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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. On 8/2/2022 at 6:46 PM, steve25805 said:

    Have you ever noticed that in soap operas a lot of the social interaction occurs in pubs or bars where everybody is drinking yet no one goes to the toilet?

    Yes, generally this is something which I have noticed.  Coronation Street is a notable exception as people often go to the toilets in the “Rover’s Return” pub and in “Roy’s Rolls” cafe.  Sally Metcalfe was even shown squatting to pee outside when her bladder begged relief on New Years Eve and the need to pee has been mentioned when Tim was hospitalised following a heart attack.

    Emmerdale has also touched on the subject when Marlon Dingle first returned home after his stroke and the difficulties of toileting were mentioned including others having to help him.

  2. Yesterday I had to drive somewhere for work.  I peed outside several times.   I am staying on a camp site at the moment, so when I left, I avoided using the toilet in the caravan (no point filling it more than necessary - just means more trips to empty it). I stopped at the first suitable place I came to - a small car park for walks, and I did my morning pee into a bush.

    I had to go via home (near the campsite) where I had a mug of tea and a glass of fruit juice, got showered and changed for work.  I made tea in a flask cup for the trip and took several bottles of water.

    About two thirds of the way there I stopped to visit a place that I saw on a sign.   Before I got back in the car I peed in a wild flower area next to the car park.   

    Just before I got to site, I stopped by a footpath and stepped a short way from the road to empty my bladder before going in so that I wouldn’t need to pee straight away when I saw the customer.

    After several meetings and more tea/water, I headed home, but skipped the toilets.  I stopped in a convenient little grassed area just off the road, got changed into shorts and T shirt and sat on the edge of the car sill, stuck my dick out of the leg of my shorts and peed onto the grass.

    I went and visited another place and finally headed home. At one point I needed to pee so pulled into a lay-by on the dual carriageway.  I spotted a gap in the fence and thought it would lead to a secluded place, but there was a huge ditch. However there were tissues there and I guess people peed there with their vehicles as cover.  My car was a bit further down, so offered no cover, but I peed there anyway, stood in the gap of the fence and peeing into the ditch.   People in passing cars would easily know what I was doing, but they were hardly likely to cause me an issue, so I just peed anyway.

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  3. Thank you for he additional detail and certainly don’t apologise for giving more details - the details paint the picture and make it much more enjoyable to read.

    It does sound like she was incredibly desperate!  You were lucky to be in the right place at the right time.   Also good detective work to realise the other prostitute was going to pee.  You got another sighting and it is always better when you can get to talk to the person peeing.

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  4. Nothing super special today, but I haven't posted here for a while.   I went for a ride on my bike at lunchtime.   I cycled past two ladies who were walking in the same direction as me.   Once I rounded the bend, I cycled a little further then stopped at the side of the path and peed from my bike.   I was kind of wishing that they would round the bend and see what I was doing, but they were too far back.   I could just make them out approaching as I looked through the vegetation, so they may have seen me stopped and then seen my puddle, but they didn't actually see the peeing as far as I know.

    I'm also staying on a caravan site this weekend and have peed in the bushes behind the caravan a couple of times.   

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  5. Brilliant sighting @The_watcher,  I guess that as a prostitute she spends long hours away from a toilet, so she is probably used to peeing outside, but most likely normally finds somewhere a bit more secluded.   The fact that she just peed so openly in front of you like that must have meant she was running out of options....... Unless of course she has some clever detection system that realised that you might enjoy seeing her pee and she used it as a way to attract your attention hoping that you might then pay her for some other fun.  The fact that she overtook you might have meant that she intended for you to see, because she probably knew the area and would therefore have known that there wasn't anywhere to go for seclusion if she went in that direction.   Who knows, she may have just got to her wits end and peed without a care, but I would guess that being used to peeing outside she wouldn't normally let it get that desperate before finding a place to pee.

    I had an experience in Leeds where there were two prostitutes and one of them went to pee in a carpark.  The other one stood in front of her and blocked her partially, but I could still see her.  When they saw that I was looking, rather than being embarrassed or trying to hide more, the blocker actually stepped back to give a better view and said hello to me.  The prostitute who was peeing opened her legs a bit more and asked if I liked what I saw and whether I wanted any "business".   I responded to say that I very much liked what I saw, but I wasn't in the market for business and she simply said "OK love" and carried on peeing.  Fact was that I'd already got what I really wanted for free!

