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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. Great that she was relaxed enough to pee with you nearby and I think she must have been trying to get you to look or at least get a glance because otherwise, if she had seen a plant that she really wanted you to look at then she would have concentrated on the peeing and then told you about it when she was done.   The very fact that she called your attention whilst she was peeing must have meant that she expected you to respond and look in her direction.  After all, you had gone round a bend and she was effectively calling you back.   Maybe she was disappointed that you even walked off round the bend in the first place, but it was obviously the gentlemanly thing to do.   Whether she had any pleasure from exposing herself to you in that circumstance or whether she was just comfortable peeing outside and not considering it to be an issue, that's harder to tell.

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  2. That was a wonderful situation where you were able to help out a friend and she detected that you were used to peeing outside, so there was no point in denying it.  The fact that you offered her a solution, the fact that you peed outside with her and that you admitted peeing outside when necessary means that she is at least aware that you are fine with outdoor peeing.   It definitely sounds like she was cool with that attitude and now that she has done it, she might find that she pees outside a few more times (with or without you) before she gives birth.  She didn't seem phased by it, although it sounds like she didn't really have much choice at that point.  

    I would say that if you ever have the situation where peeing outside is a reasonable option, even after your friend has given birth, then I would go for it, knowing that she thinks of you already as a free spirit.   Just say something like "I really need to pee and you've seen me pee outside before, so are you OK if I quickly pee here rather than wasting time looking for a toilet?"   With any luck, she will say that it is fine and she may even join you.    

    Also worthwhile would be when you see her next, just say that you hope she wasn't too embarrassed at having to pee outside last time you met and say that you think it is only natural and nobody should suffer discomfort just because they need to pee - especially when they are pregnant.    I'm sure once you mention something along the lines of anything to do with peeing outside, it would open up the discussion and you can say that actually it is quite convenient to pee outside and having done it a few times you found that it was also quite liberating and actually enjoyable.   You never know where that conversation may take you, but it certainly sounds like she would be accepting. 

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  3. On 9/7/2022 at 10:57 PM, DoctorDoctor said:

    If men's streams were so predictable, then a lot less clean-up would be required around toilets and urinals.

    I feel there is a fairly good idea of where my stream will land, but until I start the stream, I cannot be sure.  Of course, I quickly make corrections to keep it on the intended target. LOL

    On the predictability of aiming, I find that the vast majority of times everything is predictable in aiming, BUT there are a few times when for some bizarre reason, my stream starts as two streams going off at different angles.   In those cases, I presume that it is either due to a stray hair or maybe the flesh at the eye sticking slightly together.   Whatever the reason, what happens in those circumstances is that I stand facing the intended target and aim as normal, then I start peeing and generate two streams; neither of which goes the direction which is expected.  Now if this is outside, then it isn't a problem, but if at home and using the toilet, I end up with both streams missing the toilet and I have to choose to correct so one hits the toilet, but the other one still misses, and as I've now changed position, it misses by a large amount.  Then the blockage clears after a couple of seconds and the two stream resume as one, but now I'm facing slightly away from the target, so now the whole stream misses the toilet.   Of course I can quickly move back to target but the net result is that there is a certain amount of pee on the floor.  

    I suspect that in public toilets, some of the mess is from cases like this, some is from people who deliberately miss with a bit and some is from people with slightly unpredictable starting and stopping.   Also, you often see small amounts of pee just in front of the urinals - I think this is where people avoid standing too close to the urinal and when their flow wanes, the last few drips fall straight downwards and hit the floor.  I know that happens to me.  It is partly from the desire not to get too close and touch the plumbing.   

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  4. Regardless of how absorbent the towel is, unless you provide multiple layers, some pee is going to go through before it spreads out and is absorbed.  Therefore, I agree that plastic sheeting or puppy pads underneath is a good idea.   I sometimes use a towel folded to be about six layers thick on my leatherette chair.   It still goes through and I still have to wipe the chair, but it is fine because the chair is not absorbent.   So, you either need to use towels on a non-absorbent surface, line the surface with plastic/pad or accept that whatever is underneath is going to get wet.  If you drink plenty and are hydrated then it shouldn't be a great problem if the carpet/chair gets a bit wet and you just rely on the towel to take the main volume.

    I don't really know of any particular towel that is more absorbent than any other.

  5. I think they are a great idea for those that are embarrassed about squatting in public - particularly for hikers and other outdoor people who want to wear trousers and don't want to expose themselves by dropping their trousers and squatting.   However, if I am totally honest then I'd prefer to see a woman just going naturally without the addition of a funnel.   I love seeing girls squatting in public and I would absolutely adore to see a lady peeing standing without a funnel as we know is achievable.   However, they have their place and I can totally understand why people would use them.   If it makes more people comfortable with peeing outside then that is fine by me.

