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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. I would say anywhere that someone catches you, there is a good chance that they might think it inappropriate.  The legalities will vary from country to country, as will the public tolerance.  Outdoors in the country well away from people would be the least likely to cause anyone to thing it is inappropriate as you are unlikely to be spotted.   If you are wanting to walk around naked for an extended time and just pee when you feel the need, then that means for a start that you need to be somewhere that nakedness is accepted, so nude beaches or places where nobody is likely to be are the obvious candidates.

    Of course if you don’t worry too much about the inappropriate factor then changing rooms at the gym, steam rooms etc are good candidates, just try to avoid releasing when people are watching you.   In the steam room you can get away with it as the steam hides the view somewhat. 

    • Agree 3
  2. 20 hours ago, Sexismygod said:

    I can choose to get something to drink (well diluted orange juice is my tipple of choice at work) or go to the loo.  Based on today's results, I will always pick something to drink.  I now have new options for getting a comfort break.

    Totally agree - getting more drink it the priority.   Although I have often peed in the kitchen sink whilst making a mug of tea to save time.

    Also, as mentioned, if you are going to get lots of back to back calls, then queue up the drinks in advance with large bottles of juice or insulated mugs of tea etc.  Then you won't have to move at all.  

    The other one that works well is to sit on a towel folded into a thick pad and don't wear anything on your bottom half.   I've used this successfully in several long meetings.  It is perfect because it is below the desk level, not seen on camera, you can release pee whenever you want and it doesn't make any noise, requires no aiming other than making sure your dick is pointed down between your legs (girls no problem at all).  By the end of a long call, my towel is saturated but that's fine it just goes in the wash and the chair needs a quick wipe over and nobody knows a thing about what happened.  If you have a fabric cushioned chair that you don't want to get wet then you may need to add a waterproof layer between towel and chair.  My chair is leather (or faux leather more likely) and therefore wipes easily.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Tony_puddle said:

    I'm not sure, but I think many girls peed in the hot tub that day... I saw several times some small groups going into the water for 1-2 minutes...

    Nice.   I've mentioned this before in other posts, but on various holidays I have noticed ladies getting in the hot tub for just a few minutes or even less, presumably for that exact reason.  Once, one of the girls sat right next to me for less than a minute and then got back out and I actually said to her "Feel better now" or words to that effect and yes laughed and said "Yes, definitely".

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  4. Absolutely superb!  Love the detailed descriptions, the conversations and the way Yvonne played with Zach, messing with his innocent emotions, teasing him with tantalising temptation and playing out her own desires.  

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  5. That’s twice you have helped her circumvent a problem and great that she agreed without much hesitation.   I wonder if anyone else realised what she was up to as she left the toilet queue or maybe they overheard what you said to her?   If they did, they may have decided that was a good idea and followed the lead?

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  6. You've found the perfect solution to a problem.    Was this a case of several short back to back calls with no chance of a two minute escape in between?   I was wondering what other people might be doing about their peeing needs, but then I thought maybe they weren't all present at all of the calls, so individually they would have time to nip off to pee between calls.  I do often wonder on long calls or in meetings how many people are dying to pee and whether anyone has taken their relief whilst on the call.

    I often use a pint glass for the same reason, but I have a big advantage, most of my calls are audio calls only - no video, so it is much easier for me.   I do try to minimise the sounds though.    What I still need to work on is how you get more tea when on long calls!   If I have several calls back to back then I sometimes stock up with a large mug of tea, a pint or two of water and maybe even a flask cup of tea so that I have plenty of drinks to last the duration.   If I drink that much then each vessel once empty tends to get filled up again.

    A recent investment (well work paid) has been a cordless headset, so now I can move around.  This has led to me going to the bathroom and peeing in the sink or the toilet whilst on calls hopefully without anyone noticing.   If I use the toilet then I pee on the porcelain rather than in the water to avoid obvious noises.


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  7. Brilliant situation.   I agree that it would have been much better to have actually witnessed the peeing, but she had obviously taken the best cover available to her and it would have been incredibly difficult to get to see anything without being obvious about it.   She was clearly totally unused to natural peeing and highly embarrassed about the situation, so to have pried on her would have been very upsetting for her.   You did absolutely the right thing by enjoying the conversation and the sight of her desperation building but leaving her to have her privacy to pee.  

    I'm assuming it was obvious where they went and that others would have noticed if you had followed, so you couldn't have "accidently" found them when you went there yourself for a pee?   That would really be the only way you could have got away with seeing her pee.

    Maybe if she was more used to the idea of peeing outdoors, she might have squatted at the first place and may not have had the benefit of the cover, but part of the fun is that everyone's approach is slightly different.

