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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. Well, I wasn't expecting that as my Friday afternoon reading material!   Fantastic in both parts with shed loads of intimate details and such a very believable situation.  Without a doubt the best story I've read in a while with a lot of imagination and descriptions that have founded quality images in my mind.   I'm kind of hoping that maybe Isabella may well be looking for excuses (or creating excuses) for calling the plumber again in future.

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  2. 3 hours ago, sweet_release said:

    It does feel a bit silly looking back on it now! I wish I has been bolder about testing the waters (pun intended) about this fetish, but that’s far easier to say now with all the wisdom & bravery of almost 10 years 😅

    Totally agree - there are a lot of things that I've done in the past that I would do differently with hindsight.  In my early adult life I was very reserved, especially with friends and people I hadn't long met.   I know that I've missed out on some good fun as a result as well.  I can think of at least two girls who I know I could have had much more experience with if I'd had more confidence and were a bit more worldly wise.

    One time I was out for the day with some other people and they were going to camp overnight so I said I'd go home for my tent and sleeping bag.  One very cute girl said that I could share her tent and sleeping bag, but I stupidly declined.   I also reckon I could very easily have enjoyed seeing her peeing outside.

    Another was a girl that I started going out with and it turned out that she was a horsey girl.  She also took part in historical re-enactments and she even told me that sometimes they did these in outdoor places where the only toilets were bushes with one side for men and the other for ladies, so I absolutely know she peed outside without problems.   However, I never got as far as going to one of those events or going to see her at her stables.   I should have done, especially as she spent so much time there and I'm sure I'd have got to see her peeing outside, but I was too shy and we soon broke it off because she spent more time with her horses than she spent with me.  I've always regretted not taking that further.

  3. Yes I'd love to be able to do this.  I have done it a few times when I was much younger and I have done it once or twice in a hotel, but I'd never do it at home now as my wife would not be at all pleased.

    I quite like camping in my small tent which has the entrance on the side.  I can just unzip my sleeping bag, then unzip the door where it runs along the base of the door and pee out of the door from in my sleeping bag without getting up.   That's very enjoyable and then I can go straight back to sleep.

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  4. That was some holding willpower there and what a feeling that release must have been.   There is no way I'd have made it through that.

    I must admit though, if I was Drew then I'd have been more than happy for you to pee in the park or behind a bush on the hill (or even on the bus for that matter) and maybe it would have been an opportunity to find out how he felt about peeing, but I totally get that as a young girl on a date it would be mortifying to admit the need and you would have been really worried about his reaction.

  5. I think for me it would be a furniture store.   I'd like to go in there and pee sitting on a sofa so I peed between the cushions or to pee between a bed and a wall.   The nearest I have got is to wear a long coat into a furniture store with my dick out of my fly under cover of the coat.  I then opened a drawer on a display unit and whilst looking at some stuff on top of the unit I peed a bit into the drawer.    I'd really love to sit on a sofa in a shop and let it all go, but most furniture stores have attentive staff and too many cameras.

    Theatre or cinema would also be good, but would need to not be sat in the booked seat or it would be easily traced back.

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  6. 13 hours ago, peetowin said:

    issue is how do you get to know people who is in to this type of kink and talk to them , does anyone know a true chat type thing where one can get to know one another and talk without having to pay money,

    Herein lies the biggest challenge to anyone with an interest in pee.   One way is to meet a girl in any context and then when you find you are getting on well, gently bring up the subject of peeing and test her boundaries in a respectful way to find out if there is any chance she might be interested.   It is a difficult one, but gets more difficult the longer you are with someone and the more you have to lose, so I'd say if it is really important to you then you need to bring it up early in the relationship and use the answers to decide whether this is the right relationship for you.   I missed that boat and only brought it up after I'd been with my wife for some years.   Thankfully she wasn't abhorred by the idea and we now have a good understanding that I know what she is and isn't willing to do.    

    Another option is to go to fetish events where people might be more open to the idea.  

    You can of course use a dating app and put something in your profile that would give an indication to others of your interest.  Maybe not go all out with the detail, but you could maybe mention that you are interested in Golden Showers or wet sex.  Sure it will put some people off, but that's the whole point - attract the people that are compatible and put off the people who are not.   You could mention Watersports, but that might also find you a load of kayakers and surfers (not in itself a bad thing as most of those people are at least willing to pee outside).   You would need to check the rules of the dating site though as some may have restrictions on what you can cover.  If you are lucky, they might have a set of selection tick boxes where you tick your interests to help match like minded people and if one of those is in the Watersports area then you make sure you get that ticked.   Caveat:  I'm providing this advice as someone who has never logged onto a dating site or app in his life as I was happily married before they became a thing!

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  7. Surprising that nobody else has replied yet.  However, I'll put in my thoughts.

    Firstly, the question about normal or sick - well I think this is where the adage of "There is no such thing as normal" applies.  When it comes to sex and related interests, many many people have interests outside of the mainstream and the wide variety of these mean that most of them are not normal in the wider context of the general population but that doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with them, nor does it mean that someone with those interests is unique.

