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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. 54 minutes ago, Malika said:

    Thank you for appreciating my stories and for following me for so long time. This time the situation was so easy to describe that my usual sketch was not needed and I was inspired instead to take a picture. I have had the chance to drive a couple of times more on the same street and I was curious to see this plant again, so I am sorry to disappoint you, but my pee affected the plant the opposite of what you said. The plant is unfortunately withered.

    Maybe it just didn’t have enough soil to keep it alive and the sun has withered it.  I am sure it still appreciated the liquid and nutrients you supplied. 

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  2. I had a day yesterday where I was on my own for large parts of the day on and off and didn't use the toilet at all until my bedtime pee at 11pm.

    Morning pee was in the garden at about 6am - I went outside and stood in the garden and peed on the grass.

    Later on about 9:30am I was doing some washing, so I took a pair of my wife's leggings, put them on then sat in the garden and wet through them, soaking the front and back.  I then stood up and some ran down the legs.   I went inside, took them off and put them in the wash with a load of other stuff.   I didn't bother putting any clothes back on my lower half.

    The next time I needed to pee was about 12:00 and coincided with when I was changing the washing over.   I had the washing sorted into piles on the kitchen floor, so I picked the next pile that I was going to wash (happened to be whites) and stood astride them, peeing a full bladder onto the pile.   The top garments got soaked and pooled.  The pee ran off the edge of the pile onto the floor tiles and the splatter also spread over quite a wide area, but I just stayed in that position and finished my pee.   I loaded the washing machine with the wettest clothes, then used the drier clothes at the bottom of the pile to dry the floor before adding them to the machine also.

    About 2pm I went out on my bike for an hour.   I had been drinking plenty so needed to pee before I set off and I had another pint of water for good measure.   I got to the off road part of my ride and pulled off the track and got off my bike to pee.   Before I was in position, two ladies walked past pushing babies in buggies.   If I'd been a bit quicker, they would have got a good view, but I couldn't really whip it out and pee once they were obviously there, so I let them pass and then proceeded to pee on the bushes.  If they had turned around then they would have seen what I was doing.

    Just before I got home I stopped and put one foot down and peed into the vegetation at the side of the path.   Having been not that long before, I didn't need to pee much, but it was good to release what I had before I got home.

    About 5pm I had to take my wife to an appointment and I went for a walk whilst she was in there.  I ended up walking round a park and then up to a canal.   I peed in the trees in the park whilst a lady was walking past on the path nearby.   I don't know whether she saw me as there were a few trees between us, but I could see her whilst I was peeing so there is a good chance she could see.  When she passed, I cut the flow to keep some in stock for later.

    Just before I went back to the car at nearly 7pm, I had a pee on the towpath of the canal.  Nobody around, but it was a very exposed position.   Just after I finished and started walking again, a guy came past on his bike.

    That was it for the day and the last pee before bed was, unfortunately, in the toilet.



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  3. Hi Haley,   Firstly your English is far better than my attempt at any other language, so I wouldn't worry too much.  

    Interesting experiment.  Maybe you need to consume a very large amount of the die and not a lot else to make it concentrated in your pee?   I don't know, but just seems that it might be the logical way to improve the results.

    Also, for future reference, it might be better to put follow up posts like the above on the same thread as the original comment so that it keeps the flow together and people can easily read the whole story.

    Good luck with trying other avenues to achieve blue pee.

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  4. 13 hours ago, JDG said:

    I need to make sure that my gf won't go at the airport (the parking is about 15 minutes away by shuttle bus) OR that she needs to go again upon reaching the car. Also I wouldn't be surprised if she said "I'll hold till home" as she can hold quite long. I don't wanna be a creep and force her to pee on the parking lot, but I am still thinking on how to get her this far. Any tips? 

    I would say that given you have an open relationship where she does pee outside and she knows you like it, then why don't you talk to her in advance and say on the plane that when you think it would be cool to both pee in the parking so that you'll both be empty for the trip so that you don't have to stop and it would be much more fun than peeing in the airport.  If you get her thinking about it in advance and give her time to get her head round it then she will probably go for it.

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  5. I have used many lay-bys to pee.  Usually I just position myself on the side of the car away from the road and pee.   Sure, people driving by probably know what I'm doing, but many people do the same and nobody is likely to say anything when they whiz past at 60mph plus.   Sometimes I will open the passenger side door and sit on the edge of the passenger seat with one leg in the car and one leg outstretched and pee onto the tarmac like that.  Sometimes I head into the bushes if there are any.  Just depends how I feel.    However, the open bonnet or boot trick does sound worth a go.

