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Posts posted by Alfresco

  1. I have had various random ladies see me peeing.  Sometime female cleaners in male toilets, sometimes ladies using male toilets and sometimes when I pee outside where ladies can see.  Also at some events including indoor venues where the toilet doors are open and the ladies can see in to the urinals.

    I have posted about some of these before and there are various threads about this subject if you search for things like “female cleaners” or ladies in gents you should find some of what you are seeking. 

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  2. Wow, just Wow @colette888!   You were so brave to mention it in the first place and how amazing that he was turned to putty in your hand just by showing him what you had between your legs with your sexy outfit.  He went from adamantly not letting you pee to inviting you to make a full display and pee everywhere once he saw your pussy and knew he was going to get a great view.

    When you first asked, he probably thought you were intending to pee discretely on the floor or seat without him getting to see, but then you ended up peeing on the seat, floor and doors making a full mess with his permission and not even charging you for the fare!  What a persuasive girl you are.

    Even better, you made the excuse that you couldn’t wait, but once you had permission you agreed to wait so that he could watch you.  As you had got to a place and stopped, he could have insisted that you got out, but he didn’t.  He willingly let you flood his car because he knew it would be hot to watch.

    Absolutely brilliant.  Question now is whether you will call him again next time or whether you will want to test other drivers to see if they have similar or different reactions to your request.

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  3. On 11/24/2022 at 1:25 AM, ChrisS said:

    Just this evening there was a young woman alone in the community hot tub. My desk overlooks the hot tub/pool and at one point I noticed her get out of the hot tub and walk over to the steps into the pool. She stood on the first step of the pool (about 6 inches of water) for about 20 seconds and the walked back to the hot tub. I couldn't see any pee falling from her bikini but I can only imagine she must've been peeing. Do y'all agree she was peeing or is there something else she could've been doing?

    The poll results seem to show only a couple of you get out of the tub and go to the pool to pee. Do you think this woman was just an outlier, or do more people get out to pee in the pool than represented by the results?

    Interesting situation there.  Maybe she decided it was better to pee into a larger pool than the smaller hot tub?  Maybe she didn’t want to sit in a hot tub containing her own pee. Either way, there doesn’t seem much other reason for going and standing in the edge of the pool - unless of course she was contemplating a swim to cool down from the hot tub but decided the water was too cool when she stood in it. 

  4. 3 hours ago, colette888 said:

    Interesting thread of yours! In some pics it's really tiny and *slim*, while, in others, it's fairly *fat*... I'd say it's the *Great Transformer*...

    Definitely varies considerably depending on temperature, arousal and factors which I have no idea about. 

  5. 21 hours ago, colette888 said:

    Your comment is definitely interesting and appropriate, I thank you for that... I must admit my *point-of-view* is biased, in the sense that all the dicks I happened to see were somewhat *excited* by my presence... So, really, I couldn't imagine how would they look when they're completely flaccid... But, I stand by my experience affirming that, so far, all the cocks I met could piss freely without the restraint of an invasive foreskin...

    My foreskin is long enough to cover my glans when flaccid, although I often have it pulled back anyway   You can see what it looks like in various states in my thread where I have shared various pics of me peeing.  

    E.g this one is flaccid with foreskin in place: https://peefans.com/topic/17108-alfresco-peeing/?do=findComment&comment=239385  but you are right @colette888, you were not present at the time and if you had been, then it may have affected the state of erection and therefore the foreskin position.

    This one is flaccid with glans exposed: https://peefans.com/topic/17108-alfresco-peeing/?do=findComment&comment=245731

    Plenty more on that thread of me peeing in various places.





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  6. Most recent was this morning.  I had to go out on a few errands.  It was raining heavily and I was wearing a rain coat which came a little below my crotch.  I needed a wee so I went into the entrance hall of some flats which I have used before, unzipped and stood with my dick outside of my fly but under cover of my coat.   The dark grey carpet in the entrance way already had wet footprints on it from people tracking in from outside, so I didn’t think a little more wetness would matter.   I stood in a sort of alcove  looking at my phone and started to let pee fall from my dick to the carpet.  If anyone had approached, I would have cut the flow and walked off with my dick covered by my coat and they probably wouldn’t realise what I was doing.  As it was, nobody appeared and I was able to fully relieve myself, forming a decent puddle, which I then left soaking into the carpet as I walked out of the building.  These flats are handy as there are lots of separate blocks with their own entrances, each with a dark hard wearing carpet which is used to getting wet from foot traffic.

    Probably my best in a public place was in a carpeted stairwell of a hotel.   I took the lift to the top floor, exited into the corridor and then went into the stairwell where I peed onto the carpet on the landing.  I thought I was fairly safe as most people would use the lifts, but if anyone did leave that floor and head into the stairwell, I would have been totally caught.  When finished, I zipped up and went back through the door onto the corridor just as one of the housekeepers was entering the room opposite.  If she had been a minute earlier she would have probably heard the pattering onto the carpet just the other side of the door.  Or maybe she did and she listened but didn’t investigate it….


