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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. Loved it @Gotah,  I thought it was going to be another variation on a regular theme of getting stuck in traffic on the way home, but no, it was much better with getting near to relief several times but being stopped and then culminating in a shocking scene in front of Josie's friends.   Brilliant.

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  2. A public service definitely.  The more ladies realise that it is OK and natural to pee outside, the better.   I am also sure that you enjoyed both the experience of seeing your friend peeing and the opportunity to demonstrate that you pee outside in a natural situation.   I dare say you will not hesitate to do the same with her again in the future and now she has seen you peeing, you could instigate it without any concerns.

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  3. Hi @Kbeasley7, Welcome to the site.   I'm another who is happily married and whilst my wife knows of my interest and indulges me sometimes, she doesn't have the interest herself and she doesn't know the full extent of my pee fun.

    I am also fascinated by the hows and whys of peeing - the psychology and physiology of peeing as I think of it.  I am particularly interested in how people's attitude changes when they get drunk as well as how their attitude changes in different social circumstances or when they get more desperate.    I love the way that some people are willing to pee freely outside without too much worry about being caught whilst others will do anything in their power to avoid peeing outside and that some people are very open about their needs whilst others keep it all secret.  Very happy to chat about any of this and as I'm sure you will quickly discover, there is plenty of open discussion across the forums which you are most welcome to join in.

  4. On 6/19/2022 at 6:06 PM, steve25805 said:

    Hahaha, that's a new one on me. Never heard it called that before.

    I know this is going off topic from the original, but I couldn’t resist.   The first time I saw reference to a “Hoohah” was the video linked below.  It does have a vague link to the original subject as the subject girl answers the question around toilet paper - if it is not available, use one slice of bread!   





    • Haha 1
  5. CCTV is prolific without a doubt and yes, I tend to try to avoid peeing directly in front of a camera and it does put me off peeing in some “naughty” places, but for the most part, private CCTV is rarely actively monitored in real time but would only be reviewed in the event of a crime.   It is highly unlikely that anyone is going to find a pee puddle in a car park or alley and then spend time trawling through video to find footage of who left it.   Even if they did, the chances of finding out who it was on that video would be pretty small.

    However, I think I would be even more careful if you are a delivery person with uniform and marked van that can be identified.  I would probably stick to finding quiet parking areas or by the side of the road rather peeing right by a building with cameras.

    You might like this thread, whose title doesn’t immediately highlight that it covers CCTV, but it’s main discussion is about avoiding Being caught on CCTV.


  6. 7 hours ago, arigalo said:

    I wish I could say it was entirely out of willpower/out of commitment to holding, but it was more so because I noticed he was wearing letters for a fraternity on campus that is known to not exactly have the best track record for issues pertaining to consent. I didn’t feel like taking the gamble, to be honest! 

    Personal safety always comes first.   You probably did the right thing and whilst peeing in front of someone who effectively gave you permission may well have been a bit of a buzz, it is not worth doing anything if you think you are at risk.

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  7. When I was in London about three weeks ago, I saw two incredibly public urinals in the middle of the day.   They are both in the Hoxton area of London near Old Street Station.   They are the sort of urinals that often get put out for festivals or even in towns for late night revellers, but these were on the street and they were there in the morning on a Wednesday, so I presume they are left there all the time.

    The first was right next to a fire station on a busy road and can be clearly seen by the passing traffic.   It surprises me that it is put in such a public place as even on a Friday night when drunk I would think a lot of people would not want to pee in such a public place, so I'm sure many people still avoid the urinal and go and pee in a corner somewhere.   Surely it would make sense to mount the urinal slightly more discretely?


    The other one was a few streets away and on a road next to a small park and near some bars.  I saw this one about 12 noon and I did make use of it.   After all, if they don't want it to be used then it shouldn't be there right?  There were people around and two ladies walked right past whilst I was peeing in it.  They didn't make any comment but definitely sneaked a look.


    I also think that these urinals may be intended that ladies can use them too as the openings for the receptacle are larger than in similar ones that I've seen before.  You could easily see that a lady could either stand to pee or do a high squat over them.


    There is a page on Hackney Council which goes back to 2008 saying that they installed four urinals in a pilot and that they collected about 100 gallons of urine each weekend.   So they then purchased 5 urinals for continued use.  https://news.hackney.gov.uk/urinals-for-shoreditch-night-owls


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  8. 10 hours ago, wetwulf said:

    Hope the mods and @Alfresco will forgive me for bumping this masterpiece again, but I know we have some new members who maybe haven't read it yet. Creative and hot!

