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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. Morally wrong.....   Certainly depends on your personal morals and perspectives, because by definition, if you thought it morally wrong then you wouldn't do it.   However, if it relates to what most people would consider as morally wrong then mine would probably be the kettle in a hotel room (although I did rinse it out) or maybe inside a shop on the carpet.

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  2. That was a fantastic experience - especially the way the one in the bushes by the tree turned out!

    I have seen several bay to breakers photos and videos and it looks like it did used to be a fantastic place for pee lovers, however, there are also quite a few videos giving reports of the peeing in a negative light - residents not being amused for example - and it does seem like there has been a clamp down and more facilities provided in recent years so probably not as good as it used to be.


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  3. I had a similar thing over the weekend.  I have a caravan in a semi-permanent location where I do some volunteering on weekends.   I often pee outside the caravan where there is a sparse hedge separating my caravan from the adjacent field.  Well, being a bank holiday weekend, a caravan club had hired the field and there were quite a few caravans in the field, with the nearest one being maybe 30-40 metres away.  Initially I thought I would have to be more careful than normal and avoid peeing there, but then I thought that I didn't want to change my habits just because some others had appeared in the field, so I stood peeing towards the hedge whilst I could see the caravans and see people sitting outside them.   Whether they could see me and what I was doing, I have no idea, but it was nice to pee there knowing that there was a chance they could see.  I repeated it several times over the weekend.

    We do have a toilet inside the caravan, but we only use it for pee and don't put tissue in it, so we simply empty it in the hedge at the end of the weekend.   If I'm already outside I often pee directly in the hedge, cutting out the middle man and stopping the toilet tank filling too quickly.  My wife nearly always uses the toilet - just the odd occasion if she is in the right mood that I have managed to convince her to pee outside the caravan.

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  4. My worst one for a bad decision was in London when I'd decided I wasn't going to use the toilet at the offices of a client I was visiting, thinking that I'd prefer to find an alley somewhere after I had left them (purely because I enjoy peeing outdoors and finding a place in the middle of the day in the middle of London is always a bit of a rush).  I was wearing a full suit and was walking down the road looking for somewhere, but there was just nowhere discrete.   That is unusual for London as there are so many little cuts, parks, dumpster stores etc. etc. that I have always found somewhere.  However, this place was just an open road with nothing to hide behind.

    As desperation was building and realisation was setting in that there wasn't anywhere hidden and I was running out of time, I had the first couple of spurts in my boxers.   I ended up sitting on a wall where behind the wall was a drop to in front of an office basement.   I wet myself through my boxers and trousers and it all fell 10-15 feet onto the floor below me and behind the wall.   The people walking past probably didn't realise what was going on, but if there was anyone in the room whose windows were below me, they would have been wondering about the isolated rain!  

    when my bladder was empty, I sat and waited for the dripping to subside and then I tried to figure out what to do.  I had no choice really but to walk to the Underground station, get the tube train to the mainline station and then get the mainline train home.   I'm sure plenty people saw my wet trousers and knew exactly what had happened and I definitely left a wet patch on the seat on the Underground Train and probably the mainline train as well.


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  5. I am fairly sure that there are plenty of threads where people have answered this, but I can't find it at the moment.   

    I've peed so many public places that it is difficult to decide on one.   Multi Storey Car parks, Telephone boxes, alleys, laybys, beaches, on the pavement on a street (when quiet), hotel corridors, and so on.


  6. On 4/25/2022 at 12:35 PM, Mr_Slash said:

    I find this a fascinating topic because I am sure, probably like most of us here, that my fascination (obsession?) with peeing started from my early childhood experiences which started as a subject genuine curiosity.

