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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. 22 hours ago, Eliminature said:

    As a kid, my parents would dig me a hole at the beach and sit me over it for a wee. When I had finished, they filled the hole back in. People must have seen me, but who is going to object to a little girl having a wee? I've also peed in the sea, both underwater discreetly and standing with the stream visible. 

    As an adult, I won't go near the beach. Too much sand! 

    I agree with the option of going to a pebble beach.   Lots of fun to be had and no sand to get where you don’t want it.

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  2. Sounds like a great time! Hopefully you will get to repeat it.   I certainly enjoy it when Mrs A pees in my mouth whilst we are having sexy encounters, but she ill only do it in certain circumstances and would certainly not do it in the bed.   Last time was in a gazebo in the garden.

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  3. Your first story, @Eliminature.   With writing like that, why have you left it so long?  Absolutely fantastic.  Brilliant concept, includes people who I know you admire greatly, has a lot of content and is extremely well written.  I am sure you got wet writing it and would absolutely love for it to really happen.  Let’s hope that the time travel app is available soon!

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  4. @Sophie, The fact that it is in a situation where you don't normally have any issues, and the fact that it was a relatively short pee, maybe your body just didn't think it needed to release?

    I can sympathise with @ShyPeeMan in that I've had the same situation where I stand at urinals and just can't go and the longer I stand there, the more I think others are thinking it is weird and the more that makes me unable to go, so I have to give up.    It doesn't happen often but once in a while it has done.  Usually it is when I am going to pee because I know I should because the next opportunity will be some hours later, but maybe I just don't really need to go at that time.


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  5. Loving that uniform.   Just don't do what one of my colleagues did recently.   She was fresh out of the shower and on an audio call, but accidentally switched on her camera, sharing her delightful boobs with the rest of us!  To be fair, nobody complained and everyone enjoyed the show, so maybe it is actually a good thing to do as it brightens everyone's day.

    I know you have certainly brightened my day @Barbieoxo, so maybe the people on your calls would also appreciate it.

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  6. I have one story where my wife once peed on a doctor.   It was when she was giving birth to our daughter.  She had needed to pee for a while but couldn't pee in a bed pan with all the people around.   The doctor was checking things between her legs and asked her to push.  She let out a jet of pee which soaked the male doctor's hands.  She felt very embarrassed and the nurse explained the situation regarding not being able to pee.   The doctor washed his hands and suggested a catheter, which was duly fitted.

    The only other one I have was when both myself and a colleague had to go for a medical.  During the medical, the doctor asked me to give a sample and gave me a pot to take to the toilet, saying to put it on the shelf outside his door when I was done.   I said I wasn't likely to be able to go for a while because I had not known about this and peed before the appointment.   He made me hang around until I could fill the pot before I left.   Whilst I was going outside to wait around, I passed my colleague just arriving for his appointment and he said he was going to the toilet, but I said it would be better if he didn't and had to explain.   He did manage to wait until after his appointment.   When I finally did manage and went to drop off the sample, my colleague was also just dropping off his.   Mine was almost colourless and his was a very deep yellow.   When he saw the two next to each other he said "I think it looks like I need to drink more water"

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  7. @JDG, I mostly agree with what others have already written. It does sound very much like 

    In trying to give you some options, I've picked up on the fact that you mention a lot of people travel to the area on bikes.  Are there common routes that they take away from the area?   Might be worth trying to work out these routes and then going along them to find places that look like likely candidates for peeing - bushy areas, a group of bins, quiet alleys etc.   One option would be to walk the route in the early morning and see if you can spot wet patches.   You can be sure that people are creatures of habit and if they regularly use the same route, they will probably regularly use the same pee spots - as you yourself have said that you have done with the viaduct.    If you can find such places that are popular then you could wait around and see what materialises.   Unfortunately, as @The99Club says, if you want to play the hunting game, then you do have to wait around and be patient.  I have had some nights where I see countless sightings without even trying, but then other times I can be hanging around for hours with little in the way of results.

    The other option, as you mention is to consider people getting off night buses after travelling back from the big city.   But it sounds like most of the party people are based in the larger city already, so there may not be that many that get off at your place.    Another option is to go further afield from the big city - so consider stops along the bus route - the further people travel, the more likely they are to be desperate when they get off.  You would be looking for a place where there is a reasonable residential population, so more people likely to go into the city and also where there are no facilities near the bus stops.    It is a bit of a long shot, but might be worth considering.

    The locals probably won't be much help to you as they don't have to travel far from the bars.   So your only options are going to be people travelling away from the bars on bikes or people arriving back into the area on the bus.

    One other consideration - do you ever have queues to get in places?   That is usually a good source of sightings as people are desperate in the queues and have to leave the queue to pee.  It sounds like you have an area with easy access to bars though, so I'm guessing you don't get queues so much.

    If I'm honest, it sounds like your infrastructure is "too good".   Toilets that stay open all night and are clean, bars that have easy access and toilets, a good public transport arrangement all conspire against you.   There will be sightings to be had, but you will have to spend time working it out I'm afraid.

  8. That is a fantastic experience.   I'm with @gldenwetgoose that I always come up with things to say after the event.  However, you are in a good situation here because you already are familiar with the lady and are very likely to meet her again, so you can think about how you can bring it up again in future.

    It does look very much like she was putting on a show, possibly as a bit of an invitation to sound out your reaction, or at the very least she really doesn't mind peeing with someone watching.   So, I would definitely bring up the subject again when you see her.   Either take the approach of making the observation that you were surprised how open she was about peeing in front of you or just ask if she needs to pee again, or maybe return the favour and say that you need to pee this time - sort of "I'm glad you gave me the excuse to stop riding - I really need to pee" or "Now I've stopped cycling I've noticed I really need to pee.", then mention that "seeing as you obviously don't have a problem with outdoor peeing, could you hold my bike?"   

