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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. I agree with what others have said.  I have never stayed overnight in hospital as a patient (guess I'm lucky to have got past 50 years old without having to do that), but I have known people who have.

    Firstly, the mattresses are not like normal mattresses at all.  The shell on them is thick plastic/rubber type material which is totally waterproof and wipe clean.   These are designed to cope with all matter of bodily excretions including blood and urine.   The sheets simply get scooped up for laundering, the bed gets wiped and sanitised and a new sheet put in place.  The nurses and cleaners do this countless times per day, so they do it as second nature.   Most of the medical staff are sympathetic to the situation.

    My Dad had an incident when he was in hospital and was using a urinal bottle.   The bottle had been put out of his reach and at one point he rang the call alarm to request a nurse to get a bottle, but they didn't come to him quickly enough.  He ended up wetting the bed and the nurses were very apologetic about not being quick enough to get there and they were just asking him to confirm that it was pure desperation that caused him to pee rather than him not having control over his bladder as that could have indicated a medical problem that was connected with his condition.

    My wife also peed over a doctor's hand when she was giving birth to our daughter.   The staff including the doctor were not worried at all - they just cleaned up and carried on.


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  2. For me, today is washing day and I've just had a very satisfying pee over a pile of clothes on the kitchen floor.   What I didn't realise when I started was that the shirt on top of the pile was somewhat water repellent so rather than the usual case of soaking into the pile, this time if pooled on the shirt and ran off the corner all over the tiled floor.   Ah well, I just carried on anyway and then put the top garment in the machine and used some more absorbent items to mop up the puddle.

    It is the second pee on washing today - the first washing load had a white towel on top of the pile so it was very satisfying to turn it yellow before it went in the machine.

  3. I'm another to vote that this is super hot.   I've always loved my wife's boobs and enjoyed sucking on them.  Then, when we had our daughter and I sucked on them as I always did, of course I was rewarded with milk and I found that it was a great bonding experience as well as loving the feel and taste.   Sadly it stopped when she stopped breast feeding our daughter, but I do still enjoy a good suck on her nipples.

    My wife didn't ever combine peeing with nursing, but that does sound super hot - especially as you just let it go on the floor. I also love the way you have decided to ditch wearing a shirt at home to make things easier and that your husband can just choose to nurse at any time.  

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  4. 3 hours ago, LadyRain said:

    I'm drinking and thinking of doing another pee off my balcony again for when I do decide to end up going... opening wine right now, have had 3 beers

    Three beers plus wine and now three hours since your comment I am guessing you must have already peed or certainly need to pee by now!  I hope you did enjoy another balcony pee. 

  5. Not much use for specific knowledge as I have never been to a football match, let alone one at Wembley - although I have been to Wembley arena.

    I would guess that there will be more men than women at the match, so probably the ladies toilets won’t be too badly queued up, but you could still pretend there was a queue and use the gents and just not bother closing the cubicle door.

    Alternatively, as others have said, go in the stands towards the end of a half.  If you wear a skirt you can simply shuffle to the front of your seat and let it flow.

    Don’t discount the options after leaving the ground either.   There will be 1000s of people leaving at once and it won’t be surprising to find that everyone needs to pee before heading home.  Therefore a pee in the car parks or by the underground station would be a fantastic opportunity with lots of people around - you won’t be the only one and I am sure the guys will enjoy the view.

    After an event at Wembley Arena I caught a woman just doing her belt up after peeing next to her car in the multi storey car park and there were far fewer people there for that event.

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  6. 2 hours ago, James_erased said:

    The one exception to this, is if on the rare occasion of being in a unisex toilet - where with the potential for women to also be milling around

    Totally agree, but in the UK any unisex toilets are either all stalls with no urinals or single user rooms with locks on the main door.   The nearest I have got in the UK to the situation you are describing is at busy events where ladies come into the gents toilets.   

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  7. 7 hours ago, GWash17 said:

    Well, it's already over (i.e. her story about it on Instagram has expired), and I don't know her that well, so just messaging her out of the blue and asking about her pee (or even the more indirect approach you propose here) would just seem weird

    Yes, unfortunately, if you don't react instantly then it would seem out of the blue and inappropriate.  Ah well, you will just have to imagine what she may have done.

