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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. I ride a bike but I'm not competitive in any way.  I often go out for about an hour or so at a time, maybe before work or at lunch time.

    I have a Specialized bike, couldn't tell you what model, but it is a hardtail mountain bike with front suspension.  Doesn't even have disc brakes, but I've had it years and it serves me well.

    I used to do a lot of road cycling when I was younger including a cycle camping tour round Scotland and many trips round the Lake District.   When I moved down South, I was put off riding as the roads were too busy, although I did still do quite a lot of my commute to work on the bike at that time.

    These days I tend to ride locally and avoid roads where possible, so go to the nearby woods and lake.

  2. I absolutely love this account.   The fact that the brunette had absolutely no hesitation in peeing once she was invited to do so by her friend and the fact that she kept mentioning it in the lead up makes me think that she was indirectly trying to get consent from her friend that it was OK to pee.   The fact that she peed so easily and openly makes me think that she had probably peed outside on a night out many times - maybe starting off when she was of young drinking age and continuing with the habit as she got a little older.   The fact that they were both giggling a lot and tipsy sounds like they still very much enjoy a night out.

    I'm guessing that this wasn't the first time they had been out together and the way the friend said to just go and pee somewhere, I think implies that they have both peed outside many times, so it is a bit strange that the brunette didn't pee earlier, but she obviously had her reasons.

    I absolutely love ladies who are willing to pee in full view of passers by.   A lovely sighting all round.

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  3. I never saw the second part of the story when it was written.  So pleased that @Breepee24brought it back to the front page.

    @gldenwetgoose I loved the first part when I read it a couple of years ago.  I loved it when I re-read it today and the second part was brilliant.   So well written and such a great subject.    I would love to see those pictures!

    And as for @Kupar's observations - Totally agree.

  4. Great sighting of the girl with the short skirt and loud mouth, she obviously didn’t c are who knew what she was doing or cared if anyone saw her.

    You definitely did the right thing with the girl behind the van. It is a shame that her friend called her back from the bins as she was obviously happy to pee there, but it was nice that she happily told you that she had been for a wee when she came back. 

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  5. I'm very impressed by the range of languages that some of you have!

    Apart from my native English, I learned French to O level in school and a little German.   I helped my daughter with her German GCSE, so that refreshed it a bit, but I've never really used either in a useful sense.   However just recently I spent two weeks in France and I was pleased to be able to order things sort out bills etc in French as well as I had a short conversation with someone who wanted me to take their photo.  It kind of rekindled my thoughts on languages and so I would like to develop my French.

    I would also like to learn Spanish as it seems to be another language that is used extensively and I'd be able to understand what was being said on the Galician videos!!

    I was born in Wales and have learned a little Welsh, but it is not enough to be of any use.

    I spent three years in the North East of England so I'm OK on Geordie - which is supposedly English, but when I took a friend there with me for a business meeting I met up with someone I knew from years ago and we had a conversation.  Afterwards my friend said that he didn't have a clue what we'd been talking about for the last five minutes, so obviously the Geordie dialect is sufficiently different to be unintelligible to those who don't know it.


    Like others, I've also learned several computer programming languages. 

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  6. On 9/17/2023 at 2:58 PM, BlindListener said:

    I am very curious about women’s pe streams since I can only appreciate the amazing sounds of them. I have fantasized of getting opportunities to feel women peeing but question myself if I would really take advantage of the opportunity. I have shared with my wife my fascination and enjoyment of listening to women peeing and she has told me many times that it is weird. Also, she considers peeing a dirty task. To add to my potential mental struggle in many cases looking often is not a relationship crime, but in order for me to look means touching because I am totally blind. So, touching the person would be crossing that line, but feeling a pee stream is not touching a person?

