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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. You certainly don't need to apologise for the length of the story.  That was a great post.  Such a fantastic experience and I can totally understand why at that moment you didn't worry about the lack of clothes to change into.

    I love the fact that the lady in question took the time to find out about your interest and tried it herself, leading to a positive result for both of you.

    Hope to hear more about your time with this young lady.

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  2. Like @gldenwetgoose I can't give any specific advice on festivals or events in the USA as I'm also in the UK.  Hopefully some of our friends in the USA can provide comments.   I guess it might also help if you narrow the area down a bit as the USA is a large place and I'm guessing you wouldn't want to travel across the whole country to get to a festival.   Carnivals like Mardis Gras in New Orleans would certainly be good opportunities.  

    What you are looking for are three basic factors:

    - Lots of people.
    - Alcohol.
    - Lack of toilets.

    If you get those three things, then you are almost guaranteed to have sightings.  So, for example a street festival where there are thousands of people in the town and all the bars are packed with people and toilets have queues or places are not letting public in to use the toilets unless they buy things.   In those cases, some people will be drinking on the streets and find themselves with full bladders, lowering inhibitions and lack of desire to fight to a toilet.   One or two people start peeing in the street, then more follow.  Usually it will start with the men, but then a couple of brave girls will take a sneaky squat in an alley or behind a dumpster.  Soon there will be more and more willing to pee outside and as more people do so, other people see that it is not an issue and before you know it, it is becoming quite common and people make less effort to hide.  Darkness also helps a lot (although not so easy to see).

    @vpw has reported some success in USA events.   Might be worth looking up some of his posts.     

    @Starks2010 has reported plenty of sightings in parking lots near bars on nights out.

    Tailgating parties are another good option in the USA.   From what I have read, I understand that a lot of people take alcohol and have a bit of a party in the parking lots before going in to the main events.  This can be any type of event from a music concert to a baseball or football game.  The party in the parking lot is not considered part of the organised event, so they seldom have enough toilets.   The problem here is too many secluded spots between vehicles, but if you are patient and watch groups, you will eventually see individuals breaking off and going to the woods or behind cars.

    As I say, I am not the best placed on USA sightings, as I have only ever had one sighting myself in the USA.  That was at the bus park for one of the Disney Theme Parks!


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  3. Sounds like a fantastic, spontaneous way to finish a mundane shopping experience and great that both of you enjoyed the experience rather than it being one person pleasing the other.  Also pleased to hear as you give the feeling that it has brought you closer and rekindled your love and lust for each other.

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  4. Welcome to the site @KylieRobidoux.  You will definitely find that your stories are welcomed here and there are others that like to make a mess in public toilets.  I am on the milder end of that and often deliberately miss the urinal or toilet for at least part of pee.  I sometimes aim higher than the urinal and watch it run down the wall or aim a bit to the left or right.   Sometimes I peeing the floor directly next to the urinal and sometimes I pee on the floor nowhere near the urinal.   I have also wet toilet seats and the area at the back of the toilet.

    Here is one example which was part of the pee challenges section that a few of us did last year.  This particular challenge was to pee in a bathroom without using the toilet.


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  5. On 4/4/2022 at 7:12 PM, yellowii said:



    I have seen and used a toilet like this.  It was temporarily installed on the sea front in Brighton outside a bar when Covid restrictions were in place and the bar was only doing take away.  The inside toilets were closed and there was a toilet like this on the beach with a standard portaloo each side of it.  It isn’t that the door is missing so much as it was never there in the first place. It is the same on the opposite side.  The positioning was such that the closed side faced forward with the portaloos positioned each side by the openings, with a 2m gap between which allowed people to enter.   Best bit for me was that the portaloo had a couple of girls each queuing at them, so I went into this urinal and was able to pee in full view of the girls queuing. Other men also used it.  The shy ones went to the middle and used the urinal trough on the front wall, which meant they couldn’t be seen.   The less shy used the ends of the urinal - either on the back wall which meant that the girls had a view 45 degrees from behind and could see the stream, or the front wall which meant that the man was facing the queue and could see the girls queue whilst peeing, but if they stood well forward the girls could see less.   However, if they stood back a little, the the girls had a 45 degree view from the front, which was pretty much a full on view.

    I noticed that some of the girls were happily enjoying the views whilst others deliberately faced the other way.

    I peed right at the end of the trough, facing the short queue.  I moved in close to the urinal to get started, but then moved back slightly so I could see the ladies and they could, if they wished, see everything.   The lady at the front of the queue and the one behind her definitely had a could look and I looked back at them.  The second one lifted her gaze monetarily and we made eye contact.  She smiled and the looked back down at what I was owing.

    As to whether you could get a law suit on it, I certainly doubt it in the UK.  There are quite a few types of outdoor facilities which leave you pretty much exposed.

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  6. 13 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I think in the past @Alfresco has expressed his experiences along these lines.

