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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. @Bacardi, firstly sorry that you were in a position of meltdown, but I hope you are OK now and your friends supported you through it.

    For someone who is so shy about everything, that was a very bold thing to accept a video call when you were about to pee and to go through with peeing whilst on that call.   I totally get why you wouldn't want to show the details on the call but just to answer it and talk whilst peeing shows a building confidence - at least with that one friend.   I am sure that he fact that she had already seen you pee made a big difference and you probably wouldn't do that with any one else.  

    The very fact that she said "Oh good, I get to watch you pee again" must mean that she is at least interested in pee.   Otherwise she would have either just said she would call back or she would have carried on the other conversation without mentioning the pee.  I think she is being pretty bold herself to say that and it probably is worth being aware of any subtle hints that she gives off and maybe you could give some subtle hints and see how she reacts.

    Maybe when you see her, you could say to her that you hope you didn't embarrass her by answering the call when you were at an inopportune moment, but you guessed she wouldn't mind, then see how she reacts to that.

    Good luck as it might end up being something that you can both share comfortably.

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  2. On 4/1/2023 at 11:40 AM, MidoriLemonade85 said:

    You do give off a very youthful vibe. I definitely agree with no. 3. I don’t want to be unable to enjoy life, and would not want to use up resources, so I would prefer the peace of death than the anguish of a drawn out terminal illness. No. 6 is so true…I look forward to the kids moving out and having some time to relax and travel. Even things that I just don’t get time to do, like the beach and library sound great. All I do is work! 

    Well I try to stay as young as I can and do as much as I can.   Unfortunately retirement is still more than a decade away and the way the government keep moving the goal posts it could be longer especially as I still have a large mortgage!!   My daughter left home for university 3 years ago but I still end up being too busy to do many of the things that I'd like to do although my wife and I do get to do things together.   I'd still like to have more time to do some of the things that I've not done but would like to do such as going to festivals and I wish I was young enough to fit in better and have a group of friends that would like to go to places like nightclubs.   My wife is not interested in doing any of those things and she would find it odd for me to want to go and do them on my own - although I might try and do a festival this year.    THe other problem is that I'm always very busy with other commitments on the weekends.

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  3. Definitely a case of trying for a discrete pee, then realising that you had noticed that she was being a little conspicuous in her actions and that she would have a puddle when she moved, so she poured the coke over it to hide the evidence.   However, it would be a very strange thing to just pour a can of coke over the rocks so in fact that actually would be more likely to confirm that there was something to hide.

    Well spotted and I'm sure you enjoyed the view.

  4. Whilst I'm in the mood for posting, I'll give you an update on today, which is fairly typical of days that I have when I'm working at home on my own.

    First thing this morning I went out into the garden in just a towel and squatted down so that I was leaning against the wall that separates the patio from the grass.   I just allowed the back of the towel to hang behind me against the wall and the front of the towel stayed resting on my legs.   I then peed between my feet onto the grass without holding, so it was a totally free release.   A little hit my left foot (I have a tendency that my dick hangs slightly left), giving a nice warm feeling in the cold air.

    Later, I cleaned my teeth and peed into the sink whilst doing so.

    For my next pee, I was sorting laundry on the kitchen floor, and I peed into one of the piles of washing before loading it into the machine.  Some pee escaped the pile and wet the tiled floor, so I used a T-shirt to mop it up and then put that in the machine too.

    That's it so far for the day, but the urge is building so I may be looking for another target shortly.

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  5. I think that one of the reasons why people are worried about the smell of pee lingering is that we've all walked down alleys and car park stairwells that smell.  However, I wonder if that is because they are repeatedly and frequently used as toilets, they never really fully dry, they are concrete so the puddle sits on top and as it slowly evaporates more of the impurities are left behind, then the next person that pees there wets it again and it releases odours.   

    With specific relation to hotel peeing, I can say that I have peed in numerous hotels in places other than the toilet.  I generally try to to leave anything too obvious in my room, but peeing under the bed or behind furniture or maybe on the flip side of the chair cushion.  If I pee on the carpet in the open area of the room then I tend to move around and not leave a huge puddle.  In the cases of peeing under the bed, I have often left a large wet patch and if the cleaners had felt under the bed then it would certainly be detectable, but I bank on the fact that most cleaners are on a mission to get in and out as quickly as possible and if I leave the room generally tidy then they probably only flick a duster round, change the bedding and a do a quick run round with a vacuum cleaner.  Most of the time I don't release a full bladder in one place and I don't pee lots of times in the room.