    I can relate to so many of other peoples' accounts here.
    Mine was similar. My earliest memory goes back to when i used to spend a lot of time at my neighbours house. She was a similar age to me and I have memories of us often spending time in her bedroom playing with toys and games in the usual way that you do. I dont remember any actual dialogue but all I do recall is that we were both fascinated by the whole process of peeing and where it came out of each of us. As a result we were regularly take a break, go into the bathroom together and watch each other pee. I just wish i could remember how the conversions went! A couple of years later we moved house. Again I had another neighbour who I used to play with a lot. There was a building site nearby and new houses were being built. It was in the days before health and safely when you could easily walk all round a building site! I remember one time when my friend and I went into one of the houses that was still in the early stages of construction. I remember this  being fascinating in itself to be able to do this.  I have a distinct memory of needing a pee and my friend encouraged me to pee there and then in the room. So  I willingly dropped my trousers and stood in full view for her to watch as i peed a big puddle on the floor. She then lifted her skirt, squatted and did the same for me. I think we both loved the forbidden nature of doing this and the fascination of watching each other. I am sure these experiences go a long way to explaining why i now love to both watch a women pee and to also pee for a woman to enjoy the view.

    I bet I am not alone in wondering if our childhood friends who we experienced these episodes with, are also now into this fetish!

    What I find so exciting from participating on this forum is to find that women are just as likely to have a love and fascination of peeing, in it various forms, as men. Its such a refreshing revelation to find women here who are as keen to discuss the subject and share their experiences and fantasies.

    As kids we used to play on a building site near us (was so much better before H&S spoiled it).   We also used to go into the houses and pee in the rooms - It was always fun to leave puddles on the walls or the floors and also we sometimes peed out of upstairs window apertures and watched it fall to the ground below.

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  7. That sounds like a place that I would love to spend some time, but I'm sure I would be making sure that I went to go and pee behind the building when I saw a woman go there, so that I could "accidentally" catch her in the act and apologise profusely, but enjoy the view and she would assume that I'd only come there to also pee.

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  8. @T00rpedo, That is so good that your wife was understanding when you told her and was willing to indulge you.  I am in a similar position that I have told my wife and she is not interested herself, but has been willing to pee on me and for me on a number of occasions.   It is a difficult decision to tell a partner as it is possible that it could be met with a bad reaction, so it is great that you took the step and have such an accepting wife.   

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  9. On 3/24/2022 at 9:56 PM, bcreed1983 said:

    I told her to just go in front of the cart and sure enough she squats down and releases a hissy torrent of pee all over the place

    Love this.  So good that she was willing to pee out in the open.

    On 3/24/2022 at 9:56 PM, bcreed1983 said:

    Many more stories of her peeing on the golf course or outdoors that I can share if anyone is interested.

    Most definitely!  please share.

  10. 16 minutes ago, peemike63 said:

    Impressed that you didn’t panic

    Thanks, I was peeing against the wall so it didn't make too much sound - If I had been peeing out over the steps or directly onto the floor with a lot of echoing noise then I reckon I would have had to stop, but as it was, I was on the fourth floor and I guessed the people were entering the stairwell below me and going downwards, so I thought I'd be OK.

    I have been caught before with dick in hand by a lady who came out of the door on the landing above me.  It was totally obvious what I was doing and she wasn't impressed.  She went back into the door she had just come out of and went out a different way to avoid passing me.  I panicked for a second and cut the flow, but as she went away again, I carried on what I had started.

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  11. On 4/3/2022 at 3:03 PM, Loller said:

    Another uncircumcised guy who pulls the foreskin back when peeing, I see. Did someone teach you that or did you figure it out on your own? I started pulling back before pissing when I was like 12 as I noticed it leads to a more clean stream, easier to control the flow.

    Sorry for the delayed response - only just seen this.   It varies.   Sometimes I leave the skin back all the time (whether peeing or not) and sometimes I leave the head covered.   I don't really have any particular reason why I vary it.  

  12. There are quite a few videos out there of girls casually using a lift/elevator as a convenient place to pee without realising that they are being filmed.  They think that they have found a nice private box in which to relieve themselves and away they go, believing that they won't be seen and not caring that the next users of the lift will be standing in their puddles.   I have always thought it to be a slightly risky practice as there is always a chance that the lift stops on a floor and the door opens to an audience, but I guess there are options like getting on at the top floor, not pressing any buttons, waiting for the toilet (sorry lift) door to close and then peeing.   If someone else calls the lift, then it will start moving and the users will have a little warning to stand up and adjust their dress.   

