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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Ooh - what are your options for release @Paulp73 and how long do you reckon you'll last? Good luck!
  2. I think this needs a, sorry, flow chart 🙂
  3. Keep us posted if you're happy to. And thanks for sharing the experience so far!
  4. Nonchalant pee break while pruning a vine up a ladder. It made a nice splashing sound falling on to the paving slabs from about 2m up. This was quite risky. While if I were at ground level I would not have been overlooked, up on the ladder people passing by on the road beyond my garden fence would have been able to see. I don't think anyone was passing by, but since I had my back to the fence I couldn't tell for certain. There was a lovely sense of naughtiness about peeing nonchalantly like this while working in the garden 🙂 https://www.erome.com/a/PYVrSHyD
  5. Worth adding that Gold Membership brings the ability to edit your own posts without a time limit?
  6. Potential new celeb crush - wildlife video maker and BBC Autumnwatch presenter Hannah Stitfall
  7. This is a wonderful account, and the excitement of it all comes across wonderfully well - thank you for sharing it with us - and the photos too. Sounds like you had a fantastic time, and I'm really pleased for you both!
  8. Finding and joining this site has done so much for me beyond giving me both a source of the very best and most diverse pee-related content, and an outlet for my naturally somewhat exhibitionist instincts... as well as contributing to learning new skills, becoming fitter and experimenting with erotic fiction writing. And to echo what @gldenwetgoose has said, it has introduced me to new friends that, even if we didn't have the pee kink in common, would still be among the most wonderful, amazing people I have met. From being in a pretty low place a couple of years ago, this site has hel
  9. Now there's a challenge 😉
  10. Nice to meet you! Have fun exploring the site - there is a lot of content and we are a friendly community. Looking forward to seeing you around.
  11. Wow! It's not so much the volume as the flow rate that's amazing! Thank you for sharing 🙂
  12. If it gets to the end - and it's something I don't do very often - then I can't stop it once it starts. It won't be powerful (but then it never is these days really). It'll start off with a leak, then a gap, then perhaps another, but generally two little leaks and the next one will definitely be 'the end'. It's weird though - I know it won't empty completely, even though I think it has, and want it to, because maybe 20 minutes later I'll want to go again, and there'll be enough pee that second time that it cannot possibly have filled up in the bladder from the bloodstream. It's as if my bladde
  13. So after running in my Spiderman costume earlier in the day (see https://peefans.com/topic/17458-the-peefans-sports-club/?do=findComment&comment=289372) I fancied seeing if they would show much if I wet them. I didn't hold out much hope as they are shiny, thin and not at all absorbent. But before my shower, I stood in the bath and let go. I was quite excited at the time. Just a short clip and screen grab. https://www.erome.com/a/1iNFRC8z
  14. That is good to hear! A challenge to us then 🙂
  15. So my run this morning wasn't particularly fast or long, but I did do it wearing a Spiderman costume (obviously without the beanie hat pulled down over my face - that would have been silly). And this being England, no-one gave me a second look. Except for a very cute, fit young lady cyclist who flashed a lovely smile as she passed me, which was nice!
  16. I should have learned by now that trying to video pee against the white of a toilet or bathroom, especially if your pee is quite clear, is quite tricky. I'm no photographer and I just don't think about these things until it's too late. But what the hell. Here's a video of me splashing the downstairs toilet. I'm home alone today and was feeling naughty earlier. The video is a bit better, I think, than the still images suggest - though I apologise in advance for the noise of the extractor fan! And it's time to clean the room anyway, so that thought didn't spoil the moment - I'll clean up in
  17. Your lad's music choices haven't kept you young then 😉
  18. Oh - excellent list - thank you. I knew I was just not thinking straight - loads of good things here 🙂
  19. I could watch Hayley Williams all day.
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