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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. @tatstatsort, Yes we both have very similar situations.   As for feeling guilty, I actually don't feel guilty at all.   I may have given that impression in my first post on the thread, but I was just saying that some people might think that it was a bad influence to encourage my wife to pee outside.   Personally I think it is totally natural and if my wife (or any other lady for that matter) gets past the stigma about peeing outside, they can make their life a lot easier and more comfortable.  

    17 hours ago, tatstatsort said:

    Her greatest fear made manifest yet this car came and went and she was still peeing for all to see, not caring because she was so desperate.

    This was a positive experience for your wife.   Before having this experience, her worst fear was being spotted.  However, having been spotted by a passing car she has now probably realised that someone seeing her doesn't impact on her at all and they have passed by and she will never see them again so there is no big deal.   I can fully understand that people are worried about being caught and it is a bigger fear that someone walking past might see as they would have the potential for interacting and possibly chastising the person peeing.   My argument to that as long as you pick a suitable place then you can have enough advance warning of someone walking towards you and that even if someone complains at you (and I have experienced that), then you still don't know them and once they have passed by, they are gone.

    In lots of cases, particularly where you are not near open toilets, peeing outside makes life a lot better. 

     - You save time by not deviating from your route to find a toilet,
    - Once stopped, you save time again because it is literally the time it takes to pee, instead of the much longer time it takes to leave the car, walk across to the toilets and go through the rigmarole of dealing with cubicles and flushing and so on.   
    - It is cleaner because you don't have to touch cubicle doors, deal with dirty toilet seats etc.
    - It is convenient because once you are used to it, you really don't have to think too much about it and just can pee pretty much anywhere.
    - You are more comfortable.   You don't need to hold for ages with a painful bladder whilst searching for a toilet.

    So all in all, it makes sense to encourage people to pee outside.

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  2. 10 hours ago, Peeindulger365 said:

    I do a very similar thing but often i just unzip the bottom of the tent have a quick looks for animals then just stick my cock out and piss. I find it so exhilarating thinking than anyone could walk past and just see it hanging out pissing and also it makes life much easier in general.


    I have one tent which the doorway is on the side rather than the end.   When lying in the sleeping bag it is easy to open the bottom zip of the door and the zip of the sleeping bag and just pee out of the bottom of the door.   Unless anyone is looking closely they probably wouldn't even notice that little stream falling straight into the grass from just a few inches above ground level.

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  3. 23 hours ago, acidnudy said:

    Unfortunately, she's not into anything when it comes to kinks

    I am sure you must be able to lick/kiss/nibble her boobs when you are both enjoying time together.   I'm sure that it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to suck gently and release some milk.   You could comment possibly surprised that you got the milk, but say how close that made you feel.  Or of course you could just plain outright say that you were inquisitive and could you try her milk.  

    You may find it harder to get her to release her pee on you, but you never know if you don't ask.

  4. I don't dump piss in my garden, but I do pee in my garden and I have used the same spots quite regularly.   The only time there has been any smell is when I peed on concrete behind the shed a few times and it didn't rain for a few weeks.   Normally it is not an issue.

    I do have a caravan which is sited in one location and my wife and I use the toilet in there in the evenings, overnight and in the mornings.   We tend to stay there for two nights at a time, 2 to 3 weekends a month, so quite a lot of pee in the toilet tank.   When we leave, I dump the contents on the bushes behind and they are flourishing and no smell.

  5. Very hot!   Love the step family.  My only slight downside is I was wondering just where he was getting all that volume of pee from.  Sometimes I really wish I could pee an unlimited amount on demand, so for fiction that is a handy bonus.

    The situations and descriptions were great and I'd definitely love to read about their next meeting.

  6. It is definitely difficult to tell others about your love of peeing.   For the most part, people probably think of pee just as a natural bodily function and a waste product and really is just a nuisance.   Those people might be OK with you saying you enjoy pee, but probably wouldn't want to engage.  They may be slightly intrigued and  ask a bit about it, but probably wouldn't cause you any grief.   The problem is that there are also a large number of people who find peeing activities to be disgusting and they would be less than supportive if you told them of your interests.   They would consider you a freak and would probably be very negative.   It is the fear of opening up to someone like that which holds most of us back.

    I have found that it is relatively easy to gauge people by their general attitude to peeing and discussing pee related things by starting very gently and seeing how they react.

    One indicator may be how open they are about their own needs.   Do they openly announce that they are "going for a piss" or are they a little more subtle, like "I need to find a toilet" or even a completely discrete term like "powder my nose".     The other option is bringing peeing up in general conversation by working round to including a reference to something that happened where you were desperate or even that you saw someone in a traffic jam so desperate that she ran off into the bushes and see what her reaction is to that.   If you relate it to someone else rather than yourself then that doesn't put the pointers to you.  You can move the goals slightly when you gauge her response.