    For those who are having difficulty imagining what we Brits mean my lay-bys, here are some examples.   The first two are what I would call typical format lay-bys where the road has a bit to the side and some hatchings or different coloured tarmac to separate the parked cars from the live lane.    They are usually wide enough cars can pass each other in the lay-by without encroaching on the live lane.   This allows for cars to enter and leave in any order, so you don't have to wait for the car in front of you to leave and also allows you to get up to speed before joining the main road.    These lay-bys are generally on what we call 'A' Roads.   So they won't be on motorways but are usually on primary routes.   They often have trees or bushes alongside which make for great impromptu toilets and there is often evidence that they have been used as such.   However, be warned, sometimes you can be caught out when you find that actually there is a fence hiding there and you can't get into the bushes.   In that case you have to decided whether to move on to another lay-by or just pee in a more exposed position.



    Some lay-bys are somewhat larger and they have a road that goes away from the main road.  These have a full divider between the road and the lay-by.   Often occupied by lots of vegetation.   These lay-bys have the advantage of being more hidden from the main road, but the disadvantage that more people stop there (bigger sparking space) so you will generally have a larger audience - although maybe that's a good thing depending on your point of view.


    Then of course you have unofficial lay-bys.   These tend to be on minor roads where people regularly pull off the road onto the grass in the same place and soon the grass becomes dirt rather than grass.   Once a few people start to use that same place, the surface quickly changes and then it attracts more people to stop there and so soon you have an established but unofficial lay-by, which is also a handy place to stop for a pee.  Usually in these cases I would wander into the trees to pee:


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  6. Not quite like that, but I have walked into alleys where I've spotted girls squatting and I've said to them not to worry, I'm here for the same reason.  

    I have  also done things like go up to an alley where there are a group of girls near the entrance and I've asked them if they mind if I go in the alley for a pee.

    The best one was one that I've posted here before, when I saw a cute young lady selling cherries in a layby.  I parked the car, bought some cherries.   I took the goods and then I asked her “Would it offend you greatly if I just nipped into the woods here for a pee before I get back on the road?”.  She responded, “No not at all, it’s fine”.  I then said “Thanks - I didn’t think you’d mind as I am sure you must have to do the same if you are stuck here all day.”   Then what I really was hoping to hear - she confirmed that she does exactly that “Yes, when circumstances require it, I do.” Were the words she used.  I replied “That’s, cool, thank you”.  

    Full account here:


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  7. I've drunk my wife's pee several times without any harm, but I've not tried doing it on a daily basis.   Often I'll only have  few mouthfuls directly from the source but on some days when we get into it, I've had multiple full bladders on the same day.   Again, I'd say be sure that the person who is the source is clear of infections.   I would also agree that it is best fresh.   If you do want to keep it for later consumption then probably best to refrigerate to slow down bacteria production.   Personally I prefer it when the donor has been drinking plenty of drinks to keep it dilute and maybe some soft drinks to sweeten it.  However, everyone is different and I know some people favour the stronger, bitter taste when the lady is less hydrated.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Jacksbisexual74 said:

    My wife and I have an open relationship and is aware I have a pee kink. She doesn't, unless shes been drinking and relaxed, so she knows I try to find others to partake. 

    Sounds like a very understanding lady then.   Although I'm sure you would love her to join in herself, it is great that she understands and lets you appreciate others peeing.

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  9. I've just posted an example of a less predictable peeing position for men in my "Alfresco Peeing" thread.   I was sitting on a bench and peed onto the ground next to a path very discretely with only the very tip of my dick exposed.  You can read about it and see pictures at the post linked below.  Also plenty other posts in that thread of me peeing in different places and different styles if you haven't seen it before.



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  10. Very ingenious solution @Malika.   Depending on the make up of the powder it might have ended up that the pee caused it to be stirred up and released into the air if it was a light powder like a filler or light plaster, so I would have been concerned that you may have ended up with a white powdered bottom - but obviously it must have been a heavier compound so it worked perfectly for your needs.   

    The main thing is that you found a useful toilet, enjoyed the naughty release, didn't need to share the actual toilet and therefore avoided Covid risk and you were never found out.

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  11. That's great that you have a new and good sized area to pee at home.    My garden isn't anywhere near as big as that (maybe 50 feet x 25 feet) but I pee in my garden regularly even though there is a risk of being seen by neighbours.   Just this morning I stood on the grass whilst facing away from the house.   Sometimes I sit on the steps and pee and just the other day it was raining hard and I just opened the back door and peed out onto the patio.

    So, in answer to your question - I would try and be as versatile as possible.  Enjoy peeing in different parts of the garden and enjoy peeing in different stances as well - squatting, standing, sit on the grass and so on.

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