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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. I love both.   I take great pleasure from seeing girls peeing in public which is often a case of desperation and lack of facilities but I also like seeing the different attitudes that the women have to doing this - some will hold until they are absolutely desperate and go to great lengths to hide  because they are not keen to pee in public either from embarrassment or fear of wrongdoing, but others will squat as soon as they need to pee without a second thought and pee in a more visible position.

    Some will make every effort to ensure their pee is delivered in a place that won’t leave any damage - eg a drain or gutter whilst others won’t care and pee wherever is convenient to them without worry about the impact - eg stairwell, pedestrian underpass, telephone box.

    ironically it is often the ones who are less willing to pee outside that are more likely to pee somewhere that is less considerate because their concern for privacy outweighs their concern for impact on others.  They would rather leave their pee in an enclosed space that will end up leaving a puddle and residual smell if it gives them more privacy.

    Then you have the type of person that deliberately holds their pee so that they can choose to release it somewhere naughty.  I am one of those people.  I often leave home with a full bladder when I could have used the toilet but instead choose to avoid the toilet and pee outside. Sometime I choose a public location where I might be seen - eg alleyway - sometimes I just enjoy a pee in the woods, but it is always more fun than the toilet.  I love girls who do this too. 

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  2. It would be a good idea to have a heater built in as well so that would could enjoy warm pee and you could choose whether to then lay in cooling pee or keep the wetness warm.

    Next problem for me would be finding a willing lady to fill the reservoir.  

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  3. In support of what others are saying, I have known three girls who are "horsey" types.   In my case, none of them are the prim and proper or upper class privileged girls - there are plenty of those in equestrian circles, but I don't know them.   The real upper class probably have very organised facilities and potentially have grooms who look after their horses and tack anyway, so they just turn up and ride.   However, I wouldn't be surprised if they were used to peeing outside when it suited them as they would probably be "Country types". 

    The girls I knew all had standard jobs, lived in standard houses and horses were their hobby.   In two cases the girls owned their own horse and kept them at basic facilities, which were pretty much a stable on a farm (two separate farms, not the same one).   For them, the stable was a simple wooden building away from the farmhouse and the only facility provided at the stable was a stand pipe for water.   Sure there would be a toilet in the farmhouse, but the girls would drive to the location, tend to their horses, maybe ride them, clean them, muck out the stable and so so on.   They probably wouldn't generally want to intrude on the farmer by going up to the farm house just to pee and it would take a bit of time to walk up there, take boots off, go inside etc. etc. when they were often on a fairly tight schedule.   As I understand it, it was easier to just pee in or around the stable - especially as there was seldom anyone around.   Unfortunately I never knew any of these girls that well and I never had a chance to quiz them over the details, except those stories which I'll post in their own right.   However, it was very clear that these girls were used to peeing outside or in the stable purely from a convenience point of view.

    The third girl I didn't know a lot about (you'll see context when I write the story) but she didn't own a horse.  She used to be involved in a livery yard and rode their horses, so I think it was some kind of pay as you go horse hire effectively.  I don't know anything about their facilities.


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  4. Nice sighting.  I'm sure that she wasn't alone in needing to pee in that line - did you happen to spot anyone else?   Sometimes once one person takes the plunge and goes to pee, that triggers others to do the same as they have been desperate to pee but couldn't bring themselves to do it until others were doing it.

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  5. The fact is that very often where there is a need to pee outside, a lot of people, women particularly, will think in the same way and therefore come to the same conclusion as to where is a good spot to pee.   Also, if they see a puddle on the floor, then they might think that is an indication that it is indeed a good place to go.   So, if you find such a spot, you are in luck and you may well get multiple sightings in the same place.   

    You don't say anything about where this spot was located - maybe it was near a nightclub or a taxi rank where people were waiting around and needed to pee and this corner was just down a side street out of view of the main road.   That's the sort of place that will turn out to be a good pee spot.   The ones who peed in the corner probably didn't even notice you there, being more concerned about being hidden from the street.   