    I've had many cases where I've known girls were going to pee, but I have decided against following them for a direct view as it would be too obvious and intrusive.   Sometimes you just have to accept and enjoy the situation and the knowledge that this person is peeing - although it is bound to be frustrating.  I'm sure your imagination still has a great picture of her expelling her golden fluid onto the ground though!

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  8. 12 hours ago, JDG said:

    Thanks for this, you are always very helpful! It might be a good idea that I start peeing in such locations myself, that would be quite encouraging I guess. 

    This particular ruin was still not quite hidden and the spot she wanted to pee in was very visible (though from far away only). I am on my phone know, but might post a picture from Google Earth later when I'm on the pc. 

    On a quite unrelated note, I am thinking of posting Google Earth pictures on the places she has peed from the next stories onwards. Would that add something to the story? And if so, is there any interest in a picture of a spot I described in the past? 

    I know everyone is different, but I personally wouldn’t worry about peeing somewhere that is visible from a distance.   I do this quite regularly and I definitely know that people have seen me from a distance and know what I am doing, but I don’t know them and they are too far away to say anything, so they can either enjoy the view or not, but it doesn’t really cause me any issues.   If your girlfriend was ok with it, then I would personally have let her go for it.   Alternatively, you could have suggested that the particular spot was too visible, but maybe suggest just going over by that wall and offer to stand in front of her to hide her.

    One time I was out in the country with my family and my sisters family.  There was very little cover other than a wall to the next field.  I left the group and went over to the wall, but there were two walkers coming down the hill in my direction.   They were close enough that I could identify that there were two people and the colours of their clothing, but no details.   It would be some time before they were out of view, so I just peed anyway.  They would know what I was doing, but ah well.  I got back to my group and my sister said “You do know there were walkers coming down the hill?”  I said that I did but they were far enough away not to worry me.  She said that she wouldn’t have been able to do that.

    Yes,  would be interested in location pictures.  Always helps to illustrate the story and understand the level of potential exposure.

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  9. 1 hour ago, ukpeegirl86 said:

    I’d absolutely love to do this. For me though I’d want it to be a carpeted fitting room with a door. I’d sit rather than squat to avoid noise which would draw attention to myself. I’d just sit and let it flow silently into the carpet and totally immerse myself in the moment and it’s naughtiness. Then I’d walk away as though nothing had happened. 

    I love that attitude and I'm sure it would be a wonderful feeling.  Hope the doors go right to the floor though!

    I went into a branch of a well known high street shop that sells clothes near me and went to try on some clothes.  I noted that the individual cubicles in the fitting rooms were fitted with carpet.  I didn't need to pee, but it cross my mind that it would be easy to pee there had I wanted to do so.   I didn't go back there for ages, but recently I did and I found that the carpet was gone and the floors are now tiled.  I wonder whether they had experience of people peeing there and decided that tiles were better at discouraging pee (noisy splatter and visible puddle rather than sound deadening and absorbent) or whether they were thinking that even if people did pee there, then it was easier to clean.   Of course I don't know that pee had anything to do with the reason for the change, but I like to think it might have.

    I'm also wondering whether the ladies or gents fitting rooms are more likely to be peed in?   

    And how much is deliberately being "naughty" and how much is just out of convenience/desperation?

    Some web results may be of interest:

    According to The Sun, an employee who used to work in retail says "Quite often people would pee and [other] in clothes in the fitting room, and those clothes would go right back on the floor."  

    This thread on Reddit starts off with  "Seriously people if you have to pee while you're out shopping you can take your items and go. There's a special place for all your unbought shit outside the bathrooms and I promise you it won't roll away while your in the can. I'm so tired of picking up clothes from the floor of my departments fitting rooms only to find they are soaked through with piss. It's fucking gross and it's rude and like seriously were you raised in the backwoods?" and then there are a several replies telling of people peeing and other things they have found in fitting rooms.

    According to The Daily Mail

    One H&M worker told the Liverpool Echo they find bodily fluids and waste matter in the changing rooms and aisles 'all the time' after customers have left.  

    'In fact, I'm sure customers just pretend to try on clothes sometimes so they can relieve themselves,' they said.

    'The changing rooms [are] definitely the most common place we find urine and sanitary products.'

    And in a response on This Thread, which starts off with an employee reporting peeing in the fitting room, a Tanning Salon reports I worked in a tanning salon where a lady habitually pissed in the trash can of the tanning room. She would pee under the bag, so we wouldn't find it until closing. That means it fermented in the ninety plus degree room all day. But, much worse, we took the trash can out, and she started peeing in the heating vent that came out of the floor. It took us a month of repeated offenses to figure out who did it. Needless to say...lifetime ban.

