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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. You were incredibly lucky both with your route and your timing @p_lover90.   If you had just driven underneath and noticed the liquid falling, you wouldn't have known the source.  If you had just been driving along the first road, you would have had the vision of her squatting by the car, but nothing more.   If the light had been against you, then you would have been too late and of course, if the lady had chosen to park just a few metres further along, then you wouldn't have passed directly under her.   I would say that was an amazing set of variables that all pulled together in your favour.   Did you buy a lottery ticket that day?

    I have to say that if I had felt the pee impacting my arm then I would not be able to resist taking a taste.   I'm assuming you only got a few drops anyway as the stream would be breaking up as it fell and you were moving through it, so you would only get a small amount, but any amount is incredible.

    I wonder whether she knew what she was doing and stopped there specifically so she was peeing directly onto a carriageway or whether she had just stopped out of desperation and it just so happened that there was a road underneath. 


  2. Very much depends on the situation.   For drinking, definitely fairly close to clear is best. I love to see darker pee, but most sightings are when girls have been out drinking and therefore would tend to be lighter coloured.

    I think that on balance, a middle ground of a light straw colour is the best.

  3. One of the nice things about kayaking and paddle boarding is that it is a very quiet pursuit and it is quite common to get close to nature.

    Recently I got very close to a Heron as can be seen in the photos.  It allowed me to sit and watch it before eventually flying off along the canal to another point. IMG_3303.thumb.jpeg.f1b9c59c9cb3a4a5fe103eb2872fa458.jpegIMG_3307.thumb.jpeg.fe3573665645355eb182b8c701778eb6.jpeg


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  4. I mentioned kayaking in my above response to @Kupar, and have mentioned it a bit in the past.  As an extension to this, I have very recently succumbed to a purchase of a paddleboard.  

    I tried paddle boarding once last year when I got on OK but wasn’t entirely convinced.  The. More recently I was helping out on a raft building event where they asked me to provide some safety cover from a paddleboard.  I quite enjoyed it but didn’t feel comfortable standing whilst also keeping my eyes on people and being ready to get to help people quickly, so I knelt down for the duration of the session.  From this, I decided that I still preferred kayaking, but there could be a place for paddle boarding in my life.

    I looked at boards and decided I didn’t want to spend £500 for a reasonable but still entry level board and that I would stick with kayaking.  However, just a week after making that decision I spotted in Tesco that they were doing some boards at bargain prices.  I did a bit of research and found that whilst they were no means pro boards, they were pretty decent and had previously been sold at £450, but were now down to £150.   I couldn’t resist at that point and one found its way into the trolley.

    I took it for its maiden voyage on the canal this week for about an hour and a half, of which I spent most of the time standing up and building confidence.   Unfortunately I got a little too confident and at one point I fell in!  I hadn’t planned on swimming in the canal, but that’s how it went.  I got back on and paddled some more and it certainly is something I want to try and do more of.





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  5. 7 hours ago, Kupar said:

    Well this morning's run was rubbish. There comes a time - and this is it - when some fundamental re-evaluation is needed. Do I (a) rebuild a running regime that's realistic for a very nearly 60-year-old bloke, (b) give up, or (c) think about different ways to keep fit?

    Well first things first, I know that you have been very committed to your fitness and have worked hard to get to a great position.  Absolutely no way you should give this up and just let yourself go.

    As we get older, things get harder (well some things take longer to get harder, but that’s a different problem). It is a fact of life and we all have to listen to our bodies.  There comes a point where too much of one thing and chasing certain targets will cause disappointment as the targets get more difficult to achieve and it is easy to feel demoralised.  So that needs to be considered in the mix.

