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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. A very hot experience @Wetling.  As for him not running away, his initial reaction was positive - When you said you peed through them, he didn't recoil with disgust, but asked a genuine question about whether it was uncomfortable.   Beyond that, he not only was OK with it, but was happy to engage in a sexual contact almost immediately after he saw your wet knickers, so he is probably turned on by it, although he might not really know why if he hasn't been in the fetish before.  He may see it as strange, but he certainly doesn't see it as an issue.   I think you have plenty further to explore with him.

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  2. On 7/18/2023 at 3:06 AM, Simpfan4 said:

    Houseplants always die on me, even without the addition of urine. I have never peed on any plant that I cared about

    Maybe that's where you are going wrong?...  Although I get your point about the chemotherapy, that possibly wouldn't make the best fertiliser of your pee.   

    I pee on plants reasonably regularly and none of them have suffered, in fact they are doing pretty well.   Where we have the caravan, my wife and I pee in the toilet in the caravan a few times over a weekend and then I just empty it on the vegetation a few metres away.   That vegetation is thriving better than the other vegetation nearby.

    A lot of people say that pee is helpful, but needs to be diluted.

     @Malika, maybe your pee is particularly strong or has certain composition that plants don't like.   I remember reading an account about a plant in a layby where you peed on a plant and it didn't like it.   You certainly seem to have a very strong effect on plants and I'm sure you really enjoyed seeing the results in this case.


  3. 17 hours ago, WateryMoose said:

    Aside of jerking off, I used to do archery when I was younger, that's for the sports part XD

    I also like to draw various stuff, play chess and do tabletop rpgs! (Also including the usual watching shows and movies haha)

    Archery is something I've only tried very briefly at an experience where I tried all sorts of shooting type things with guns, bows, crossbows, and even axe throwing.   Chess I used to play at school, but not really done it for years.   Drawing is something that I find very difficult and wish I could do better.   I probably should just spend more time doing it and I might get better!

  4. Sounds like lots of fun to be had.   I can’t see how pee and cleanup would encourage more ants, so I wouldn’t worry about that one.  Hardwood floors may allow pee to soak in a bit, unless they are waxed or treated with something to repel liquids.   This could lead to a residual odour, but if you clean up the main puddle then the residue should dry quickly enough and if you wash them then that should minimise any odour as well.  Drinking plenty of water so that your pee is dilute will help - as well as making you need to pee more.

    Plenty of naughty peeing can be done without using the floors if you are worried.   Pee on towels, in sinks, containers, washing machine, outside, rubbish bins, on washing piles before loading in the machine, etc etc.

    Yes a no toilet challenge sounds good, but drink plenty of fluids and try not to pee in the same place repeatedly.  I.e, a no toilet challenge is much more fun if you vary the location rather than always peeing in the bathroom sink.

  5. Yes I don't mind wearing tight clothing when the opportunity arises.   Usually that is for cycling as I would feel a bit strange wearing tight shorts to walk into town.  I also wear tight wetsuit trousers for kayaking which I'm happy to stay in on land at either end of the trip.   

    I absolutely love seeing girls in tight clothing - bums and cameltoes in leggings are always good and nipples showing through tops are also great.  My wife doesn't like any of that.  She gets embarrassed if her nipples are poking through (even though I tell her she has nothing to be embarrassed about) and she wears underwear which doesn't allow the leggings to adapt to her form.

    I find that cameltoes are quite rare though - most girls wear some underwear, e.g. a thong, which smooths the front view.  I did see a lovely one on the weekend though.

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  6. Sounds like a very interesting thing to do.  However, @Bacardi, you  are going to have to be very careful that you remember not to go quite so far when you are talking to the real Dr Feely.  Or maybe, if the model is any good, then the real Dr Feely would react to you in the same way, so you can test out for responses on the AI and then only take forward the ones with good endings. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Simpfan4 said:

    I guess this will make me seem weird, but I would be okay with open urinals and open toilets (in the same room) as it would make bringing my wheelchair into the bathroom much easier. 

    That’s a lovely attitude and a definite leveller of the field giving everyone the same level (or lack) of privacy and access.  But on the other hand, there is no reason why a wheelchair should be a reason for having to lose privacy if you want it.  Certainly any significant venue should be able to provide suitable sized cubicles with power assisted outward opening doors.