    I have definitely peed in front of ladies.  I have peed in front of my wife many times, both at home and outdoors.  Usually not being particularly through total desperation as I don’t have any issue peeing outside when I am with her and out walking.  However there have been a couple of times when I have been driving and absolutely bursting to pee because there are no services and I have been trying to make it to the destination.  They often result in me arriving and making a bolt for the toilet, where I leave the door open so she sees and she usually laughs at my stream going on forever and says I shouldn’t drink so much.

    One time recently having drunk too much tea I had to pee in a lay-by and went round to her side of the car to be slightly shielded from the road and peed for ages whilst she was just the other side of the car window.  I could also be seen by oncoming traffic (which no doubt included some ladies) but I didn’t care and had little choice.

    Other times on nights out I have peed in alleys and car parks etc., where I know women saw me peeing and saw my dick.

    I have also peed outside in front of my (adult) daughter.  That was when I had been stuck in the car for ages due to snow bringing traffic to a standstill, picked her up from work, then was stuck for ages again and finally decided to park up and get the train home.  She had been able to pee at work, but I hadn’t peed for hours.  I had been struggling visibly to hold it in the car and when we finally got parked up I told her I was sorry that I couldn’t wait the five minutes to walk to the station but I just had to pee and I made yellow snow between two cars in the car park.

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  7. On 4/2/2022 at 2:49 PM, Meekes said:

    Gazebo sounds also good, impossible here with too many neighbors around...

    That’s exactly why we had the gazebo up.   Side panels all the way around and drop down covers on the windows.  We could be totally naked in our garden, have lots of fun and pee as much as we wanted without concern as the grass soaked it up.   Without the gazebo we would have not been able to do even 10% of what we did as we are overlooked on both sides as well as having flats opposite the bottom of our garden.

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  8. On 4/1/2022 at 3:18 PM, Aristona said:

    I always enjoy seeing and reading your stories and photos on this forum, keep it up! 😎
    Sometimes I also try to look up your locations on Google Maps, for example that dilapidated parking garage, I read the reviews and many comments were about the smelly stairwells, nice to read that.

    It's special that you can find so many places where people have urinated recently, I also sometimes try to park the car in a rest area along the highway without toilets and gas station to spot peeing women, but I never succeeded.
    I then just sit in the car and maybe I see someone walking to a quiet place but it doesn't happen yet and often I don't have more time than 5-10 minutes

    Thanks for your comments and appreciation.  Yes, it is great to find places where others have urinated and even better when I catch them in the act.    I had three sightings last Saturday and another three last night, so will report those when I get a chance.

    As to your comments about not succeeding so far, I am afraid it is a waiting game and the luck of the draw.  If you only have 5-10 minutes at a time, you have to be really lucky to get a result.   Often my sightings are the result of much hanging around, although there are some places that routinely give regular results, but that requires being able to plan to be in the right area at the times when outdoor peeing occurs most (late evening usually).

    • Like 4
  9. I have peed through fences, usually on bridges or ramps that have fenced sides because I wanted to pee from the height and watch my pee falling.

    As to the festivals, I wonder if it is a natural tendency to go to the edge of the space to avoid peeing where people will be walking and if peeing with your back to the crowd, you would be peeing towards and through the fence.

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  10. I think it would be mixture for me.    Yes, the taboo is part of the excitement as in doing things and having a slight adrenaline rush about the risk of being caught doing something that I am not supposed to do and also for me, the challenge of spotting girls peeing outside and loving seeing girls who don’t care about the rules and are willing to pee outside.

    However, on the other hand, there are places where it is already just accepted that peeing outside is “normal” such as when you go out walking in the countryside - there is no other option and you know that everyone is doing it and if you do get caught then nobody is going to be that worried - well as long as you have made at least a little effort to be discreet.   However, I still really enjoy that freedom to pee outside in those circumstances and not having to worry about finding somewhere to pee.  Same with working at the railway where I volunteer. It is accepted that we all pee behind the shed rather than walking up to the station building or if we are working down the line, just peeing beside the track without even bothering to look for cover.  So it is normalised there and most of the guys probably don’t think anything of it other than that it is convenient, where as I again enjoy the freedom and enjoy every pee.

    It is also a bit like other sexual activity - sex in bed or in my own home is enjoyable, but, sex outdoors or in a public place with a risk of being caught is more of an excitement.   That naughtiness and risk factor takes the experience to the same level, so I thing the same would happen with peeing.   If it were acceptable to pee anywhere, then it would make it less appealing.  I would still enjoy it, but it would lose the naughtiness.

    Same with seeing ladies pee - for me, one of the things I enjoy most is seeing the different attitudes from ladies peeing, the different levels of concern about finding a hidden place or just peeing in the open without worrying who sees them.  The other factor is whether they try to be discrete about what they are doing - sitting with their skirt around them peeing into a planter or kneeling on a beach with a towel wrapped around them as opposed to simply dropping their trousers and squatting in the car park.  That makes it all the more fun in having the variety of attitudes and positions as well as the types of streams.

    if peeing were to be accepted generally in public, I am sure I would still enjoy seeing the girls peeing, but it would take away the mystique as there wouldn’t be any need to search out peeing girls - they would be everywhere re would be a level of familiarity that would reduce the attraction, but I am sure I would still enjoy seeing it all around me.

