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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. @gldenwetgoose, great that you have had plenty of chances to enjoy a variety of naughty options.   My fun this week has been limited as I have not been alone much, but I went for my Covid booster on Tuesday, drank plenty before I went, needed to pee when I got there, had to wait 40 mins, was desperate when I got out so had a pee behind the building.  I started peeing on the concrete in the corner and then spotted an old piece of carpet had been left rolled up outside, so I stopped peeing, unrolled it a bit and peed the rest of my bladder on the carpet.  I left the carpet unrolled with a very obvious wet puddle.

    I also had a pee behind some shops and a few times in the garden and the kitchen sink.

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  2. These are great stories, the state the woman got into, the fact that she admitted she was ready to use the sink and then to basically barge past you and strip in front of you to release a flood right in your presence - she must have been beyond desperate.   I've not had the pleasure of similar experiences first hand but I do know a couple who had work in their bathroom and had to both pee in the garden whilst it was being done.   We've recently had our bathroom overhauled, but unfortunately we have a second toilet available.   Also, we have only had male workers which is a shame.

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  3. Yes I have a couple of times.   Once was when I was much younger and had a sleepover at a friends house.   I was in a bed that was next to the wall and he was in a separate bed in the same room.  The room was downstairs and the only toilet was in the bathroom upstairs.  I woke up in the night needing to pee and I didn't want to disturb him or the family by climbing the stairs and it was dark so I wasn't so sure I'd get there without falling over something and making a racket.  so, it seemed to make sense to pee where I was.   I stayed laying in the bed, faced the wall, got as close as I could and peed onto the wall in the gap between the wall and the bed.  The pee ran silently down the wall to the waiting carpet under the bed.  In the morning I didn't mention it and just got up and dressed as normal.   I didn't try looking to see if there was a puddle or whether the sheets or side of the mattress had got wet as I didn't want to draw attention to it.   I have no idea if it was ever discovered, but I guess not because nobody ever said anything. 

    The other one was when I was asked to check on someone's house whilst they were on holiday.   I needed a pee pretty urgently when I got there but the water was all turned off due to them being away.  It is only a small house and the only garden was a small area outside the front door which was overlooked by several other houses.  I ruled that out as too public so I decided I would have to let a bit out here and there inside the house to relieve the pressure, which would help my relief and wouldn't cause any lasting effects as well as the fact that I knew I would enjoy it.   I stood at the top of the stairs and did a few spurts that spread across a few stairs, I did a bit on the landing and I did a bit on the living room floor.   I did think about peeing under the mattress, but when I lifted it I found that there were various things stored flat on the bed base with the mattress on top, so I didn't proceed as I didn't want to ruin her stuff.  Instead, I lifted the door mat and peed some more on the carpet there, putting the mat back on top.   I didn't empty my whole bladder but it was enough to let me be more comfortable.   I went back about a week later when she had returned and there were no obvious signs of my misdeed and there was certainly no detectable smell.


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  4. @Bob3322  Sounds like you had a lot of fun with your guests in the toilet.  I take it from what you are saying that the toilet was on the ground floor and the window was not a frosted glass window but just a normal plain glass window?   Did any of the ladies every spot you watching through the window?   Presumably if you could see them in the mirror then they could see you if they happened to look in the right direction at the mirror?

    When I was younger we only had an upstairs bathroom and sometimes if I was in my bedroom and heard someone go into the bathroom then I would walk out onto the landing and listen.  Once my sister's friend went in there and I heard her saying that she wasn't going to lock the door and that if my sister needed anything then she should knock.   So I thought I'd try my luck - I waited until I could hear her hissing and then I knocked on the door.   My sister's friend didn't ask who it was knocking but just called out "Come in" so I did.   I opened the door and still recall the sight of her sat there on the toilet, hissing and tinkling. She let out a bit of an exclamation when she realised it was me, but she didn't stop peeing.  I made out that I didn't realise that she was peeing, apologised and (slowly) retreated and closed the door.  

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  5. I love wedding pictures like these.  There is something about brides and bridesmaids peeing in their finery that is extra special.   There are lots of anecdotes of brides having to be helped to pee in their wedding dress due to the volumous skirts.

    Unfortunately I don’t have any exciting stories from my wedding but if my wife knew me then like she knows me now then I think I would have loved to create photos like these. 


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  6. I have peed in pretty public places. Sometimes by pulling my penis out and peeing in a public place, sometimes by being discrete and sometimes by wetting.  Of course there are also peeing in pools and hot tubs with other people, but I won't include those.   I'll give you three examples:

    Probably the closest to other people and with a quite a few people was this summer on a cruise ship.   I  walked along the pool deck and I realised that a lot of people were stood around the pool, facing the pool and watching the Belly Flop competition.   I took my place in amongst the crowd with people pretty much shoulder to shoulder and several rows deep.   I was in the third row with two good looking girls in front of me.   I enjoyed the sight of their bums in bikinis.  Another row formed behind me.   I needed to pee.  My swim shorts were already wet as I'd been in the hot tub.  The floor was wet from people getting out of the pool and hot tubs.   All eyes seemed to be focussed on the pool and bodies were close together so nobody could see much from any distance, so I just relaxed and peed.   My full bladder emptied through my shorts and down my leg, adding to the general wetness on the deck.   I didn't look down whilst I was peeing (didn't want to draw attention), but when I finished I could see that my puddle was spreading into the general wetness.  It was touching other people's flip flops and I'm sure people will have walked in it when everyone dispersed.

