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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. 12 hours ago, Colormerose said:

    so sorry you were caught short un wanted that's never fun. I hope you enjoyed it anyways. atleast the relief. Your account of this was very hot. 

    Well, it wasn't fun in as much as it wasn't what I wanted to do.   However, it was a lovely feeling of warmth and it was quite liberating to be doing it right in front of people who were walking past just a few feet away.  I was fine whilst peeing, but what concerned me was the fact that I would then have to walk in public to the Tube (Underground railway network) station, get across London on the Tube, with one change including a further walk between platform and then another walk from the Tube to the mainline train station, then wait for a train and board a train.   I knew that the back of my trousers would be very wet and it would be very obvious that I had wet myself and I was embarrassed about that and was a bit concerned that there may be some reaction.   However, I needn't have worried as despite walking past loads of people and riding on three trains, not one person said anything.   I did leave a very damp patch on the seat of the first tube train and a less damp patch on the second tube train, so by the time I was walking to the final train, it was probably less visible.   There was still a slight mark on the seat of the mainline train, so it was obviously still damp enough.

    So, in conclusion, it wasn't all bad and if anyone wants to wet themselves in public, passers by might think to themselves that you've wet yourself and have their own internal judgement on that (positive, negative or indifferent) but chances are that nobody will say anything to you.   Maybe that is just London - London commuters are known for keeping themselves to themselves and not interacting with other commuters.

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  2. 4 hours ago, Bladderlad said:

    Hell that's a hot scenario! Did you accidentally lose control?

    I was on the verge of losing control and had released a few spurts in my trousers.  It was at the point where if I didn't find somewhere in the next couple of minutes then I felt that there was a severe danger that I would be flooding my trousers whilst walking, in the middle of the street and in full view.   I could see that I wasn't going to find anywhere for a hidden pee where I could get my dick out, so I consciously accepted that I was going to pee myself and therefore the only consideration then was how to minimise damage and attention.   I thought sitting where I did would mean passers by wouldn't know what I was doing because the pee would fall down behind the wall and the front of my trousers should remain dryish as I pushed my dick down to wet below rather than coming upwards to the front.   I tried to keep my knees higher than my bum by hanging my bum over the back of the wall so that in theory at least, most of the wetness would stay in a relatively small area around my bum.   I did consciously let go in that position, but I think if I hadn't done, it would have happened anyway within a few minutes at most.

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  3. There was a program on TV recently about the best bits of Billy Connolly.   One of the parts featured was from when he appeared on "An Audience with Jimmy Tarbuck".   In that, Billy asked if Jimmy's family had recovered from the trauma of having him stay at their house and he went on to describe how he had woken in the middle of the night, desperate to pee, couldn't find the bathroom and didn't want to put the lights on so was stumbling around going into various rooms.  He said he ended up going back to bed and crossing his legs.   However Jimmy said "We know that you peed out of the window!"  

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  4. I've never understood this - peeing in a bottle seems sensible enough if you need to pee and it is a handy way of being discrete, but I would always empty the bottle on the ground before putting it in the bin.   More usually I would bypass the bottle and pee directly on the ground, but that's just me.

    Maybe the sign is suggesting that you should just pee directly in the bin rather than containing it with a bottle?  I've done that as well.

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  5. Part of it will be depending on what the aim of the hold is.   If you are just wanting to delay going to the toilet for as long as possible then the obvious is to drink very little.   However, if you want to get to a full capacity and then hold, you will need to drink more, but not excessively, then when it gets to the point where you start to need to pee, ease back on the drinks but keep consuming slowly, then you will fill your bladder more slowly and it will be able to expand a bit to cope with the liquid going in.  Once it gets to the point of pain, you have to consider whether it is a good idea to progress further or not.   

    I don't really practice holding, but I do notice that if I drink large quantities quickly, then once I need to pee then I don't have a great deal of time before I have to go and I can incur involuntary leakage because I've passed capacity and the body's safety valve (for want of a better word) allows pee to escape slightly. On the other hand, when I drink more slowly, I can drink a good amount over several hours and can hold on for much longer after the sensations develop.   



  6. I have peed in parks plenty of times.   Usually it is in the bushes, but I have also peed in the entrance way to locked toilets, sat on benches peeing out of the leg of my shorts, on a quiet path and knelt down on the grass peeing between my knees with a bag in front of me to hide what I'm doing.

    I have read before about some of the ladies wearing skirts and peeing on benches and I liked that idea, so in the winter, I have worn a long coat, then sat on a bench, pulled my trousers down a bit and sat on a bench.  I have then peed through the bench slats.  If anyone approaches, nothing is on show because the coat hides it all.   When finished, check the coast is clear, stand and raise trousers and walk off.

