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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. 8 hours ago, ABBYPEEGODDESS said:

    I find a “used room” as I can tell by giant puddle so I lower my jeans and add to the puddle in old worn down brown carpet I pee for two minutes straight I lock the door so nobody would come in.

    Absolutely love this - so naughty, but if the host is too busy to help and the bathroom is trashed, then what else can a girl do?   I am sure that felt like such relief and that must have been some puddle when you were done.   Thank you for the details.

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  2. I don't pee in my bed and haven't done it since we had our new bed about a year ago.  The bed I had before that I did pee small amounts into the bed and I liked the fact that it soaked into the mattress.   With a proper protector I would think that would ruin the experience as it wouldn't feel so naughty and rather than have that lovely warm feeling that soaks away you would have a lovely warm feeling that then pools around you and then turns cold.  To me, it would need to absorb.  

    I have thought about about the option of putting a fully waterproof sheet over the mattress, then putting a memory foam mattress topper on top of that and then a normal sheet.   That way I could still have the feeling of warmth and wet, it would still soak into the topper and if it ran through the topper it would spread over the waterproof sheet and be absorbed over a wider area on the underside of the topper.  Then, it would be a case of allowing the topper to dry and washing the sheet as usual.   You may even be able to get toppers that go in the machine but I think most of them that are any good would be too bulky for that.   You may be able to put it in the bath and soak it though.

    It's not likely to happen though because my wife wouldn't like it at all.  Therefore I'll refrain.

    Slight aside, we sold our old bed complete with the mattress.  The mattress had staining on it from where I had peed, but we passed it off as sweat and so now a person (who I know) that bought the bed from us is sleeping on a mattress that I've peed on several times.

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  3. I believe they also used to sometimes stand with their legs apart hidden by their volumous skirts and pee straight down onto the ground or over a drain.  Nobody would see anything and if any of their pee didn't make it straight to the ground there were layers of underskirts as well as the bloomers (or more accurately "pantalettes") mentioned above would absorb the stray drops and nothing would be visible at the outer layer, thus preserving the ladies' modesty.  


    There is also various information on the web that indicates women didn't wear underwear at all until the late 1800s - before that the wide and copious skirts were considered sufficient modesty protection and some places mention that underwear was first introduced for ladies when bicycling became a thing - if they fell off then the underwear protected their modesty - but they were crotchless garments so that they could still pee unimpeded.


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  4. I've had a few cycle rides recently - nothing overly impressive, but just nice to get out and burn a few calories and get the heart rate up for a time.

    On Friday I went for a 3 mile paddle in my kayak on the canal.  That was good as I haven't been out in the kayak since I injured my shoulder back in October.   Oh and if anyone's interested, I stopped at the turning point, popped the spray deck off and peed up and over the cockpit rim to make a nice arc landing in the water.  

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  5. On 5/8/2023 at 10:17 AM, Hightower said:

    Just missed a 160kg atlas stone at the weekend, the stone hadn't been cleaned in ages so it was covered in grime+old baked on tacky so the tacky on my hands just peeled that off once I got it about a foot off the ground, needed an extra 6 inches or so to be able to lap it

    With a clean stone I think I'd have a crack at it, loaded a 140 to 56" on Thursday so 160 to 48 or so should be there

    I think we are missing a WOW reaction option here.   That's incredibly impressive.

  6. Hello @Rosita.   Your profile says that you like to pee where you shouldn't and I've seen other comments about your peeing on floors in toilets etc.   So, where do you like peeing that you shouldn't?   Are you more of an indoor or outdoor girl and what would you say was your "naughtiest" pee?


  7. Hi @Sephora, welcome back and it is great to see you again.  I remember enjoying reading your posts  in the past and it was a lovely surprise to see your name pop up again.  Sounds like life has been very busy for you, but hope you can stay around a while.

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  8. On 5/20/2023 at 10:18 AM, ABBYPEEGODDESS said:

    Yes I have a couple times 

    Firstly welcome back!  Great to see you again.