    One of my favourites although very poor quality is this one where three girls pile into a lift and two of them immediately squat and pee whilst the other stands with her hands on the button - possibly holding the door closed?     I think they clock the camera just before leaving as well.

    Of course, you also know that for every video that makes it onto the the internet there are many more that don't get pulled off the security systems and even more cases where girls pee in lifts and don't get recorded.   So, there must be a fair number of lift pees every year going on.



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  13. Loads of times.    I work at home most of the time, but I sometimes pee in mugs whilst on conference calls, or I sit on a towel and pee on that whilst on calls.   I also regular visit this site and watch pee videos whilst I am working.

    I do sometimes go to client sites and always pee outside somewhere before going in.   I have been on site on weekends and used the ladies toilets as there is nobody around.   I have peed on the carpet in a storage room at an independent storage site and when I was at one of our offices that was not my base I sat and worked at a desk  in an area that wasn’t currently occupied and peed on the carpet under the desk when I needed to go.

    Also, not exactly technically whilst at work, but when I have had to travel and stay away for work, I have peed in hotel corridors, stairwells and the room as well as many roadside pees.


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  14. 1 hour ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Even in a city there will be areas not covered by CCTV - sitting cross-legged in a city centre park soaking up the sunshine for example during a working day lunchtime, with people passing by...   Lots of possibilities.

    Totally agree with this and it is these situations where a subtle flash is very easy.   You can flash people whilst making it look completely accidental and you can even sit there with everything on show and pretend like you are not aware that you are exposed.   You can be sure that people will have a good look though.

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  15. My last post was getting too long, but I would second the comments that @Kupar has made about wearing revealing clothes and accidentally flashing.  A short skirt is great for bending down to the bottom shelf in a supermarket.  Your choice whether you wear knickers, thong or nothing underneath.  For me, the ultimate would be short skirt, stockings and no knickers.

    You can almost guarantee that if you wear a short skirt, some guys will be trying to sneak a peak and if you give them cause to believe you might be about to reveal something then they may well stay nearby. They (generally) won’t want to embarrass you, but are more likely to be trying to get a discrete view without you realising.  Then you will both go away happy.

    Another good idea is to squat down to tie a shoe lace or adjust your shoes.  Make sure your legs asleep a little apart and you are facing your selected target.  If you glance up, I bet they will be looking between your legs.  If you make eye contact and give them a smile or a wink, then they know they have been caught and will be embarrassed, but will look back with happy memories. 

    An obvious one is ti go to a shoe shop and try on shoes with the help of an assistant. I am sure such assistants have seen plenty in their line of work, but they will never object to more nice views.

    The loose too with downblouse options or side boob views is another consideration.  Maybe a buttoned blouse with one too many buttons undone.

    Have fun, bring pleasure to others and of course, make sure you let us know how you get on.   If you want to flash us, and can find a willing camera operator or prop your camera/phone up to take relevant selfies, then I am sure you would have many happy voyeurs here who would enjoy your flashing efforts. 

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  16. Do you mean flash someone as a separate situation to peeing? Or do you mean pee where you can be seen and not hiding your pussy and bum from the person who might see you?

    If you mean flashing as part of peeing, then you can get away with almost anything if you do it late evening on a Friday or Saturday.   Pick a corner or alley that is very visible from the Main Street, but is not in direct view of a camera but is reasonably well lit.  Wear a short, loose dress with no underwear. Whilst on the Main Street, give off a few signs of desperation, maybe go to a cash machine and Bob up and down a bit, maybe hold your crotch and look furtively around.  This means you might attract attention to what you are about to do.  Head for the corner/alley and as you approach  hitch up your dress round your waist so you are naked from the waist down and giving a show of your bum.  Turn around before squatting, so exposing your pussy, then put your feet apart and squat with your knees apart and start peeing straight away.  To any passers by, they will assume you were totally desperate and had no choice.  To anyone who is already looking at you because they saw your previous signs of desperation, then they are only looking because they want to see.

    When you are done, take a few moments to Bob up and down to shake the drips off (movement attracts attention) and then thoroughly wipe yourself, maximising exposure time. Stand back up and maybe turn around again before allowing your dress to fall into place. 

