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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. 51 minutes ago, SnakeFace said:

    Curious if the train driver would have noticed

    The train driver probably wouldn't have noticed - they usually sit in their cabs facing forward, waiting for the signal from the guard to set off.   They trust the guard to check that all doors are secure and the train is safe to depart.

    So, the guard is a different matter.  He or she would definitely have seen it.   The guard has to look out of his/her door and check up and down the platform before pressing the button to close the doors.   @PeeingPoshBoy said that the doors closed as soon as Emily got back on.  That will have been because the guard was looking up the platform from his/her doorway, waiting for it to be safe to close the doors, so he/she would have definitely have seen what was happening, let Emily finish and then get the train on its way as soon as possible. 

    I actually have a story about this type of activity from a guard's point of view - I'll post it shortly.

  2. Fantastic experience there.   To be fair, she didn't have a lot of choice it seems - either she was going to wet herself on the train, pee on the train having pulled her panties out of the way, or do what she did.   If she had gone looking for a toilet then there probably wouldn't be one, or it would be closed and the train wouldn't have waited, so she would be in a worse position of being at a station which was not her destination, it was the last train so she would be stranded and she would still need to pee.  Is she had peed on the train then that would also be very hot, but she would probably be even more embarrassed and would have been even more worried about what you and Katie would have thought of her.

    So, seems like she did the right and most decent thing she could in the circumstances, which was totally hot and gave you a fantastic memory.

    The only other thing that she could have considered would have been to move here skirt out of the way and pee slowly through her knickers into the seat.   That way you two probably wouldn't notice what she was doing and there wouldn't be a puddle on the floor, but she would have had to get up last and hope you didn't notice the very wet patch - unless she was open enough to tell you that she was going to piss on the seat because the train didn't have toilets.

    I think she did the best she could and gave you a great show into the bargain.

    How did you get your own relief?  Did you end up peeing at your destination station?  Did the girls see?   What about Katie - did she pee anywhere and what was her reaction to Emily's conduct?

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  3. On 8/1/2023 at 6:16 PM, Bacardi said:

    Why pay $9 for a water bottle to pee in when peeing on the ground is free?

    And, peeing in the bottle in the car risks getting it all over the seat and floor mat - peeing outside on the ground has none of that associated risk.

    Also, if you do want to pee in a bottle, just recycle a used wide mouthed bottle or even a soda cup and save your $9.  Fabric conditioner bottles are well suited.   Although it does look like the one in the picture has a shaped funnel to help with your aim.

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  4. On 7/10/2023 at 4:48 PM, gldenwetgoose said:

    she shouted to her friends she needed a piss, before half squatting next to that red post office box in full view of the world

    I notice from the linked location that the street is called Bold Street.  Quite apt really as she was certainly being pretty bold!    There is also a street in London which I have peed in and I've seen others pee there called Leake Street.

  5. I've never seen it, but there are various videos of it on the internet as well as several discussions on why it happens and what you can or can't do to help control it.  Here is just one, but a quick search turns up others.



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  6. Love the story about the girl peeing in the shed on the way home from work multiple times.

    I have peed in various sheds.  We have a hot tub which is in a wooden building and both my wife and I have peed on the floor of this “shed” multiple times.    I also have a proper shed that I have peed in a few times.  I also once was bursting when driving somewhere and I stopped by some allotments.  I was going to just pee outside but I noticed a run down shed with the door hanging open, so I went in there and peed.  It looked like nobody had used it for a while so I peed on the assortment of flowerpots and old rusty tools that were there.

    There was a pub near me that closed down and was boarded up. I went round the back and found a shed which was unlocked and had various discarded stuff in there - boxes, paint tins, etc.   I peed in there several times before it got demolished.


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  7. I've never measured, but I would guess about 400ml.  I've drunk directly from my wife, but I've also had fun with her involving an empty 500ml beer bottle.   We were outside in the garden having fun generally and she started peeing so I put the bottle in place and she filled the bottle to about 80% full.  I then drank it in front of her.

  8. 1 hour ago, PeeingPoshBoy said:

    I've always wanted to try this - but the closest I've been was peeing in the garden centre car park

    If you want to try and can get to go to a garden centre on your own, then there really are plenty of places that are out of sight.   If you are still nervous, go on a day when it is raining as there will be less people walking around the outdoor area and your pee puddle will instantly disappear on the wet ground.    Probably worth scoping out the location and coverage of cameras, but garden centres are generally big enough that the cameras don't cover everything.