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  8. Always good when a female colleague mentions anything to do with the toilet and it is great that she is relaxed enough to mention it.  She could quite easily have left out the fact that she thought about it on the toilet and may have simply said "There is something I need help with", she didn't need to express that she thought about it on the toilet.  As it is, that will have instantly conjured up in your mind an image of her sat on the toilet, which is all good!

    17 hours ago, Kupar said:

    "I'm afraid I probably can't help you there."

    But you were actually probably thinking "I'd love to help you out there".   Maybe it would have been better to say "I'm afraid it might not be considered professional for me to help you out there".   Obviously depends greatly on your relationship, but that would indicate that you wouldn't be adverse to helping her on the toilet, whilst recognising that it wouldn't be appropriate and leaves her the opportunity to take it whichever way she wants.

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  9. I'm surprised that nobody has responded to this and @druidess, I'm sure that might feel a bit undesirable seeing as you have had to work up the nerves to make an account.

    However, I'm guessing the lack of response is because none of us are porn producers and don't really have the knowledge to give the advice that you are looking to receive.  I don't know what to suggest really, but I think you would need to give quite a bit more information about the type of porn that you are thinking of producing and how you are thinking about sharing it.

    For example are you considering doing a few self videos and sharing them on a platform such as Only Fans or are you looking at working with a large producer or maybe even coming up with a full on production with cast and crew?

    The other thing is what type of content?  Golden showers, public peeing, self peeing, domination, adult baby?    

    There is plenty of content out there that you can look at to see what type of things work, but you might also think that certain areas are already well represented and against which you might find it difficult to pitch your product so you may want to see whether you want to find your own niche to be different and attract an audience.   

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  10. On 5/7/2022 at 6:52 PM, MonsterKane46 said:

    A public park is probably the best place if you want to avoid CCTV. That said, men have been pissing in alleyways and parking lots and whatnot while out drinking for years and no one really cares too much but if a girl does it some jerk is almost guaranteed to start recording her. I'm trying to write my first novel at the moment and I really want to include a scene where a drunk girl pisses in her driveway after a night of drinking and gets recorded so I can have her go "men do it all the time and no one cares so why is it a problem when I do it?"

    In the UK, there are plenty of women who pee outside when out drinking.  I've seen it many times and I've never seen anyone take out a camera to record it.    Sometimes people will be nearby and yes people might enjoy the view (myself included) but I've never seen a random person raise a camera or phone to record it.  I have also never heard anyone complaining at the girls peeing either.   There certainly doesn't seem to be any negativity either from other girls or the men.    

    I think in the UK, the more likely candidates for picking up the camera would be the friends in the group who might take a snapshot as part of the "fun" of the night out.  Yes, sometimes that gets on social media, but I think it is incredibly rare considering how many people do pee in our towns and cities every Friday and Saturday night.  I also imagine that most of those photos are shared with the participants knowledge - initially only within their small group, but it may well then get shared to a wider audience.

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  11. Some good stuff on there.   I really like the skirt that you posted in the initial post @Paulypeeps.  Most of them are clever enough that people who were not into pee probably wouldn't get the message, so that is more likely to give people who are into pee confidence to wear them in public.  I wonder how many they actually sell?


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  12. For me, it depends greatly on the time of day and location.

    Places in nature and places like laybys, I don't worry too much at all and just pee wherever I want to pee whilst being reasonable in terms of not blatant exposure, but I may well not take that much cover so that there is a chance that someone could accidentally see me.

    In towns and cities during the day, I would only pee if I could be fairly sure that it wasn't going to be on the cameras of the local authority.  I don't worry about shop CCTV as this is not likely to come back as a problem - as they are rarely monitored closely and as long as I'm not being destructive it is not worth the hassle to the store to try and follow up on someone peeing by their property.  (Inside the store may be a different matter!).   However, I know that authority cameras do pick things up and it even though it is unlikely that they would result in the authority getting the police to try and find the peeing person, there is a bigger risk with those than there are with shop owned CCTV.

    So, the places I would generally pee in towns during the day time would be secluded places like back alleys, behind skips or dumpsters, in car parks between cars, behind bushes and so on.  

