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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. Very much depends on how much effort you make to hide and how close you are to other people.  There is always a chance of people seeing you if you pee outside, but the chances of being caught depend greatly on the nearby population and whether you pee in an open area or seek some seclusion.   Assuming someone does see you, the next question is how much they see - if you wear clothing that hides you suitably then someone can see you are squatting but won't see your pussy.  If you expose your pussy by removing trousers or lifting a skirt high up then yes there is a greater chance of your pussy being seen.

  2. Not scuba classes, but kayaking with wetsuits, rafting with wetsuits and swimming in wetsuits.

    I've posted the stories before:

    Two of the events are here:

    The rafting one was when we went white water rafting at a venue and the coach said that we would not be returning to the building if anyone wanted to pee as it took too long.  He said that we would all be soaked anyway and we should just let nature take its course.   He said it was an outdoor facility and that no doubt there was worse than a bit of pee in there and he admitted that he had peed in there on occasion.  Nobody mentioned it during the session, but the session was two hours or thereabouts and nobody rushed to the toilets when we finished the session.  That was a mixed group of male and female, all wearing wetsuits provided by the centre.


  3. Yesterday, I had the first trip away for my work since before Covid.   I took advantage and peed without the use of the toilet both before and after the meeting.

    On arrival to the destination, I found a quiet side road and parked the car with the driver's door against the kerb.  There was a narrow pavement, then a low wall and beyond that was an open area of park land.   The location is shown below to help you visualise.   There were a few people walking in the park land, not directly next to me, but a bit in the distance.   I unzipped my trousers, pulled out my dick, had a quick look around, opened the car door, swung one leg out and started peeing into the gutter.   The people in the park, if they had looked, would see me stopped with the door open and facing out of the car and may or may not have guessed what I was doing, but they wouldn't be able to see me actually peeing. 


    The pee accumulated in the gutter and started running down the road.   I kept peeing until I was empty.  A post office van was approaching up the lane just as I was finishing, so I swung my leg back inside and closed the door.   As is sometimes the case, when peeing in that position, I find that there is a last spurt as I readjust everything.  With my car, I try to ensure that is done successfully before moving and closing the door, but I was in a hire car, so I just worried about getting back in and out of view.  The final spurt and shake of drips went on the floor and got absorbed by the black carpet.  I then drove the last five minutes to the place where I was going.   I met a colleague in reception and of course his first destination was to the toilets, whereas I was already relieved.   We both then got a tea/coffee from the on site cafe and took them to the meeting room.




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  4. 4 hours ago, Maggie_555 said:

    On a cruise ship it must be fun to watch people getting into a pool or a hot tub for just a short time - obviously only in there for a pee!

    yes, definitely.   I have a lot of fun people watching on ships - especially around pool areas.
    I posted in more detail about a couple of these accounts here:


    one of them is a more detailed account of the girl I mentioned above.

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  5. 11 hours ago, Maggie_555 said:

    Thanks for posting this @Alfresco as I've never been on a cruise.  When @Spectacle suggested this for the '150 people from here pee in a pool' fantasy I at first thought he'd found the best idea. 🙂  To feed my craving for a pool containing 5% urine I was hoping pools on ships would retain the same water (unchanged) at least from port to port - as on a trans-Atlantic crossing I'd be expecting a very strong 'chlorine' smell from the pool toward the end! 😉  Although you've 'burst my bubble' it's still good to know the reality on most long-distance cruises.

    By the way, talking about this has helped me to understand my particular 'twist' on our fetish.  As a kid I remember overhearing my mum and dad talking excitedly about strong 'chlorine' smells in local public pools when they were growing up.  Perhaps I shouldn't have sneakily listened (and perhaps they should have been more careful too) but I did enjoy hearing them talking.      

    Sorry to have burst your bubble, but on the other hand, it is great to know that during any given day (between water changes), lots of people are peeing in what are generally small pools - especially the hot tubs.  It is also great fun to watch out for who is making special trips to the pool or hot tub for just a minute or two and also fun to sit in the hot tubs and have people come and pee next to you.   Also fun to pee there myself whilst others are right next to me.  

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  6. On 3/8/2022 at 5:17 AM, Spectacle said:

    Think of that. The whole wide ocean all around you, and you still leave your piss in the swimming pool on the deck. Keep that pollution in one place!