    In the highly unlikely event that anyone takes offence or says anything, just apologise profusely, say you were desperate and close your legs.  You can always cut the flow and stand up letting your dress fall into place. 

    The key is in making it look like you are drunk, desperate and have not a lot of choice.  Other drunk people won’t mind and will probably enjoy the view.  Obviously you can’t expect to get away with blatant exposure in the middle of the high street On a Saturday afternoon, but if you pick your place and time then you will be amazed and what you can get away with.

    I have seen girls very much exposed and peeing in very public places on Friday and Saturday evenings.  I have even seen them do it when police are within sight.  The police glanced over and enjoyed the view but it wasn’t worth their bother to intervene.

    As for CCTV, don’t worry about things like shop CCTV.  They are rarely monitored live and only reviewed in the event of an incident.  Nobody is going to trawl through footage to find out who left a puddle of pee when they know that they won’t be able to trace them (unless they are one of us of course).

    It is the town council administered cameras that you need to consider, as they are often monitored live, but even then, as long as you are not upsetting anyone then they are probably not going to waste time dispatching anyone to the area, especially as they know you will have gone by the time they get there.

    If you really want to level up, you could wear an all in one trouser suit where you have to peel the whole garment down to pee, thereby exposing your breasts as well as your lower body.

    As has already been said, I don’t know any male who would ever report a woman for flashing or exposure.  We would all just enjoy the view.  ladies would probably sympathise with your predicament, so really, I think your chances of getting into trouble are very very slim, but you will feel very naughty and love the experience. 

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  17. I'm OK with peeing anywhere outside, including alleys, car parks, laybys, woods, beaches, secluded streets etc.   During the day in towns I'm generally discrete and like to find somewhere reasonably hidden.  Later evening when the nightlife kicks in I'm more relaxed about being seen and pee in more obvious places like next to a bin or in a corner even if people are likely to walk past.   If out in the country if nobody is about then I pee literally anywhere but if people are about then I try to at least make it look like I've gone for a bit of privacy, but if that bush doesn't happen to have too many leaves on it or the trees are quite sparse, then I'm not worried if people get a view.  

    I am also fine with peeing in indoor unfurnished places like like car park stairwells, pedestrian underpasses (subways), bin stores, etc etc.

    Indoors I am a little more select and try to be discreet, but I have certainly peed in hotel corridors, staircases and on the carpet in rooms.   I have peed in lifts (if I'm sure there are no cameras) and I have peed small amounts in shops and pubs.   Once I peed a full bladder through my trousers into a pub seat, but as yet I have not repeated that.   I have peed on trains and buses, although again, usually only small amounts.  I have emptied my bladder fully over a three hour trip on a train when I wet through my trousers into the seat because there was someone next to me in the aisle seat asleep.   I'm a bit like @ukpeegirl86 in that I'm happy to pee most places if I don't have to worry about clean up, but indoors I tend to prefer carpet as it will just get absorbed and won't affect anyone.   My pee is always dilute and shouldn't cause any lasting damage or smell as long as I don't repeat it in the same place.  However, it is much more common that I would pee outside (hence the name Alfresco).

    Indoors in my own property I pee on towels, hard floor surfaces, sinks, bath, shower (even if not using them), washing machine, dishwasher, in glasses and mugs etc. etc.  I don't mind peeing a bit on my own carpets, but not usually a full bladder in one place.

    I don't and wouldn't pee on things which would cause lasting damage, loss or inconvenience to people.  i.e. I wouldn't pee on merchandise in a shop or pee on papers or possessions that would get damaged.  The one exception was when I was visiting a storage facility where there were loads of old papers archived and I peed in a sink and then found that the drain was not connected, so I had effectively peed onto the papers in the cupboard below the sink.  The next time I needed to pee I moved some archive boxes, peed on the carpet tiles and moved the boxes back to hide the puddle, so I expect that the cardboard absorbed the pee and transferred it to the documents, but I'm pretty sure those documents were only stored out of legal obligation and would never be referenced.



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