    For example, as a result of this technique, I've found out that one of my wife's female friends isn't exactly into peeing, but sees it as a perfectly natural thing to do without being ashamed of it and she has told me that she has not issues peeing in bushes when she is on a walk and I've had her talking about very desperate pees.   

    • Agree 4
  7. 2 hours ago, colette888 said:

    Exactly, very well described!

    Thank you.

    2 hours ago, colette888 said:

    in Portugal people are in general much less discreet when it comes to peeing

    Yes, unfortunately, particularly during the day Brits tend to be a bit reserved about displaying peeing and I understand that there is much less reservation in some European countries.

    Your example from yesterday is a perfect description of a very relaxed attitude.  Thank you for that description.  Not only was she not worried that people knew what she was doing, but she actually made a bit of a show of it.  That is a wonderful attitude.


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  8. If there are no toilets there, then everyone who stays for more than a short time will need to pee, and if everyone is doing it then they can hardly be upset that someone else is peeing.

    I am sure sitting on the edge of the towel is a common technique and this technique is one that I have used and have seen others use on non nude beaches.   There is a good chance that others nearby will realise what you are doing (why else would you move to the edge of your towel.), but nobody is going to mind as they are probably also going to need to pee at some point.

    Likewise if you walk off to the dunes or behind some physical obstruction and reappear after a minute, they know what you are doing, but it is accepted.   I think that some people would be less than impressed if you just stood up and peed right out in front of you on the sand.  However, even then, if you have the guts to do it, it is unlikely that anyone would actually challenge you about it.

    Personally, I would watch and note what others do.  You can guarantee people are peeing, so look and see if they get up and walk to the sea, go in the water or by the waters edge, go to the top of the beach, sit up and move slightly where they are.  Chances are that if you are not looking for it then you won’t notice, but if you do look then you will see plenty of examples to follow.

    • Agree 1
  9. Yes I like being watched.   If I get the situation like @Beach Bro mentioned above where there is a possibility of being seen through an open door at a urinal then I will always take the most visible urinal and I'll always stand at an angle that would afford the best view to anyone standing outside.   I have had several situations where I have seen girls stood outside toilets where they can see in and I've gone in, peed and come back out, smiling at the girls who I know have had a good view.     I've probably written about them before, but one time was at an outdoor event where the toilets were trailers and there were no doors, so if you stood in the right place you could see in to the end urinals.   I noticed two young ladies who kept hovering near the bottom of the steps and whenever someone went to the end urinal, they looked in.   So, I waited until the most visible urinal was free, walked past the two girls and smiled at them as I went up the stairs and as I approached the urinal I glanced back and noticed that they were looking, so I stood slightly to the side so I could present the better view rather than them just seeing my backside and I took a long and satisfying pee.   I glanced towards them with periphery vision and noticed that they were definitely looking.   When I finished, I turned towards the exit as I was still putting myself away and zipping up, giving them another good view.    I went down the steps and walked right past them, so I said "Did you enjoy that" and one of them went bright red whilst the other giggled.  Looking back on it, I should have stopped and asked them if they would return the favour, but of course I didn't think at the time and I was with my wife, so I couldn't have gone off with them anyway.

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  10. An excellent introduction and as for feedback, your writing style is very engaging with lots of description, which I like.  Just a few typos really, otherwise all very readable.

    I hope you take this forward with some interesting encounter between Deborah and Sammi.

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  11. Today I was out in my kayak.   I was stopped, sat on the front of the kayak eating my lunch and I needed to pee.   However there was a young lady sat across from me, albeit about 50m away, and a tour boat moored up close to me with three people on it.   The obvious thing to do would be to get up from the kayak and walk across to the adjacent trees, but I thought I would demonstrate how easy it is to pee discretely with the right cover.   If I had gone to the trees, the people who could see me would know what I was doing, (not that it would bother me), but this way, I bet nobody would have a clue even if someone walked right past me.

    So, I was wearing a spray deck (neoprene cover that fits round the waist and seals onto the cockpit of the kayak to keep water out), which hung down between my legs whilst I was sat on the kayak.   I reached up under one side and slipped my dick out of the leg of my shorts and then I peed so that the pee ran down the side of the kayak to the grass below.   It made next to no sound and would only be visible if you looked closely.

    I took a video of it which I uploaded here that shows what could be seen from directly in front, low down and close up.  It also includes a bit where I briefly lift the spray deck to show what's happening and also I move the camera to show underneath the spray deck.  At the end it pans round to show the proximity of the moored boat and the lady sitting on the grass in the distance.

    Some screen grabs below:

    View from the front.   You can see the pee running down the kayak, but nobody would notice unless they were close and looking for it, in reality they wouldn't be expecting me to be peeing anyway so they wouldn't be looking.