    In the late evening, especially after dark, I'm far less concerned.   Drunk people are peeing anyway and the police have better things to worry about than catching everyone who pees.  Yes, sometimes they make an example of people they catch in person, but they are very unlikely to bother finding someone that was spotted on camera.   So, I just make sure I don't pee in front of the police and take a location that shows a reasonable level of attempt at discretion.  That might be a corner between buildings, a side street, maybe a park area or similar.   I've peed outside in towns A LOT on Friday and Saturday evenings and I've never been stopped or questioned about it.  There are some towns/cities where the policing of nightlife is stricter than others, so it is worth checking that out and only pee outside if you see that it is commonplace (i.e. you actually see people peeing or you see obvious pee puddles).   Even then I wouldn't pee in the middle of the main road.   However, I have seen situations where there are police stood on a corner watching the proceedings of the evening to ensure no trouble breaks out and I've seen both men and women pee within sight of the police.  I've witnessed the police look over but let the peeing continue without going across or saying anything.  My favourite was a woman who squatted in front of a shop in Exeter directly across the road from a group of police.   She was very drunk and her friends tried to convince her that it wasn't a good idea but she was having none of it, pulled down her knickers and flooded the pavement.  It ran right across the pavement into the gutter and the police just watched and let her get on with it.

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  13. I've been desperate several times.   I do drink quite a lot - tea and water mainly - and as a result I probably pee more often than most.   If I don't drink much, then I can hold for hours, but when I'm drinking a pint an hour or thereabouts, I end up needing to pee every hour too (PIPO - Pint In, Pint Out as we used to say at university).   If I'm at home, or going out on my own then it isn't a problem, but if I forget to restrict my intake when I'm going somewhere with others then it can be an issue.     What I tend to find if I'm drinking a lot is that the desperation level rises very quickly once I start needing a pee it doesn't seem to be very long before I'm desperate.  There are plenty of times when I haven't been able to just pee where I was and I was not near a toilet.  Some of those times I have been having to remain composed in a business environment whilst inwardly really struggling.   

    Also, in cinemas watching long films and drinking sodas can be an issue.   I've ended up just making it to the end of a film, then heading to the toilet and peeing for over a minute.   

    I do agree with @gldenwetgoose that I don't often show much in the way of outward signs of desperation.   I've been in the car with my wife getting more and more desperate as I am driving.  I don't show visible signs, but I might push my leg hard against the floor or loosen my belt.   I've been at the point of almost bursting and having to pull into a layby and pee for what seems like forever, but my wife hadn't noticed my predicament until I told her that I just had to stop or we'd have wet seats in the car.  When she saw how long I peed for she was amazed I hadn't stopped earlier.  

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  14. I think that as with many things there are so many levels here.  Some people will absolutely not pee away from a toilet, some will do so if it is convenient to themselves and makes their life easier - of these some probably enjoy it, some probably don't consider it any different to going to the toilet and just do it out of necessity but using the location for convenience.   Then there will be people who go out of their way to pee away from a toilet because they enjoy it, but may or may not find anything sexual about it and finally there are those that really do get sexual pleasure out of peeing in a naughty or public location.

    Interestingly, I have a theory that some of the people who do find it sexual and pleasurable pee outside or in naughty locations than some of those that don't get any pleasure at all but are happy to use a convenient location.  I think this is because those who are doing it for sexual or non sexual pleasure is probably more concerned about getting caught whereas someone who is just peeing for convenience probably doesn't worry so much.   e.g. after a night out drinking, the person who has a pee interest might avoid peeing outside in front of their friends as they don't want to draw attention to their interest, whilst conversely, in the same group, another person has no interest in peeing whatsoever but has a full bladder and pops into an alley to pee without hesitation because it doesn't even enter their mind that it could be read as having an interest in pee.  They just need to pee, so they pee.   They may enjoy the experience though!

    Personally, I absolutely get sexual pleasure from seeing girls peeing outside, but for my own peeing outside I would say that I enjoy it rather than get sexual pleasure.   I certainly don't get turned on by simply taking a pee in the woods or an alley, but I totally enjoy doing it to the point that I would avoid a toilet in order to have the opportunity to pee outside.    

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