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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. On 5/4/2023 at 8:03 PM, Kupar said:

    Deltic on the East Coast Main Line anyone? Glorious sounds 🙂 

    Sorry mods - it's getting a bit off-topic now


    Both Very nice, but I’d take Tornado out of the two!

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  2. Love the story and very believable situations.  You obviously know a bit about railways @Apple78 and that makes the background much better.

    Oddly enough, I saw a 37 stabled in a siding today as we went through a station on a passenger train, so this was a very timely story.  

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  3. On 4/11/2023 at 2:29 PM, glad1 said:

    I think we all should have days where we resolve that no urine goes in the toilet bowl.

    Better yet, we should try to make this our everyday goal!

    Yep, totally agree and I definitely have days where I decide to avoid using a toilet all day.   It might not be practical every day to completely avoid using a toilet, but I do always ensure that at least some of my peeing every day is done away from a toilet and generally at least one outdoor pee per day, preferably more.

  4. Great story @sd91.  I love this girls attitude and the way she deals with her condition as well as having understanding friends.   To be honest, she probably didn't need to worry about peeing outside at Notting Hill carnival as there would be plenty others doing it as well.

    I wonder if you were inspired by any of these which are from Notting Hill?  I instantly thought of the video that shows multiple people peeing in a basement courtyard when I read that Ciara did exactly that.  I am sure many of these courtyards get a good dose of pee that weekend every year.   I would love to own one and set up some cameras.   Or maybe I would even put a sign at the top saying it was a designated toilet area and request charity donations for access.





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  5. 9 hours ago, colette888 said:

    If any of you faithful readers are interested in knowing more, I can forward specific details.

    Always happy to hear more!

    I'm sure that you must have also had to pee several times and would be interested in whether you had any displays of your own peeing for the photographers or others.   

    This certainly sounds like a great photo shoot.

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  6. Your early morning pee on the beach sounds idyllic. Just you alone attuned with nature.   I have done similar when I have woken early and gone out for a cycle ride.   With nobody around I have openly peed next to the lake in places where that would be impossible in the day because there would be too many people.   On a calm quiet morning it is so natural and relaxing.

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  7. 2 minutes ago, colette888 said:

    You are extremely nice, I might consider marrying you, dear, if you are still available... 💔

    Unfortunately, though, in this "family" not everybody shares your attitudes! and that's my problem now!

    The problem with any family - not everyone has the same attitudes or even morals and respect.   However, I think that here we have far less negativity than most internet forums.

    As for getting married, much as I am honoured by your proposal, I am sure we could have a great life together, I am afraid that ship sailed 25 years ago.

  8. 16 minutes ago, colette888 said:

    I greatly appreciate this comment of yours, it's making my day more bearable!

    I totally agree with your interpretations and deductions.

    But, I'm my case, I'm afraid it's probably my way of being and presenting myself here that's making me quite unpopolar and, as a direct consequence, my "stories" don't draw the attention the events I describe should deserve.  While this Site belongs to the category of the "Forums", «mediums where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged», it seems to me it's more like a "Club", where a very limited number of members participate and exchange friendship, while all the others watch in silence... Let's hope my impression is partial and unfounded! If not, I wonder whether this is the appropriare place to share my experiences.

    Firstly, yes it absolutely is the place to share your experiences as there are certainly people here who enjoy them greatly.

    I do agree about there being lots of people who watch in silence, but I like to think that those who make the step into contributing and engaging are more of a family than a club as we all care for each other and appreciate the differences between ourselves and enjoy discussing the different perspectives that we all have on life.

    I don't think that there is any case of you being unpopular, nor is there anything to be concerned about in respect of the way you present yourself.  I haven't seen any negative response to your posts and the lack of reaction from the general population is not specific to your posts but is endemic across the forums.  You do get some reactions and feedback and a good proportion of those reactions are "Hot", so your content is definitely striking the right notes with people.

  9. 17 hours ago, colette888 said:

    Dear fellow-writer, what you affirm I feel that's exactly what happens in most Sites! It's nice of you to think my «stories are doing great», but, even considering there are more pitiful situations than mine, I consider very scarse the impact they are producing here... 

    Anyway, if a soft pat on your shoulder is of any help, please consider my virtual mine assured!