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  8. Great news @Kupar.   It is so difficult to get back into exercising when you have had an enforced break, worse when that break is due to medical stipulations and when you are worried that the exercise might have a detrimental effect, you are definitely wise to take it slowly at first.   It must be very frustrating when you used to do a lot of exercise previously.   Look after yourself.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 16 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Nicely done @Alfresco - I can imagine the sort of comments you may have got in return 'it's alright for you blokes....'   but of course this is your sister, so perhaps not a line of discussion you want to pursue.

    She isn't averse to an outdoor pee if she needs to.   She goes wild camping in a camper van with no toilet and does a lot of outdoor activities including walking and kayaking.  Whilst she never seems to want to discuss in detail, she has said enough that I know that she pees outside when necessary, but would hold until a toilet if she could.  Depending on the location, when in the camper, she either pees outside or uses the bucket and chuck it method.   Last time I remember her actually going for a pee when I was with her was a few years ago when we were out for a longish walk and she went off behind a few trees.

  10. Well how on earth have I not found this thread before today.   Fantastic pictures @Barbieoxo, thank you for being so generous with your sharing.

    I guess I've learned today that I really need to pay attention to what is posted in the non-pee section of the site as well as the main peeing topics!

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  11. @steve25805, I think in the case of finding out about a work colleague in that way, it is definitely better to keep quiet about it out of respect for the person.   I think that you probably don't need to worry too much about other people finding out and causing her distress though because firstly there are so many videos out there that the chances of stumbling across that one are probably slim and if they did happen to see it, most people wouldn't shout about it as they wouldn't want to admit to what they are looking at in the first place (despite the fact that probably a very high percentage of your colleagues are looking at porn at some point or another).


  12. I went to Thorpe Park Theme Park on Thursday with family.   I enjoy theme parks, but my family always say that I'm odd because whilst I do get the feelings of exhilaration, I don't scream, or get worried or scared at all and I'm generally pretty emotionless whilst riding even the bigger thrill rides.  They just don't do that for me.

    However, I went on one ride which is called Tidal Wave, where you get absolutely soaked.  It is basically a carriage with several rows of seats that plummets down a ramp and hits the water, sending a huge wave up in the air, only for it to drop back down right on top of the riders.   I did indeed get absolutely soaked, but one of my relatives commented that it was the first time she had seen me truly smile all day.



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  13. On Saturday my sister (who I don't see very often) and me had a nice paddle in kayaks on the canal.   We paddled for about 90 minutes and thoroughly enjoyed the pleasant evening.  When we got back to the launch point, I needed a pee so I said to my sister "I'm busting for a pee" and she replied "That's a problem then".  I said "Not really, I'll just go and sit on that log for a minute".  

    I walked over to a log at the side of the car park and sat on the log, pulled my dick out of the leg of my shorts and peed onto the ground with my spraydeck covering me.   

    There were a couple of other people (one guy, one lady) nearby packing up their paddle board, but they weren't worried.   I'm pretty sure they would have guessed what I was doing and probably would have seen the pee falling below the spraydeck if they were looking.

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  14. I have done it on a train seat - only the once, but wet myself through my trousers because I was blocked in by a lady who was sleeping and I didn't want to wake her so I peed where I was and sat in the wet seat for the rest of the journey, warming it up every now and again.  It was a very nice feeling but not something I've done regularly.

  15. I have done this a few times, but I also think that cameras could be an issue, although it is unlikely that someone is actually sitting watching the feed in real time so even if you are filmed, it is highly unlikely that someone will be waiting to intercept you when you get out of the lift.   Once you have left the scene it would be an inordinate amount of effort to track you down, so cameras are a small risk.

    Still,  better not to be filmed, so maybe stick to older lifts.  Most cameras are NOT hidden.   They want you to know that the camera is there to act as a deterrent.

    The few times I have peed in lifts have been old lifts in car parks or a handful of times in hotels.   Of the hotel lifts, one was whilst wearing swim shorts and on the way back from the pool I wet myself in the lift.   Another was when I collected an ironing board from reception and held the ironing board in front of me as cover.



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  16. @Kirby23  This thread shows a lot of pictures demonstrating various techniques that are used.   They vary from discretely sitting on the rail and peeing through bikini through hanging over the side with or without bikini removed to blatantly exposing everything and spraying out over the side.



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