    With regards to the peeing on floors at parties, I would also love to hear more details - such as whether you went into an empty room specifically to pee or were you in a busy room and just nonchalantly peed with people around you?  Was it carpet or hard flooring?   Did you had an accomplice to keep lookout or maybe someone else came there to pee with you?   Did you have any concerns about peeing on their floor or was it just a case of you having a free peeing attitude, didn't want to wait for the toilet and that was the easy option?   

    Sorry, but as you can see, I'd love as many details as possible to help paint the picture of those incidents and also it helps describe your attitude as a person.

    Thanks in advance.

  9. 4 hours ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

    Wish you could pack me in your luggage! Holidaying would be so fun …and I have never been on a cruise ship before! 

    I love cruise holidays and the really do give many opportunities for naughty peeing if you want to take them.   If you haven't already, then read my stories about Jenny and Denise on a cruise ship.  Most of the ideas in there have at least some basis in my own experiences or those that I've witnessed.  This series was first posted here in 2014, so probably good to bring it to the fore again anyway.


    And yes, I'm sure that the holiday would be very much fun with you.

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  10. Further to the discussion of pee flushing from trains onto tracks, I just found this on YouTube which shows a train toilet emptying onto the tracks in a station:

    Also, I was at a preserved railway recently where I saw quite a bit of evidence of splattered tissues on the tracks from where people had flushed the toilet in the station or just as the train left the station.


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  11. 18 minutes ago, oliver2 said:

    I’d expect you to be trying to remove the link by peeing outside somewhere before heading home 🙃

    Well yes I do that as well - but not so much when I'm with my wife.  She would find it odd if I were to stop the car a few streets from home to have a pee!

  12. The pattern will help to distract people from seeing any wetness or staining, so that will be in your favour.  Will definitely be interested to see whether anyone notices anything or comments, but I imagine they will either be totally oblivious or if they do notice then they won't say anything, so you can probably comfortably go about and just enjoy yourself.   

    Similar to, or at least related to @thisguy20's question - do you do all your pees all day in the leggings or is it just one pee per day?

    I guess if you are wetting them anyway then you could (if you wish) pee in them when you are outside, so you wouldn't need to worry about finding a toilet - just sit down or squat somewhere quiet and pee through them.  Of course you can also stand but that would depend on whether you want the pee to run down your legs or to run straight through the fabric and out.

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  13. On 5/17/2023 at 12:12 AM, Sophie said:

    I think it does! Well... I'm not sure if it's the exposure. But I know if I am bursting to pee and stood in front of the toilet, it becomes much harder to hold once I start pulling down my clothes.

    I think there is a psychological and physiology link here and I don't think it is just for ladies.   I know that I often find that I'm fine when out and about but as soon as I get home I need to pee fairly urgently.  I have started deliberately delaying going to the toilet when I get home to try and remove that link.

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  14. Sounds like a fun thing to do - you will get a thrill from peeing near others, with no lasting evidence - at least where you do it on the seats with your pad, which I presume is for the train/bus/pub.   

    You asked for other suggestions and for me it depends very much on where you are going and what is there, but I'd suggest there are plenty of places where you don't need to use your pads.  Definitely I'd be looking at peeing in a quiet alley or carpark and maybe a car park stairwell.  If you really want to be a bit brave then you could walk into a random hotel and find a quiet corridor or stairwell where you can pee.

    Maybe find a park and use the bushes or even sit in the middle of the field and pee on the grass discretely.   If you wear a suitable skirt and your boyfriend wears loose shorts (don't know what the weather is like where you are) then you can discretely pee just about anywhere.  You could even consider leaving small puddles in lots of places like shops and fitting rooms rather than releasing a full bladder in one place.    

    The options are many and varied and it all depends on your personal desires.

  15. Great story and whilst Warren is obviously a complete jerk in not understanding that ladies also need to pee and shouldn't be expected to hold it, it is actually quite a nice change to have a character that is not totally excited by the girls peeing.   Can't understand him myself, but there you go, I'm sure that there are some people like that out there.   Maybe he led a sheltered life and didn't think that ladies would even consider peeing away from a toilet so the realisation was a bit of a shock.   But even then, once explained, you would think he would just turn his back and ignore what was going on.     Personally I'd absolutely love to see a woman peeing in the engine room of a locomotive.   Maybe one day......

