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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. Sorry, I missed your earlier replies.   

    I don't play guitar, but I dabble in the piano.  Like you, self taught and I'm no expert at all.  I think I answered the specific questions in response to the PM you sent me, but let me know if not.

  2. The attitudes of @peecurious94 and your family as well as @JanetSkies are just amazing.  I totally love the relaxed way of peeing anywhere you happen to be.  

    18 hours ago, peecurious94 said:

    I forego wiping and allow my pussy to air dry to save paper 🙂 

    The only reason for wiping is to remove wetness from the area and your legs and stop that wetness ending up in your clothes or where you sit.   As you are happy to pee anywhere anyway and as you are not wearing clothes, wiping seems superfluous, so I think you do right to forego wiping.   Also, if you were going to wipe, you would need to carry tissue around with you, which would kind of go against the whole convenience of the way you choose to pee.

    As for the nudity -  When it is warm, I often am nude at home - particularly if I'm in the house on my own working.   Good job I do audio calls rather than video calls.

    I agree fully that I don't care if people see me in my own house and even if I'm on a clothed day, I don't draw the curtains when getting changed or walking around after a shower.   I have rarely had the pleasure of seeing anyone in their house getting changed in front of a window, but do remember once when driving up the road and I caught sight of a lady changing in front of her window.  She had nice boobs and I'm sure she was happy to share them or she wouldn't have been so close to the window.   

    As for more things to hear about from @peecurious94, all stories of this nature are great, but I would like to hear more about what you do in public - do you pee discretely on public carpets or furniture wherever the need arises?  Have you been caught?  Did anyone say anything? Alternatively, do you regularly avoid toilets in order to pee next to your car or in an alley for example?

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  3. 18 hours ago, PressureHose said:

    Hey there I recently got myself an account but I've read a lot of the stories and seen the pictures on the site already.

    I love peeing outside and seeing women pee outside too. Doesn't happen enough in the UK, at least whenever I'm around anyway... 😕


    Hi @PressureHose and welcome to the site.  You'll find many friendly people here who share your interest - as I'm sure you have already discovered.   As for seeing women outside, large towns and pretty much any cities will have people drinking copious amounts on a Friday and Saturday night and pretty much guarantee outdoor peeing by both men and women.   The places to watch are pubs/bars when they kick out, nightclub queues, nightclubs when they chuck out and taxi ranks or bus stations where people are waiting for transport home.    It does depend somewhat on ability and willingness to be out on your own late in the evening and into the early morning in these locations (my ability is limited as I can rarely get out on my own, but when I do, I try and make it count).

    Other options are groups drinking in public parks after toilets have closed, beaches - mainly after toilets close but you can get lucky with individual girls or small groups who can't be bothered to walk to the toilets because it means going one at a time or leaving their stuff or lugging it all with them and losing their spaces.  I've seen girls nip behind beach huts, or pee on the beach by sitting or kneeling at the end of their towel, sitting on or squatting behind rocks or going to squat just near the water line.   Of course there are also those who go in the sea, but whilst it may be obvious if they just walk in waist deep, you often can't see much.

    14 hours ago, Pontepee said:

    Welcome, I'm in Leeds. Love the same thing but rarely see anything here either. 

    I've seen a good few girls peeing in Leeds - the rules above about nightclubs and bars worked well there.   I've seen girls peeing near the bus station by the Corn Exchange, In car parks and under the arches of the railway viaduct.  One of the best places was near a night club.  If you want specifics, please message me, but I don't want to be too detailed in the locations in the public forum.

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  4. 1 hour ago, navesink01 said:

    Thanks for all of the suggestions.  I am going to continue my commentary on 


    It will serve to build on that and keep it all in one place.

    I think it is better that you have your own thread for your own sightings.   There are a few of us here that have our own sightings in a thread, so the one above is where I put my sightings, @pwpj has a thread a thread of his sightings here:

    @Big Bearhas his sightings here:

    @PeeWatcher1 has his sightings here



    And so on, so I would prefer that you put your sightings in a dedicated thread rather than adding on my thread if you are OK with that.

    The other option would be to combine all sighting threads into one, which may be a good idea in itself - what do mods think?

  5. 18 hours ago, pwpj said:

    For parks, alleys etc you can judge the popularity by any tissues...

