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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. So, today I was at a park and the male toilets were closed but the female toilets were open.  Which so people think the general public would think a man should do In that situation if they needed to pee?  Note that I am not asking what you would do yourself (although feel free to answer that as well) but what do you think the general public would think?

    a) go into the ladies toilet as the toilet is the proper place to go - even though it would mean invading ladies space?

    b) pee in the entrance of the gents where you would be covered from three sides by the wall at the entrance, but would leave pee on the concrete floor/wall/door?

    c) go and find a secluded bush?

    d) none of the above - best hold on and make your way home, curtailing your trip to the park.

    I am thinking that ladies might have a shock if they caught a guy in the ladies toilets,  but you could easily defend yourself with a “Sorry, the gents is closed and I was desperate, hope you don’t mind.”

    If you get caught peeing in the entrance of the gents, then you might get some people who find it odd behaviour when there is a perfectly good open toilet next door, but again you could easily defend it with a statement that the toilets were locked and you didn’t feel it appropriate to go in the ladies  

    If you pee discretely in the bushes, nobody should see you, but they would probably guess why you disappeared into the bushes for a couple of minutes.

    For me, I only stopped at the park because I saw the grills were across the mens entrance and saw it as an opportunity to legitimately pee in public.  It was only when I walked up to the toilets that I saw the ladies was open.

    I peed outside the gents in the doorway, but I saw that there were already two puddles there, so I wasn’t the first to think that was the accepted option.

    As I turned to head back to the car, I realised that there was a lady sat in a parked car right near the toilet and she must have seen what I was doing. Probably not in detail, but she would have seen me walk into the alcove and stand facing the wall for a minute and then come out again   It wouldn’t take much deduction to know I was peeing.


  2. I think women can owe anywhere that a man can pee, but many women wouldn’t do so.  Thankfully we have plenty of ladies here who show that it can be done.

    I think the only place that ladies can’t pee that men can would be a place where women were not permitted to be such as a men’s changing room - however even that isn’t true because women can go into those places if they are bold enough.  They may get funny looks or resistance, but physically there is nothing stopping them.  These days all a woman has to do is say that they identify as a man (even if they don’t) and not a lot can be said.  

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  3. 20 hours ago, Kupar said:

    Excellent opportunism there @Alfresco - hope you get the chance for another alfresco pee in a while! And I hope Mrs A is OK. 

    Yes Mrs A is fine thank you.

    She was in the hospital for 4 hours, and I had two more public pees in that time to let out the mugs of tea and some water that I also drank.  I will describe them when I get chance.

    After the cafe breakfast, I spent the morning exploring the area around the hospital, and a bit of people watching.  I  found an urban canal and walking alongside that, I enjoyed seeing the boats and watching some movement of boats and an assortment of young ladies - no pee spotted unsurprisingly for the time of day, but some sexy sights.

    One of note was a man and woman who were pushing their boat out from the side to allow another boat to manoeuvre between their boat and the towpath to moor two abreast.  The girl was clearly in charge and the knowledgable one of the pair.  This was of additional interest because the girl had come outside in her pyjamas - presumably the other boat arrived and they needed to move quickly.  Her pink PJs were hugging her bum and when she bent over to pick up ropes (she was on the tow path, pushing the boat out and restraining it wit ropes) her PJs went right up her arse showing off her shape perfectly.  I stayed on the bench and enjoyed the view.  She obviously had nothing under her PJs as I could see her shapely breasts well defined and swinging freely with nipples poking the fabric.

    Another of interest was a man in his thirties with a lady in of the same age.  She was wearing a short tight skirt and a blouse.   He was getting her to pose so he could take photos with a DLSR camera.   He had her doing some provocative poses including crouching right down with her legs open.   Unfortunately I couldn’t see what he was seeing, but he was obviously taking pictures showing up her skirt.   I suspect she had no knickers on or was wearing sexy lingerie as he was definitely taking racy shots - although the lack of underwear may just be my imagination.

    There were also plenty of cyclists and joggers with tight clothing which I always enjoy seeing.

