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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. My wife has only peed by the car on trips about 4 times. She doesn't normally have any problem waiting until she gets to a toilet. However, on the few times that she has peed by the car, it has been because she was VERY desperate and she has made some excellent puddles.

    Personally, if I'm out on my own, then I will pee wherever without finding a toilet, but if I'm with the family we schedule stops at services.

    Yesterday I had a trip which was about four hours each way to a customer site for work. I prefer to pee outside than use customer's facilities as soon as I arrive, so when I got about 10 mins from the site I pulled into a layby on a quiet residential road. The houses were the other side of the road from the layby, so I swung my legs out of the door and peed into the gutter. After the site visit, I didn't pee before I left the site, so I pulled in to a layby by the side of a busy dual carriage way, got out of the drivers side, walked round to the passenger side and peed on the tarmac. By the time I was nearly home, I needed to pee again, so I pulled into a small car park and peed behind a bush.

  2. There are several such devices available - Shenis, Go-Girl, SheWee, P-Mate. I think they are becoming more popular as they have been advertised at festivals and things including the companies setting up female urinals to allow girls to avoid the queues and the mess of the portapoties. They even started to sell them in our local camping shop, having them on the counter by the till.

  3. I voted for Pee Outside, as I love to see this, but there would be no harm in enjoying watching a bit of desperation first, so that they are absolutely totally desperate by the time they are forced to pee outside.

    I'm not so much into wetting, but I wouldn't say no to watching if it happened in front of me.

  4. I have peed in many different places, but probably the most unusual was when I was working on a preserved steam railway as a volunteer. We had been working on an extension to the railway, laying new tracks and I was driving the train back up the line to collect supplies. I really needed to pee and I just decided to pee out of the cab of the moving train. It was a diesel locomotive and I set the controls so that it would continue along at about 15mph, then as it was trundling through the woods, I opened the cab door and stood at the edge of the cab and just peed out of the door, splattering onto the trackbed as a long line.

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  5. I think the availability and ease of distribution of ebooks has helped to get pee related literature more accessible. There are now quite a few on Amazon Kindle store and I have downloaded a couple in the past. Unfortunately I can't recall the exact content although the one entitled "Fit to Burst" by Sofia Bane is still on my kindle and a quick scan through the content shows that it starts off with two girls in a park, one is desperate to pee and ends up wetting herself. They end up having several instances of lesbian watersports episodes. It is well described and I seem to remember it being an enjoyable read. I might have to go back and read it again and then report on it properly.

    One thing to be aware of if using the Kindle Apps is that once you have downloaded a book, it seems nigh on impossible to totally remove it. You can remove it from the device, but if anyone picks up your device and clicks onto "All books", they will still see it there as available for download. So be careful if you don't want others knowing.

  6. Excellent story. My first siting was when I was very much younger and I caught a girl I knew squatting outside. She was slightly embarrassed, but let me continue to watch as her pee poured out onto the ground.

    About thesame time, I used to hang around with my next door neighbour - a girl the same age as me. We were a little way from home when she needed to pee. I said we could go back, but she said there was no need and we went into an empty abandoned farm building where she dropped her jeans and peed all over the concrete floor. I was fascinated and after that, even if we were only in the yard at home, if we needed to pee then we would go behind the garage rather than going indoors.

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  7. I have experienced this a few times. Teh first time was in a public toilet in St James' Park in London. I went into the gents and f8und a lady mopping the floor. I was a little surprised at first, but carried on regardless, peeing at the urinals. She was behind me, but she moved to mop the floor next to me, so she was quite close. I don't know how much she saw, but I wasn't hiding anything.

    The second time, I was stood peeing at a urinal in toilets in Legoland Windsor. When I was mid stream, a young lady suddenly appeared from the service corridor which was just to my right. She walked right past me and started cleaning sinks behind me. She glanced down to the urinal as she passed, so she obviously was taking in the view.

    The third time was a motorway service station. The lady cleaner was cleaning the actual urinals in one section. It was the sort of place with multiple sections, so I could easily have gone elsewhere, but ther was no sign up saying it was closed, so I picked a urinal ab8ut four along from where she was. It took me a bit to get started, but I managed to get going and she looked across at me, looking down at the urinal. When I finished, she looked up at me and smiled. I returned the smile, gave a shake - possibly a little more than was strictly necessary, put my penis away and left the urinal.

