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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. On 12/14/2022 at 4:57 PM, miniskirtpisser said:

    I kept going back to this. I love how hot this is. So lovely of Sam to leave such a sexy souvenir for him 🤣

    Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for bringing it back to my attention, I had all but forgotten it, so it was nice to re-read it.

  2. On 12/13/2022 at 6:28 AM, Knockonthedoor said:

    Sorry for the long time between updates. Lots of life stuff IRL right now. That being said, I hope you enjoyed the second chapter. I'd love to hear about your favorite part or hopes for the direction of the story!

    No need to apologise, I'm just as guilty with several series still left hanging.  Life has a way of getting in the way and you can only write when your brain is in the right gear.

    That was a great instalment and love the way the attitudes of both ladies changed along the way.   Can't wait for the squatting lessons, which in themselves must be an admission of previous public peeing by Michelle.

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  3. 9 hours ago, Overlord said:

    When i was going out regularly on big concerts or parties, that was mostly before covid happened, it wasn't abnormal that women used the mens bathroom if the girls one was overcrowded. This happened mostly during the breaks of a concerts or equal. I always thought, that's unfair.

    What if those women just had the same piss fetish as i have, an just enjoyed the view of 20 men, dicks out, pissing up a fountain in some urinals while they searched for an empty stall?

    Imagine what would have happend if i as a male were doing the same thing and going into the womens bathroom? Pretty sure i would've been taken out of the location pretty quickly and declared as a pervert.

    Once i was pissing in an urinal, minding my own business when 2 young ladies entered the already very crowded mens bathroom on a concert and announced themselves very loudly that they're only here because the womens bathroom was so full, and nobody should be disturbed by them blabla. Annoyed about the reoccurring situation, i absentmindedly yelled out, more funny than serious, that they should go to there own bathroom.

    And then all hell broke loose. I got screamed at by one of those chicks what i was imaging who i am to talk like this to her and that it was her good right to go piss in the mens stall because its not fair that the women took too long in her bathroom and if i have to hide my tiny dick from her etc. blabla. This girl got apeshit crazy about my little statement and i've had to listen to this while i was pissing, so i even was in a somewhat vulnerable position.

    Those two were clearly drunk, but that was a pretty harsh answer for a woman who was clearly taking advantage of the mens bathroom and probably got a kick out of seeing 20 men piss.

    I have been to several concerts where the ladies came into the gents and I've posted about it on the forums.  I have no problem with ladies using the gents, but I do think it is double standards and men would get severe reprimands or worse if they tried to use the ladies, yet when ladies come into the gents, they can see the men at urinals and then go and hide themselves away in the stalls, whilst if a man went into the ladies, they wouldn't see anything anyway as everyone is in a cubicle.  I have definitely been in situations where the ladies are queuing for the cubicles in the men's toilets and are stood there very obviously looking at the guys at the urinals and enjoying the view, which I don't mind, but I'd much prefer it if they returned the favour and left the cubicle door open when they peed - but that is very unlikely.

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  4. I am a straight male and I don't have any interest in male peeing except for knowing some of the more unusual locations and techniques as that might help me peeing like that as well.   I am interested in pics/videos of men and women peeing together - particularly things like festivals as I love seeing women being carefree enough to pee in the presence of the men - but I don't actually get any enjoyment from seeing the men peeing.   I do enjoy seeing whether the men actively look at the ladies in those situations though.   Sometimes they openly look, sometimes, they take a sneaky peek and sometimes they seem to pretend that there is no lady right next to them with their knickers down and blasting their pee onto the earth.

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  5. I agree that gay people must have the best experience here.   I don't really think about it, but I am sure that some gay guys enjoy seeing other pee at the urinals or at least are checking out the equipment, so they have a very unfair advantage.   In fact though, whilst it doesn't particularly bother me to expose myself in front of men, I would rather have girls watching me than men, so I think to make it fair, unisex facilities are the way forward - especially if we could ever get as far as having ladies willing to pee in open urinals.   Unfortunately, any shared facilities, at least for the foreseeable future, are likely to involve private cubicles.

    Same goes for communal changing rooms at gyms etc., gay people can easily enjoy and appreciate the naked bodies of other people in the changing room - even if most of them are heterosexual and don't really appreciate being looked at by others of the same gender.


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  6. On 12/8/2022 at 7:53 AM, Couple92 said:

    I’ve always dreamed of one day owning a club that’s a little bit “fruity” if you catch my drift. 
    The men’s room urinal would essentially be a large grate in the middle of the room that you could stand anywhere on and piss into. Basically like a giant drain. Perfect for exhibitionists, voyeurs, and piss fetishists! 
    The idea of a bunch of people (men and women if they felt so inclined) standing around unleashing their piss into this giant drain watching one another. Heaven! 

    I love this idea.  I once found a public toilet that had a grating for the floor.  It still had the usual facilities, but the floor was grating over the entire space with a further floor about 6 inches below.   It was obvious that the idea was that if anyone missed the toilet then the pee went straight through the grating and a simple hose down was all that was needed to clean.   The ladies was the same.   I am sure that some people (male and female) just pissed on the grating regardless - seem like it was an invitation to do just that.   It would be a huge saving on complicated plumbing and porcelain to just have a grid on the floor over a subfloor that was sloped towards a drain in the corner and had water jets that released water across the sub floor at intervals.   You would still need normal facilities for some functions, but for peeing it would be the obvious answer for a cheap solution for any gender.   There could be toilet roll dispensers on the wall and bins to put used tissues in.   Could be a lot of fun.