    The very fact that this site exists and is subject to thousands of posts and pictures means that the pee interest is widespread, however amongst the general population it is likely not considered normal and some people with specific views may find it deplorable.   But then they probably have their own fantasies outside of pee that might be considered deplorable to other people and so it goes on.

    Within this community, your thoughts are well within the normal realms of acceptability.  Finding that person who will enjoy experimenting with you will be difficult but is not impossible.   There are many people here who have a willing pee partner.  Personally, my wife doesn't appreciate pee, but she knows that I do and she is willing to indulge me sometimes and up to a point, but there are parts of my pee interest that she has told me she is OK with me doing but she doesn't want to know about it and there are other parts that I've never told her because they go beyond the bits that she has said she doesn't want to know about!

    Tasting women's pee gets a big tick from many on this site.   I've enjoyed my wife's pee multiple times and I love it.   Same for licking her out.  I'd certainly give peeing inside her a go, but she doesn't want that - same as peeing all over her.  The nearest I have got is peeing over her bum in the shower.   However, she has peed all over me both on towels in the bedroom and in the garden and in fact even outside away from the house.

    Yes, I'd love to walk around naked and pee as and when without concern, but unfortunately it isn't that practical because the powers that be think it inappropriate.  If I lived alone then I may consider it in my house but I don't think it is a good idea with my wife about.

    So in summary, nobody is "normal", there is no such thing.   What you are interested in is a common interest and you are amongst many others with similar interests here.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, colette888 said:

    I too think that a little *confirmation* should be considered necessary if we want to make sure that we are sending the message that we are *available*... Still, in my case, that move, while making quite obvious my intentions, rarely achived the goal I had in mind...

    It is always difficult as you don't know the mindset of the person who is viewing you.

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  9. 1 minute ago, Let_It_Go said:

    Thank you for the thoughtful response, Alfresco. I shall plan out my actions with this in mind (if there is a next time!). I guess I just did what felt right for me in that moment 🙂

    Sometimes you might not want to invite interaction but you enjoy putting on the show.   It is entirely down to what you want to do, but I certainly get that you would hope to at least get a little smile or knowing look from the viewer.   As you say, just do what feels right at the time and enjoy your own knowledge that you got away with a sneaky pee release in a very public place.

    As @colette888 says, it is definitely the case that not all gym attendees are heterosexual.   Also, a lot of people realise that some girls have stress incontinence issues where they pee a small amount whilst exercising strenuously.   For that reason, the viewer may be respectful that seeing a wet patch might not mean deliberate release.   That would be especially the case if they didn't see the spot appearing whilst you were sat there relaxing but just saw that you had a wet spot and they may have thought you had an accidental release previously when working out.   That's another reason why I think that it would require a second, deliberate release whilst sitting there to confirm in the viewer's mind that it was indeed deliberate.

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  10. 13 hours ago, Let_It_Go said:

    Total let-down!! If his eyes had flicked downwards over my body, he didn't show any reaction to indicate that he knew I'd peed. He didn't notice, or didn't care. 

    Well the whole thing is hot for me and I'd certainly enjoy looking, but he probably thought that it was accidental and that you would be embarrassed by it so even if he was interested, he probably wouldn't show it.   Of course not everyone would be interested, but that doesn't take away from the fact that you did it and got a rush from doing it.   Unfortunately the way the world is now, men are often concerned for being accused of being predatory, so they are very careful.   Even if that was me, I would seriously have enjoyed the view, but I don't think I would have done anything about it other than commit it to my memory.   I would definitely keep an eye on you to see what you did next though.   If you then looked at me again and released more whilst you were looking, then I'd probably come and ask if you were OK and say that I couldn't help notice that you'd had a little "accident".    

    If you peed once a little bit, that could have been an accident, but if you didn't then try and hide but proceeded to do it again whilst holding my gaze, that would be the trigger that you were inviting interaction.

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  11. Some nice sightings there but shame about the issue with being confronted by the police helpers.   I don't know what powers your police helpers have, but they may not have sufficient powers to actually charge you or raise a fine.   However, having been caught there once, it might not be a great idea to go back to the same location, especially with the car, as you may be recognised and they may not like the fact that they already told you not to go there with a car but you returned.

    Probably OK to go there again on foot, but if you see any police helpers then walk out of the area so it looks like you are passing through rather than hanging around.  I don't know whether that area is a route from one place to another or a dead end.  If it were a dead end, and you were challenged then it might be better to say that you had snuck in there for a pee rather than giving any indication that you were hanging around waiting for girls who might pee there.  Or, you could use an unrelated excuse like you came back there to make a phone call as it was too noisy on the main road.  

    When I go out looking, I try not to stay in the same place too long as that can rouse suspicion.   It is difficult, because once you find a good place, you don't want to leave as you know that you are going to miss things, but safety has to be number one priority and also you don't want people there to think that you are preying on other people.  If you walk past and see someone peeing once or twice, the peeing people are going to feel to be in the wrong and won't challenge you.  However, if you are seen to be following people who go into a quiet place to pee and then repeating that action, it can result in being challenged.