    I would say that just because you have had a bad session or even multiple bad sessions in a row doesn’t mean you need to think that you can’t enjoy running.  Maybe set the running targets a bit less ambitious than before, but don’t give up.  As @LovesToWet said, maybe mix it up a bit with some lower impact activities cycling and swimming are good ones but also what about things like tennis, badminton, volleyball etc.   basically anything which keeps you active is good.  I enjoy kayaking, but appreciate that isn’t for everyone.   It does give a degree of workout to most of the body and throw in the odd sprint for cardio.  Overall it is less demanding and less high impact than running but it is enjoyable (for me at least) and it can be very sociable if you join a club.

    Main thing is not to get demoralised and remember that any exercise is better than no exercise but work with your body’s limits.

    Good luck!

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  6. On 8/19/2023 at 2:22 PM, colette888 said:


    I see this all around me, but We have been married for 30 years and thankfully we are still nearer the first set than the reverse.  Not saying it is perfect, but still mostly the right way round. 

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  7. This is simply perfect! A fantastic situation, an understanding person catching you out and a beautifully written account with plenty of details.  I am sure you were hoping for a quiet wee without being discovered, but being caught and the interaction makes it so much hotter as an experience.

    I wonder if the employee secretly enjoyed what she saw?

  8. On 8/15/2023 at 5:35 AM, Alygal1331 said:

    that’s the kind of thing I wish I had the guts to do! I live in a very pedestrian populated city, lots of people nearby have dogs and I see them walk them everywhere even at 2am.

    Are there any parks?  They offer good opportunities, usually with cover of bushes and if you wear a suitable skirt, you can even squat down and pee on any piece of grass whilst pretending to look for something in a bag.  Nobody would suspect that you are peeing, you are fully covered by the skirt and you don't even leave a puddle.

    Whilst you say it is a pedestrian populated city, is it a pedestrianised zone or are there still roads with cars?   If there are cars, then other options would include going into a car park and hiding between cars, or if there is a multi-storey car park (parking garage) then you could consider the stairwells or far corners.  There are always narrow little alleys and places behind shops where bins are stored.   

    The options are there, but I understand that it is difficult to bring yourself to pee in a public area.   It is useful to remember that even if someone does see you then the chances are that they won't think that you are a pee fetish person out for some enjoyment, they will think that you are a normal person who really needed to pee and didn't have a lot of choice put to pee in public.  You might not get away with that on a Tuesday afternoon in the middle of a main street, but think Friday or Saturday nights when a lot of people are out drinking - maybe go somewhere in the vicinity of bars and you never know, you might actually see that other people also are peeing outside.   Maybe near nightclub queues or bus stations and taxi ranks are a good option on a drinking night.

    Do remember though that most people on a Friday and Saturday really won't be bothered what you are doing - they are too busy enjoying their own night out.  Just make sure you make some effort to take cover and you'll be fine.

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  9. Well thank you @Alygal1331 for keeping us informed throughout your trip.   You have been very good to us.   Those most recent videos show that you can pee a real torrent and I really appreciate you sharing them.   The photo of your gorgeous boobs is an extra added bonus for sure.

    I love the fact that you have managed to incorporate so much peeing into your time at the cabin and not be called out by your friends, although I find it very weird that they get out of the water to pee - who does that?   I think you have the far better idea of peeing anywhere convenient.  Maybe one day you could convert them to see the error of their ways, but I do appreciate that many people don't think like us.

    Sorry to hear that you are going to be much more restricted now that you are back home.   Seems such a shame when you clearly enjoy peeing outside a lot.   Maybe you can find some nice quite corner or hidden location that you could use at times of least people movement.   Good luck.

    • Cheeky 1
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  10. Dear Wet Carpet and Aaron,

    It sounds like your daughter is having a rebellious streak in response to years of being the perfect child.  Now she has come of age, her internal desire for self expression and release are finding a way to be shown.   Maybe the first time she peed after her party was out of true desperation and possible through having a little excess alcohol which lowered her inhibitions - especially if she hadn’t been drinking previously?  It is possible that this first release felt so good that she wanted to repeat it and you didn’t chastise her, so she thought it was OK to feel free to relieve herself this way whenever she wants.