    The one who basically asked your permission to pee obviously wasn't too concerned about peeing in front of a stranger and maybe was already desperate when she headed down there to find somewhere to pee, was about to find her relief when she realised you were there.   At that point she may have considered going back to the main street and then looking for another place, but if she was already desperate and having found a place without too many onlookers she found it easier to just make sure she wasn't going to offend you.     You did the right thing by indicating it was ok, but not being over interested.   You put her at ease and she was willing to go ahead.     If you had indicated that you were disgusted by the idea then she probably would have found somewhere else.   If you had said something that could have come across as creepy then she probably would have run a mile, so just feigning disinterest and letting her carry on was the perfect response.  It has worked for me a number of times too.

    So, if you wanted to, you could probably go back there again and be pretty much guaranteed further sightings in future.

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  6. 7 hours ago, Omoeastcoast said:

    “She didn't really say yes, but she didn't say no either. That was good enough for me.”

    This doesn’t seem consensual. 

    Looking at the context, there was plenty of opportunity to say no and/or for her to not go along with the plan.   There was time taken to get towels and lay them out and she would then have laid on those towels.   I am sure that @Kirby23 and his wife know each other well enough that she would say if she didn't want something (she declined the shower) and that he would know if she was against something by her actions or resistance.   It sounds to me like Mrs Kirby is finding it a little strange, but is up for experimenting.    This is much like my wife who has no personal interest in pee but is willing to do some things to indulge me.   


  7. That's great news Bacardi, I'm very pleased for you - firstly that you overcame your concerns and managed to pee in a public place and also that you got to enjoy it.  Hopefully you will continue to pee in public more and more as you realise that it is great fun, it is actually quite easy to find a place you won't be spotted and even if you are spotted, it is unlikely that anyone would make a fuss about it.

    And of course, thanks for sharing with us.

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  8. I love being peed on by my wife, but she doesn't want me to pee on her.   The one exception is that I peed over her bum once in the shower when the shower was running.   I did warn her that I was about to pee and she reversed up to me, so I took it as an invitation.   She has peed on me several times including straddling me on the toilet and peeing on me when I have laid on the grass in the garden.   I have also put my hand in her stream many times.  

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  9. 15 hours ago, F0rester said:

    I too choose to relieve myself for comfort and have probably watered hundreds of plants to date, being male more trees than leaves.  I have not really tracked if I've been a terminal influence on any as I rarely circle back but would not consider a plant to be a sacrifice, in your case they were likely annuals doomed to frost soon anyway and wild rather than someone's prize rose garden. Watering the plants is nothing different than other species do.  

    I agree.   Peeing on plants in the wild is totally natural.   The one which is the subject of this topic was basically a weed growing amongst concrete so hardly a prized rose tended by a dedicated gardener.   If the odd plant reacts badly to a bit of pee then that is all part of nature.

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  10. On 10/22/2022 at 8:09 AM, gldenwetgoose said:

    There have been quite a few cases where people, usually driving automatics, have a brain fog moment of trying to step on the brake but actually hitting the gas, and because the car doesn't slow then stamping hard on the pedal. 

    I actually witnessed this with someone I know.   She was parking her car in a car park, pulled into a space forwards as normal and just as she was about half a metre from the fence across the end of the space she suddenly accelerated hard into the fence to the point where she hit the fence with a large force and continued to hold the accelerator down, spinning the wheels on the tarmac whilst the car was held in place by the fence.   Thankfully the fence was substantial, being constructed of steel box section framework with wooden vertical strips made of three inch half round logs.   She destroyed the wood for the width of the car, badly damaged the car bumper, radiator, lights and wings, but thankfully the steel frame of the fence only bent otherwise she would have careered across a play park.   She held the accelerator pedal down hard for a good few seconds after she hit the fence before she realised what was happening and released it, so I can see how the guy from the original post may have held down the accelerator and continued into the building.   After the event, she couldn't really understand what had happened, but everything pointed to her trying to brake as she approached the fence, but pressing the wrong pedal and then pressing it harder when she wasn't stopping.   She was in serious shock and had to be taken home, but everyone was thankful that the fence had been so strongly constructed and therefore prevented what could have been very serious if the car had gone into children playing in the park.   