    The most recent time was at Lee Valley White Water centre in North London (where the 2012 Olympic kayaking was held). The toilet door was propped open with a cleaning sign and a cleaning cart was just outside. I was in my kayaking kit and these were the only toilets on the "wet side", so I had the choice of going in regardless, going into the ladies (which was tempting) or going back to the changing room and peeing in the open shower area. I decided that as there wasn't a closed sign in evidence, I would continue into the gents. Inside I found two urinals close together with two cubicles to the right of them. A young lady was cleaning the right hand urinal. I didn't feel I could literally stand right next to her and pee into the left urinal, so I went into the left hand cubicle, which was immediately to her right. I didn't bother closing the door and after managing to extract my equipment from within my dry suit, I peed into the toilet bowl. I made sure that ai hit the water with some gusto which made a satisying noise for quite a while as I was quite desperate. When I turned around to leave, I saw that the lady had moved to the sinks behind and was looking at me in the mirror. I smiled and said hello as I went to wash up. She just said hello back and I went off to get ready for kayaking.

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  8. I have also read the story before, but it is just as hot second time round and I agree with nopjans it was a real success for your first story. Although a sequel might have been a nice idea, sometimes a standalone story is better. In this case, the fact that it was the circumstances and extreme desperation that led to the naughty peeing for the sisters means that it could well be a one off event in their lives, although the Mum has obviously been there before and this could be the start of the sisters' longer term pee interest. We will never know, but it is fun to imagine.

  9. My wife is very reluctant to pee outside, and certainly never anywhere that there woukd be a chance of being caught. However, one time we were on a journey wh7ch takes about 45 minutes coming home from a day out. A journey we had done many times before and never with any hint of a chance at a peeing experience. However this time, about 10 minutes into the journey, my wife said she needed to pee. There were no toilets on the route, so she said she would hold it, but she wished she had used the toilet before we had left. 5 minutes later she was holding herself and squirming. another 5 minutes and she said she wasn not going to make it. I was getting excited by now and I asked her what she wanted me to do. She said she didn't care how, but she needed to pee like now! I pulled into a quite parking area which was formed as part of an old road that was cut off when the road was re-routed. I turned the car so it was 90 degrees to the entrance and therefore hiding her side from the busy road. Before the car stopped she was openign the door and jumping out. She ripped down her trousers and started a gushing pee immediately as she dropped into a squat. I watched, mesmerised, as she flooded the tarmac with her head flung back and a expression of extreme relief on her face. She peed for ages and when she was eventually done she simply pulled up her trousers, casually got back in and said simply "that's better". She left behind a serious lake of pee and the image is well and truly etched in my mind even though it was quite a few years ago.

    We have been married 16 years but I have nevere seen such a show from her before or since.

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  10. Welcome to the forum, Alfresco. Very glad to see another of the denizens of Wet Carpet magazine here (assuming, that is, that you are the same Alfresco I knew on Peesearch?).

    Thanks Steve and Yes, it is the same Alfresco from Peesearch. Thanks for the invite that you sent me BTW.

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  11. Hi Lizz,

    Sounds like you had a lot of fun and made a few people's nights as well! I have been in several gents toilets when ladies have come in due to queues for the ladies' being too long. However, they always go into the cubicles, which I have always thought is a bit unfair as they come into the gents toilets, have every opportunity to see the gents peeing at the urinals but they deprive us by locking themselves in a cubicle. Very frustrating.

    There was one time I was at the O2 arena in London and there were huge queues for the ladies toilets that are in the concourse before you even get let into the arena area. I walked past the ladies queue to go to the gents and saw several ladies also going into the gents. When I got into the gents, there was actually a queue of ladies inside the gents waiting for cubicles. This was a little awkward as the ladies were stood lining up by the cubicles and had a clear uninterrupted view of the urinals at which men were happily peeing. I picked a free urinal and peed a nice stream with all the ladies watching. They didn't seem to even try to avert their eyes from the urinals and no men seemed at all bothered by it. I went to wash my hands and found that I was stood at the sinks between two ladies - very surreal. This wasn't even late at night, it was mid afternoon.

    Later on, when I was inside the arena area, I went to the toilet at the interval and there were many more toilets available for both ladies and gents, so there wasn't really an issue. However, the gents were easier to find and the ladies did have a little queue. The gents had an entrance at each end, with two cubicles opposite the doors and a long trough urinal between the cubicles. I went to the trough and as I did so, I saw that there were three ladies stood waiting for the cubicles. Again, they had an uninterupted view of the men peeing at the trough, but they were hiding themselves away in the cubicles.

    So, good on you Lizz for putting on a proper display!

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  12. Hi people,

    Looking forward to getting involved in the site, which is already looking very promising. I am mostly interested in girls peeing outdoors or in "naughty" locations, but anything to do with girls peeing is welcomed. Personally, I also enjoy peeing outdoors and anywhere other than a toilet if the opportunity arises.

    I enjoy some outdoor activities, which gives the opportunity for outdoor peeing and sometimes the odd possibility of catching a young lady with her pants down! I have also been lucky to have quite a few good sightings of girls peeing outside nightclubs and the like.

    I found the site from a YouTube video, but also received a personal invite from another member.



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