    There are loads of reports out there and of course many more that don't make it onto the internet, so it must be a pretty common occurrence.


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  10. 8 minutes ago, CON2H4 said:

    From my own experience at adult venues, they always warn you not to pee in the pool.

    That's because they know that the nature of the people that attend those types of places are likely to be those that don't have too many hangups about doing things in public that the wider population may be more reserved about and they don't want to have to deal with the water chemistry and gallons of pee in the pool, but I am sure many people ignore the guidance.

    These places and swim up bars must be the places with the highest concentration of pee in the pools.

    • Agree 1
  11. That is a great puddle, lucky find.

    6 hours ago, rann said:

    Who says it's an accident? 🤭
    Great photo. Thank you for sharing!

    My thoughts exactly.  Could well have been deliberate either from someone who enjoys peeing in naughty places (could even be someone from this site) or it could be someone who needed to pee and chose to go in there because there were no toilets handy or they had a queue and it is a private/hidden location.

    My MIL used to work in a department store and said that she had found pee puddles on the floor on multiple occasions when clearing up at the end of the day and they never had wet clothes with them, so they were made by someone who made the conscious decision to remove their clothing and pee on the floor.   It is probably more common that most of us realise.

    As an aside, she also worked in other retail and once when she worked in a store that sold hardware amongst other things she found a plastic storage box had been used as a toilet.

    I was in a bathroom showroom the other day and I commented about the air conditioning being a welcome respite from the heat.  The sales lady said that it was great, but often when families come in, the cold makes the kids need to pee.  She said that thankfully so far nobody had used a display toilet, but she was sure that it would happen one day.  I did consider offering to make that day sooner than later, but she didn't seem to want it to happen.

    • Cheeky 1
  12. That's a great achievement for you @M.Vixen and you will now have a higher level of freedom when you go out in future.   As you say, you can do this without any risk of detection.   The joys of a skirt mean that you can pee undetected in so many different places.   If you have a skirt that isn't tight, you can sit on a wall and pee down the back of it or you can sit on the side of a fountain and pee into the water, or you could sit on the wall surrounding a raised planter and pee onto the soil behind the wall.  If you have the type of skirt that hangs down behind you then you can squat down with the skirt surrounding you and adjust your shoes or get something from your bag whilst you pee in a gutter or into grass/sand.    Plenty of options and I hope you enjoy exploring them. We will certainly enjoy reading about them if you choose to share.


  13. Definitely a hot display.   You say that she was considering going back to her room - where there no toilets near the pool?   If not, then it seems likely that the owners/managers would be expecting people to pee either in the pool or just on the ground near the pool.   Also interesting that she even considered getting out of the pool then traipsing soaking wet to the room in order pee and then come back, which would presumably take about 5 to 10 minutes.   I wonder whether she really wanted to pee in view and was testing what other people thought?   Otherwise she might have considered just releasing in the water or even once she had the blessing to pee by the pool, she might have squatted more discretely directly on the grass or even sitting on the grass where you wouldn't be aware at all of what she was doing.

    Also, interesting that it was someone else in the pool, not one of the three of you chatting, that suggested peeing on the grass.  It may have been more normal response to ignore the comment or to suggest that she pee in the pool.

    What did anyone else (including you) do when you needed to pee?   I'm guessing if you were all there for a while there was more than one person who needed to pee and if nobody got out of the pool to pee then they were all peeing in the pool without saying anything - which makes it more surprising that someone suggested the lady pee on the grass rather than in the pool.

    Did you see any other acts of public peeing (particularly ladies) over the rest of your stay?

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  14. 8 hours ago, checkmate3579 said:

    I've used these before too. A rolled up newspaper can hide it well and I've unloaded my pee with people standing about while  waiting for a bus unobserved.  You simply tuck your schlong into one end of the paper roll and the other into the can. Sometimes you can fan out the top sheet and pretend to read it as you piss.  Very risque and satisfying though.

    Nice idea.   I've peed in bins, but never tried using a newspaper as a delivery pipe or distraction device.   I've just peed straight into the bin when there is nobody about.

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  15. On 7/15/2022 at 10:53 AM, CON2H4 said:

    I think kilts are becoming more widespread in England too.

    It is getting there, but proper kilts are much more expensive than trousers, they are very heavy and warm and it is likely that you'd still get some funny looks if wearing a non tartan kilt in the South of England.  They are good for ventilation and peeing though.  I would consider getting one at some point.

    Here are a few ideas if you want one though.  They even do them as Hi-Vis safety gear!

    High Vis Kilt

    Utility Kilts

    American Kilts

    More Utility Kilts

    There are lots more options than there used to be, that's for sure.

  16. On 7/15/2022 at 8:57 AM, gldenwetgoose said:

    Not quite a park, but this is probably a valid thread for this, without creating a new topic...