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  6. Your boss sounds cool and you are lucky to get that extra time away.  I don't know much about the attitude to public peeing in Romania, but it is Eastern European so it is probably more relaxed than Western Europe.   You say you are going to a decent town so there should be some good chances of seeing peeing and opportunities for you to pee.  If that were me then I'd be doing the following:

    1. Peeing in the pool as you suggest.
    2. Probably peeing a few naughty places in or around the hotel if there is a good chance of not getting caught - do they have a spa with hot tub?  Maybe you could use a stairwell or pee in the carpark?
    3. Go out and about in the town and find places to pee such as quiet alleys, car parks, recreational parks etc.,  
    4. Keep your eyes open to see whether men and/or women pee outside at all.   Often in areas which are less affluent, there may be less in the way of public toilets and people are more relaxed about peeing outside.   I don't know what the area you are going to is like, but if any of this applies and you see that the attitude is relaxed then it is your cue to also pee outside, maybe more open than you would otherwise need to be.
    5. Definitely go out in the late evenings and be around nightclubs and bars.   Look out for ladies who leave the nightclub queues to go for a pee or when they leave the bars at closing time and are heading home, look for people that might be a bit desperate around fast food outlets and taxi ranks or bus stations.
    6. Maybe go to slightly more rural areas if you can and see if you can find places where long distance buses stop without facilities.   Good places to spot others peeing and for you to join in if you like.




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  7. Very nicely written and I loved the fact that both ladies needed to pee but wouldn't admit it to the other.   I guess that is something that happens a lot in real life where everyone is hoping that someone else will call for a break but nobody does because they don't want to be the first to admit their need.

    The fact that Mary-Ann peed in the toilet before going in the shower rather than in the shower and even wiped before going in the shower where she would be washed anyway, together with having a shower BEFORE going to the gym implies that she is generally a very clean living individual and therefore the act of wetting herself, not only would be mortifying in front of people but would be strongly against her own character and probably really upsetting for her, so she would, as she did, hang on for dear life before admitting her need or actually wetting herself.  

    I also love the ending "Hey boss, did you.. um…did, you pee your pants?".   After spending the whole of the pre-meeting avoiding admitting her own need to pee, Karenna openly asked her boss if she had peed herself.   Love it.

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  8. @Paulypeeps, I know what you mean about not wanting to post what is basically routine to you and I am the same in that I pee outside every day, pee in the sink every day and so on, so writing the same thing over and over would become boring and repetitive.   However, you have a special place in our hearts because what you do with peeing wherever you are is not at all common amongst others in general and even on this forum.  Yes there are people who pee in many of the same naughty places, but as a one off or special event whilst to you it is standard routine.

    So, I for one would certainly like to keep hearing some of your exploits as it never ceases to amaze me how much you get away with.  It is also a lovely thing to visualise.   Keep up the good work and do keep us posted - especially if you happen to pick somewhere that is particularly public or if someone detects you and you want to share their reaction with us.

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  9. On 9/6/2022 at 1:57 PM, Eliminature said:

    Sadly not, Alfresco. We don't have iPhones. Just basic smartphones - quite old ones, too. We tend to keep our technology until it dies. Both to save money and because it's better for the environment. 

    Rest assured, we'll try to get more photos this coming weekend. We did consider it last night, but frankly neither of us felt like standing outside in an electrical storm. 🌩

    OK, sorry that option is not available to you.   I'm with you on keeping phones and technology until it dies.   I have an iPhone, but I tend to keep them until the software is no longer supported before I upgrade.   The last one I had, I purchased second hand and then ran it until it died.  The one I've got now was new last year, but I'll keep it for years.

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  10. Fantastic experience.   Sounds like she may have done that because she didn't want to go and pee next to the person that was sleeping on the floor next to the toilet and that was an ingenious and convenient method, which also gave you a great experience.

    Did the person sleeping in the bathroom deliberately set up camp there or did they fall asleep drunk whilst in there?  If the former, a great idea if they wanted to potentially witness others using the toilet!

    Did you find out what anyone else did about peeing whilst the toilet was "occupied"?   I wonder if anyone peed on the toilet next to the sleeping friend or whether they used the bath tub, kitchen sink, went outside etc?   I take it you didn't find any puddles on the floor or you probably would have mentioned it.

    What did you do about your own peeing need?

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  11. Well, it depends greatly on your bladder.  Mine would definitely not hold a litre, but with you demonstrating 900ml, you are close enough that it is not beyond the realms of possibility.

    Anyway, your post was a few days ago, so how did you get on?   I guess you have answered your own question by now.

  12. Sounds like an excellent pee and a failure on the part of the photographer, but he has taken some good ones in the past so we'll have to let him off on that one.

    BTW, you say you regret deleting the pics.  Have you checked to see if you have a deleted items folder?   e.g. all iPhones by default don't actually delete photos but move them into deleted items and only permanently delete them after 30 days.  That gives you time to realise your mistake and restore them if you want to do so.

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  13. In a kayaking club when we had river trips, it was common that everyone went to pee when we stopped for a break, so it tended to be a case of guys one way, ladies the other and it was natural to join in and pee with the guys.

    If I am out walking, then I would typically excuse myself and pee on my own but if someone joined me I wouldn’t mind.