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  4. 3 hours ago, peecurious94 said:

    My RV is on a cement slab, so my pee doesn't hit the grass

    That’s even more risky on your part then - the splashing will, be more audible and it is likely to leave a visible puddle - if there is any light at all, then it would be easily detected and difficult to deny the source of the puddle.  I would imagine that with repeated peeing in one spot, there might also be marking when it dries

  5. 20 hours ago, radu said:

    Has it ever happened that the grass was withered after you pissed?

    Answering the generic question, but my wife and I stay in a caravan for the weekend approximately every two weeks we stay for two nights on average.  We have a toilet in the caravan which we only use for peeing and mainly late evening, overnight and first thing in the morning, but by the end of the weekend it has a decent amount of pee in it.

    I just empty the toilet tank on the ground near the caravan - usually in the same place.  The grass and weeds have grown far more than the grass and weeds just along from that spot. Admittedly it is not a manicured lawn, but it seems that our pee has acted as a fertiliser and water provider rather than a weed killer!

    If you look along the base of the hedge, there is one spot where the vegetation has grown massively more than anywhere else.  So much so that I had to cut it last week.

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  6. Yes regularly.  Nearly every time I am in the shower (or any shower for that matter, at the pool, gym, hotels, friends wherever I am in a shower.  

    I also regularly use the sink at home.  Both the bathroom sink and the kitchen sink.   It is more convenient and uses less water to flush.   

  7. 17 hours ago, JDG said:

    I see it's getting even better! The hotel has a private beach just for hotel customers. And you can even rent your own private cabana. I've always wanted to to see her pee on the beach, so that gives some great opportunities as well. Sitting on the edge of the sunbed in our private cabana, her sliding her bikini crotch out of the way and releasing a stream onto the sand... I guess I wanna go tomorrow thinking about this 🤣

    This sounds like a dream definitely.  It would be a perfect place to try the pee whilst applying sun cream technique as well - kneeling astride you applying sun cream wouldn't look out of place and she could release happily all over you whilst the pee runs off you and into the sand.  A quick kick around of the sand when you get up and nobody is any the wiser.

    One that my wife has demonstrated on a sandy beach is to kneel with her knees apart and a long top/coverup over her swimsuit.   Dig a hole in the sand between her legs, pull the suit to one side and then pee into the hole and cover it over.  Might be worth trying that one.   I've also spotted a girl on Brighton beach doing that when they were packing up to leave.   I don't think she knew that she'd even been spotted, but my keen eye saw the flickering stream falling beneath her dress that she was holding up slightly at the front.

    • Hot 1
  8. 2 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I don't mean to take your thread off course - and I think I've mentioned this before so forgive me...

    My wife (who doesn't share the fetish) told me a few years ago a confession from a friend of hers who ran a burger van, who at the end of a long day had taken the van back to their storage, was doing the final checks and lock up - whilst frantically desperate.  She realised she probably wouldn't make it home so chose to go into the van, close the door and squat over a bucket.  She ended up more sitting on it, and as a curvy lady managed to create an airtight seal around the bucket.  When she'd finished and stood up the bucket lifted with her, falling to the floor and splashing nearly every surface in her long awaited piss.  Apparently she then spent another hour mopping up and sanitising all the food preparation surfaces.

    That is not taking it off course at all - I did say and other layby traders, so that would include burger vans.  Very funny account.

  9. You definitely know how to give an account in a tantalising manner.   You have conjured up some great images in my mind and I'm sure you had a lot of fun doing it.  I am another who loves the fact that you just dried rather than showered off.   Maybe that left some nice pheromones to attract your husband later on.   Given that he knows you so well, I'm sure he must have detected that you'd had a bit of fun for yourself whilst getting changed - especially if he heard the shower but you didn't have wet hair. 

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  10. 31 minutes ago, JDG said:

    I also really like the idea of peeing over the back of a wall. 

    That's one that your girlfriend can use when not on holiday as well.   If she wears a suitable skirt and either no knickers or doesn't mind wet knickers then she can sit on a wall in a park or even on a street and have her bum hanging over the back of the wall with her skirt hiding everything then she can pee whilst pretending to text on her phone.   Nobody will notice a thing.