    The pollution will soon be spread and diluted though - the swimming pools are emptied and refilled regularly and that water goes into the ocean.   A lot of cruise ship swimming pools are salt water - they simply take the water from the sea, use it for a day and then swap it for clean, filtered sea water over night with appropriate addition of chlorine.  Some ships use "freeflowing sea water" which means that the water is continuously cycled as water new water is added and old water removed throughout the day.   This is similar to the normal filtration cycle of a pool, but instead of recirculating the water via a filter, new water is passed in through the filter.  Some ships do use fresh water rather than salt water, so I suspect the water in these is changed less frequently as it would require desalination of the water taken in from the sea.



    The websites say about swapping the water as it gets dirty from things like sunscreen - they don't mention pee, but that is most likely another reason for swapping the water as there are so many people using the small pools and you can guarantee a good proportion of them are also using them as their personal toilets.

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  7. 6 hours ago, yellowii said:

    Found on Reddit.  This is cool.  2 urinals in the same standing space.  Would be a cool place for a girl to show off - "I need to pop a squat" ... "Wait, I can pee through the fly"


    I have been to public toilets that have this kind of arrangement with a grill on the floor beneath the urinal.   I did wonder whether there was actually any need for the urinal at all.   Surely just pee on the tiled wall or directly onto the grill on the floor.   Certainly makes cleaning easier with no puddles on the floor.

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  8. @hold_on - you are still above average.   This report concluded that all mammals pee on average for 21 seconds and that it doesn't matter the size of the animal (or person).    Obviously it varies considerably and probably the 21 seconds is an average pee where the person pees when the feel the need rather than holding until desperate.

    Personally I would say my typical pee is somewhere between 25 and 30 seconds.   My longest pee that I recorded was 75 seconds, that being after I had sat through a long film.   I have regularly topped 1 minute when I have to hold.

    However, I'm also now on the wrong side of 50 and I also find that quite often I go from no great need to desperation very quickly - especially if I have been drinking a lot of fluids.

  9. Oh so many options.   I would need to stop time every time I needed to pee for a week!    I would definitely drink copious amounts of water.  I would pee on carpets in stores, hotels, fitting rooms, etc.  I would pee in a lift (elevator) with other people next to me, pee off a mezzanine floor of a shopping centre onto the concourse (and maybe even people) below, pee on a train seat, a bus seat, a cinema seat, a pub seat, over the table in a restaurant, on the stage of a theatre performance amongst the cast with the (frozen) audience watching.   The possibilities are endless, but you get the idea.

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  10. It varies depending on the circumstances and state of desperation.   Sometimes I can’t  help but release the lot, or at least a good amount before stemming the flow.  Other times, mainly if not so desperate, I can release in short bursts or even subtle dribbles.

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  11. 2 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Perfect for re-cycling a pint or two.

    And remember:   mirror - signal - manoeuvre.    No pulling wee-lies.


    Love this idea - and you can see if anyone is sneaking up behind you!


    • Haha 3
  12. 21 hours ago, whiskey35 said:

    You should have chanced it and offered to help her Big Bear. It seems you'd build up a bit of a repour so you might have been lucky.😉 

    When I read the account, I did wonder that and also wondered what I would do in that situation.   I usually take the path of least possibility of offence, which unfortunately also is usually the path of least opportunity.  I often think of clever things to say afterwards, by which time it is too late.  In the moment I usually only say very innocent things.

    So in that particular situation, I would probably have done exactly the same as @Big Bear, but afterwards I would probably have thought that I should definitely have offered to give her cover, with a concerned and supportive attitude - although it may have come across to her as being creepy.   The other thought would have been to have suggested that maybe she could have just squatted low whilst wearing the suit and pee hard through the suit.  She would only have a small wet patch which would be fairly unobtrusive but she would have had her relief without having to strip naked, expose herself and freeze.

    Having said all that, I doubt I would have been quick enough or brave enough to suggest it at the time.

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  13. I have never been, but I would have thought any alley way or sheltered area near the main festivities would be a candidate.  Wherever a large number of people are gathered, there will be someone peeing somewhere nearby.  Look especially for areas where people stay in one place for a long time to party.   The parades themselves will attract people, but there will also be party zones.

    Most important thing is to remember to post us some accounts of what you do manage to see. 😁

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