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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. I absolutely love my wife and would never do anything that I thought would harm her or our relationship.   Having said that, I cannot help but have a fascination with peeing and in particular of ladies peeing outside.   I have told my wife this, she doesn't really understand the fascination, but whilst she generally will do anything to avoid peeing outside where there is even a tiny chance of being caught, she has peed outside when totally desperate and I have told her how much that excited me.   She has indulged me multiple times, but it is far from common.

    We have discussed the situation of other ladies peeing outside and I've told her that I also really enjoy that aspect.   Her view is the same as it is in any part of interest in other ladies - i.e. looking is fine, but no touching.   She has extended clarification on that to say that she doesn't mind if I enjoy watching women peeing, but she doesn't want to know about it.   That of course in itself limits my opportunities as I can't exactly go out on the off-chance of finding ladies peeing without justifying where I am going and why  am going there - especially when we spend the vast majority of our time either together or working.

    So, if I see a woman peeing outside then I enjoy the view.   I would not consider that to be cheating.   However, That's as far as it goes.   If I were to start meeting up with the same lady multiple times just to see her peeing then I would think that crossed the line of trust between my wife and I and that is when it would be considered cheating.   Also, I would never get another girl to pee on me or do anything that she wasn't doing anyway.    The nearest I would go in that direction would be that if by some chance I saw some girls outside and they asked me if there were any toilets, then I might possibly advise them that there were no toilets, but suggest places that they might go and maybe I would offer to keep watch or stand guard for them.   I don't think I'd really be persuading them to do something that they were not going to do (what option would they have?) but I might be steering the situation so that I got to enjoy being there when they did pee.

    I think the nearest I have got to that is when kayaking with a group and a lady who was new to the group had been holding her pee all day and we had just got off the river and were first up to the car park with our kayaks.   She commented that she was glad to be at the end because she really needed to pee.  I pointed out that the toilets in the car park were locked and it would be at least another half an hour for everyone to assemble, get changed, get the boats loaded and then another half an hour back to base and the toilets.   She was very disturbed to find this out, so I suggested that she could pee in her wetsuit where she was stood, before everyone got back to the cars and it would run down her leg and out of the bottom.  She wasn't immediately keen but could see it was a good option.   I also pointed out that others were starting to approach so if she wanted to avoid drawing attention then now would be a good time.   She stood between too cars and I watched as a puddle grew around her feet.  She thanked me profusely for my understanding and said it felt a whole lot better.  We then stood one of the kayaks up on end with the drain bung removed to make a larger puddle which was less obviously the result of someone peeing between cars.   

    I have also engaged in conversation with ladies who were peeing outside on a night out - usually starting by apologising for intruding and then putting them at ease if they were embarrassed about having been discovered peeing.  Sometimes offering a tissue, sometimes having a laugh at the size of puddle and that it looked like they really needed to go.   I don't consider any of that to be cheating as it is just enjoying what is in front of me - not taking any names or numbers, no touching or sexual interaction.  

  2. On 5/14/2023 at 4:51 AM, Horse_water said:

    I found myself in this exact situation only both sides where closed. I didn't want to hid anyway just keep up the minimum display of normality so I got my self up to a half slung dong and whipped it out to soak the mens door. I made sure it was fully exposed to some women trying to figure out what to do in the parking lot and and causally turned to give them a full frontal while I zipped up. Not going to lie I was big turned on and scared AF. I walked down a hiking trail until I broke line of site and then walked a half hour strait into the bush. As much as I love the thrill I do not like going to court.

    The toilets that I first mentioned in this thread have recently been closed permanently due to the council cutting costs.   Both the ladies and gents are now closed and in the last week I've been there three times to check it out.   Each time there have been puddles or wet patches by both toilet doors although I can't say whether it is ladies, gents or a mix that are leaving the puddles.  Well I can confirm that at least one gent has; that would be me.   I did pretty much what @Horse_water described.   I peed on the door without making any great effort to hide.   My timing wasn't good enough that I gave a full frontal view but a lady did walk along the path nearby whilst I was peeing and it would have been very obvious what I was doing - but what do the council expect if they close the toilets.   I wasn't there long enough to see anyone else use the (lack of) facilities, but may do at some point.

    Interesting that they locked the door, but left the gate which covers the doorway entrance open.


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  3. On 5/14/2023 at 3:27 AM, MaxWasTaken said:

    I regularly see signs which say: "please don't pee in the trash cans".

    I thought peeing in the trash can woul be considerate as it keeps t tidy, contained and easy to clear up.  However, if I saw a sign like that then I would assume they meant that they Would prefer me to pee on the floor next to the can.   I would therefore be happy to oblige.