    Your position is a difficult one @BlindListener.   My wife has always told me I can look at others but not touch.  As you say, touching is your way of seeing so that puts you in a position of difficulty knowing where the line is.   Given your wife’s response to your interest in pee, I can’t see that she would see it as appropriate for you to touch another lady’s pee stream - but on the other hand it would be the only way for you to experience it and you wouldn’t be doing it to cheat on your wife, rather just to broaden your understanding.

    The other difficulty of course is finding someone who would let you do this.  It is not something that you can really just ask of a random person so would need to be someone who you already have a trusting relationship or a new person that you can persuade to help you.

    Personally, I have never been intimate with a woman other than my wife and whilst I have seen ladies peeing and have even put my hands in fresh puddles, I have not put my hand in their stream or touched them whilst they were peeing.   Whilst I enjoy seeing women peeing, anything more intimate than that, I only do with my wife, but I am very lucky that she indulges me from time to time.   

  7. I regularly pee outdoors and I try not to worry too much about who might see me although I am also not usually brazen about it.   I have regularly just stopped walking or cycling and peed where I am, sometimes other people see, but I'm not trying to do it obviously.   When I've been out in the evenings in cities, I often need to pee and just pee anywhere convenient.   I have also sometimes peed next to or near other people (male and female) and even chatted to them whilst peeing.

  8. On 9/17/2023 at 3:41 PM, Phyche said:

    I've mentioned this before but when I need to pee, I pee where I'm at. No matter where I am or who's around. I've posted a dozen times before about the places I've peed. 

    With that being said, I'm actually rather polite about it. If I'm somewhere like a store with other people around, I step to the side far enough the spray/splatter won't affect them. If I'm at like a concert or something where it's to crowded to step to the side, I'll aim at the ground at best as I can. If I'm in an elevator I'll stand in the back corner giving them a heads up saying "Taking a piss" or even just "pissing" 

    I'm always gonna openly piss wherever and whenever I want no matter who's around. But I'm always going to take them into consideration about how I go about it.

    What reactions do you get from other people?  Especially if you are in places like a store or an elevator/lift.

  9. On 9/18/2023 at 11:28 AM, oliver2 said:

    Maybe underwater IR cameras looking for warm clouds…

    You actually need to look for cooler clouds.   If you have a hot tub and have the temperature set above body temperature, then the pee entering the water is actually cooler than the water.  I know from experience of feeling my own pee and that of my wife.

    We do have a hot tub and I always say not to pee in the water - mainly because it is too discrete and I don't get to know when it is happening or see anything.   I prefer my wife to pee standing on the deck next to the tub and I have said that if she wants to pee in the water then she should at least sit on the side and open her legs so I can see her peeing into the water.   She does pee on the deck quite often but she has only sat on the side and peed into the tub once.   She does quite often get into the water and then say "oops, sorry" as she pees into the water regardless.   She says the water makes her feel the need to release.  Sometimes she lets me put my hand over her pussy whilst she does it, sometimes I see the yellow cloud appearing and sometimes she waits until after she has peed before announcing "Oops, sorry, I did a wee".

    We rarely have guests in our hot tub, but when we did have one of my wife's female friends there I have said not to pee in the water.   I told her that she could pee on the grass and I enjoyed seeing her get out of the tub and go down the garden, knowing what she was doing, even if I couldn't see anything.  I asked her when she got back if she felt better and she said she did.  

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  10. This morning.  I went for a short walk from the house to stretch my legs on a break from work.  Rather than using the toilet before I set out, I peed in a parking area behind some houses about 200m from my house.  I walked into the parking area, unzipped and left a puddle on the concrete then put everything away and continued my walk.

    I do pee outside pretty often.

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  11. More delightful sightings from you @Big Bear, extremely well described as usual - thank you.  Sounds like a great night out and I bet you are glad that you had the opportunity to work in that city for the night.   I suspect you'll put your hand up for another shift there in the future if the opportunity arises and now you know about some good places you'll be able to get the best out of the evening.