    However you decide to play it, if you ignore it completely, the chances are that she won't do it again, whereas if you open up the subject then there is a good chance she will at least make her feelings on the matter known and she might well treat you to another show.   So I would very much recommend going forwards with a further mention.

  9. I agree that it is impossible to answer the question from the small amount of information that you have given.  However, I have seen ladies peeing whilst wearing a Saree and in each case, they remained  standing with their saree around them.   They did not expose anything and the only reason I knew they were peeing was because they had gone out of their way to stand in a position of discretion and there was a wet patch on the ground when they moved.

    The times that I have seen this are:

    - Two ladies who left a BBQ area and stood side by side behind a parked car with their feet about shoulder width apart.

    - Two ladies in a park who stepped off the path and stood next to a bush, facing the path.

    - One lady in a different park who had been with a man on a bench but got up and walked up a slight hill and stood behind a bush.  This lady stooped over slightly and lifted the front of her saree slightly, about mid calf.

    - One lady squatted down, on a path to the side of the main path, lifting her clothing up, but keeping it surrounding her.  

    In all the above cases, none exposed any flesh above their ankles and all I saw was puddles.

    The above were a mix of Indian ladies in sarees and Nepalese ladies who wear long skirts or dresses which have very similar characteristics to Sarees.

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  10. Technology is a double edged sword in our kink.   Sure, there is an increased risk of being caught peeing somewhere you shouldn't, but on the other hand, it gives us the chance to have sites like this to share our thoughts and experiences as well as the cameras that we are worried about are also giving us the opportunity to see many other people peeing.

    I don't worry too much about the cameras on businesses and such like - as others have said, rarely does anyone sit watching them and even if someone watched it back and witnessed peeing, they would be unlikely to do anything about it.   Some may end up on the internet, but the number of cameras out there against number of videos appearing would imply that it is highly unlikely.  Also most CCTV that you see on the internet is pretty poor quality so the chances of anyone recognising you is even slimmer.

    I would be more worried about peeing in sight of a council CCTV camera in a town centre.   Those cameras are often connected to a centre where people are sat watching all the screens and they have the ability to pan/tilt/zoom quite extensively.  I once got stopped by the police and they referred to me checking out a puddle that a girl had left after peeing in a side road.   I hadn't even seen the camera, so I went back the next day to check it out and the camera was at the opposite end of a car park, so they must have been able to zoom in far enough to spot the girl peeing, (which I expect they enjoyed watching) and then see me go to the puddle afterwards, AND identify that it was me, because they must have guided the police guy to me and it was at least a couple of hours later that they stopped me.

    I don't worry too much about dash cams - again, they are unlikely to be checked unless the car is involved in an accident and if someone happens to review footage and see me peeing in a layby or car park, they are unlikely to do anything with it and they won't know who I am.  With luck, they enjoy the view, or if not, well they will probably move on and forget about it.


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  11. 21 hours ago, Lennys_wet_now said:

    I have always fancied the idea of a inside leg pissing tube that let's pee out onto the ground. 

    Look up Stadium Pal.   That is exactly what you are talking about.  Originally they just used to make it so it had a tube that you ran out at the bottom of your trousers.  Now it has a bag, but it still has a drain valve, so you could leave the valve open and attach another length of tube to come out at the bottom.

    Of course, you could just buy a male external catheter and a suitable length of tubing.   If you really want to be clever you could make a hole in the bottom of your shoe and run the tube down your trousers, inside your sock and end with the tube sticking out of the sole of your shoe.   All that would be visible would be the growing puddle - or if you did it on carpet or grass - nothing is visible.    I may have to try this one day myself.



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  12. On 3/19/2022 at 9:21 PM, ukpeegirl86 said:

    I have a frequent piss spot at the back of a small industrial estate on my way home. I’ve been using the spot for a while and only just noticed a camera above a gateway. So the most recent time I went there to piss I made a point of removing my thong and lifting my dress to squat and piss with my legs wide open, facing the camera. I was feeling really naughty. I would imagine the footage will only ever be watched if there was an incident but I felt so naughty and really enjoyed putting on a show deliberately.

    Hopefully you will make someone's day if/when they review the footage.   Chances are that nobody will ever look at the footage, but you can just imagine if something happened that night and the poor security guy has to trawl through the footage to try and find something and stumbles across this sexy minx fully exposing herself and pissing up a storm....

  13. @Broccoli another great instalment.  Love the way that you have developed it.

    I like the way that @Lutab is thinking for the next instalment, but I can see it developing slightly differently.   First of all, if the bathroom really is closed off due to the storms, then there are going to be a lot of desperate people in the morning and they are surely going to be looking for options without soiling their rooms.   I can imagine the three girls hearing a commotion in the morning and coming out of their room to be met with scenes of desperate girls at the dorm toilet door.  One of those girls just can't hold it and races to the kitchen and hops up on the sink, another girl protests at the college closing the toilets and squats in the corridor, which then leads to others following the example.   The three main characters then go into their spare room and others find that suspect and barge in on them, then all the girls decide it is unfair that these three have their own special space so they take over the room and the room becomes the official toilet until the genuine toilets are opened again.   The college authorities turn up and find a huge mess in the spare room, but nobody reveals how the room was opened and the girls all pass it off as unavoidable in the circumstances.    The authorities secure the room, but the toilets are still not open, the storm has died down, so everyone takes to peeing outside.

    Just an idea of course - feel free to take it anyway you want to go.



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