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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. I think that as with many things there are so many levels here.  Some people will absolutely not pee away from a toilet, some will do so if it is convenient to themselves and makes their life easier - of these some probably enjoy it, some probably don't consider it any different to going to the toilet and just do it out of necessity but using the location for convenience.   Then there will be people who go out of their way to pee away from a toilet because they enjoy it, but may or may not find anything sexual about it and finally there are those that really do get sexual pleasure out of peeing in a naughty or public location.

    Interestingly, I have a theory that some of the people who do find it sexual and pleasurable pee outside or in naughty locations than some of those that don't get any pleasure at all but are happy to use a convenient location.  I think this is because those who are doing it for sexual or non sexual pleasure is probably more concerned about getting caught whereas someone who is just peeing for convenience probably doesn't worry so much.   e.g. after a night out drinking, the person who has a pee interest might avoid peeing outside in front of their friends as they don't want to draw attention to their interest, whilst conversely, in the same group, another person has no interest in peeing whatsoever but has a full bladder and pops into an alley to pee without hesitation because it doesn't even enter their mind that it could be read as having an interest in pee.  They just need to pee, so they pee.   They may enjoy the experience though!

    Personally, I absolutely get sexual pleasure from seeing girls peeing outside, but for my own peeing outside I would say that I enjoy it rather than get sexual pleasure.   I certainly don't get turned on by simply taking a pee in the woods or an alley, but I totally enjoy doing it to the point that I would avoid a toilet in order to have the opportunity to pee outside.    

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  2. Another hot experience with this guy.  He was quite forward with offering you his tongue, but then again you had already been holding his dick, so fair's fair.  I always thing that the tongue does a better job than tissue and is much more pleasurable.  The only problem is that it may make you wet in other ways.....

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  3. I vary it quite a lot.   I love the feeling of just letting go out in the open without caring where it lands, but equally I love peeing onto things as well.

    Some examples -

    - If there are tissues that indicate a woman may have peed there, I would sometimes pee on the tissues (my excuse is that it helps to degrade them),
    - I sometimes pee on tree trunks - often aiming as high as I can to leave a larger mark running down the tree.
    - In a town, I would generally pee on a wall, but as others have said, I tend to turn sideways slightly so that any pee that bounces off doesn't hit me.
    - I also like peeing off bridges and watching my pee fall away.
    - I sometimes just pee out of the car door and pee directly onto the ground.  I do like to see the puddle spreading across the tarmac.
    - If I'm riding my bike, I sometimes just stop, put one foot down and pee from the bike with it landing next to the bike on whatever path, trail etc. that I happen to be on.

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  4. Fantastic experience, I bet you are pleased that you revealed your fetish to this stranger and it worked out so well for you.   Thanks for writing it up in such detail as well - the background and the development of the events all helps to illustrate a totally hot experience. I hope you get to meet up again and would love to hear more if you have another pee encounter with her.

  5. On 5/12/2022 at 10:41 PM, toiletfloorpee said:

    I have a tent which has a porch area the same size as the bed area, despite only being a 4 person sleeping one. It allows me to just wee in the porch. Absolute boon for festivals as it saves me going far for the loo.

    I used to go camping on some weekends away for kayaking and I used to have a tent which was just a two man tent with a short porch where I used to keep things like boots/shoes and the stove for boiling the kettle.  I always put them to one side and left the other side clear.  Then, if I needed to pee in the night of first thing in the morning I would simply crouch in the porch on the clear side and pee onto the ground (the tent was too low to stand, so crouching was the only option.  I normally camped in my own tent alone, but one time someone came with me.   I used the porch to pee as normal but he thought it was a weird thing to do and couldn't believe I was peeing within my tent.   I told him it just soaked away, saved getting dressed and walking to the toilets and avoided anyone else seeing. He kind of saw the logic, but he never took up that solution.

    Another tent I had was even smaller and opened on the side, so I would just unzip along the bottom of the door, have a quick look through the gap to see nobody was about, then stick my dick out of the door whilst laying on my bedding and pee out through the gap.  Even if people were around, it would be impossible to notice when it was dark and I even used it first thing in the morning when it got light.