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  12. I didn't know whether to put this one on YouTube Finds or include it here as it meets both criteria.  It is a news story on the TV which has been posted to YouTube about people peeing in public and the local business owners now being too happy.  There is quite a bit of coverage of the actual peeing although it is blurred.   

    I've put the link and screenshots on the Youtube Finds page:



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  13. Excellent sighting there- and I can confirm that buses arriving into the city often provide good opportunities.  I have seen some great sightings of girls running from buses desperate to pee and heading for the nearest alley or bush.  I have seen this in several cities and multiple times.  Often I think people drink at home before they head into town and then by the time they have ridden the bus for half an hour or more, they are desperate on arrival.

    Of course, once they have done this once or twice then it becomes a behaviour that they may follow regularly on arrival into town as they know it is better than waiting until they have queued to get into a club. 

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  14. On 9/5/2023 at 5:42 PM, Geepee9 said:

    with the passenger door open and a pretty bare bum showing below the door.

    Sounds perfect. I bet you really enjoyed that quick peek as you went by.  If I see something like that then it makes my day and I am just a little happier for the rest of the day, with a lovely image in my mind. 

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  15. On 9/5/2023 at 11:34 AM, steve25805 said:

    Well the problem turned out to be my laptop. I checked it on other peoples wifi and still no connection.

    All it turned out to be was something had switched itself off. A relative who is a bit of a computer whizz went into advanced settings and had it working in literally 60 seconds, lol

    I always swore I would never be one of those people who let their kids overtake them with computer and tech knowledge, but guess what? My daughter now sorts out issues on our phones and iPads in no time that have had my wife and I flummoxed.   Glad you are back on line.

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  16. I regularly pee whenever and wherever I am whilst out in nature, but I don’t walk around naked.  Sounds like a lot of fun, but I have two problems with the idea;  firstly I get bitten by very bug around and secondly I am usually too close to populated areas and paths

    I have been known to take all my clothes off for a short while when I am in the woods and need to pee, but I don’t tend to leave them off for any long periods of time. 

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  17. No, but I have tasted pee from random ladies who have peed outside, but only if it is very fresh and I saw it being produced.  E.g. a women peeing on a bunch of leaves and some of the leaves hold a small amount (few ml) of pee or if they pee on a dry place and leave a large enough puddle that I can soak my handkerchief in it and then suck a little pee out of it.

    I am sure it is not a good practice and there are probably all sorts of things I could catch from it, but it is a very rare indulgence and a tiny amount in any one go.  Sometimes I just can’t resist. 

  18. 12 hours ago, NaughtyPeeLover90 said:

    There were no woods to run into, just a row of hedges with no gaps. So they must have been pretty desperate to pull in where I was waiting.

    The first was 2 ladies who both took it in turns and used the tried and tested method of their car doors to hide them, it was an SUV though so the low squatting position they took left their bottoms exposed. 

    The third one used the same trick but faced outwards from her car (a saloon car) and squatted in the whilst the guy she was with waited in the drivers seat so didn't see as much there, just the top of her head.

    Very nice.  Does show that some ladies are willing to pee in more public situations when desperation calls. I love the way people “hide” between car doors but hang their bums below the level of the door. I am never sure if they don’t realise how much is on show or whether maybe they would rather hide their heads from view.

    Of course there is very little chance that you would be seen by someone you know, so that might also make people think that they are better off peeing in public than being desperate, uncomfortable and waiting to find a toilet.  

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  19. On 8/31/2023 at 7:02 PM, NaughtyPeeLover90 said:

    In my experience I'd say yes, my car broke down on a dual carriageway in Cornwall a few years back. In the roughly 45 minutes I was waiting for the mechanic to come out, no fewer than 3 ladies pulled into the same lay-by I'd pulled up in for a quick pee

    This is impressive that they actually pulled in to a lay-by that already had a car in it and still proceeded to pee.  Did they pee by the car or head into the woods?   We’re they visible or did they make an effort to hide?  We’re they solo travellers or with others who were also peeing?

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