    • Hug 1
  11. On 10/21/2022 at 5:25 PM, Sophie said:

    My husband tells me that he has these in the urinals at work and they smell quite nice (and strong) at first. They work great for reducing the splashback. They used to have the orange ones and a couple of weeks ago they changed to purple. 



    Yes, I find that these are quite common now.   They work if you aim your pee at the mat, but it obviously doesn't help at all if you just aim at the urinal somewhere other than the mat.  I am not sure that too many people have realised that the idea is to pee directly onto them, but think of them just as an odour control.

  12. @vpw, you are giving me the inspiration to try skiing- something I have never done and never fancies doing …… until now!   I always assumed that most holiday skiers would save their peeing until they got to the facilities at the top or bottom of the runs (assuming there are any) and that taking all that kit off to pee outdoors would be a pain. 

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  13. I think the idea mentioned above of spreading pee around relates more to those who want to deliberately use their own pee as fertiliser on their own plants rather than being more concerned about needing relief whilst out and about.

    Some people take the fertilising in a natural way by peeing outside and picking a different bush or different pots each time.  Others pee directly into the compost heap to enrich it and still others keep containers by the toilet which they use to collect pee and subsequently distribute around the garden by adding it to their watering cans etc.  

    I have never actively practiced fertilising as above but I do pee on all sorts of plants and trees when I need a pee whilst I am out (and in my own small garden for that matter).

    Different pee seems to have different effects though. @Malika’s pee obviously caused that particular plant to die off with just one (probably concentrated) dose.  However I regularly stay in a caravan for the weekend and it is sited in one place most of the time and both my wife and I use the toilet in the caravan maybe 3 or 4 times each per night (evening, bed time, morning and maybe even in the night).  At the end of the weekend I take the toilet tank out and simply empty it on the plants, so they get an instant hit of up to 16 bladders worth, maybe around 6 litres in one go.  The plants where I routinely empty the tank have thrived!   It was especially noticeable when we had a long dry spell over the summer and everything else was stunted and turning brown but there was one patch that was growing really well, a luscious green and was much taller than the the surrounding plants.

    The pee is probably more of my wifes than it is of mine because I often by pass the toilet and pee directly onto vegetation outside - particularly my evening pees.  Those times I do spread it round more, as I just go wherever I feel like. 

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  14. On 10/22/2022 at 8:11 AM, MidoriLemonade85 said:

    This is why I have “penis envy”. I have had dreams about this kind of thing! So jealous you can do this! 

    Just because you don’t have a penis doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy making a mess.  You can hover and miss the toilet, you can sit on the front of the toilet and pee on the floor, you can keep your clothes out of the way, sit on the toilet and lean back so you fire your pee over the front of the toilet, you can do a high squat, bend right forward and pee backwards in the general direction of the toilet, chances are that some of not all will miss the bowl.  Then of course you could learn to pee standing, pull your labia apart, push your pelvis forward and pee, which would give you a good chance of overshooting the toilet.


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  15. 17 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    They say as one door closes, another opens.  Today one door has definitely closed for me - assuming legal wheels spin in the right direction with no hiccups on Monday.

    If that means what I assume then that's good news that you've finished everything and great that you've had the opportunity for fun along the way.   Who knows that the next door to open will be, but hopefully it will be something fulfilling.

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  16. 13 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    One of those discriminators between Peefans and everyone else then - it's 10pm AKA you can't be drunk enough to pee in public on buildings VS step aside, the world is my toilet.

    Totally agree.   I don't consider the time when deciding to pee on a building.   I've peed outside in public at all hours of the day.

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