    Agree with this, BUT, don't think that the lack of tissues means lack of potential sightings.   A lot of girls on a night out will pee outside without using tissues.   Some girls who do use tissues will put them in a bin.   However, where you do see tissues then that is a sure sign of a popular pee spot.

    I cycled to a lake on Monday and it had been good weather on the weekend so I checked out what I could see.  There was nobody about on the Monday morning, but there were about three spots that had a fair few tissues and even a couple of tampon wrappers and applicators.  They were in the places which offered the most privacy in the way of bushes etc and indicated that many people used the bushes whilst they were there.

  6. 1 minute ago, JanetSkies said:

    So my friend mom was childhood friends with parents but my mom passed away and my dad is in the air force so I’ve known since i was a baby so i moved with them when i was 15 my parents were the way us them

    Sorry to hear about your mum, that must have been devastating.   

    However, it does sound like the friends family have given you great experiences.

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  7. 27 minutes ago, JanetSkies said:

    I usually piss off my bed for convenience why wasted water all my pees are for convenience because that way i was raised and my friend family who i live with are the same   

    Reading this and another post by you about peeing in the hire car, it sounds like the family you live with are very relaxed about peeing just about anywhere.   That sounds like an awesome situation.  Would love to hear some accounts of the sorts of things that you all do and also were you and the other family both peeing freely before you met and how you both came to know that each of you liked doing that.

  8. The question has been answered generically on several threads, so it is worth searching for them.   However, in short, anywhere where there are lots of people gathering, preferably alcohol involved and a limited number or complete lack of toilets is what you are looking for.

    I've not spent much time in London, but the parks would definitely be a candidate and also the nightlife areas such as Soho and Hoxton.  

    Also, mention should be given to the many demonstrations and protests - they usually cause lots of people to appear in one place and there is not usually any additional provision of toilets.   

    Suggest that for parks, the best time is later in the evening, maybe after 8pm.   For nightlife areas, the best time would be when people are queuing for nightclubs or when the nightclubs kick out and people are looking for taxis and night buses with full bladders and low inhibitions.

    You can also read one of the sightings threads (mine is here: https://peefans.com/topic/16884-alfrescos-pee-sightings/?tab=comments#comment-236468 but there are similar threads by others) which will give you ideas of what people have seen, where and what the circumstances are.

    Enjoy and if you get any sightings, be sure to report them for us to enjoy second hand!


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  9. 17 hours ago, tom00xxx said:

    It was a complex in Germany where nudity is standard.

    I do wish that in the UK people were less reserved and that nudity was more acceptable and normal.

    Nudity in the UK is not actually illegal as long as it is not intended to cause offence, but it would be very much considered socially unacceptable.   The only exception seems to be the World Naked Bike Ride and a few nudist beaches.  I have seen a few ladies topless in parks and on beaches that are not designated as nudist beaches, but it is rare.

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  10. 17 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Ditto to that  - everything @Kupar said in respect of our appreciation.


    17 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    We would of course like you to express our respectful appreciation - to both of your wives, although that could of course lead to some awkward conversations beginning with 'you told them what....!'

    Yeah, I don't think I'll be saying anything about that.   As far as I know she doesn't even know that I visit this site or even know of its existence.   I think it may be better to stay that way, because if she does know that I'm posting about her here then she will no doubt want to read it and then she will see what my username is and then find all my other posts and some of them go way beyond what she would consider acceptable.

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  11. Excellent experience and very bold of K to make that step change and (a) walk down the beach nude and (b) to pee openly with people about and without getting into the water deep enough to hide it.

    As I have mentioned in the beach peeing thread, I have recently seen several ladies wading in to the water to pee and then come straight back out and it is obvious (to me at least) that is what they are doing, so why not take it one step further and let the pee be visible?  

    I think K has now realised that it is super convenient to pee in the sea and I'm sure you will find she now does it without worrying in the future.  Although depending on who is about, she may walk a little deeper into the water.   It is far better and cleaner than going to beach toilets, which are never great places and are usually a longer walk from where you are sitting.

    I trust that you let her know that you were proud of her and appreciated the view.

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  12. Like your innovation.   I'd love to know what actual tune you were thinking though - there are many ways you could take the notes from that scale that you defined.