    I am sure that prostitutes are no stranger to knowing that some people enjoy pee and others detest it.  However, if they can play to the advantage then some of them will do.  Also, being outside for long periods of time, they simply need to pee as well.   I guess the worst thing would be to have someone approach them and ask about pee play when they had just released it all in an alley.   Would they then take a booking for an hour's time and drink plenty?

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  6. On 7/31/2022 at 6:35 PM, EMJCP7 said:

    I did take a picture of the first lady and was going to post it Monday but it was more than 5mb so couldn't upload it. 

    Nice one.   It is always incredibly difficult to get pictures of people peeing in these kinds of situations, so you have done well to do so.  I have seen many girls peeing but only a handful that I've managed to snap a poor quality shot of.   You will have that as a reminder of the experience and if you do decide to share (no pressure), then you should be able to resize it down to a smaller size to upload.   Any photo editing software should have that facility and another trick is to email the photo to yourself.  Your email client normally asks what size you want to send the photo at, giving you the opportunity to reduce it.

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  7. This is a topic close to my heart this week.   We are staying in a caravan on an organised campsite this week.   The site consists of a field of closely mown grass with an area of bushes around it on three sides.   The fourth side leads to a carpark and beyond that is a small cafe, then a play park, then the site building and the toilets and showers are at the far end of that building.   So, to walk to the toilet from the far side of the field is at least a bit of an effort and would probably be a 15 minute round trip just to pee.

    There are about half and half between road vehicles (caravans/motorhomes) and tents.  It is probably a fair assumption that most of the caravans/motorhomes have their own toilet (mine does).     The tent just along from us has a toilet tent erected next to it.   However, there are plenty of other tents which do not have toilet tents and are probably too small to have their own facilities.  Also, where the tent involves one adult and some kids, if the kids go to bed, the adult can't really leave them to go to the toilets.

    I have yet to spot anyone peeing in the bushes, but I'm guessing that not everyone makes the trek to the toilets every time they need to pee - especially at night.  I'm guessing that some might pee in bottles in their tents and empty them in the morning, but I'm betting they don't take their bottle to the toilets/elsan disposal point.  

    We also have a youngster who is not our offspring staying with us, which means we can't be too obvious about anything.  So, we are using the toilet in the caravan generally if the need arises.   However, I have peed in the bushes three times so far - twice just by the caravan and once when I went for a walk.  My theory is that the more we use the toilet, the more frequently we will have to take the walk of shame of taking the toilet cassette (waste tank) across the field and down to the disposal point.  So, if I can pee outside when the youngster is not observing and asking the question "Why are you going into the bushes?" then I will.   If it were our own child then I'd not worry about it and encourage them to do the same.

    I'd love to catch one of the lady campers disappearing into the bushes, but I guess it is unlikely unless I am lucky with the timing.  On that same grounds, I consider that it is fairly safe for me to nip in the bushes without recourse.


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  8. On 7/31/2022 at 5:22 AM, Takashi96 said:

    Even in 2022, I've heard women say "girls can't pee outside."

    This is very true - many women just wouldn't consider peeing outside because they are not accustomed to it, are worried about being caught and don't want to expose themselves.  These ladies believe that waiting for a toilet is their only option.  Also, some men who aren't well tuned in to what goes on don't help because they carry the same views and also if they did spot a lady peeing, then they would call them out over it.   

    On the other hand, I've also noted that women who do pee outside are now far more relaxed about it and there are more of them.   I mentioned on a different thread that I passed three young ladies walking in a park and one of them clearly audibly said to the others that she needed a wee and was going to go before they got settled.   She said that without hesitation to her friends and she said it when she was right next to me passing by.   A few years ago, even if the three of them were used to peeing outside with each other, most women wouldn't announce the fact whilst walking right past a man walking in the other direction.  She could easily have waited 20 seconds to make the statement, but she said it as openly as if she was saying that she needed a drink of water or that she was a bit hot.   It just didn't occur to her to put up her privacy filter and she obviously considered it to be normal, acceptable behaviour.  As per my other post on this, she headed for the bushes and squatted to pee whilst the others stood guard, but I saw her puddle afterwards.