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  4. I love being out on a walk, needing to pee and just going where I happen to be.  Same with swimming - need to pee, just let it go.   Also on the rare occasions when I visit a health spa, the various places are wet and I just drink plenty and pee freely. Water parks are another good one, I just pee wherever I am - even whilst walking or stood in a queue.

    At home I often pee in the sink whilst making a mug of tea or cleaning my teeth or pee on laundry before I wash it.

    I would love to be able to apply this freedom in daily life when out and about but it is not quite so easy.

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  5. I'm another who can remember lots of car registrations and telephone numbers from my past as well as addresses of people that were friends that probably no longer live there and I've not been in touch with for years.  Various physics and chemistry formulae (eg, v=ut+ ½ at^2), chemical formulae for various compounds.

    I do remember some stuff that is relevant now but not frequently used such as my NI number, work employee number, Driving licence number.  Interestingly I don't remember my passport number, but I do remember my bank sort code and account number (which actually can be useful).

    But then there are other recent things that I am hopelessly forgetful about.

  6. On 6/5/2022 at 4:08 PM, embruh said:

    I can imagine most people having different answers for this, as really any option other than holding could result in negative attention/trouble.
    If I had to go I'd probably go the safest route, which seems like b or c, depending on how easy is it to hide.
    Wondering as well what sort of doorway was b? Like was this sort of an inside "airlock" before the gents or was this just a general doorway to reach both toilets?

    Sorry for the late reply, but I can answer this quite easily.

    The entrance to the Gents is a door on the left side of the building where there is a wall sticking out perpendicular to the building wall and then another perpendicular to that, thus meaning you walk into a kind of alcove with no roof then turn right into the toilets.   The alcove means you are protected on three sides but your back is visible to the nearby road and the pedestrian walkway into the park.

    The entrance to the ladies is half way along the front of the building, so is about 6 metres from the entrance to the gents.   The door is set back into the building so you would walk into the recess and then turn left into the door.

    It is odd that in both cases the doors have gates across them, but there is nothing across the outer part so you can walk into the alcove and have some visual protection.  It is almost as if they considered this in the design.

  7. Sorry to everyone who responded - I never came back to this thread, can't have had notifications for the replies I guess.   Thanks for your thoughts and it does seem that even amongst us there are differing views about what would be most acceptable.

  8. 13 hours ago, MidoriLemonade85 said:

    Wish I could have sent it to you to soak the rest of it. 💚  but honestly, it was so heavy….it would have cost heaps to post over. 😆 maybe you have something fuffy there to soak? 

    Yes, that would have been lovely but probably wouldn't be so fresh by the time it got here either!

    Yes I've peed on plenty of fluffy things over time.   I'm thinking of getting a DryRobe or equivalent changing robe/coat and that would be fun as the inside is all fluffy lining but the outside is waterproof so I'm guessing you could pee in it whilst wearing it and nothing would show on the outside.

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  9. 4 hours ago, Wetling said:

    What became of your sister? Do you know if she also got a piss kink in her adult life?

    I don't believe she has a piss kink as such, but she certainly has no qualms about peeing outside when the need arises.   She goes on trips with her family in a camper van that has no toilet and they don't mind parking in a layby or other quiet place for the night.  I know that she pees outside in that situation.

  10. @colette888, Thank you for that last post.   Those natural situations are the best for me - where you and the other ladies needed to pee and did so without making a great fuss or worrying too much about being seen by the others in the group.  This makes it much more natural and also I am sure would have afforded the males in the group some pleasure - even if they weren't particularly into pee.  Was there a lack of reasonable cover or did you just decide to nonchalantly pee within view?   If the latter then it is good to see that the others followed your example rather than going off to find cover.

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  11. Following @CON2H4's lead, I thought I'd have a go:


    A lady who got off a train,
    Walked home down a dimly lit lane,
    She needed to pee,
    Where no one could see,
    So she hovered right over a drain!


    A lady who went to a store,
    Could hold onto her pee no more,
    The toilets were locked,
    Which made her feel shocked,
    So she let loose all over the floor.


    There was a young lady called Flo
    Who needed a place she could go
    She peed on the floor
    By a seldom used door
    But she got it all over her toe.


    There was a young lady called Clare
    Who was having a real nightmare
    In the carpark she choose              {ok should be chose but doesn't rhyme}
    There weren't any loos
    So she went on and flooded the stairs

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  12. 1 hour ago, InsertName said:

    Does she approve of the little amounts or is she unaware?

    She is aware of my interest in pee, but she is not aware of this particular experience.  She has no problem with me peeing outside or in the shower etc or in the garden and she will indulge me with some of that herself, but I think some of the things I do would be beyond her acceptance so I don't tell her.