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  9. My wife said to me the other day that she was getting a bit hairy and it was probably time to go and get waxed.   Then she asked me what I thought.   I was totally honest that I actually like both ways and I like the fact that she lets it grow a bit before getting it waxed, but also like it when it is all smooth around her pubic area.   Later on, I was stimulating her with my tongue and I got a hair in my mouth that I had to stop to remove.  She commented "Well you don't get that problem when it is smooth".  We laughed and I carried on.

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  10. 6 hours ago, likesToLick said:

    While I don't doubt that chloramines have a smell,  the idea that chlorine itself does not smell is just an urban legend.   If you put a small amount of pool chlorine in pure distilled water,  it will still have a chlorine smell.

    I can still smell the chlorine in my pool and spa even when they have just been filled with clean water from the mains and no-one has been in there. 

    The only time the pool has no chlorine scent is if the chlorinator is set too low and the level of free chlorine ions  has fallen below one part per million.   (I have a titration test kit to monitor free chlorine accurately.)   Chloramines show up on another test, i.e.  the "combined chlorine" test,  and can be completely broken down by adding more free chlorine.

    If a pool has no chlorine scent at all it is only a day or two from getting an algal bloom,  and is quite possibly unsafe for swimming.

    I totally agree.  We used to use chlorine in our hot tub (we've converted to enzyme based sanitisers now) and yes, there was a definite chlorine smell from the initial fill, but the smell in pools is generally a bit different.  It is also very true that the dipstick kits and titration test look at free chlorine and that the level is very important in keeping things sanitised.  If you go higher with the concentration, there is a stronger smell, but it is an almost fresh, bleachy smell rather than the smell you get at some public pools.   If there is organic matter in the pool/hot tub, the free chlorine gets used up very quickly and more needs to be added.  If the pool has too many chloramines then the addition of extra chlorine will get rid of them by further reacting with the chloramines to break them apart.   This is often known as shocking because you have to add a large quantity of chlorine.   The pool would have to be closed to do this because the high level of chlorine would be considered unsafe and also ammonia gas can be given off.  

    I'm no expert, but I know from my own hot tub that it is a delicate balance and you do have to be on top of it all the time to avoid having either to much or not enough free chlorine.   And yes, I've experienced the odd algal bloom when I've let it get too low!   We used to use a floating dispenser to gradually and continually add chlorine, but if we didn't use the tub very often, the levels sometimes went a bit high and if it ran out before we realised and we didn't check it for a few days then that could lead to the algal bloom.

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  11. 5 hours ago, localdaeru said:

    lovely advices! Thanks a lot for your effort, I appreciate this! I will keep an eye on those situations / locations :-)!! 

    I'm sure I don't need to say this, but just be respectful of any lady that you do catch, be polite and don't stand and stare, especially if they make it obvious that they are not happy with your presence.   You will be rewarded far more if you are positive in your engagement and it is far better to be compassionate to their need to pee rather than to make any lewd comments.  If in any doubt at all, apologise for disturbing them and keep walking, but enjoy the view on the way past.   Having said that, sometimes they might engage you with a "Sorry, I was desperate" or something like that.  In these cases, there is no harm at all in saying that you don't mind and that everyone needs to pee, or that you are just heading to do the same yourself.   That will usually break the ice and you can have a little bit of a longer  engagement without upsetting the lady.  Remember, we want to make ladies feel comfortable about peeing outside, not nervous, embarrassed or threatened.

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  12. 7 hours ago, luv2watch said:

    I don't like the " guys went one one way and girls went the other" part.

    There is no point if you can't pee with the girls.

    Tend to agree, but unfortunately most of the girls prefer their privacy, which is understandable. They are only peeing outside because they have no option and so they want to be as discrete as possible.  However, that’s not to say that I haven’t caught girls peeing whilst kayaking.  I have had some good views on several trips. 

