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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. Thank you for the account of your fantastic day at the water park.  Water parks are very definitely the place that you can most easily get away with peeing anywhere.  I don’t visit them often but when I have been, I take the same approach as you and I have peed anywhere throughout the parks.   My wife isn’t into peeing, but she has also peed wherever she is in the parks because it is easy and convenient.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Sonnenschein said:

    I will need to direct my boyfriend away from that spot for a while.

    Has your boyfriend indicated that he doesn't like you peeing outside?   If so then yes, I guess you need to keep him away, but if he hasn't indicated it then it might be good to let him find a puddle at some point.  You may well find that he thinks it is really sexy but even if he doesn't, you can explain it away as a desperate need that came over you and say that it is only a bit of wee and doesn't cause any harm.  At least you may be able to judge his level of acceptance and if you are lucky then it may open up a whole area of fun for you both.    If he doesn't appreciate it then at least you know where you stand and if he kicks off about it then just say something like "What?  you've never peed outside when you are desperate?"   He will most likely have to concede that he has done so and then you are back on the upper hand.   You can even say something like "I don't see why only guys can get relief when they need it."

    If your boyfriend doesn't appreciate it, then we definitely do and you can continue to have your own fun but may just need to keep being careful to avoid him realising that you are enjoying peeing outside as often as you do.

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  3. I do this on my way to important meetings.   If I've been travelling for a few hours, I don't want to arrive at a site and then find that I have to wait in a queue at the security, then wait whilst a pass is issued, then wait for a person to come and collect me from the gate and then wait until we get to the meeting room.   It could take half an hour to get from driving through the gate to being somewhere where I can go to the toilet, so it is far easier to find somewhere to pee outside on the final approach to the building.

    I would say it is probably not that common to pee so close to the site though as she risks other people from her meeting or people that know her seeing her appearing from behind the bush.   Also given that she didn't have to pick up a pass, but seemingly already had one means that she presumably knew that she wouldn't get held up at security.   On the other hand, if she was a regular there then she might know that once through security she still had a certain amount of time to get parked up, get to whichever building she was in and then find a toilet.   I know that even when visiting small sites I tend to avoid arriving in a situation where the first thing I have to do is ask for the toilet.   I don't know why that is - maybe because I like the excuse to pee outside.   Maybe she also just enjoys peeing outside, but I'd guess it certainly wasn't the first or only time that she has done that as it appeared that she knew the location and what she was doing.

    I have known ladies who come to some meetings that I attend who always stop at a coffee shop or service area before arrival so that they don't need to ask for the toilet.   I wonder if any others I know stop to use a bush?   If they do, they've never mentioned it, but then again I've never mentioned my peeing outside to others at the meeting either.   I do know one lady who nearly always arrives flustered and runs to the toilet.  I guess this lady preferred not to be in that position.  I also know ladies that regularly come to a site meeting and leave again without going to the toilet.  Whether they use the bushes on the way in or stop at a coffee shop I have no idea but it is definitely a case that some ladies don't wish to declare their need to use the toilet at a customer site.

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  4. Great sightings @PeteK123.   The best results are often where there is an even with lots of drinking and a shortage of toilets.  You were also lucky there that the place that the girls chose was not well hidden and you were able to view them peeing.  They were obviously very desperate or very drunk if you turned into the alley with them and they didn't care.

  5. My wife suffered severe depression leading to self harm and a prolonged stay in a specialist establishment, so I am well aware of how serious depression is and how it can affect people.

    I am so sorry that your relationship was toxic and that you got very close to suicide, but pleased that you have sought help and found it.  It is times like this that you really know who is willing to stick with you and support you.  Keep positive and cherish every good moment, appreciate those who support you and don’t take notice of those who bring you down.   You have got this.  

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  6. On 6/2/2023 at 8:48 PM, houston said:

    I have shied away from peeing anywhere that people might eventually eat / drink. Don't know how I feel about that. I will give it some thought.

    Fully understand this idea to shy away from things that may get eaten or drunk, but if you choose to pee in pans/kettles/food mixers/glasses/mugs etc, then there is no issue as long as they are properly washed.   Anything that goes through the dishwasher is fully cleansed and sterilised.  Anything else, as long as you can wash it out will be fine as it would be so diluted that it is not detectable.

    I often pee in a pint glass, give it a quick rinse out and then fill with water to drink.   I know that is just me drinking from it, and other people's stuff is slightly different, but it is still not going to be an issue.   I don't worry about the fact that my wife will drink out of glasses that I've peed in.   

  7. From what you've shared so far in the forums, it sounds like you have plenty of experiences to share, so your autobiography should be great to read.   Looking forward to reading all the details!   The above event sounds wonderful.    What were the reactions when your friends saw you do this?  Where they shocked or maybe they all laughed?   Did that encourage anyone else to pee outside?

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  8. 14 hours ago, Maggie_555 said:

    A nice long piss, and in a place undercover so it won't be washed away by rainfall. I love the way you pissed all over the door in the area which someone would touch if attempting to open it!

    Yes, it was (is) undercover and so evaporates rather than being washed away.  I have noticed that the area is starting to have a certain aroma as more people have peed there and there hasn't been any rainfall so even the pee which is in the outer area isn't being washed away at the moment.

    As for the door - well, part of that was because I went there one time and notice that in the five minutes I was there, two other guys turned up, found the toilets locked and then drove away, then two council workers arrived, unlocked the toilets, used them, then locked them up again.  So peeing right on the door was kind of a protest against their ability to use the toilets whilst everyone else was locked out.   It is a bit of an irony really though as I actually prefer the toilets being locked because it gives me an excuse to pee outside and there is a chance I may see others at some point (although I don't get time to hang around on the offchance).