    The most exposed would be probably when out in the evening on a Friday or Saturday when many times I've just peed in a corner or entrance to an alley with people walking past.

    The most public place where I've taken a discrete pee would be a park in London near the London Eye (big wheel) where there were lots of people.  I was walking through the park and was in serious need of a pee but there were no obvious bushes or other hiding places so I simply knelt down and put my bag between my knees and peed out of the leg of my shorts onto the grass.  There were people sunbathing all around and people walking past.  Nobody batted an eyelid so I've used this technique many times since.

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  7. The standard guards are not great for splatter avoidance.  I tend to pee on the ceramic above the guard as I find that gives less splashback.

    The best urinals I have found are the ones where the central part of the back of the urinal is formed as a fin sticking forward so that instead of one large receptacle, it is divided into two as below:


    The curves are designed to take the flow out of your pee and direct it rather than firing it back at you.  They obviously have had some serious design input as I have tried peeing into all the different areas and don’t get any splash back. 


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  8. I don’t know anything about the size of the back yard or how much it is overlooked, but my approach would be to check it out when you are there and if there are areas that are not overlooked then you are fine to enjoy them as you please.  You might find that there are areas close to the house where nobody else would see, it if it is a larger yard then you might find places away from the house are better in which case you could walk out with just a wrap or dressing gown over you and lose it when you get to the discreet area.

    I would tend to agree that being a full exhibitionist in the middle of the lawn might attract unwanted feedback from neighbours but if you are discrete you should be ok.  I would certainly think you should be able to engineer some discrete peeing outside as well - even if it is overlooked you can wear a loose gown or similar and pee down your legs or sit on the grass or a wall whilst you pee.   Even if they did see you, nobody is going to think you are peeing.

    Then of course you have to consider what is the real chance of feedback coming your way?   If guys see you then they are going to enjoy the view and not say anything. If women see you, they might not be that impressed or they might actually think you are brave.  If they did take offence they might call you out in person and ask you to stop, and I guess they might possibly mention it to your host when they return, but would the host really give you negative feedback for that?  

    I think they would be more likely to give negative feedback their neighbours reported that you made a lot of noise late at night or if they found any evidence of your peeing within the house.  So, my view would be to take the same approach as you do for peeing, enjoy yourself but take care about what you do and where you do it so that there is least chance of repercussions.

    By the way, if I lived next door to an AirBNB where guests were naked in the garden and peeing outside then I would be very happy about that. 

  9. Totally open in our house where it is usually just my wife and I.   We regularly share the bathroom.   If our (adult) daughter is here then usually push the door towards closed but don't fully close or lock it.   

    With other visitors we usually close and lock or at the very least push it towards closed.  I often tend towards the not quite closed in the hope that it might encourage female visitors to do the same so that I can enjoy their sounds.

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  10. 11 hours ago, RainyDay said:

    saying that she may just need to squat behind some bushes. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was gauging my reaction or trying to get me to encourage her to just let go.

    If I were in your position then, I would definitely have said something to encourage her.   Maybe something like "If you are seriously considering the bushes then that's fine by me"  She was already talking openly about it and might have been seeking your permission.

  11. Thanks @tatstatsort.   I always like to know that people appreciate the effort of putting in the details.   I could have just written a two line summary that said that my day was made when my wife who doesn't regularly pee outside had to get me to stop so she could pee behind the car.   But that doesn't do it justice and I think the details help make it much more meaningful.   I totally agree regarding @Sophie - I love her descriptions of her peeing experiences.

    I am optimistic that Mrs A may relax her restrictions on peeing outside, but I am sure it will remain to be only when she is 100% sure she won't get caught or because she is too desperate to be able to avoid it.   I will definitely be encouraging her and telling her not to worry too much if there is a small risk of being caught.

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  12. fantastic experience and one of the perks of both working from home.

    My company is trying to get everyone to work from the office and I have a list of reasons why I don’t think that is a good idea.  Do you think I can use impromptu pee play with my wife as a good reason to stay working from home?

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  13. Thanks for sharing the picture @Malika.  The way that the leaves are brown and shrivelled mainly in one area and then with spots and edges of other leaves certainly looks like it is the pee that has had the effect.  If it was the sun, then it would have shrivelled everything evenly.

    Seems like some scientific experiment is required by as many members as possible in controlled circumstances to see what the effects are generally and whether some people have more effect that others.

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  14. 3 hours ago, ChrisS said:

    @AlfrescoHow did the girls respond when you asked if it was okay to go pee in the alley?

    Mostly they just say something like "Yeah, sure" or "Go ahead".   I think only once I've had someone say "Ewww, that's disgusting".   Once I had "No problem, we've already used it"

    The main thing is I like the fact that they now know why I'm going into the alley and as they have given consent, I don't make any great effort to hide, so if they want to glance my way and happen to see me pee, then that's fine by me.  Quite often they do look.

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