    I've been challenged a couple of times by guys who said they saw me in the same area several times over an evening and whilst I've managed to satisfy them that I'm not a threat, it has meant that I'm always as careful as I can be not to act in a way that would draw attention.

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  12. 8 hours ago, Euro said:

    He said, paraphrased, ... That's what we did, pissed on the Moon and having done so, just walked away,... Satisfied !

    Another astronaut, well cosmonaut, related aspect is that Russian Cosmonauts peeing on the tyre of their bus on the way to the launch pad.  Quoted from here, is a little background.   The whole article gives details of other traditions that are followed prior to space flight.

    “Following the blessing, crew members board a bus to the launch pad. But it’s not a direct journey—there is a mandatory bathroom break along the way. According to the ESA, Gagarin was on his way to the launch pad in 1961 when he realized he needed to urinate one last time. The bus was stopped, and Gagarin got off, headed to the back-right tire, and relieved himself. As a tribute, each bus trip to the Baikonur launch pad now incorporates a stop, during which crew members pee on the back-right bus tire.“

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  13. 9 hours ago, Havelock said:

    The horse drawn carriage origin is interesting. I wonder if it was common to pee on/through carriage wheels?  That seems like it would offer little cover, as the wheels had wide spokes and the carriages rode high on the wheels, with the wheels often protruding beyond the end of the carriage. Unless you were extremely close to a spoke it would probably offer little cover and at that point quite a bit of splash back. Perhaps the point was to pee between the spokes and end up under the carriage? At that point your pee is going the same place as horse pee. That would explain why it would be more polite to pee there if the horse pee is already there, than on a near by wall, tree etc.. 

    I am not really sure about the horse drawn carriage origin, but it might be from that time as there is also a law about Hackney Carriage drivers carrying a bale of hay I have read somewhere.   The logic with peeing on a carriage wheel would be that the carriage would have a hidden space of the wheel arch between the wheel and the coach body which would give privacy and avoid offending the eyes of maidens. (Although I am sure that some maidens would have enjoyed the view).  In those times there would be little in the way of public facilities and it might just have been an acceptable discrete place to go.   The bit about horse pee already being on the road is also very valid.

  14. Last nigh on the Jonathan Ross Show they had Mo Gillingham on.  He was talking about jumping off the bridge into a lake/river.  He said he forgot to ask whether there were any sharks or crocodiles, so he shouted from the water and was told there were eels.  He said he peed a bit in the river.   Made it sound like the thought of the eels scared him so he peed.

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  15. 2 hours ago, F0rester said:

    I recall hearing that if targeting the tires of your own vehicle, public urination is legal in the UK. No idea on the truth to that. 

    I was going to mention this, although I believe it is a little more specific than this.  Some sources say this is for taxi drivers and they must also have their right hand on the roof.  It is a bit spurious though as it is not actually illegal to pee outside in the UK unless the location is subject to specific bylaws. So, maybe it was considered good practice as peeing in that position forced you to give yourself a bit of cover between your body and the vehicle, so avoiding being charged for indecent exposure.

    The law probably stemmed from early days of horse drawn carriages with wooden wheels and high sides.

  16. 9 hours ago, Havelock said:

    I find it interesting when girls do this. Its obviously going to create more of an inconvenience and mess for the residents than if they just peed in the street, on the sidewalk or between cars.

    It was a narrow street with no parked cars.  The nightclub entrance was on a busy main road and went round the corner onto the quiet, narrow side street and was quite long, so more people were queued on the side street than the main road.   With no parked cars for protection some girls considered the domestic entrances the only option for cover.   Some did go further up the road and just peed on the pavement.

    5 hours ago, kiass said:

    Probably a lot boys get teached how to pee outside. And when they do it, it might be something as "boys will be boys" or "naughty boy". -> pretty normal to do.

    For the girls: they might be getting teached that pee is dirty, never show private parts (don't be a slut) and its not "ladylike" to pee outside. -> they should be ashamed when peeing outside or showing private parts (not my point of view)

    Most guys just crossed the road from the queue and walked up a little way to where there was a railing fence round a car park.  They peed through the railings into the car park.   A few did go further up the street and use doorways or house walls, but the majority peed through the fence, considering that turning their back on the queue gave them sufficient privacy.   It seemed that the girls had not taken lessons on peeing standing from @Eliminature, as I am sure that would have been an option.

    As you say, the girls wanted more privacy, and their privacy and need outweighed any consideration for the house owners.  Again, anyone in the queue would know what they were going to do, so they didn’t care about that, but most were wearing trousers and had to expose their bums, so ducking backwards into a doorway meant nothing to see from that distance.  

    Personally I would love to have one of those houses, but I would definitely install a camera.

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  17. Definitely great to hear that Rachel Riley pees in the shower.  

    Coronation street had a few references to peeing over the New Year.  Last year, Sally Metcalf was caught short just before midnight on NYE and peed in public.  This year there were several references to last year’s event with Sally saying she wasn’t going to go to the pub because everyone would remember last year,  Tim said that nobody would remember, but there were several people that mentioned it on the night included Carla when they went outside asking “Are you alright for a wee Sal?”.

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