    However, there have been cases where I have left noticeable puddles and have worried about it.   e.g. I often let a little go in the bed, but usually in the evening and only enough so that it would dry by morning, but sometimes I get a little carried away and release a bit more (one more squirt won't hurt) and then a bit more and then realise that actually I've soaked the bed.   In those cases, there is no disguising it in the morning.  The bed is still wet.   Or one time I flipped the cushion on a seat and peed a bit on it and was enjoying it so much that I let my whole bladder go.   That was fine but when I went to flip the cushion back I found that it had gone right through and wet both sides.   I hung the cushion up to dry overnight, but in the morning it was still very obviously darker and wet to the touch.   However, in all cases I have never had anyone contact me about it afterwards.   

    One time I peed a whole puddle on the carpet, then got worried about it so mopped it up with a towel.  The towel ended up dirty (from the carpet!) and yellowed.   Rather than leave it to be found in that state, I actually put it in a carrier bag and took it out of the hotel and dumped it in a street waste bin.

    I have been less discrete about leaving puddles in public areas and have left full puddles in stairwells, on landings and other public areas.   Sometimes I hide it - e.g. peeing in a plant pot or a store cupboard, but other times it is just open on the carpet.   Hotels usually have plenty of hidden alcoves for example.   Another one that I've done is to wear shorts and sit on a sofa and pee down the gap between cushions by discretely positioning my dick out of the the leg of my shorts.  With something laid across my legs, someone could walk right past and wouldn't have any idea about what I was doing.

    One time my bed was very wet and I was worried about it.  I was staying for two nights and this was from the first night.   I was going to use the hairdryer to try and dry the bed, but it was in a fixed location with fixed wiring and wouldn't reach the bed.  So I used my ingenuity and used the Argos library.   For those who don't know, Argos is a store in the UK which operates like a warehouse - you order and collect but you can't see the products in advance.  To compensate for this, they offer a no quibble returns policy within 14 days.   So, I bought a hair dryer and extension lead, went back to the hotel, dried the bed with it and then took the items back to Argos for a refund.

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  6. I wouldn’t worry about peeing in the pool. Swim diapers don’t actually hold pee in them anyway because there would be no point, they would just absorb water as soon as they go in to pool - as you found with your own normal diaper.   What I am saying is that swim diapers are only designed for more significant accidents (not pee) and that any kid wearing a swim diaper is going to be peeing in the pool - as are other kids and adults too.

    If you wanted to, you could just leave the diaper off when you go swimming and just release where you are anyway.  It gives you the same freedom but without the diaper.  Guess it depends on whether you want to get out with an obvious and very heavy diaper when you leave the pool. 

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  7. Sounds like you get to go to some great parties with some high flying people.   Lovely reactions throughout that account and fantastic that you got to experience those things with no negative responses.

    As to the illicit drug factor - yes, I sometimes feel that I do indulge in pee like an illicit drug.  Partially it is an addictive pleasure where I love to see girls pee and will take every opportunity to do so as well as spending far too much time looking at pee related topics, pics and videos on line.   Also, the taste of ladies pee is intoxicating and I related very well to your putting your fingers in the stream and tasting the lady's pee.  

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  8. Put it this way, I would be dead before I got out.  Mine would be 55 years.   The only one for which I could not be found guilty would be deliberately ruining someone else’s bed/furniture etc. Even that one is borderline as I have peed on those things, but not with intent to deliberately ruin them.

    This does assume that pics and videos of me peeing outdoors count as pee porn.

    So, as I am already going down for life, I may as well carry on I guess.

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  9. @Bacardi, thank you for sharing this experience.   I'm pleased you finally managed to pee in the presence of someone else - especially as you are shy and not likely to do so on a regular basis.   That makes that particularly moment all the more special and I wonder if your colleague will ever realise just how special that moment was.

    As she has admitted to wanting to see you naked, you could yet have further discussions in the future - maybe you could engineer something in the future to get her to return the favour.  

    Also very pleased to hear that your fears were dispelled and you are not pregnant.   