    When I was much younger, the family would go camping and we had a big frame tent (the type that were really heavy and bulky before all this modern lightweight poles and materials.   It had two bedroom areas and a large living area.   We used to have a bucket in the corner which we all used (including Mum and sister), then in the morning it was Dad's job to chuck it in the hedge.

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  6. On 5/11/2022 at 9:56 PM, Geepee9 said:

    That's brilliant, I'm in awe of her bravery, Dutch courage no doubt, best of luck with future escapades.

    Not sure what you mean about Dutch courage. She hadn’t been drinking alcohol.  She needed to pee and knew it would be something that I would enjoy. She didn’t want to put a hold on the   Sexy time whilst she went inside to pee. Initially it was just a few leaks but when I told her she didn’t need to hold it, she let it all go. 

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  7. On 5/11/2022 at 2:46 PM, Starks2010 said:

    I sold it. 😔 A coworker wanted it for her son and made a nice offer on it. It’s a close coworker/friend so I see the car when I go over to the house. 

    Did the coworker realise that the stains in the seat were pee? Did you explain that you like ladies peeing in cars and that it was at your request?

    I bet you love knowing someone else is driving the car that you requested a lady to pee in. 

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  8. On 5/11/2022 at 3:27 PM, watchr12 said:

    From the U.S. patent application, December 22, 1891:


    So is this irrefutable proof that B is correct as it is the way that the inventor of the toilet roll intended?  Well, maybe, although that pic shows it floating in mid air with no holder and you could argue that, although unlikely, it is illustrated from the viewpoint behind the dispenser (i.e. wall side), so the paper is hanging down towards the wall.  I'm just being devil's advocate, but that is the way my mind works.

    However, I think that in reality, this is a pictorial representation from the inventor, showing what the user would expect to see, so the inventor intended it to be mounted as B.

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  9. Definitely B.  And I do sometimes correct it if someone has mistakenly installed it as A.

    Based on the feedback here so far, B has got to be correct.  

    The next question is: Do you think the situation illustrated in the first picture above is:

    (C) A great attempt at providing a solution to both those who prefer (A) and those who prefer (B) - i.e. you can select from your chosen roll - OR

    (D) a major issue because you would always want both rolls to be set the same, even if it weren't in your chosen style?

    Personally I am with B and D.   I am just a little OCD and I find it a little "wrong" to have one roll one way and one the opposite.   Even though I would choose B all day long, I'd rather see two rolls configured as A than one A and one B on the same dispenser.

  10. That was a lucky sighting when you were not expecting it.  It sounds to me like you have a job which might regularly involve you being up and about in the early hours of the morning and near a bar.  If that were me, and having had that experience, I think I'd be inclined to get up that bit earlier and spend an hour or so around that area before catching the bus to see what other sightings might occur.

    Obviously I don't know your own situation and whether that is something you might consider, but it would certainly be something I would do.

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  11. 16 hours ago, Kupar said:

    Hope the cushion dries to Mrs A's satisfaction!

    It seemed to dry OK.  It has left a bit of a "water" mark, but the cushion is patterned so it is not that obvious and it certainly isn't obvious that it is pee.   However, if you smell it at close range then it does have a certain distinct odour. 


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  12. Love this! You and I are in very similar situations that Mrs A also doesn’t pee outside often, but she can get in the mood and surprise me out of the blue.   I have one recent instance to report which I will do when I get time.

    Sounds like you had a great time and K knows that something relatively simple, but which she wouldn’t normally do triggers all sorts of emotions in you and probably leads to an improved time of fun in the bedroom afterwards. 

    Thanks very much to K for allowing the sharing. She spoils you and us definitely.    I know that Mrs A would never allow sharing of pictures of her in such an obliging situation!  