    The other one which is very interesting is how different people have different attitudes in respect of hiding what they are doing, or just going ahead.    I've seen plenty people who will just make a beeline for the bushes or a quiet spot and return a minute later, possibly still adjusting their clothing as they come out.  It is very obvious what they went to do, even it not possible to see the action.  On the other hand, some people will go to elaborate lengths to take a walk and only go into the bushes in space where nobody can see them leaving the path.   

    On a night out when drunk, some girls make every effort to find a very discrete spot hidden behind bins or down a dark alley with friends covering them, whilst others pop a squat in full view.   I've seen girls come out of a busy kebab shop and squat on the pavement right next to the door whilst people walk past.  I've seen girls announce to others in the nightclub queue quite loudly that they are just going round the corner for a piss.   On the other hand I've seen people whisper quietly to their mates of their intention or even make up a different excuse and then walk for five minutes or more to find a decent hiding place.   

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  9. It is very much social conditioning.   Women who have grown up with families on farms or families who do outdoor activities  for example, absolutely don’t see peeing outdoors to be a problem.  However, women who have not spent much time in a rural environment may well think that they can’t pee outside either because of fear of exposure, fear of what others will think or simply that they haven’t attempted it and don’t know how it will go.  I think it is in these circumstances that @Takashi96 is meaning that girls feel disadvantaged and restricted (hence disabled).

    Things are changing somewhat in that so many more girls seem to be comfortable peeing outside on nights out as they see other girls doing so and realise that nobody is going to complain about it.  Also, the many toilet closures during Covid have enforced outdoor peeing and ladies have realised that peeing outside is feasible and more common than they knew. 

    However, for many women, peeing outside remains embarrassing and risky and they do feel a perception of being disadvantaged (disabled) compared to men.

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  10. On 7/30/2022 at 2:17 AM, peecurious94 said:

    What is wrong with my family??? Hahaha 

    I would say it is more a case of “What is wrong with the rest of us?”!

    That is fantastic that you can all accept being so comfortable with each other and enjoy each other in this way. It is society stifling our freedom that is wrong and you are so lucky to have all got past that.

    That was super hot and now you have all made that step, I am sure you will all feel free with each other in future.

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  11. 3 minutes ago, Kupar said:

    Somewhat disappointed you haven't done calculations of the temperature gradients and speed of mixing @Alfresco 😉 

    Ah I missed a trick there.   I could have set up some nice pretty graphs which change over time with variable inputs and an animation showing how the pee spreads with time throughout the pool with dependency on which jets are enabled and number of people in the tub........ maybe one for a fluid dynamics specialist rather than an electrical engineer though!    My calculation was from straightforward physics.

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  12. 16 hours ago, tom00xxx said:

    It was 1 of the small jacuzzi's which only fit 4 people max. A couple was already in the jacuzzi so we were sitting pretty close to each other. The water wasn't very warm (there are others jacuzzi's in the spa with warmer water) so it definitely became warmer when he started pissing. 

    That sounds pretty cosy.  Most of the ones I use have probably 8 seats and upwards and maybe about 3m diameter.  They are usually about 39 degrees C or thereabouts, so hotter than body temperature.   Our own hot tub at home holds 1400 litres of water and is normally 39 degrees, so pee feels cold, but when the whether is hot we turn it down to about 28 degrees and use it to cool off, then pee does feel warm but only noticed in close proximity.

    In my tub, a calculation of adding 500ml of pee at 36.5 degrees to 1400 litres of water at 28 degrees means that the final temperature of the fully mixed water would be 28.003 degrees, so a miniscule increase in temperature. Adding the same pee to water at 39 degrees would have an even lesser effect as the differential is less and would only make a 0.001 degree difference.   That's why it can only be detected in close proximity for a short time as the pee enters the tub before it mixes.  Obviously the smaller the tub the greater the effect and the closer you are to the person the more noticeable it would be.

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  13. 12 hours ago, Jason Basin said:

    I think it's called a Spoonerism? They normally happen when drunk!  I quite like Flutter bye's for Butter Flies but this doesn't strictly conform to the first letter swap! Then again neither does Betty!  I can be quite pedantic at times.  I find it fun....

    My family always use Flutter Byes as well.   

  14. Thanks @acidnudy   The bad news is that the story never really came to a conclusion.  My bad!  However, each chapter develops the story and it stands alone as it is, so you just have to imagine what comes next.  I have some ideas myself, but have never put them into the written word.  Maybe one day......