    I have been seen peeing in parks a few times, but I've never really worried about it as long as the place I am peeing looks like I've at least attempted to make an effort to be out of the public eye.

    My most recent park pee was Friday when I peed in the entrance way of the closed toilet block and before that was on Wednesday at a different park where I peed in the bushes.

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  7. I get very frustrated when I think there is a possibility of a sighting but then it doesn't happen or I don't get to see.  

    On Friday I needed to pick my wife up at 8:30pm.   I thought I'd chance my arm and hang around a park for about 45 minutes before I picked her up.   I got there and scoped out who was about.   Not really very many people that would fit into the likely candidate category, but one group caught my eye.   Right in the middle of the field were three guys and a lady sat facing each other and drinking beer from cans.   I thought that they would be bound to need to pee at some stage and I hoped that would be in the next 45 minutes. 

    I kept an eye on them whilst I wandered around the park and I noted that the girl kept rocking back and forth a bit and changing her leg positions.  After about 20 mins, one of the guys got up, walked directly to a gap in the hedge about 30 metres away and went through the gap.  I went out through a different gap and saw that he was casually stood facing the hedge and peeing.    By being that side of the hedge, he was outside of the park and out of the view of people in the park, but he was now on a grassed area at the end of a quiet residential street.   I was considering whether the girl might do the same or whether that would be too public for her as there was no cover there whatsoever.

    I went back into the park and sat looking at my phone whilst keeping an eye on the group.   After about another 15 mins, the girl was getting more fidgety and I thought she must be getting desperate.  One of the other guys stood up and looked like he was in a debate with her.   He pointed over towards the toilet block at the other side of the park which was locked (they shut about 5pm, which is ludicrously early, but I'm not one to complain).  She was shaking her head, presumably because she knew they were closed and that again there was no cover there other than to pee in the doorway, which is fully open to the road.   In the end, he walked off and went to the same place as the first guy, leaving her to rock about and get more desperate.

    By now, it was nearly 8:20 and I had to leave by 8:25 to get my wife.  I started walking back towards the other side of the park where the car was parked, but kept an eye out, because if she got up, I would have delayed my departure and made up an excuse, however, she never moved and I left the park feeling very disappointed and frustrated.   I'm almost convinced that she must have had to go and pee within the next half hour - either in the park or by going home, but I didn't get to see it.

    How do other people feel when that kind of thing happens?   It is part and parcel of the joys of enjoying sightings and I know that the probabilities are often against sightings, but is is still frustrating.  The only upside is it makes the successful sightings even more special.

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  8. 3 hours ago, Xxpeeoppp said:

    My Friends dad, her, and me were moving stuff in the basement and I had been drinking a lot of water probably like a gallon and half so i started to get desperate to pee. My friend dad asked me if was ok I said ya I just pee real bad but there some boxes covering the ladder leading up to the main floor my friend dad said to pee on drain but I told him that couldn’t take my belt because of the work gloves I was wearing he came closer and unbuckle my belt and my shorts fell I always never wear underwear so i just started peeing I got his hands wet I said i was sorry. He said I don’t mind but there was one little issue my thighs were getting wet because I couldn’t control my stream well because I was desperate but he said if I needed help I was said please because my hands still those dirty work gloves and I don’t want to touch my pussy with gloves  he took off his pair and spread my lips and I aim forward hitting this old bucket which was a good 52oz or 1.5 liter we stood there a good minute and thirty seconds by the more than 3/4 full he was shocked because im curvy and busty but im only 162 cm tall and weight 54kg After he his shocked when away he stood up he took of his shirt off and offered me it so could wipe myself and dry my thighs 

    The best day of your Friend's Dad's life!   


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  9. I have seen this happen in real life - albeit that the lifeguard in question got down from her chair, sat on the side with her legs in the water for about 40 seconds with the bottom of her suit turning darker and the wet patch spreading and then she splashed water over swimsuit to rinse before going back to her chair.   I was lucky enough to be in the pool swimming towards her.  Not much of a visible cloud but it was obvious what she was doing.

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  10. Another psychological aspect is who much or little someone is willing to talk about their need to pee or what they are doing.   I know one lady who is happy to talk about it as freely as they might discuss what they had for dinner, and I know others who will do anything to avoid mentioning the need to pee.

    The lady who is open, is someone who I have worked with. The ladies toilets in the building have a main door that is propped open and a cubicle that does nothing to hide sound.  I have known for us to be in the corridor about to leave the building and she will say “I am just going for a wee before I leave” and then proceed to go to the toilet and pee whilst still talking to me from in the cubicle.  She also told me that she sometimes goes on walks first thing in the morning for about three hours in the winter, taking a hot chocolate from home  and then buying another one from a shop before heading further into the countryside.  I made a passing comment that she must be desperate for the loo by the time she gets home and she matter of factly responded with “Oh no, that’s what bushes are for”.