    Sneak view under the side of the spray deck.  You can see the pee running down the side of the kayak, but only because it is a close shot from low down.


    Proximity of the tour boat- it was about 15m away.


    Girl sat across from me.   She didn't take any notice at all.  I reckon even if I wasn't hidden behind the spray deck she probably wouldn't notice at that distance, but she would have noticed if I had got up and headed for the trees.  



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  12. In my experience, I keep my pee as diluted as possible and if I pee on hard surfaces such as the bathroom floor, then I simply wipe up the pee and leave the towel hanging to dry as much as possible and then before checkout or before the next room service, I chuck them in the bottom of the bath along with other towels.   I doubt that the cleaners inspect them, they just pick up the ball of towels and put them in the wash bag.  A couple of times, the towel was soaking wet and quite yellow.  In those cases I have rinsed them out before proceeding as above.

    Once only, I have had to ditch towels because they were particularly dirty.  In that case, I had peed on the carpet, but in the morning the floor was still wet and I didn't want it to be discovered, so I used a towel to blot it up and then scrub it dry.   The towel got wet and yellow, but also got dirty from picking up dirt from the carpet (shows how dirty hotel carpets are).   I looked at it and decided that the towel was a right off.   So, I put it in a carrier bag and took it with me when I went out to work.  I ditched it in a public bin.  I also put my other wet/used towels in the bathtub as usual.   That evening, my towels had been replenished to the right number and nothing was said.  I presume the cleaner scooped up the towels in the bath and didn't count them, but just made up the room as normal.

    You have to remember that the people who service hotel rooms have very little time allocated to each room and they don't waste time doing things they don't need to do (like inspecting and counting towels).  

    Of course the other thing you can do is ask housekeeping for extra towels or as someone mentioned above, raid the housekeeping trolley.  

    You could do what I did once, which was that I found a cleaning supplies cupboard was open, so I went in and found lots of towels on shelves.  I threw a couple on the floor in the cupboard and peed on them there.   They definitely would have been discovered as wet and pissy, but nobody would know who did it and nobody would be wasting time trying to find out either.

    Yes you could take your own towels, but it really isn't necessary and it is far easier to use the hotel towels and let them take care of the laundry.


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  13. Definitely very hot experiences @Sonnenschein.   I wouldn't worry too much about the issue of liquid flowing in the pipes past the balconies, anyone hearing anything would probably assume someone was washing their balcony - you said yourself that you rinsed it down after the flower pot overflow, so it would be just the same as that.

    For the swimming pool, I agree with @morty98, your friend probably wondered why you didn't need to pee.   They probably assumed that you peed in the pool or the shower if you didn't use the toilet.   So, if you want to keep up the pretence that you don't pee elsewhere, maybe next time you need to head to the toilets at some point - otherwise, say something like "Oh, I was just going to go in the shower - seems a lot of other people do as you don't see many people heading for the toilets"   See what she says?  Depends on whether you think that she would find it particularly offensive or not.

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  14. On 6/18/2023 at 6:41 AM, puddyls said:

    teehee 🤭 omg! waiting in line like everything's normal.9748429B-48EA-4B4D-9B15-AC17961FA026.thumb.jpeg.60122f510c85eb7e2011e0b25b03ceea.jpeg

    cat's (litterally) out of the bag. it had to be obvious by now that, except for my shoes, the entire bottom half of my outfit was missing.


    That's incredibly brave @puddyls  What reactions did you get from other people?

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  15. Well I have my name here - Alfresco, which I have also used when registering for some other things but expanded to Alan Fresco.

    If registering for some online stuff or things like wifi accounts in cafes then I sometimes use Fred Flintstone.  I was thinking to use Mickey Mouse but decided that was too common so went with Fred Flintstone.


    • Haha 1
  16. 15 hours ago, InsertName said:

    I plan to enjoy practicing as often as possible. 

    Well, definitely worth practicing - You need as much of a data sample set as possible to work out the circumstances under which the "issue" is occurring and to what extent.   

    It could be how your lips impact the flow - you may find that if you use your hand to open up the area, it would give an unimpeded route from the urethra and then you could develop a direct flow.   Entirely up to you of course, but could be another thought for further experimentation.

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  17. As an aside, but related, I was in a gents toilet the other day and I could hear splashing from the urinals.   There was an older guy, maybe 70 stood in front of the urinal, left hand on a walking stick, right hand on his dick, staring straight ahead and pissing.   There was some pee going in the urinal but there was a steady and continuous stream going straight down to the floor, making a decent puddle and splashing his shoes and the bottoms of his trousers.  He seemed totally oblivious to this and I don’t know whether his stream was split or whether he had his walking stick in the way or what, but he wasn’t looking what he was doing and it definitely resulted in a puddle on the floor. 

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