    33 minutes ago, JDG said:

    the Waterpark belonging to the hotel is a small walk away and you have to cross a street for it. It would be awesome to pee during that walk, ofcourse through our swimwear. And there is also a shuttle bus to the Waterpark (2 minute ride), maybe we can even pee in there

    Definitely would be good to pee on the walk.  That would feel more naughty as you are out of the main area of the water park.  Bonus points if you pee on the way to the park rather than on the way back so you are peeing when you swimwear is still dry!   As for the shuttle bus - you said it, - the bus will be designed for transporting wet people, so it will no doubt have wipeable seats and cleanable floor, so an extra puddle isn't going to matter much.


    35 minutes ago, JDG said:

    Just a shame I have to wait till September for this holiday

    Longer to plan, look forward to the experiences and maybe practice some of the techniques first.

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  11. Love that you preferred to make use of the park instead of the toilets and love your description of your positioning and the special use for the chamois.

    However, you cited the lack of lock as the reason for using the bushes  but the description sounds like you left the bike out of reach anyway.   Do you feel that the park is a less likely place for it to be stolen or where you just thinking that a pit stop in the bushes would be quicker and therefore leaving the bike unattended for less time?   As well as the adjustment of shorts as you came out being an obvious signal as to what you were doing, the bike parked by the tree was probably quite a good indicator that the owner had nipped into the bushes for a pee anyway.

    I don't cycle as seriously as you do and my bike is probably not as good as yours, but I certainly wouldn't leave it to go in toilets either.   I either stop somewhere and pee from the bike or take the bike to somewhere hidden and lean it up whilst I pee.

    • Thanks 1
  12. Having Trudi pee in such close proximity must definitely have been the best part of the day.  I'm sure that some of the trouble and confrontational aspects were decidedly not fun at all.

    I'm guessing that there must have been plenty of other people who also needed to pee in that situation.  How long were you held there?   Did you also have to pee and did you achieve it?

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  13. Some great sightings there @Big Bear.  Thanks for writing them up in detail.  I always love your descriptions.

    The girl who you interrupted and who cut the stream and moved on to find another place must have had muscles of iron.   She was obviously already very desperate and had been holding it against several rejections, then just as she had started her release she had to stop almost immediately!  The must have taken serious control.   I have seen girls do similar as they are embarrassed about being seen.   Thankfully, most girls are of the opinion that you've already caught them and know what they are doing so they just carry on.   You are right though - you can't really follow her to the next location as that makes it entirely obvious what you were doing and she would know that being discovered the second time would be no accident.  

    I also agree with you that sometimes you have to accept that you are missing sightings.  You can't be in multiple places at the same time and you know you are going to miss peeing.   The near misses where you see the girl, know that she either just has peed or is just going to pee but you can't be in the right place either due to timing or being obvious are frustrating though.

    To me, at the moment, I'm just frustrated that I haven't got any opportunities to get out on my own, so I'll settle for enjoying your sightings that you kindly share with us.


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  14. Sounds like a great time you had in the hotel and I hope you have a great holiday @JDG.   The idea of getting into the pool to pee is great and I have watched other girls do that before (they think nobody notices, but I do).   I love @Wolfpee's idea of having her sit you you and peeing whilst rubbing sun cream on you.   There should be plenty of opportunities - the secret being to do something that isn't too obvious to others who are not tuned in to our wavelength.   

    So, you've obviously got plenty of chances to pee in the pool itself, also there may be hot tubs - they are great as you can put your hand in her knickers whilst she pees and the bubbles hide everything.   You can even do it whilst sat right next to others.   If there is a swim up bar, then you know you don't need to move to go to the toilet and chances are that everyone else will be doing the same, probably simply for convenience or to avoid losing their seat, but it is great to know that they are peeing and you are joining them. 

    Another option is that she could come out of the pool and you could walk towards her with a towel.  She can take the towel off you and stand by the pool drying her face and hair and whilst standing talking to you and still dripping from the pool, she can pee down her legs and increase the size of the puddle on the poolside.

    If there are outdoor showers, she can pee in them whilst showering, knowing that people are looking at her but not realising what they are doing.

    Depending on the layout of the place, there are bound to be places she can sit on a wall and pee through her bikini over the back of the wall or sit on the grass and pee straight into it.