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  13. I don't know Liverpool, (have only been there twice and that was in the day for business meetings), but @gldenwetgoose's comments are very valid.  From what I've seen in various towns and cities in the UK, people are much more willing to pee in areas with dark corners and run down back streets or car parks than they are in modern bright locations with clean shiny pavements.  I have seen exceptions like a girl that peed in a shop doorway inside a covered shopping area which was brightly lit and had a CCTV camera right in front of her, or in several cases girls who have come out of fast food places and squatted to pee right by the door on the pavement.   However, I from what I've seen, mostly girls will choose to pee somewhere that gives them a bit of cover and the best bets are in near nightclub queues whilst people are still queuing to get in, around fast food places later in the evening and near taxi ranks and bus stops at the end of the night.

    For the nightclub queues, just keep an eye on the queue and every now and then someone will leave the queue, go to pee and return to their place.  You can either follow at a distance and accidentally walk past them, or you can look at where they go and use that to help you position yourself for other people peeing.  Also worth scouting round thinking "Where would I pee?" and you might be lucky to spot suitable corners which already show evidence of previous use.   Then keep your eyes on them.

    For fast food places, there are three types of peeing situations.   Before, during or after.   Some people get to the fast food place, realise that they need to pee and look for a place before they go in.   Others go in and order their food and then get desperate whilst they are waiting, so pop out to pee.   Others come out with kebab (or whatever) in hand and then go to pee.   Look out for behaviour of one or two people breaking away from their group or the person that thrusts their kebab into their friends hands and says "Hold this a minute, I need a piss".  As I mentioned, there are sometimes people who pop out of the takeaway and squat right there on the street (which is great) but more normally they look around and head quickly for a nearby alley or hidden corner.

    For taxi ranks and bus stops, it is similar to the nightclub queue - watch out for people breaking out of the queue and see where they head.  Often when they get to the queues, they realise it is going to be a while before they get their ride and even longer to get home.   The drinks they had in the club are getting through to their bladder and they decide to release it rather than risk wetting in the taxi and associated cleaning fee or the embarrassment of having to ask the driver to stop whilst they pee next to their cab.  Sometimes they might go and pee before they even join the queue.   I saw a girl flooding a car park and she apologised to me and said that she was going for a taxi to a place 30 mins away and knew that she wouldn't make it, so she had to let it out.  Judging by the size of the puddle, I think she was right!


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  14. I generally would pee whilst stopped and in which case I either pee next to the car, or if people are around then I would pee in a cup or bottle in the car and then dump it out.

    However, there have been a few situations where I've peed whilst actually driving.   The first time was whilst stopped in traffic on a motorway due to an accident, so I wasn't moving, but was still in the driver seat on the carriageway.  I was absolutely bursting to pee and there was no way I was making it to the end of the hold up and then to the next services, which would no doubt be very busy.  I couldn't get out and leave the car to go and pee at the side of the road because there was a risk that traffic might move again.  So I peed in a travel mug whilst sat in the traffic.   I then put the cup back in the holder and was much relieved and more able to comfortably wait for the traffic to move again.

    After that, I was driving a long way overnight and really needed to pee.  There was nothing else on the road, so I engaged cruise control, undid my fly and pulled out my dick, then I lifted my bum off the seat and positioned a cup below me.   The reason for lifting my bum was to allow me to point my dick downwards into the cup rather than upwards over the edge of the cup.   I peed and peed and totally filled the cup to the point it overflowed slightly!  I carefully put it back in the cup holder, but I spilled a bit on the seat, my trousers and the console, so it wasn't the most successful event.

    The next time, I did something very similar, but this time I kept one finger inside the cup, to a point about an inch below the top.   That way, when I felt my finger getting warm and wet, I knew it was time to stop.  I clenched off the flow (which wasn't the easiest thing).   I then opened the window, held the mug vertically out of the window and then turned my wrist towards the back of the car so that the pee was tipped out and blown away by the passing air.  I pulled the mug back in and finished my pee, half filling the mug again.  I was seriously desperate.

    I've done it a few times with takeaway cups, travel mugs and large mouthed bottles, but I still prefer to stop if I possibly can.

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  15. That was a super hot account of your holiday @Wetling and well worth the wait.   You were very daring to do all that peeing whilst with your family and with risk of detection from either leaks or odours.   I am sure that made it all the more satisfying and sexy though.  

    You say about it might be the last thing you write.  I hope that is not the case as you write some excellent accounts and you have had some fun and sexy experiences.

    I love the fact that you still haven't washed your ski pants and that they are waiting for another use another day.

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