    For those who are not familiar with UK class 31 locos, this is one (although in better condition):


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  16. Excellent story and description.   Loved it.  I'm also sure that many of the others on the ride would also have needed to pee after being stuck there for four hours, plus queuing time!   I'm sure some of the others would have also done the same or wet themselves.   I know I would.

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  17. On 5/14/2023 at 12:59 PM, GenericUsername said:

    I’d only ever pee on the stairs if I was 200 percent sure there were no security cameras.

    Security cameras in stairwells are usually pretty obvious.   If the hotel installs them, it is in their interest to make them obvious as they want to deter antisocial behaviour and the presence of a camera usually does that pretty well (even if nobody ever looks at the footage and sometimes even if it is a dummy camera).   Hotels wouldn't generally bother with hidden cameras in stairwells as they wouldn't give them any benefit that they wouldn't get with an obvious camera and in general they would give less benefits.

    Therefore, if you can't spot a camera by quickly looking around the ceilings in stairwells then it is highly likely that there are no cameras there.

    It is also quite common that stairwells have a camera at the lowest floor, so that it monitors people going in and out, but nothing further up.   In that case, you can usually spot the camera as you go up the stairs and then note that there isn't one on the next floor, which then gives you the freedom that you are seeking.

    Probably best not to leave your room, enter the stairs on your floor and then come back out of the same door and return directly to your room and stay there - if there is a camera in the corridor then that might look like suspicious behaviour.  Better to leave your room, go into the stairwell, pee, and then carry on down the stairs and leave at the ground floor.  I have done this several times with no problems.

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  18. Fantastic experience and it is really great that you gave the details with the background to the story.   The details make it so much more vivid in my imagination.

    I love that she asked you for help too - what more of an excuse could you ask?   Also great that you had the nerve to say you were willing to clean her up with your tongue.  If she hadn't already realised that you enjoyed her peeing, the fact that you offered to lick her right after peeing would have told her that you don't mind a bit of pee taste (I hope it did taste good).  Sounds like a brilliant night all round.  You didn't mention your own need to pee - did you not also need to pee after sitting there for two hours?  I'm guessing it may have been difficult with a boner, but maybe afterwards?

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  19. 23 hours ago, wetladuk said:

    There are a couple of amazing ones here of girls peeing in a building lobby for convenience, to avoid being seen peeing outside I imagine!

    I think they are spanish - can anyone translate either of them? 





    If anyone has any more like this would love to see them!

    The second one didn't seem to know whether to carry on or abort when she was spotted!

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  20. I uploaded one today, so it was working for me today.  However that was the second attempt - when I tried it on Friday it timed out.

    I just tried going to my profile again and clicking upload and the relevant upload page loaded, so I think it is working OK at the moment.


  21. I would have to agree with what several others have said here - If you are not interested in the car itself, then before you make any decisions, look at what it is worth.   Someone out there will really want that kind of car and would be willing to pay good money for it.   I don't know what condition it is in, but it would be a great restoration project or could become someone's pride and joy.    Maybe the destruction of something that is worth something is your thing - and that's your prerogative, but I would combine my sensible head with my naughty head and get the best of both worlds.    You could sell the classic car and get some money which you could use to buy a run of the mill, much more recent and easier to drive car with nice absorbent seats and enjoy driving it round and peeing in it to your hearts content.  Then when you have had enough of that you can (if you are lucky) find some ladies who would also like to pee in a car and get them to either sit on the seats and pee directly into them, squat on the seats and pee on them or pee on the floor, dash or wherever.

    When you are finally done with that, then you can park it up and just open the door and pee into it whenever you want.   If you then want to damage the interior or exterior in other physical ways, then again that's up to you but at the end of the day you've had a lot of pleasure out of a car which has probably cost way less than you got for the Camaro and you'll have money over to go and do it again or spend on something else that you enjoy.

    I can only say what I would do.   You need to make your own mind up as to how you go forward, but I know (from experience) that I love peeing in cars, but I personally wouldn't do it to one which was worth any reasonable amount of money as I would want to get the most value out of it.  

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