on different materials. - Watching my pee puddle form a river and flow away, wetting items in its path. Makes it less Enjoyable - Not having a partner to share the fun it with. - Peeing anywhere that I have to clean the mess up (or knowing someone else will have too).
  4. I have seen some puddles with tissues between cars in long-term parking at my local airport. Unfortunately, I never saw one being made. 😞
  5. Appears to be a good-sized pee to me. Sprayed the wall well and left a decent foamy puddle Thanks for sharing.
  6. Woke up this morning with a case of ultra-hard morning wood sticking out the waistband of my boxers and somehat needing a morning pee (the need was only about 7/10). I tried to wait to see if it would go down . . . 30 minutes . . .45 miinutes . . . 1 hour, . . .still hard and throbbing even worse. This wasn't going down and I needed to move on with my morning. I moved in front of my bathroom sink and "took matters into my hand" thinking I would spurt into the sink. Instead, in less than 2 minutes I was draining my balls, giving the faucet and wall behind the vanity a "money shot". T
  7. Shortest 8-9 seconds. Longest is just under a minute (~55 seconds).
  8. Another likely AI generated pic, unless Boston was established in 99. LOL
  9. I would use a conversation with @vanessa9 peeing next to me as an excuse to break my tradition of not conversing while peeing at a urinal. LOL
  10. I think it matters more, the fun you have playing, not the capacity. Also, I look at it as smaller capacity is less clean-up for the same amount of fun.
  11. These are all excellent "convienient" spots (zone) that I also enjoy peeing. I really enjpy the puppy pads, but if I am not careful and my bladder is really full, it totally floods the pad and beyond.
  12. Very nice tits and bra! Be careful or they may "bust" out.
  13. Smaller than average listed in the medical literature, but not terribly small. I think Wikipedia's 800 ml is above average for men and women. Everybody's different, but if it is causing you problems then it is time to discuss with a physician.
  14. Yes, of course! - Hasn't everyone? 😉 Off of a house. My motivation was a very full bladder and a lot of alcohol. No desire to spray anyone or anything in particular. Just having fun peeing a huge arching stream off of a high object.
  15. Very hot @swekiss! I like how you made the spray across the side of the wall and the puddle at the bottom of the wall.
  16. @greedyneedygirl I just found this old thread after searching for chamber pots. I found an old one for sale ar a reasonable price at a local antique store. It is in great shape (but likely very well used). I think it would be a fun thing to have in my bedroom for a night pee container, but a large bottle is probably more practical as a male. Thoughts? Anyone have one that they actually use for more than decoration or potted plants?
  17. At night, under a dark, cold, crisp, starry sky is the best. I don't aim or even use my hands - just let it flow.
  18. i suppose many go unnoticed! If a woman has a clear, colorless stream that doesn't jet forward from her pussy, it would be difficult to detect the little extra liquid falling to the shower floor. The ones that jet forward likely are facing the wall or maybe don't care. Those with dark urine probably wouldn't attempt to pee in the open showers.
  19. @epdreamgirl Any details or backstory you wish to share.
  20. Sounds like a plan, but I am not sure they would work well (getting a good seal) from a sitting position. - Maybe get the opinions of other FTM members on this site. You may actually be able to pee better from a seated position without the STP. I am thinking just scooting the front edge of the seat and pulling your crotch aside would work nearly as well as me seated with my cock out. Now, standing pees directing into containers, a STP would work awesome.
  21. Yep, it is an unwritten cultural rule that we usually don't talk to each other while at the urinal. If you (as a guy) do talk to me, then we better be close friends. I don't ever get a chance to chat with a woman while she is peeing. I'd chat about anything she wanted if I could stay and listen. LOL
  22. So, it is more of an announcement in the form of a question. What would you do if they said "No!"?
  23. I agree. I expect guys to say they need to pee (or other various forms of the word) directly to me, but if a woman says it instead of the more "veiled" terms such as "using the restroom," or toilet or loo, then my ears perk up. She is directly describing what she is going to do, rather than visting a place or object. It shows a level of comfort in that activity.
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