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  10. I have probably mentioned in various parts of the forums in relation to my peeing exploits and experiences, but my interests include driving and maintaining steam locomotives and general maintenance as a volunteer at a preserved railway.  I also like the great outdoors including kayaking and cycling.  

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  11. I'll add my compassion for you and your situation.   That was definitely totally out of order on his part.   He would have absolutely no way of knowing that you were interested in pee at all and regardless of that, he had no justification for invading your personal space like that.    Sure, he may have needed to pee and may have been headed there for just that reason, but I'm sure that there was space that he could have separated himself from you.   The fact that he pulled his dick out well before he arrived also indicates that he was being invasive and inappropriately exposing himself to a stranger - especially a female who was already in a compromised position.

    Don't get me wrong, I love to see a lady peeing outside, but I would never invade their space like that and I totally respect any girl who I do see.  For the vast majority of girls peeing outside, they are doing it out of simple need, they don't want to be exposing themselves and they certainly don't want strangers imposing on them.   I might have turned into the area to pee, but I would have apologised for walking in on you and I would have kept my distance and either retreated or would have said something to you from a distance, maybe saying that I was also desperate and did you mind if I peed where I was (but not right next to you).  Your reaction at that point would either send me on my way or allow me to pee at a suitable distance.

    Interestingly, I have found that by giving respect, allowing space and being polite and apologetic, ladies have actually not minded at all if I have enjoyed the view, but I'm sure that most ladies would be horrified if someone came in close and unannounced like that.

    So sorry that you had to endure that experience and I agree with the other comments that I hope you can still continue to enjoy peeing outdoors, but hopefully without any future encounters that are so close and offensive.

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  12. 11 hours ago, Maggie_555 said:

    On your final comment I must say "Guilty as charged, your honour," as I've also peed in a kid's pool to avoid having to get out with my kids and disturb their fun.

    Yep me too.  Also other people that I've known and also my wife.    We used to take our daughter swimming from an early age and I don't remember how the conversation ever came up with her, but it was definitely the case that we neither asked her to get out to pee, nor did either of us get out to pee.   She learned to swim at a health club pool rather than a council pool, so there wasn't a separate kids pool.  We took her there when it was "family time" and they had half the pool roped off for families and half the pool for lane swimmers.   There were always plenty of families in there, often for the full three hours of the session and it was rare to see anyone get out, go to the toilets and then return.   People usually just got out when they had been there long enough or some did get out and use the poolside shower and then return to the pool.   The only logical reason to do that would be if you were peeing, but I'm pretty confident that most people just peed in the pool like we did.

    My daughter got really good at swimming and ended up competing at a national level.  I was involved as a time keeper rather than being bored sitting at the side of the pool at her events.   I saw several girls pee on the poolside and also saw girls pause at the end of a race and look at their crotches before getting out.   I also heard from others that it was a common practice to pee in the pool.

    At the health club where my daughter learned to swim, I once saw a female lifeguard get down from her high chair, sit on the side of the pool with her legs in the water, stay there for about a minute and then splashed water over her crotch area before returning to the high seat.   I'm 100% sure she was having a quick pee without leaving the pool area.

    At one of the pools where my daughter trained, which was a council pool, there was a kids pool and I saw mums who mostly sat on the side get into the pool, sit on the steps, pause for a minute, swish water around them and get out.   It was fairly obvious what they were doing, but they weren't worried about it.   I also had times where I saw mums sat on loungers by the pool, kids came out of the pool holding their hands on their crotch and went to their mums, bobbing up and down a bit, presumably asking their mums to take them to the toilet, but in each case the mum whispered to the child and then the child returned to the pool.

    So, I think that even though there are a lot of people who won't openly admit it, there is a definite culture that it is acceptable to pee in the pool and even those who don't participate probably consider it a minor offence!  Certainly mums really don't want to be hassled with collecting up their kids and belongings just because they or their kids need to pee. Of course, as you say yourself @Maggie_555, having this culture introduced to you as a child leads to people continuing the practice into adulthood and repeating the experience and education when they are parents.

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  13. I am not going to be much help to you I'm afraid as it isn't something that I've done, but I do get that it would be really handy to just pee whilst out and about without attracting any attention.    It would be a bit like being at a water park where I pee little and often all the time - either whilst in the water, on the slides/rides and even whilst standing in queues.   Swimwear is wet anyway, so releasing pee anywhere is just not noticed.

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