    I've just been looking at activities to undertake during a trip to Snowdonia, a mountainous region of north Wales in the UK.  The area has a legacy of slate mines, a number of which have been turned into tourist attractions.

    One such activity centre is Go Below (https://www.go-below.co.uk/default.asp) which is based from a cafe pretty much in the middle of nowhere.  They run three activities which involve some trekking and mostly exploring in the converted slate mine.  The activities are listed as ranging from five to seven hours in duration, with a leader and up to 10 participants.

    Within their FAQ's page is this.   I love the honesty and straightforward approach:


    Time to book a trip I think!!  Or maybe get a job as a guide......  I do love that they are so up front about it.   It is one of those things that they must have to deal with on a daily basis, so better letting people know up front what they are letting themselves in for.

  17. 3 hours ago, LovesToWet said:

     Betty swollocks

    Totally.  I've been working in just a very loose pair of shorts all day.  Commando underneath.   I would have been naked but we have painters in the house and they may not have a appreciated it.

    Shame they weren't female painters or I would have suggested that if they were too hot then I wouldn't object if they felt overdressed and wanted to reduce their clothing.

  18. Certainly is!   We kept the living room closed up yesterday to keep the heat out and when we went in there in the evening we thought it felt cool, but looked at the thermometer and found it was 25 degrees!   That would normally be hot for us, but it was only cool compared to the 35 degrees that we had outside......

    We went shopping in a supermarket and it is one of the few times I enjoyed shopping because they had air con.  

    When driving home, I considered driving via a town 30 mins away just to sit in the car with air con for longer. 

    This morning, it was quite comfortable when I went out on my bike at 6am to get a bit of exercise before it got hot.  By the time I came back at 7:15 it was already feeling claggy and was about 26 degrees.

    I'm not complaining though, it is nice to see some sun.

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  19. A further thought to add to my previous comment.   I like to leave a puddle or mark as evidence if possible.   I already mentioned peeing on a tree, which leaves an obvious mark for people to see and the same goes for being in a built up area, I like to pee on a wall or floor where the pee won't immediately drain away and hopefully my puddle will be seen by others and maybe influence them to also pee there as they realise that it is a place that has already been utilised.  I particularly like to pee somewhere that is covered so that it won't get washed by the rain - e.g. underpasses, shelters etc.

    For example, this morning I was out on my bike and needed to pee.  I could have peed literally anywhere in the woods where I was cycling, but instead I chose to wait until I was back in civilisation and I went to some flats where the ground level consists of flats at the front with parking at the back and then the upper levels are built over the parking.  I went into the parking and ducked behind a car that was parked near the exit door from the flats and I peed onto the tarmac to leave an obvious puddle which anyone coming out of the flats to access the car park would see.  I'm sure it will have evaporated pretty quickly as it was already 26 degrees Celsius even though it was about 7am, but hopefully a couple of people may have seen it.

  20. 19 hours ago, Starks2010 said:

    Not necessarily the business isn’t up to code and such. Though the place I talked about did get shutdown by the city after the church across the street complained. The 5 other nightlife establishments are still operating. It’s like at sporting events, lines for the restrooms are long, especially the ladies room. It’s not that the stadium isn’t up to code, just the volume of people. All nightlife establishments that serve alcohol can’t all be not up to code, and they all have public pissers and the like. As far as clubs in a city, people travel to cities to party, if the club or such is popular, there is a line out front. Before waiting in that line to get in, your best bet is the pee where convenient which I have heard stories from female friends about. Nightlife places have long ladies room lines and a place that serves alcohol, you have to go frequently and urgently and can’t wait on the line. Club bathrooms get worst cleanliness wise over the course of the night, inebriated patrons and constantly traffic, people, especially ladies don’t want to use those restrooms. 

    Fully agree with this and in UK cities I've seen many girls (and guys) get off buses that bring them into the city and they either go straight into a park or alley to pee or they go to join the queue for a nightclub and then realise it is going to take too long so they leave the queue, find a convenient pee spot and then re-join the queue.   I'm sure that if there wasn't a queue then they would go inside to pee but they see the queue and know that they are in for a wait so the pressure in their bladder from drinks they have had at home followed by the journey in on the bus means they have little option but to pee before joining the queue.   It also seems that most girls who do this do so without much hesitation so I guess it has become a regular pattern for them and an accepted part of the night out.   They don't seem too worried about what they are doing, it is just routine and necessary for them.

    I have also seen people come out of clubs, pee and go back in, so I guess it is not just the queue to get in, but the queue for the toilets when you get in, which also goes in line with what @Starks2010 is saying.   So two sides of the pond with very similar situations.

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