    Other people would completely avoid mentioning their needs and at most would use a veiled comment like needing to powder their nose or needing a break, but would never hint as to the reason being that they needed to pee.


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  11. On 7/8/2022 at 4:33 PM, glad1 said:

    I think the biggest determining factor is what other options are available. If there are none, most all will prefer to relieve themselves before they become desperate.

    Yes, I agree with this.  I have seen many ladies pee in public, but only one who decided not to remove her clothes and wet herself spectacularly.   Of course, this is not counting those who pee through swim wear.

    I have written about it before, but it was at a seaside town and the girl in question was rushing along the promenade to the toilets, found them locked and stood in front of the door with her back to the door and completely flooded her jeans, very visibly.   She obviously could not bring herself to expose herself in order to pee, whereas most girls would have either squatted there and dropped their trousers and dealt with the minute worth of embarrassment or more likely gone behind the nearby beach huts and peed.   This girl couldn’t do it and her body gave up on her leaving her soaked visibly so that everyone who saw her knew exactly what happened.  If she had dropped her jeans, yes a few people might have seen her, but at least after that minute, nobody else who saw her would know.   After she wet herself, she went behind the beach huts and hid, sat on a wall with her head in her hands, then she phoned someone - possibly to arrange to be collected to avoid further embarrassment.

    On 7/8/2022 at 4:33 PM, glad1 said:

    Of course, these tend to the the "sporty" type and the at least occasional outdoor pee is no big deal.

    I agree with this wholeheartedly - those people, male and female, who participate in activities away from toilets soon realise that the will need to pee outside and they soon learn to accept outdoor peeing as a natural thing to do,   There are still those who will try to hide away as much as possible without drawing attention to what they are doing whilst others are not at all shy and will happily announce that they need to pee and proceed to do so with little cover.


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  12. 2 hours ago, Couple92 said:

    God yes.


    55 minutes ago, Bladderlad said:

    Definitely lol 

    That is where gay people have the upper hand - they get to see and hear people of the same gender in their changing rooms and toilets, whilst straight people don't get that luxury.   For me, I would much rather pee in the presence of interested ladies than interested men and I would much rather see ladies peeing than men, but if I were gay, I'd be over the moon I am sure!

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  13. On 6/17/2022 at 12:48 PM, gldenwetgoose said:

    as I got near saw the sign Urinals Only.

    You said that the main doors were labelled ladies and gents, but was the one that was labelled urinals only also labelled gents or did it only say "Urinals only"?  If so, then I'm sure some ladies with skill such as @Eliminature would be happy to go in and make use of the urinals rather than queueing for the cubicles.

  14. 9 hours ago, peecurious94 said:

    I continued to dribble while we shopped until my husband pointed out my wet crotch and reminded me that people could see it.

    Sounds like a lot of fun.  You could always wear a short skirt which would allow you to do this freely without having a visible damp spot.

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  15. Interesting one - I doubt very much if it would ever happen, so I guess the debate is theoretical, but the first thing I'd be asking is why?   Could be to rig a drug test or other medical test?  I would not be even slightly interested in helping there.

    If it were a cute woman and she said she wanted to drink it, then in my fantasy world I would probably accept as long as she returned the favour, but preferably in both cases bypass the bottle and pee straight in the mouth.   In reality, I'd probably clam up, decline and head the other way!  I don't mind girls watching me pee, but I'd find something slightly weird about them wanting to collect my pee.

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  16. 16 hours ago, Gotah said:

    Thanks @Alfresco

    That's something I always try to avoid as much as possible when I write, picking a scenario that has been told countless times. I give my best to put some thought and creativity into my writing so that I don't tell the same old stories over and over again.

    It is always difficult as the most obvious scenarios have been used as story baselines so many times that it makes it much harder to come up with an original concept.  That is part of the reason that I've not written anything for a while.  The other reason is that I just don't seem to have that imaginative flow or the time at the moment, so always appreciate the stories of others as I know that they take some effort to write. 

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  17. 17 hours ago, Starks2010 said:

    Good stuff! Thinking of going out before day this coming Saturday to see what I can see. Been kind of discouraged because I can’t find another spot like the great sighting spot I had a few years back. I think your stories have motivated me to get out there. 

    Yes, it is really frustrating if you lose a regular sighting spot, but they will be out there.   I have no doubt at all that I could get plenty of sightings on a Friday or Saturday night if I was able to go out on my own, but I can't exactly say to my wife that I'm off out on my own to look for sightings.

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