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  7. Well for those who are interested in the update...

    I was driving from my town to the town where the appointment is and the route passes a park with public toilets.  I could see from the road that the toilets had been closed already (gates across the doors) despite it only being about 2:30pm.   So, I pulled into the car park and walked up to the toilets pretending that I didn't know that they were closed.   I checked the gents, then tried the ladies.   Both had a sign up saying that "Due to misuse, these toilets will be closed mid afternoon every day".   So, I misused the porch area in front of the ladies toilet and left a sizeable puddle on the floor.   Well, if they lock the toilets, what do they expect?

    I then carried on to the destination town, attended my appointment then went for a little walk before going back to the car.  I stopped at a little footbridge over a small brook/stream and peed off the bridge into the water.   It was a fairly open location and whilst there was nobody in immediate vision, it was overlooked by a row of houses and was close to a carpark and the footpath, so anyone could have appeared without warning.   The pee fell about 4m down into the water making a nice splashing sound which I enjoyed.

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  8. Plenty of options for you @Jlpee.  I hope you find one that works for you.

    If it is just the toilet that is not working, then sink/bath/shower are good options.   If you have serious plumbing issues then a jug/pan/pint glass etc. will serve.   Or you could use a towel, the washing basket or even pee on a hard floor and then clear it up.   Of course you could always go outside and enjoy yourself with an outdoor pee.

  9. 1 hour ago, colette888 said:

    Nice try, my Friend... LOL

    In reality, IT DIDN'T happen the way you described...

    Everything didn't happen inside the car, as I & Sally were expecting!! When we boarded the cab, the guy immediately asked Sally if they could fuck while she was pissing and she agreed for two-hundred € more, and so she suggested to go to a Pension, instead of having unconfortable sex on the back-seat... And off we went, nobody wetted in the car that time... 

    Ah, well I'm sure you had lots of fun anyway.   However, I'm don't know what you mean by a Pension.   That may not have translated particularly well to English as the only meaning of Pension that I know is a form of savings for retirement.   I'm guessing it was some kind of private location.

    • Hug 1
  10. Sounds like you had a fantastic experience there @colette888.   My imagination is working quite well and I don't know whether hearing the truth would demonstrate something above and beyond my imagination or whether I'm somewhere near the mark.   Would love to know!

    My mind is saying that both you and the driver knew that this was going to be a wet experience within his car and Sally also knew what she was getting into, so I'm thinking that there probably wasn't too much small talk when you first got in the car, but that things progressed quite rapidly.   You already said that Sally was pretty desperate when you met her and presumably it was another half an hour or so for the driver to get to you and collect you, so by that time she was probably bursting.  You haven't said what she was wearing, but in my imagination it was a short skirt and tight top.   I'm imagining that the driver opened the door and watched closely as you both climbed in from the one side, probably giving a little view up your skirts as you climbed in.   I imagine that Sally sat behind the driver whilst you sat on the opposite side.   Then as soon as the driver set off, Sally asked for confirmation that it is OK to pee.   The driver said yes, but lets get to a quiet place.   He did so and then turned to watch as Sally blasted her pee over the back of the driver's seat and spread it around.   You then turned in your seat, leaned back and sprayed across the car, the back of the seats and the floor.   The driver had previously said about wanting to fuck someone and that was the reason for getting Sally involved, but I'm guessing he already shot his load from watching you both pee so he wasn't able to follow up on that.   Maybe Sally let him finger her instead or even lick her clean.   I'm guessing from your previous reaction that you didn't choose to directly engage in sex acts with the driver.

    Of course, I may be miles from the truth, but that's how my imagination painted it.  Would love to hear what really happened.

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  11. I pee in sinks regularly and to that the are a great time saver and water saver.   These sinks are getting quite common in UK motorway services and other high traffic locations.  I think they make excellent urinals and are space saving as 8 people can use them together.   They would be great for festivals:


    another alternative would be a simple trough urinal with taps for washing above.



  12. These are the types of encounters that we dream of.   I'm sure you enjoyed it @DoctorDoctor as I know I would.   Although people do pee regularly in such places, it is still a rarity to actually catch a woman in the act in a stairwell.  I've seen puddles and even tissues in stairwells numerous times but I've only had one experience of catching the culprits once - I've posted it before, but basically I saw two girls coming out of the door from a stairwell, giggling and still doing up their belts.  I went into the door and found two puddles which were still spreading.

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    18 hours ago, MonsterKane46 said:

    proof that these things happen in real life not just in porn

    The fact is that they actually happen a lot in real life, but most people are discrete and even when people do pee in very public situations the vast majority of times nobody reports it to the media or the media don't consider it newsworthy.   Admittedly I've not seen anyone peeing in a bank or on a train myself but I've seen plenty peeing in public places.

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  14. Here is one of the accounts that I posted and there are others in the same thread:


    And here is one about female toilet attendants/cleaners in the male toilets, something that I've experienced several times.

    There are probably plenty more if you search for them.

  15. On 11/23/2022 at 11:56 AM, colette888 said:


    All good techniques, but it is far easier to pee with morning wood if you don’t try to use a toilet!  Far easier to pee in the shower (even if you are not having a shower) or onto wall tiles over the bath.   If slightly more brave, then just step outside into the garden and pee where you are standing.  Well those are three methods I use anyway.

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