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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. You are so loved on this site, wonderful girl. And you make it come alive every time you're here. Any time you need a shoulder to cry on or need a laugh or more, I'll try to be there for you. Take care, and good luck for 2022 @Bacardi
  2. On Christmas Day with the family, a couple of unexpected pee-related stories were told. We were all sitting round after dinner telling truths or lies – we had to guess which. A sort of spur-of-the-moment, ad hoc family version of the TV programme ‘Would I Lie to You’. First, my little sister (she’s 50 – not so little really) described how she’d been at a summer party one evening when, late at night, she had been desperate for a wee, and there was already a number of people waiting for the one toilet. She had suggested to her husband that she could just squat down by the car, which was par
  3. Wow! Just amazing @arigalo! Thanks so much for writing about it. Sounds like a beautiful, hot experience. So you don't date men eh? But maybe this one is special 😜
  4. Hope you have a great Christmas @greedyneedygirl! I have very much enjoyed your posts this year. Always thoughtful, intelligent ... And hot 😉
  5. I reckon the bucket option is a good one ...
  6. Hi there. Two questions from me if that's OK. First, I know you really want to pee in someone's mouth. Which would you prefer that person to do: enjoy it and swallow, or not like it and spit? Second, if you could have any job, what would like it to be? Thanks!
  7. Desktop chatroom seems to have fallen over (Chrome / Windows). Still seems to be working on mobile site (Android)
  8. Does it mean Korean TV shows?
  9. Absolutely. Manual transmission is the norm, so driving an automatic is a rarity for me. I did have one for a year or so as a company car. Nice in most respects (Audi 80 - became the A4) but I would never willingly choose an automatic box. I like changing gear manually 🙂
  10. I guess they take a while to get used to. I've never had a bike with clipless pedals, but I have nearly gone through the windscreen a couple of times after pressing firmly down on the 'clutch' pedal when I drive an automatic hire vehicle 😉. You don't do either thing more than a couple of times I reckon!
  11. Ooh! Lovely ❤️ Hope you have a good one 😉
  12. Wonderful @Malika 🙂 And as ever, your drawing is just lovely! Thank you 🎄🧑‍🎄❄️💖
  13. It's Christmas, so here's a rock version of a classic Spanish Christmas song, performed live by an Elvis impersonator in a Santa outfit (complete with a large bulge in his shiny trousers), and accompanied by some very sexy backing singers in teeny tiny shorts. What's not to like? You can thank me later.
  14. Just out of interest, I compared the heart rates as measured by my running watch (so not necessarily particularly accurate) for a typical run and my cycling yesterday, to see if cycling like I do it is a decent cardiovascular workout. And, no, it's not really: the max heart rate during cycling was only 121, with an average of only 71 (!! I might as well have stayed at home with my feet up on the sofa). But during my last 10k training run a few days ago, the max heart rate was 216 (yes, I know, I should be dead) and the average was 176. Conclusion - pedal faster!
  15. Thanks so much for sharing these experiences @Peeing4fun. Really interesting. Your gf sounds like a fun person, and it was great to have those times with her. I'm guessing from the way you end your account that things are more complicated for you now. I hope you are still having pee fun though.
  16. Yes. £50 is £50 and I'm from Yorkshire.
  17. Ha! "Cross training" today. By which I mean I cycled 11 and and a bit miles into town, drank a couple of pints with a friend, then cycled home. On my trusty hybrid, along dead flat paths, it was 22.3 miles in total at 12 mph. But ... is it too late to ask for a suspension seatpost for Christmas? I don't care about the power delivery efficiency, I just want my sitting bones not to hurt any more.
  18. I am in my "upper fifties". I don't think age-related changes have resulted in noticeably more desperation, and certainly not accidents (deliberate wetting is another thing entirely and for me that's done for pleasure without the need to be desperate). But certainly there's been a decrease in the time between wees, more of a need to get up in the night, and most upsetting of all, a huge decrease in peak flow rate. In fact, I am seriously considering consulting a GP just to check on the old prostate situation. I don't want to die just yet. But I know that the diagnostic tests aren't hugely sele
  19. Yes it was! Might be related then. Anyway, all back to normal now 🙂
  20. Delicious! That is a very kind offer, thank you ❤️ 100 dollars sounds like a bargain 🙂 and the 150 well worth it!
  21. The missing person's name has reappeared on my list of conversations 🙂. Not sure what happened, but it might have been related to me sending a new chat message to them. Anyway, all resolved and I am happy 😁
  22. Nice to meet you! I hope you'll feel confident enough to try dipping a toe in the water of posting. Maybe the easiest thing to start with would be to reply positively to some posts that you enjoy reading or looking at. This is a very friendly site and the staff do a brilliant job of keeping it all respectful. No judgements here 🙂 See you around I hope!
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