    The happy balance would be if there were some changes which meant that it was legal to pee anywhere outside but not inside, yet it was left to people to have their own sense of modesty.  That way, there still wouldn’t be people peeing on every street corner and under tables in every restaurant, but there would be more chance of spotting those ladies who are a bit less modest and wouldn’t mind nipping into an alleyway at 2pm in the middle of town whilst out shopping.

    It would be a bit like the way it is with public breastfeeding now - it is acceptable and nobody would say anything about a lady breastfeeding in cafe, on a park bench, or a bench in town, but you still don’t see it everywhere and the ladies range from those who wear clothes designed to be discrete and cover themselves and their baby with a muslin cloth for discretion to those who hoist up their tops and let their boob out on full view with no concern at all.   To me, I appreciate ladies’ boobs and even though it is fully acceptable to breast feed and ladies are doing so for the need of the child and not to expose themselves for others to see, I appreciate those that don’t hide it and whilst I don’t leer at them, I can’t help appreciating the view if it is offered.   The same would apply with peeing if it were permitted more openly,  - if a lady chose to pee just inside the entrance of a car park or alley, then I would appreciate it, but they wouldn’t be peeing on every corner.

    As an aside for anyone who is interested, I saw a lady breastfeeding a couple of weeks ago who must have been an exhibitionist or at least incredibly comfortable with showing her body.   She was sat in a cafe on a busy street and had chosen a window seat.  She had her top right up with her generously sized right breast fully exposed adjacent to the window with lots of people walking by.  No muslin cover, no pulling her clothes down close to the baby.   The baby was feeding and when done, the lady took the baby off and was burping it without even attempting to cover herself back up.  I didn’t feel that I was intruding by enjoying the sight of her breast as she was obviously happy to show it to the world.  If not, I am sure she wouldn’t have selected a window seat.   Compare/contrast that with other times, which is more normal where a lady would fully cover herself and baby to be as discrete as possible.

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  11. I can’t say I have tried using voice memos for this, but I would certainly be interested in listening.   You could upload them to somewhere like drone I would think and then post links here.  

    I am away from home at the moment and usually speak with my wife in the evening.   One day she said that she needed to take me to the toilet and I said “Well you know I won’t object”.  She said “but I am not peeing on you,” and I said “well you could but you would get your phone wet”. She laughed and then I heard the rustle of clothing followed by the delightful sound of her peeing whilst she continued to talk.

    Another night she didn’t mention it at all and I just heard the splashing and tinkling out of nowhere when she used the toilet unannounced.   I think she had already got changed for bed and was wearing her nightdress with no knickers because I didn’t hear any clothing adjustment.

    Maybe I should ask her about sending a voice memo…..

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  12. Loved your hotel pee @zorba3189.   The ice machine is a great diversion as you say due to the chances being that anyone that sees a wet patch would expect it to be water.   I have done similar in a hotel I was staying in that had a water cooler in the corridor.   I left my room wearing only a dressing gown and took my water bottle to the cooler.   I crouched down to get level with the dispenser, causing my dressing gown to hang straight down from my bum whilst the front was supported on my knees.  That left the area in front of me open and I released my bladder all over the carpet whilst I filled the bottle.   I hadn’t finished peeing when my bottle was full, so I stayed crouched down and drank from my bottle whilst still peeing.  Then I topped up the bottle by which time my bladder was empty so I simply stood up.   My bare feet had got slightly wet, but no worries as the bottoms dried on the carpet and the tops dried on my sheets when I got into bed.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Kupar said:

    And who is Euro Phil I wonder?

    He exists on YouTube:


    Also a Company combining European and Filipino talent (who obviously can’t spell Filipino - they even have the first letter wrong!).


    There are a few other mentions on Google if you are interested

  14. 9 hours ago, Eliminature said:

    I want to cross streams! 

    I've been fingering myself to this and I'm about to do it again.

    Thank you!  Would love this to happen.   I will be posting more of my exploits whilst away, so hopefully that will at least give you more to enjoy in the meantime. Watch this space as they say.

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  15. 9 hours ago, TMN_Femboi said:

    It's amazing how lighting can make a dick look so much different. Like, compare

    Absolutely.   Light is a photographer’s best friend and lack thereof is generally the worst enemy. (Well unless you want to take pictures of stars - then the opposite is true, but you get the point).

    9 hours ago, TMN_Femboi said:

    Looking nice in both pics, but if I hadn't seen them in the same thread, I'd have never guessed that that is the same pp.

    The difference between taking it at 3am with little ambient light and a concern against using the flash to avoid attention compared to natural lighting in the middle of the day in a completely private location with no fear of getting caught.   Also, the first was from a video capture, so another reason why I couldn’t use a flash.


  16. 1 minute ago, Kupar said:

    Much less comfortable though 😞 You need a thick mat - perhaps one of those rattan roll-up things - to help even out the surface a bit. It's not just Brighton; Nice is the same.

    Yes, you have a point.   I tend to take something to sit on, or sit on a bench at the top of the beach where I can people watch and still enjoy the sun (hopefully), or go for a walk.

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