    I assume 4/4 timing and tried it with:

    B C D Eb  D C C_
    C D Eb G A Ab G Eb_
    D C B C D Eb D_ 
    Ab G Eb E E C B C_

    G G G A Ab G_ E_
    G G G A Ab G___
    G G G A Ab G_ E_
    G A G E Eb D_ C_

    Not sure if I've understood your use of A and Ab correctly, but it seems to work. 
    Where the letters on their own indicate crotchets, the underscore after a note indicate minims, the double underscore indicates a semibreve and the italic notes indicate quavers.

    Then I realised that the number of notes per line varies for the other verses so I didn't go any further as it would need a different tune or subtle variations for each verse.

    I kind of thought that I should resolve back to B as the root note of the scale for the last note, but it seemed to sound better finishing on C.


  13. 16 hours ago, Wolf88 said:

    Better luck next time. It is easier to spot something if they are many people.  But don´t hang around for too long.

    Definitely agree with this and I've had plenty of experience of sightings when there are lots of people.   Unfortunately I have very limited opportunities to go out looking at the moment and that's why it is more frustrating when I do have a small window of opportunity and see that something is likely to happen, but I don't catch it.   I'd love to be able to head to a popular area for a Friday or Saturday night but just isn't feasible at the moment for me.   

    15 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I’m one of those who may occasionally catch a glimpse of a potential sighting but generally isn’t around for long enough - so your experience is more the norm for me.

    I guess some you win and others you lose. And a fine balancing act between what is a reasonable time to sit killing time in the fresh air against the risk of them, or someone else thinking it’s a bit odd for a bloke to be hanging about.  It’s not like you were following them around or there for hours though. 

    Yes, I'm very much in the same boat as you at the moment whilst I'm not getting any chances to get out.    I am just catching short visits to parks and things when I can and this is generally not sufficient to yield results, especially as I live in a relatively small town with no sizeable gatherings away from toilets and no nightlife of note.   

    I wouldn't worry too much about being a guy on your own hanging around in a park.   Take a book, sit on a bench, read your book and keep your wits about you.   What would become an issue would be if you were in a park and there was a natural pee spot where multiple people go.  The first time you choose to go there to pee and it happens to be just after a lady goes in there, you can explain away apologetically with no issues, but if you happen to head for that same bush every time a lady does, then that is going to attract unwanted attention.   That is where the advice of @Wolf88 saying don't hang around too long comes into play.  However, there is no issue at all in sitting reading for a couple of hours if that's what you choose to do.

    If you are thinking more about being a guy hanging around a city nightclub scene, then yes, that is a much more difficult one.   Chances are that most people are not going to take any notice of you at all but if you stand right opposite a nightclub queue for hours on end, then that is going to look dodgy.  I tend not to stay in one place very long, I stay mobile and walk a lot!   If I do sit in one place, one option is to sit on a bench in a bus shelter where I can see either a nightclub queue or the entrance to an alley that looks like a likely pee spot or in one town there is a park just near where the students get dropped off by buses coming into town.   I sometimes sit on a bench in that park and wait for the girls to get off the bus and run into the park to pee.  Nobody else is ever in that park for very long after dark, so nobody realises that I've been there a while.  I still tend to limit it to half an hour, just in case.

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  14. Sounds like a very relaxed approach.   It would be interesting to hear more about the experience.   Firstly, you say you were walking around the complex naked - was this a complex where nudity is common, prevalent or maybe even standard?  Was it a unisex facility with men and women mingling naked?  This is not something that is common where I am in the UK so is a bit fascinating to understand differing approaches.   Was this somewhere in Europe, Scandinavia maybe?  I know of naked communal saunas and steam rooms in the UK, but they are gender specific.   

    Also you say that "Some people were looking but most of them just ignored it".   That implies that of the some people that were looking, a few people did not just ignore it.   In that case, what reactions did you get?    Did they take a long look or did they say anything?

    The nearest I have had to this freedom is going to water parks (indoors and outdoors) where I have peed all over the place but that was whilst wearing swim shorts which were already wet and just peeing whilst standing in queue lines, walking around, sitting on loungers and also on the slides and rides.  I have also been in naked steam rooms (men only rooms) and have peed whilst sat on the benches in there.  I have peed in a sauna, but that was a mixed sauna with swimsuits required.

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