    If there are water slides and such like, pee whilst standing in the queue.  Everyone is wet, the floor will be wet from the constant passage of wet people.  Nobody will notice.   I've done this at several water parks.

    Of course you can do all of these things yourself as well.


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  15. I wouldn't pay any amount to avoid the cameras.   I very very rarely pay to use a toilet at all - if there is a charge to use a public toilet then I would find somewhere outside instead.

    So in this case, my question would be whether I would enjoy peeing for others to view (which the exhibitionist in me would quite like) or would I go outside to be more discrete.   However, (and I know you said it was hypothetical), I would never bother joining the queue in the first place.  



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  16. Brilliant @Louise87, although sorry the football result didn't go the way you wanted it to go.  I'm sure you will still remember the trip for the other reasons.  You are brave for putting on that show and it sounds like it was really appreciated.  I always think it unfair when ladies go in the gents, enjoy the view as they go past the urinals and then close the door on the stall to hide away.  Your brazen leaving it open is hot and then when you realised you had an audience, peeing on the floor was even hotter.   I assume that it was very obvious that the six people were there to enjoy the display.

    You say you had to pee several times and that that was the first one.   What did you do for your other pees?   Did you repeat the trip to the gents?  Did you leave the door open again?  Or did the guy slapping your bum put you off?   I am hoping that you enjoyed having the audience but wonder whether the bum slap may have been a step further than you wanted.   Either way, would love to hear what else happened that day.  Maybe you also managed an outdoor pee on the way home?

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  17. I just had another thought about one of my earlier interactions with my parents about peeing.   I had bunk beds which were situated about 30 cm away from the wall so that I could have a shelf the length of the bed a little above the bed.  I slept on the top bunk and the bottom bunk was left spare - either for visitors or more usually where I left clothes etc.   Anyway, once, I went into the gap and peed onto some trousers because I enjoyed it.   Then I left them there and repeated it another day, and left them to dry a bit and I ended up doing it several more times.   One evening my Mum and Dad were sitting in the living room when I came in. Mum challenged me because she had found these wet trousers.  I tried to pass it off as I had wet them and stuffed them down there because I was embarrassed.  My Mum said that they were too wet and stained for it to be just one wetting, so I said that I'd been desperate and as they were already wet, I peed on them again.   She was not overly happy about it and told me not to do it again.   It is only now, thinking about it that I realised that my Dad never said anything negative about it.  He was probably torn between supporting Mum or maybe understanding where I was coming from.


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  18. Fantastic news @peecurious94.  I think all the signs were there that it was going to turn out well, but it is still a big step to bring up the subject like that.   When I read the post about your mum peeing on the kitchen floor when she got in, I was wondering whether she was testing your reaction as surely it wouldn't take more than a couple of additional seconds to get to the sink.   

    I am so pleased for you as you can now enjoy lots of fun together in the future.

    I do sometimes wonder if there is something hereditary about peeing interests.   I never talked to him about it (and it is too late now) but I sometimes suspected my Dad had at least a passing interest in peeing as he sometimes told stories about how my mum often needed to pee when out walking whilst he was able to hold it for much longer (I know that is the opposite of most couples) and he was never bothered about peeing outside if the need did (eventually) arise.   Also, when we watching a carnival at home, we were looking out of the bedroom window to see the procession and a girl came onto our drive and went to pee behind a trailer we had parked there.  I was going to call out to stop her (before my enjoyment developed) but he stopped me from saying anything and we both watched from above as she went behind the trailer, dropped her trousers and produced a large puddle on the concrete drive, then stood and wiggled back into her trousers before going back to join her friends watching the carnival.  That is still clearly etched in my memory and may well be one of my first realisations that I also enjoyed women peeing outside.   I have found various pictures of naked girls on his computer but never found any with pee involved, which actually surprised me slightly.  

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  19. All I've seen in the way of pee bottles are "trucker bombs" by the side of the road on the verge or under bushes.    Personally I don't understand why they wouldn't just empty them when they stop and put the bottles in a bin rather than abandoning plastic bottles everywhere.   They are probably the same people that are responsible for the approach to every roundabout being littered with empty bottles and cans.

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