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  13. I have done it loads of times on park benches etc., where I have peed out of the leg of my shorts.   As @Paulypeeps says, misdirection is often the key.   Most people don't even look at someone sitting on a bench in a park, especially if that person is looking at their phone or reading a paper or looking through their bag for something, so a quick pee off the front of the seat is easy to pull off.

    I have done it in a pub where I have wet the upholstered bench seat behind a table whilst eating my lunch.   Nobody is going to detect that one, but the problem for men in trousers is that you end up with wet trousers, so a long coat is required for when you get up, otherwise your very wet patch makes it obvious as you leave the establishment.  Ladies definitely have the advantage here as a short skirt and no underwear makes peeing on the seat or even off the edge of the seat very easy with no wet clothes to worry about afterwards.

    I have peed small amounts onto the carpet in front of the seat in a pub - but usually I'm with my wife, so I wouldn't get away with anything more as she wouldn't approve.  This thread is making me want to plan a trip to a pub on my own in the summer thought so I can wear suitable shorts.

    I have peed under the table at a wedding reception where I unzipped my suit under cover of the long table clothes and peed onto the fake grass that was effectively a carpet in the marquee where the reception was held.  That was daring and fun as there were 8 people sat around the table and other tables nearby.

    Not quite the same but I have peed on the floor in trains from my seat.   I have laid my jacket across my knees, pulled the tray table down in front of me and then used one hand to open my fly and pee on the carpet whilst the other hand is used to hold my phone and again provide a distraction technique.

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  14. 48 minutes ago, Wetling said:

    But they really let it foul to get the ammonia. *yuck* Not the nice fresh piss we all love.

    Yes agree.   They were using it to get a chemical whereas we prefer the fresh stuff, which may not be as good at washing clothes but it certainly isn't going to cause any harm.   Earlier today I loaded the washing machine and then peed into the door of the machine onto the clothes before closing the door and starting the machine.   Saved a flush in the toilet and I enjoyed it.   

    • Haha 1
  15. 51 minutes ago, colette888 said:

    My belief is that in such a case, it's their problem, not ours...

    I agree to a large extent - especially if it is an outdoor situation such as a park.   I've been caught countless times and most times nobody is bothered, but there are a few people who think it is disgusting and say so.  I don't want to upset anyone and don't want to cause a row, but I usually point out that there are no facilities and therefore not much in the way of options.   OK, so I don't let on that I could probably have easily held it until I got home or even that I deliberately left home with a full bladder, but that's my business.

    I do get why people might be upset if someone peed in the lobby of their building or in their stairwell etc., but outside I really don't see the problem at all.

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  16. 1 minute ago, colette888 said:

    Not only I did "reciprocate", but much more happened between us as a consequence of those "favours".... 😈

    Of course it did!   Why would I suspect anything else?   Well if you feel like sharing when you have the time, I'm sure that account will also be welcomed......

    • Thanks 1
  17. Totally love your attitude, @peecurious94 as well as that of your mum.   Brilliant that you drive around in public naked and enjoy the reactions of other people.   Even more fantastic is the relaxed and open attitude between you and your mum.  You are a great example of what people could be if they weren't so influenced by societal norms and the restrictions imposed by that. I always love reading of your experiences.  Thank you for sharing.

  18. On 5/8/2023 at 9:49 AM, colette888 said:

    Actually I meant ANY other product for the machine, that pee should be more than enough...

    Pee was actually used as an agent for washing clothes going back to Roman times.  They even had pots out in public places for people to pee in them and then people from the laundries collected them up and took them back to the laundry for use.   In some parts people peed in pots and sold their pee to laundries, which is where the phrase "He/she doesn't have a pot to piss in" indicating a poor person comes from - as in they were so poor that they didn't have a pot to piss in so they couldn't sell their pee to raise money.



  19. That was a brilliant encounter @colette888.   Your details and way of describe it made me feel like I was there and also enjoying the view.   You were so thoughtful to be helpful to the lady in distress but really were totally hoping for it to happen this way and got your reward.   I hope you also later returned the favour and allowed her to witness your own relief.

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  20. On 5/6/2023 at 5:30 AM, LeatherGrrl said:

    Unfortunately not, being around my managers got me very shy lol x

    Fully understandable, but I would say they couldn’t really object given the circumstances.

    I remember being with a group from work going out for some drinks at a beach resort with plenty of bars.  We had been at one place and drunk a few then moved on and we’re waiting to get into another.   The boss (a guy around 35 years old) said he really needed to pee and one of the girls said he should just go on the beach and face away from people.  He did that and several of the guys joined him to do the same.  Unfortunately I didn’t need to pee at the time and also unfortunately none of the girls peed on the beach but they enjoyed the view from behind and had a bit of a laugh about it. 

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