    It is unfortunate (although undeniably hot) that her stream is powerful enough to cause damage and I think you could use this fact to help the situation.   It seems that her previous good conduct means that you are not used to needing to be firm with her and this may need to change.   You could talk to her and explain that whilst you have no desire for her to suffer UTIs, she has managed perfectly well for the last 18 years, the carpets are suffering and you need to agree a compromise which lets her pee conveniently without destroying the house as I am sure she wants to live in a well kept house, not one with holes in the carpets.

    I think that now she has found the convenience and probably pleasure of peeing wherever she is, it is unlikely that you will be able to completely take that away from her, so damage limitation may be the key.

    A possible suggestion would be to tell her that she can always feel free to pee wherever she is whilst outside and maybe even make a game of that by setting up some targets that she can use to test her aim, encouraging control of her stream and making use of that power.  However, she obviously isn’t going to want to go outside all the time so you could look at damage limitation and put a thick doormat in one place in each room.  This would be a sacrificial mat that she could use to pee and yes pee would go through it into the carpet, but it would take out the force and protect the carpet from being ripped.

    It also my be worth you trying to understand what she feels by seeing it from both sides.  Maybe next time you need to pee, just pee where you are.  You will probably find that you enjoy it too and if Aliyah is going to be peeing on the carpet anyway, then there is no harm in you joining her.   

    Good luck!


    • Like 2
  11. 11 hours ago, Kupar said:

    I think this counts


    The perks of fame and fortune!  So presumably she wants to avoid sitting her bum where someone else has sat, but has the downside of meaning nobody else can claim to have sat on the toilet seat after Beyoncé. Well, I wonder if the roadies who have to install and remove the seats do so - I bet she doesn’t install it herself.    Alternatively, maybe she leaves the seat after she moves on - the report did say a large crate of toilet seats….

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  12. 1 hour ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

    Doesn’t bother me in the slightest. But of course, some of us have peed in the dishwasher too, so we are pretty easy-going about this kind of thing. If I popped in for a cup of tea I’d be honoured to drink out of your pee cups, sorry, tea cups. 💚😉

    I'd be happy for you to do so.   Personally, I'd drink out of a cup still full of pee.....

    • Love 1
  13. 11 hours ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

    Very clever, re the pee by the water cooler. Must have felt nice to hear your pee freely hitting the carpet as you filled the water bottle. 💚

    Yes definitely, it was nice to be peeing out in the open public area and not be detected as well as hearing the splashing on the carpet and knowing it would never be suspected as a pee spot.

    11 hours ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

    I think with all the new Covid protocols everything needs to be thoroughly cleaned, and most hotel rooms only have a couple of mugs, wine glasses and cups if you are lucky so it does not take them long to clean them, or maybe just replace them with clean ones. Most of us conscientious, polite travellers wash our cups on check out, or at least leave dirty ones by the sink. The biggest problem in hotels is broken things or stolen things I think. Not a dirty cup or two. 

    Yes, totally agree with this as well.   I would never want to do anything that would break hotel property, but I'm sure peeing in the glasses isn't an issue as they are always washed with commercial dishwashers, so it has never bothered me.   To be honest, even at home I pee in glasses and just rinse them out and stick them in the dishwasher.  Not an issue.

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  14. On 8/8/2023 at 7:45 PM, PeeingPoshBoy said:

    I had never thought about the guard! I guess he saw it all 😂 he didn't come and tell us off though so I guess he enjoyed it!

    I think that guards on late night trains are lucky enough that they have seen it multiple times, he probably did enjoy it and even if he wasn’t interested in peeing as such, he may have seen a flash of bum cheek or something.

    I doubt the guard would ever tell the passengers off for peeing like that.  For him, it is infinitely better than having someone pee in the train.  If a guard caught someone peeing on the platform and told them off, then that would probably mean that next time that person needed to pee on a late night train, they would probably pee inside the train, possibly on a seat to avoid drawing attention to themselves. The guards know that and therefore are tolerant of platform pees. 

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