    • Thanks 1
  13. 16 hours ago, Peewee123 said:

    why would he pee in the dark with the door open?! Especially when he knew they had company!! Lol

    Probably what he does most nights.  I do the same.  I don’t turn the lights on because it wakes me up and I want to go back to sleep.  I don’t shut the door because that makes a noise and would wake my wife.  I sit because it is easy to aim in the dark and makes less noise peeing sitting onto the porcelain rather than a torrent from 3 feet up in the air thundering into the water.  The main difference is that I don’t lowers my shorts and instead just move them to the side and pee out of the leg aperture.

    If there are guests in the house we tend to use the protocol that we leave the door fairly wide open when nobody is in, but set it just ajar if there is someone in there.  However typically the chances of someone else needing to use the toilet at the same time in the night is pretty slim.   Besides, I quite like the risk of possibly being discovered and as it is dark, nobody is going to see much (unless they turn the light on of course!)


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  14. On 5/3/2022 at 9:07 PM, gldenwetgoose said:

    I'm always conscious on these sorts of questions though about how wonderful a thing nostalgia is - remember how recent an invention deodorant is, along with showering and bathing every day. Going back a few more generations... well, you know.

    If you want to try a bit of nostalgia on that theme, go to Jorvik in York.   It has all the scenes from a Viking time in England, complete with the smells!  

    You have a good point though - the streets in any big city even in relatively recent history were not pleasant and ladies had their vinaigrettes which were a common accessory in the 19th century for higher class ladies and allowed them to have perfume to overcome the less savoury smells of the city.

  15. 17 hours ago, thlopp said:

    I was on a training course recently. It was through Zoom due to covid and I was attending from home. During the lunch break I needed to pee a little but ran out of time. I thought I could hold it until a break so joined without peeing.

    As the session went on I found myself growing more and more desperate. We were an hour in and I thought there will be a break any minute now. The trainer carried on with his presentation and after about 15 minutes the sensation to pee was overpowering. I could no longer concentrate on the training and was exploring options of relieving myself. I decided I was going to take the laptop to the bathroom with me (thank god we were all muted and had our cameras off)!

    I carried my laptop with me to the bathroom only to find it locked. I could here my wife having a shower. I was out of luck. Being more and more desperate I was thinking of how to minimise damage. I would not be able to explain a naughty pee as my wife does not share the fetish and I did not want to sit in wet clothing. I considered peeing out the window but that would have left me too exposed.

    I grabbed a nappy that was meant for our son and decided this would be the safest bet. I went to my bedroom and locked the door. I took off my underwear and held the nappy close to avoid making a splash. Seeing how desperate I was, it took a surprisingly long time to get going. It initially came out in spurts and I had to ease myself for it to flow. All this time I was paranoid of someone trying to come in.

    I felt the nappy getting heavier and heavier but my bladder still felt full. It was much heavier than what my son's usually is and I was worried that it would leak. I decided to ease off a little and return to smaller spurts.

    I stopped peeing with my bladder still quite full but I did not want to risk making a mess. This "stunt" stopped the urgency and provided much needed relief. I returned to my training. When the long needed break finally did come, my wife was finished with the bathroom and I emptied what was left. I must have peed for a solid minute so I was still very full!

    Improvising whilst on a call is something I've had to do many times.   I have either sat on a towel laid on my seat and peed into that or I have used a large mug or pint glass to pee.  Most of my calls are without camera but I do have to contribute, so I have to pick a moment where I think I can stay on mute for a minute or two.

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  16. 19 hours ago, Eliminature said:

    Oh yeah! Water that grass, Goose. 

    Great work lowering your trousers and boxers. Never be afraid to do that, guys. Especially in nature. It feels so natural and liberating. 

    Lowering my trousers has never been something I've done - As it seems generally easier to just open my flies or pee out of the leg of shorts.   However, I can see the attraction.   I have seen a few guys lower their trousers in public toilets, standing at the urinal with their arses on show and I always think that is a bit odd, but each to their own.

    I have peed outside fully naked or with no bottoms on at all - e.g. when staying in the caravan I have sometimes stepped outside to pee in the night whilst either naked or having removed my PJ shorts and kept the shirt on top (I sometimes sleep naked, sometimes T-shirt and loose shorts style PJs).    I can agree that standing outside with nothing on and then peeing is totally liberating.

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