    I'm quite happy to see it bumped, but I now feel guilty because I still haven't finished it!

    • Haha 2
  9. I should have said that I myself needed to pee whilst I was there.  We had walked around to the far end of the beach and then onto a promenade.  We were sat on a bench overlooking the sea   And I mentioned to my daughter that I would need to pee soon.  

    I spotted that there were some steps the went down to the sea from the promenade.  After about 5 mins of sitting there I said to my daughter that I was going to check out where the steps went and whether there was beach or water at the bottom as it appeared that the water was right up to the wall.  She said she would wait on the bench.  I don’t know if she put two and two together and realised that I was intending to pee there.

    I went down the steps, which did lead right down into the water - only about 10 steps down.  It was hidden from the promenade unless you looked right over the wall.  However there was a similar set of steps in the opposing direction about 100m away. There were some people sat on those steps fishing.  I decided they were far enough away not to worry about it and I squatted down on the step and fished my penis out of the left leg hole and let fly onto the steps.  I peed for about 30 secs then stood up and returned to my daughter.

    Later, I went for a swim in the sea and before I got out, I sat in the shallows and peed again.

    My daughter is obviously taking after my wife because we were ashore for about 4 hours and she didn’t pee at all, but she made a beeline for the toilets when we went back on board.   

  10. 16 hours ago, James_erased said:

    Are there any other beach stops throughout the rest of the cruise?

    Yes.  We were at Lanzarote yesterday, Gran Canaria today, still got Funchal and A Coruna (Spain) to go.

    Yesterday I didn’t see anything overly exciting other than people going into the water.  My daughter was with me so I didn’t get any opportunity to scout.  However, when we arrived at the beach (a small beach about 30min walk from the cruise dock) I spotted a couple going down the ramp to the only toilets. I said to my daughter that we should see if they were open in case we needed them later.  I was pleased to note that the couple tried the door and found it locked.  They came back up the ramp.  They were not dressed in beach wear and went off into the town, so probably hoping to find other toilets, but it did mean that any beach goers that did need to pee were not going to be using the toilets.

    I did see a few people stand in the beach showers for a short time and then return to their towels.  Not sure if they were peeing or cooling off, but I would guess it was likely that some peed.

    I also saw a lady sat in the very edge of the water for a short time as well as some going out waist deep. 

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  11. 1 minute ago, James_erased said:

    Hey, is it just me or do the women in that part of the world seem to be somewhat more brazen with their beach peeing?

    Not really sure, I didn’t see many peeing actually on the beach - just the ones I have mentioned.  There were definitely some going in the sea. 

    2 minutes ago, James_erased said:

    weeing in the sea in Portugal is technically ‘illegal’ rather seriously! 😅 Although - I'm also now thinking that whoever came up with that ruling, knew exactly what they were doing.

    Maybe you are right - if it illegal to pee in the sea, what’s a girl supposed to do?   Pee on the beach is the obvious answer so maybe the person who made that law wanted to encourage more public peeing.   Although quite how you would be able to prove someone peed in the sea, I don’t know 

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  12. On 6/8/2022 at 6:30 PM, Eliminature said:

    I'd probably say through the flies of trousers - assuming they are the classic style modelled after men's trousers rather than a specially made trouserfly for the female form. 

    Yes, that is probably true as they don’t usually undo far enough, although is that a how rather than where question?

    On 6/8/2022 at 6:22 PM, Eliminature said:

    I doubt you'd get away with that whilst wearing a minidress! 😂😉

    Would certainly attract a few queries and looks, but these days it seems you can get away with a lot of you are bold enough!

  13. Continuing from above, after I left the cafe I went for a walk alongside the canal and as expected after about two hours, I needed to pee again.  I though about going somewhere along the canal towpath, but being an urban area there was little cover and it was pretty busy with walkers, runners and cyclists.  So, I went up some steps out onto a road and across into the area behind some flats.  I picked a secluded corner and peed against a wall in a recessed area off the car park for the flats.  Anyone in the flats looking out of the window in my direction would see that I was stood in the corner facing the wall and would have a pretty good idea what I was doing, but if they did see me, I hope they enjoyed the view.

    After I left that area I came to a park where there was a toilet block that was locked up and looked like it was long since disused. It would make a perfect pee place as there were bushes around two sides of it with a path between, but unfortunately I didn’t need to pee at that point. 

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