    So far, I have seen one other guy peeing in the entrance and another guy peeing by a hedge opposite (to the right of the starting point of the camera in the video).  I have see several people find the toilets locked and walk away.  As I drove past one day I noticed a lady trying the door of the ladies and it looked like she was debating what to do, but I didn't see the outcome as I was driving past and had my wife with me so couldn't stop.

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  9. I went out this morning to the park where the toilets have been locked as above and I was going to pee in the toilet entrance again, but there were two council workers around clearing up litter.   I was tempted to pee there anyway and if they challenged me then I would have asked what I was supposed to do seeing as they had closed the toilets.  As it was, I thought that might be a little risky so instead I did something else that was also a bit risky.   

    I walked off away from the toilets and round the edge of the park.  It is a small park with tennis courts on one edge, some seats with their backs to the courts and facing the open field where people play football and have picnics etc.   At the other side is a small kiddies play park and then the building with the toilets and a community centre and beyond that is a car park. 

    I sat on one of the benches and faced out towards the field.   The side of me was somewhat shielded by bushes.   I am often jealous of how ladies wearing skirts can just sit on a bench and pee through the slats, so I decided I was going to try it but without the skirt.   I checked nobody was too nearby and pulled my trousers and boxer shorts down just a small way.  This meant my bare backside was now on the bench.   The back was reasonably hidden from anyone that happened to pass the other side of the tennis courts because the slats on the bench were quite close together.  The sides of my bum were exposed, but as I said, the bench was set back from the path and the bushes either side gave cover unless someone came close.  From the front, nothing would be untoward as my trousers were still in place on my legs.  I sat there and after about 10-15 seconds I started to pee slowly.   The pee formed into a small puddle between my legs and fell through the gap in the slats forming a puddle underneath.   

    I don't believe anyone noticed anything - even the council worker who was clearly visible from my position.   When I was done, I raised my bum and quickly pulled up my trousers and sat down again slightly to the side so I didn't get wet.  The bench had a wet patch on two slats, maybe 6 inches wide and a puddle underneath on the tarmac. 

    So, if I can do that as a male, which required pulling down my trousers, it would be so very simple as a technique for ladies wearing the right type of skirt.

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  10. There is a small park near me which the council have recently decided no longer warrants having toilets.  This is despite the toilets being fairly well utilised from what I've noticed.   Over the last couple of weeks I have been there several times and have been there several times and I've noted various puddles and pee stains in the entrance to both the ladies and men's toilets and I have added my own pee several times.

    Here is a video showing one of those times:



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  11. @walanuk’s post reminded me of the days I was at university.  I shared a flat with a couple of other guys about 2 miles out of the city.  After a night drinking we walked to the edge of the city and then through a park and across a remote path to get back home.  We regularly stopped in the park for a pee as it was the first place away from the roads and crowds.

    I will also say that I am a volunteer on a preserved railway and it is common for many of the guys to pee by the side of the loco shed rather than walk to the toilets.  It has become the accepted thing to do, so I do regularly pee there.  I also have a caravan that is sited in one place and I often pee behind that too. 

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  12. 3 hours ago, PrincessApricot said:

    I find this so interesting because I’ve also seen a lifeguard sit on the side of the pool and pee. I always assumed it was out of desperation (because it was a very long pee), but now I’m wondering if it’s more commonplace than I thought. 

    I would imagine it is more common than most people would expect.   Usually a warm location so lifeguards drink to keep hydrated and they are probably bored most of the time so keep drinking for something to do.  They can’t leave the pool area so they have to improvise.

    Was the lifeguard you saw male or female?  How were you sure that they were peeing?   I assume it was from the fact that they just sat there for a short time but would be interested if there are other give aways.  

  13. 8 hours ago, Havelock said:


    I get the feeling that some people have become pretty nonchalant about peeing at the charging stations.


    Love that.  Like it is just part of the deal when sitting around waiting for the car to charge.  So there are probably hundreds of Tesla sentry mode videos of girls peeing at charging stations but unfortunately most people don’t even review their footage unless there is an issue and of those that do, only a small percentage are considerate enough to share the videos.

    That being the case, the people who need to pee don’t worry about it and just  treat it as something they need to do.  

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  14. Excellent sighting and wonderful timing on your part.  It is great when things work out for a good sighting - especially when you totally were not expecting one.

    As @gldenwetgoose says, sometimes you make a decision because there are few alternatives and I would definitely say it was better to be seen peeing for 30 seconds than to be seen in wet clothing for the rest of the way home.   Obviously I don't know anything about what was around there or how much of a rush the lady was in, but it is quite surprising that she didn't go and find something to give at least a little bit of cover.   The only times I've seen ladies peeing actually on the pavement with lots of people around have been when they are drunk in the evening.

  15. 10 hours ago, Kupar said:

    K and I have just started watching 'Colin from Accounts' (Australian romcom TV serial ... very sweet) and in episode 2 our heroine pees in our hero's bedside cupboard drawers.

    She's very cute too. And she flashes a tit in episode 1, leading to the central theme of the comedy situation. 


    Edit: mods ... I think I've posted this in the wrong place and it should be in the 'Actors peeing on "regular" TV' topic 😟. Are you able to move it?

    Sounds like another to add to the list of things to watch!   

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