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  15. Great that you felt able to be honest and tell him that you peed anywhere, even better that he not only took it and accepted it, but followed through and peed in the jacuzzi himself.

    Interesting question about the jacuzzi though, was it a cool water jacuzzi?   Most hot tubs that I use are actually warmer than body temperature, which gives a rather strange sensation that when I pee in them, I feel the pee around my crotch as cool!   I have also put my hand between my wife's legs whilst she pees in the jacuzzi and also felt that as cooler than that water.

    I often hear people say the comment about making the water warmer when they pee in a pool, hot tub, river, sea etc. or feeling it warm up if someone else does and I often wonder about it, thinking that it is a turn of phrase rather than an actual feeling because I have never noticed other than when peeing myself and feeling it immediately on my legs/crotch area or when putting my hand between my wife's legs.   I would have thought that unless you are within a few inches, it would be very difficult to detect the temperature changed caused by 500ml of pee in thousands of litres of water with only a few degrees difference - even if you were quite close.   Maybe I need to improve the sensitivity of my temperature detection system!

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  16. Great that you had that experience, such a shame that you couldn't stay though.   Although if you had got off the bus to watch I'm sure that the girls may have been a bit negative about it.  Having said that, if they were drunk enough they may not have cared.  I guess if you had dropped Mark off first, you could have played the game and when they were saying about needing to pee you could have offered to stand guard (total chivalry) or you could have said that you also needed to pee and asked it they minded if you joined them.

    Still, at least you had the experience of knowing they were desperate in your care and then seeing them at least partially, which is a memory that no doubt you will hold for a long time.   Also thanks for sharing with us.

    BTW, a tip for this and future posts: you might like to post the text as plain text.  It has formatted in a really light colour which is not very readable on a white background.   I had to highlight it all so it changed colour in order to read it.  If you edit your post, you can cut the text, then paste it and you will get a message underneath saying that it has been pasted as rich text, would you like to paste as plain text.  If you select that option then it will work for whatever colour scheme people are using.   Thanks!

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  17. I mostly have showers, but definitely pee in the bath if I do have a soak.

    I think I have reported this before, from many years ago when I was in my early twenties. Words will be wrong as it was so long ago, but the gist is right.    I was lodging with a couple who were about five years older than me.   They both went in the bath together and I could hear chatting, laughing and jovial sounds from the bathroom when all of a sudden the guy shouted out “You dirty bitch” followed immediately by the sounds of splashing as he got out of the bath quickly.  She started laughing hysterically.

    When they came out and were both stood in the kitchen in their dressing gowns (it was a bungalow with the bathroom next to the kitchen), I asked what all the fuss was about.   She looked a bit sheepish and he said “the dirty bitch pissed in the bath water whilst we were both in it!”.  I said something like “Is that all?   I thought she’d done something outrageous”. She started laughing again and said “See, I told you it was no big deal, I do it all the time”.   I wanted to say she could pee on me anytime, but I couldn’t bring myself to do so.  

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  18. I remember visiting a large town in South West England and I caught two girls squatting and peeing in the doorway to a shop in a covered shopping area - like a shopping centre/mall but there were no outer doors so the covered walkways were used as a thoroughfare.   I stopped and said to the girls that they might want to be careful about where they chose to pee as there was a camera looking straight at them.  I indicated it in the roof space and on seeing it, one of the girls simply waved at it!  She said, yeah, let them watch, we were bursting.  I said that I could see that from the size of their streams and they laughed.   Of course the real reason for my seemingly gentlemanly conduct of warning them about the CCTV was simply to give me an excuse to stop and talk to them whilst prolonging my view of the two streams flowing from their pussies across the tiled floor.  They were not bothered in the slightest so I just chatted to them and enjoyed the view as I am sure any camera operator would also be doing.

    To be fair, they had a point, that even if there was someone watching, they were hardly likely to do anything about it as by the time anyone got there, they would be long gone and it wouldn’t be worth the effort of trying to trace them.

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  19. I have peed on log flumes (dick out of leg of shorts and pee into the bottom of the log/boat) and on raft rides, you are soaked anyway, so just pee in your shorts and nobody can tell.

    I have also kneeled on a grassy area and peed whilst looking for something in my bag.

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