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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. That's what I thought Sophie. And I would quite like an assessment of how good a driver I am, and where I could improve. I'm sure there are lots of areas.
  2. Just a perfect pop mashup .. and yes, cute all round imho 🙂 Thanks!
  3. OK. I will... but just into the toilet ... ... and very satisfying it was. I closed my eyes and focused on the feeling just as I was about to start - then used my pelvic floor muscles to prevent the flow from starting, then relaxed and repeated a few times, noticing the feelings of desire buildings and the relief, then the sound of splashing into the water. It wasn't a long wee, but thinking about it made the experience better than 'just doing it'
  4. Long may you continue to enjoy this 🙂 And please, if you have the time, tell us about it. You'd make at least one person here very happy 😉
  5. Fabulous! That type of nonchalant peeing is a huge turn on for many people here - me included. A lovely account ❤️
  6. That's exactly what I thought. Some were very careful with their words 🙂
  7. Oh - and if you're curious, here are a couple of links. I don't think the second one understands where I'm coming from on this 😉. The perspectives in the first one are interesting though: https://www.mindful.org/to-pee-or-not-to-pee-mindful-weighs-in-on-flow/ https://www.everydayhealth.com/incontinence/can-mindfulness-help-treat-overactive-bladder/
  8. Would more people enjoy pee for fun if they just thought mindfully about the act of peeing? This thought occurred to me as I was having a perfectly normal wee, standing up at the toilet at home - not desperate or even particularly full - and I was just enjoying the sensation of the act for what it was: the feeling of slight tension relieved, the physical sensation of pee flowing from bladder through the urethra, the sight and sound of the stream. I'm sure most people just take a leak and don't live in the moment, experiencing and enjoying what is happening. It doesn't just apply to
  9. So I think skirt-wearers have an advantage over the trouser-clad in this regard, but sitting on a public bench when it's warm enough to wear shorts and peeing on to the ground through the leg opening. I've done that a couple of times and it's fun.
  10. I'm not a huge fan of abandoned tissues, but at least they will decompose. Also, it rather depends on the environment. Tissues are a visual blot in a pristine place; much less so in a shitty place with other rubbish around, or in a lift, say, with a puddle in it. It's all about context 🙂
  11. Kia have been doing very well in the UK in the last year or so and have 5.7% of a very fragmented market here in 2021 so far, and growing fast (like their rival Hyundai). For comparison, Ford has 7.5%, VW 9% and BMW 7.1%. I know many people with Kias who are very happy with them. And @gldenwetgoose is right - hatchbacks are a very familiar sight on the roads of Europe because of their practicality.
  12. How much?!?!?! I'm pretty sure I know a few people on here who would create even more realistic pee stained jeans for the discerning customer for less that that lol.
  13. Indeed. I'm realistic I think about my abilities behind the wheel - I enjoy driving and I have done quite a lot of it since I passed my test a long time ago, visiting clients and going out to meet people all over the place for work over many years, and having family and friends in several different parts of the UK. I liked the opportunity to learn and to challenge myself ... but I know it's inevitable that my reaction times will be slowing down now, and so I'm perhaps trying to compensate for that by upping my skill levels. Maybe the IAM coaching and test would be a sensible thing to do too (t
  14. I managed a little controlled drifting on a circular skid pan the other day 🙂 Quite pleased with myself. I'd booked an hour on a slippy wet concrete skid pan just to get a sense for what to do when the back of my RWD, narrow-tyred GT86 starts to slide out. I know, of course, but it was good to feel it happening and practise correcting things in a safe environment rather than at 60mph on a roundabout with HGVs next to me. The low grip surface replicates at about 15mph what you would normally experience at about 60-70mph on normal roads. Switching off the traction control / electronic stability
  15. Fabulous! And judging by what's in the waste bin, a healthy breakfast too 😉 Seriously, though, thanks for these posts ❤️
  16. Wow! That's tremendously arousing 🙂. And I am immensely impressed by your kindness, and ability, in recording this for us and writing about it so well. Hope by the time you read this you've caught up with your sleep ❤️
  17. Ouch! Hope it's not too sore I am picturing it! Lovely!
  18. It's a superb position isn't it? Works for me and K 🙂
  19. Fabulous! It's great to read how much you enjoyed the sheer relief after the worry and pain of the drive home. And I get the sense that the heightened feelings after a close call and a blissful wee like that hang around for the next one - which is somehow better than it would be if you hadn't had the fantastic relief 30 minutes earlier. (Does that make sense?!) Anyway - thanks so much for telling us about it @Sophie ❤️
  20. I'm curious as to why these were designed so that the child pees *directly up the nose* of the strange elephant-thing. I get that kids like to see things with happy faces on them. But wouldn't this kind of subliminally encourage a type of behaviour? Behaviour that while not at all unusual to many on here, is generally considered somewhat outside normal conventions.
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