    At a venue with toilets, I would normally go separately from others, which I have noticed seems to be the norm, even though the ladies seem to go in pairs.

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  14. On 8/25/2022 at 12:49 AM, peecurious94 said:

    I agree with what you're saying...but do I have the guts to do it is the question hah! We have never sat and had a beer together or anything. I do speak to them regularly, but it is usually when I am getting out of my car and they are sitting out side. I may try something along those lines, though. I just need to find the right time...I definitely don't want to force it. 

    OK, so that doesn’t lend itself to openly peeing and it would probably feel forced if you were to artificially set something up.   Also, it is one thing to know that your neighbours are aware that you are peeing outside and you are being daring by peeing so you know that they can hear you, but it is an entirely different thing openly declare to them that you are going to pee outside. As you say, to do that you have to have the guts to confront the, openly admitting what you do and at the same time letting them know that you know that they have been listening to you peeing.

    The options I can see working here are:

    (1) Keep going as you are, enjoy knowing that they are listening and don’t change anything - leave it up to them as to whether they say anything.

    (2) As it moves towards winter and it gets darker earlier, maybe sit out on your step drinking something a bit earlier in the evening and pee whilst you are there but don’t go in for a while after and see if they come round to say hello and see you sitting over a puddle.  If you see them looking, then just apologise for the puddle and say you weren’t expecting visitors and you were feeling lazy.   See which way they go with a response, but the very fact that they come round must mean they are OK with it.

    (3) Arrive back at the RV desperate and get out of the car. Hope they are sitting outside and put on a bit of a show of desperation, bouncing and crossing legs as you get bags from the car.  If they are interested, they will probably come over and say hello.  If they try and stall you, then say you are sorry, but you really need to get in to the toilet as you are desperate.  If they still stall you then say that if you don’t get inside quickly then there is going to be a flood and if they still stall you then let it go and apologise, but say you did warn them.   If they do let you go, then chances are that they will follow you to talk as you head to the door.  When you get to the door, fumble through bags looking for keys and eventually let go anyway.   Just apologise and say you just couldn’t hold it anymore.

    Of course these are just ideas.  Only you can read the situation and do what is right for you, but I think they definitely know you pee outside and they definitely enjoy waiting to hear you, so, if you do Lee in front of them, they are very unlikely to object.

  15. @leefarmer, I think you might find that it is not as rare as you think it is.  Maybe the frequency and length of sessions is more than most, but that is just down to what suits you as a couple.   My wife is not into it like you are, but she indulges me from time to time and we have sessions where she drinks loads to dilute her pee and then after that we have lots of fun and I drink a fair proportion of her pee.   Certainly there is no domination or violence involved in our play and we have lots of mutual pleasure in a variety of sexual ways, it is just that whenever she needs to pee (which she does regularly due to consuming large volumes), she either pees on me or I drink from her or she pees in a glass/bottle that I then drink at my leisure.   Once we start, she keeps drinking water and either fizzy drinks or alcoholic drinks but I don't need to drink anything other than her pee.  I usually start off with a few drinks of my own - maybe a beer or two.

    The difference for us is that it is not a frequent event, but it is one that I certainly enjoy when it happens.

    As for videos,  my Mrs would definitely not entertain that, but if you want to share them then I'm sure there are plenty people who will enjoy watching them.

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  16. Interesting debate.  For me, it very much depends on the circumstances.   I don't think of peeing generally as being dirty and when I am enjoying a golden shower being bathed in pee I don't think of that as a dirty activity, nor do I consider my favourite part of peeing - outdoor peeing - to be dirty as such.

    However, I do also love the smell of aged pee - maybe pee stained knickers or that unmistakeable aroma in the car park stairwell.   To me, that could be considered as dirty because it is old and hasn't been cleaned, but I still love it.  

    From another angle, I can see why people would consider that people peeing in naughty locations is a dirty act because they are leaving their pee in places which might affect others.  However, the vast majority of people that do this are doing so from the point of needing relief and finding a convenient location out of necessity rather than because they are being sexual.   They probably either don't give a second thought to it being dirty or just don't care because their need for relief trumps anyone else's entitlement to a clean area.   If a public toilet is already in a bit of a mess, most people would rather make it more of a mess than risk getting other people's fluids on them by trying to be clean in themselves.  If they pee in a stairwell it is because it provides them a bit of privacy which is more important to them at that moment than worrying about leaving a puddle that someone else might have to step in or a stale smell that others might detect days or weeks later.   Part of the interest for me is the psychology of ladies who pee away from toilets but don't have any particular pee interest.   I find it fascinating who the approach and level of concern varies significantly.

    Our local branch of Sainsburys have closed their fitting rooms and when asked about it, one of the store workers told my wife that they have been permanently closed because people kept using them as toilets (even though the store has toilets).   Would that have been a case where people enjoyed making the cubicles dirty?  Or was it just convenience and they couldn't be bothered to go to the toilets just about 25m away?   Either way, I'm sure that the store staff would think of that as dirty.

    So is peeing dirty?   For me, the answer generally is no unless deliberately trying to damage property of others.

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