    The problem is that so many people just want to take enjoyment from other people's input and can't be bothered to even simply click a like/love/hot reaction.   I know that others have commented similarly before and I and others have made posts appealing to the better nature of our casual readers, asking them to take this simple action to show appreciation, but many don't want to be bothered.   This doesn't help people who want to write and spend a lot of time on doing so for little feedback.   I used to write quite a lot of fiction, but I've lost the impetuous, partly due to lack of feedback, but mainly due to lack of time.   When I was writing fiction regularly, I noticed that it was the same few people that comment and react - and indeed it is still a small pool of people that do that for anyone on fiction or true stories.   I suspect part of the problem is that we have many people who read it but are not members of the site and can't react (to those people, please join and react - it costs nothing, but provides a wealth in rewards) or those who are members, but "lurk" and don't want to see their username associated with anything (no idea why - it is anonymous to real life).

    However, I still try to engage with people and write about real life encounters as I know that people appreciate it (even if they don't show it) and I feel that if I enjoy reading content from others, then I would like to give something back and not only acknowledge other people but make my own contributions.

    In your case, @colette888, you can be assured that your content is of great interest to me and I love the accounts you give - especially when you provide lots of details of the situation as well as the actual event.   You have had some fabulous experiences which I enjoy experiencing through your words.

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  10. 2 hours ago, MrTickle said:

    Surprised they didn't just fit drainage between the rails at such stations, leading direct to the sewers. You'd thank as a one-off cost infrastructure cost, that would be cheaper than having to fit every train with the required plumbing for ever more.

    Intelligence right there!   Good idea.  

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  11. 5 hours ago, oliver2 said:

    Traditional on the railway would be to flush the train toilet in the station in defiance of the sign, pouring your dilute piss onto the track

    Indeed this is true and it used to be very common to be able to stand on station platforms (especially terminus stations) and see wads of tissues on the track from where passengers had done exactly that.  The theory was that when travelling along, the water, tissue and other waste would be spread out as it hit the track and cause little impact.  In stations it was just emptying the toilet straight into one place, hence the reason for the notice.  Some people never realised why the notice was there or what the consequences of flushing in a station were, because the sign didn't explicitly inform the user that the toilet emptied onto the tracks.  Of course there were others who did realise, but either didn't care or liked the idea so did it anyway, or were rebellious in nature.

    Sadly this tradition is now all but gone in the UK, with mainline trains being converted to having tanks to contain the waste.  This is an expensive solution for what was never really a major problem.  The old system worked and was very simple.  The new system requires more plumbing, more control systems, probably chemicals to treat the tanks, pumps and operators to empty them and then onward disposal from there.    However, there was a documentary following happenings at London Paddington Station, even as recently as 2017 which showed that they have to have special mats between the tracks to help deal with the flushing in the station.   If you are interested, you can read it here.  I believe that was from the Intercity 125 trains, which have now been retired from that route as of 2019.  The 125s have continued to be used elsewhere, but they are being retrofitted with storage tanks.  It seems that now it is only some preserved railways and an ever diminishing number of trains with older carriage stock have toilets that still empty onto the track.

    Of course, you can always stand on the platform and pee directly onto the tracks.

  12. I didn't waste any flush on peeing on Saturday.   The morning pee I peed in the toilet but then left it as my wife was going to use the toilet, and she would have flushed anyway, so I left it for the one flush.  I was at the railway where I volunteer for the the day and I peed outside behind a rail vehicle most times during the day.  I did use the toilets once, but I used a urinal which flushes on a timer anyway, so no additional flush was used.   When I got home, I had a shower and peed in the shower before going to bed.

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  13. 11 minutes ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

     Coincidentally, I visited this same toilet this morning… and a guy walked in on me! The stupid door lock did not work! I think I will call this the Trainspotting toilet from hence forth! 

    Sorry you were walked in on.  Hope you were not too embarrassed.

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  14. On 4/12/2023 at 12:46 AM, GenericUsername said:

    Spraying glasses and mugs kind of goes too far. It’s a biohazard for the next guests. Most of the other suggestions on here seem fair. Have fun!!!

    Interesting perspective - I had always considered that cups and glasses were good options because they would always go through the dishwasher before the next guess - ok there could be lazy room attendants who just give them a wipe over but if you want to be really sure, make a cup of tea or coffee afterwards (your choice whether you actually drink it) leaving the dregs of that in the cup would definitely mean it got sent for washing properly.

    I would have thought that would leave less of a hazard than peeing on the floor, bed or chairs where the pee will stay there indefinitely.  Although, I do get the point that people don’t drink off the carpet!   


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