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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. I suppose the beginning of Jimmy Page's solo six minutes into Stairway to Heaven would be one.
  2. K suggests the drop in Titanium (David Guetta) - is that the sort of thing you had in mind?
  3. Great choice - thanks for kicking off the thread ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. So in one of those moments of weird serendipity, K and I recorded a story this afternoon. But we made it up on the spot - it was just an idea for a date-night fun thing to do. We took a sentence each and the story took an erotic turn of course, in the ten minutes we allowed ourselves. Great fun. But the thing is, I mentioned to her afterwards about the idea of recording existing pee fiction, and she wasn't averse to the idea. Watch this space. Or rather, listen to it!
  5. I was thinking earlier: for those of us that find pleasure in holding and then releasing, that moment of ecstasy when tension has built and is finally released is immensely pleasurable. And there are other things that are similar - orgasm of course, but also some moments in music when there has been a long build up and then suddenly there a massive change, and emotions flood out. So for anyone who thinks the same, what moments in which pieces of music could you imagine trying to time an earth-shattering pee-release to? One I thought of - but I don't think it's the best I will be abl
  6. Not really. It does seem to be the case though. Germany and urophilia go together ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. Sounds wonderful Goose โค๏ธ. Sorry I wasn't online at the important moments to live through it with you. Thanks for the description ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. Sounds sensible - and of course I know you will be careful about driving and typing ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck and enjoy it when you're home!
  9. Oops! Will you make it home, or will you have to pull over do you think?
  10. Haha! Thank you for that ๐Ÿ™‚ I will see whether part 2 emerges ... I know where the story's going but I'm having a little difficulty with the transition from where we are now to where it will end up. Bear with me ... And I'm glad you like it.
  11. Thanks for this. It's really interesting to read about how these parties work. There are some regular ones in London and a few others that advertise around the UK (I've never been), but I wonder whether most pee parties are smaller and more informal between groups of friends who have found each other online. Do you think that couple you were in touch with might be open to the idea of trying to set up something more small scale? Anyway - thanks again for the account!
  12. Blimey! This is huge gap in the 'market'. I bet with some time, some willing voiceover artists and a decent effort on the foley side of things, your stories @gldenwetgoose could be turned into hugely erotic pieces of audio porn. It would be a fantastic project. I might have to talk to K. Or ... if we could persuade 2 or 3 members to contribute - reading out the dialogue, one of us could edit it all together. It has to be worth a go, doesn't it? Aside from this, there is (at least) one member who might have a better handle on this sort of thing @BlindListener
  13. I'm pleased this topic has come back to life recently. It's brought out some really thoughtful and revealing (and some quite moving) personal responses from members. It's amazing that so simple a question can generate such heart-opening replies. Thank you to everyone who has written here.
  14. Hi there - and welcome to the site (formally ๐Ÿ™‚) - you'll know how it works if you've lurked, and you'll know how good the staff are, so I hope you'll feel happy to contribute. Maybe I'll see you in the chat room some time. It's busier at some times than at others
  15. Just re-read this. It gets better with a second reading ๐Ÿ™‚ A very original idea, perfectly choreographed. It flows brilliantly. thank you @gldenwetgoose
  16. Excellent! I am having fun reading those stories from your back-catalogue ๐Ÿ™‚ that I haven't seen before, and this is wonderful. Thank you.
  17. Older (by which I mean un-'improved') pubs in England are places that are reasonably likely to have trough urinals - either stainless steel or porcelain. But I suspect that no new such things will be installed as permanent fittings anywhere - so treasure them while you can, if you like them ๐Ÿ™‚
  18. [Contains female desperation, wetting, and later, perhaps, lesbian sex and nonchalant semi-public peeing] Sara couldnโ€™t remember when she had been as on edge. She was looking forward to it of course, but now the day had arrived she was a mess of emotions. A few months ago, she and Matt and Roxane had watched together the last of the TV programmes where the beautiful, sexy Alice Levine had, over three episodes, learned about different aspects of sex that might be considered taboo by many. Thereโ€™d been one about couples who cam, a look at different BDSM relationships, and a final progr
  19. I have peed in bushes in parks before now, and once on a bench. It was in a big country park, facing a lake, with the back of the bench about 20 metres from a path that walkers and cyclists used. I was wearing shorts, and just hoicked them up on one leg and peed out of the bottom while sitting on the bench. My pee splattered on to the ground under the bench. When I'd done I put everything away, waited a minute or two, and carried on with the walk round the lake. I have no idea if anyone was passing by on the path behind me - I couldn't see. It did feel quite risky and naughty. I suppose if any
  20. Did you know that sloths don't fart?
  21. Building back the distance gradually. 10k this morning in 52:16. Lots of work still to do. But I got out there, and ... I even did some quad, hamstring and groin stretches immediately afterwards, and took my vest off to walk the half mile home (it's 15 degrees and 90% relative humidity out the this morning), so I'm feeling good about myself ๐Ÿ™‚
  22. Nice one Just a couple of biscuits-worth, I reckon ๐Ÿ˜‰. I'll go out for a 10k run after coffee this morning. You've inspired me.
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