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  7. Yes, I have done this.  Generally it is not that convenient because the windowsills are generally just a little too high.  I peed out of my bedroom window for fun a couple of times, which was fine whilst the pressure lasted as I arced the stream over the windowsill, out of the window whence it the rained down on the conservatory room below.  When the pressure dropped at the end of the pee, the last bit ended up on the windowsill so I had to dry it.

    Sometimes I indirectly pee out of my office window.   If I am bursting to pee whilst on a call, I fill a pint glass or large mug and to avoid then having a glass of pee on my desk and risking needing to explain that to my wife, I tip it out of the window.  The porch roof is immediately below the window so it runs down that into the gutter.

    I have also peed out of windows in hotel rooms and also a B&B that had no toilet in the room.

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  8. As to my own first peeing related porn material.   Well it didn't even show any pee, but it was a glossy porn mag, something like Escort, Fiesta or possibly Mayfair.   There was a photo shoot in an outdoor location and one of the photos showed a rear view of the three models running to the woods with the caption something like "And they had to run off to the woods to pee, as only ladies would".   I was already vaguely interested in peeing from enjoying outdoor peeing myself and having seen other girls (friends and family) pee outside.  When I saw that picture, I couldn't help but imagine what they were doing and also thinking that maybe as it was mentioned then maybe it was something that men generally enjoyed witnessing or at least hearing about.

    I think my first actual pee related porn was much later on the internet when I found peeing on Webshots, Stu & Ivan's page and such like.

  9. 8 hours ago, Takashi96 said:

    @Alfresco If I discovered there were piss videos being produced in my town because I recognized the locations, it would drive me crazy! I wouldn't be able to go past those locations without wondering about their shooting schedule?

    Well, I did have a bit of that, but I also had great pleasure knowing where the peeing took place and often going and peeing in the same spot myself.  The area that they used to do shoots was quite wide and not only in my local town, so I never really thought that at any given time that there was a chance that there would be shooting going on, but yes, I've thought about it many times and wished that I could have witnessed a shoot.  As it was, I just chatted to him by email and said that I appreciated seeing the places near me and he said that the problem with filming locally was running out of different places to pee.  So I sent him a list of places that I thought would work and he used a good few of them.  He did thank me greatly for my suggestions and as I said before, also provided the peed in knickers as a gift.

    He has moved away from the area now, so no further chances now.


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  10. If I'm understanding this correctly, you mean that sometimes one bladder full is not enough to enjoy and therefore might need to collect a few bladders worth to splash over you or something like that?

    No, I haven't done that as I prefer to enjoy it fresh from the source whilst nice and warm.  The only time I've ever had delayed pee was a few years ago, the producer of a pee website lived quite close to me.  I don't know exactly where, but I recognised a lot of the locations in his shoots of girls peeing outside.   I told him that I recognised the places and suggested some other locations he could use.   As a thank you, he had one of the ladies pee in her knickers and he put them in a ziploc bag and hid them for me to collect later.  Unfortunately I was never invited to witness the peeing in person, but it was very nice to receive a pair of knickers that had been wet by the model.   I kept them for a few days and enjoyed the aroma until they started to smell of ammonia.   I probably should have dried  them out whilst they were still fresh and they would have stayed smelling nicer for longer.

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  11. That’s great research @Havelock, lots of great anecdotes and it is clear to see that the vast majority of horsey girls are very much at ease with peeing in stalls, trailers and outside.   I very nearly got involved with a horsey girl, now I am wishing I did.

    from those forums, my favourite as the girl who squatted in her trailer, her husband pulled the truck forward and the doors opened leaving her fully exposed to the occupants of the car behind.   There were a few posts that said about being concerned that the doors might open - surely it would be worth installing a simple catch or bolt…..

    Also liked the lady who had the cynical idea of using a “Restroom in use” sign to hang on her horses stall when she went in for a pee.

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  12. 6 hours ago, mcdky said:

    You mean like Black Friday in 2 weeks? I guess it’s remotely possible but it would suck to go out super early for nothing.

    In my city there are not fireworks on New Years Eve, only July 4. Many years I have wandered through the crowd for hours to look for any sign of desperation and it’s always to no avail. It doesn’t seem like a few portable toilets here and there would be sufficient, but somehow it is.

    Black Friday - yes, possibly. Depends if you have lots of people who queue overnight.

    Surprising what you say about July 4.   Are people drinking?  Maybe y nd to monitor places at the back of the crowd rather than in the crowd?  Look for ie corners and also look for tell tale puddles and wet patches.   Then monitor those places for other people coming to add to the puddle.  Also what do people o about transport? Maybe monitor nearby car parks or stations as people arrive and when they leave.

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  13. Agree with everything that @The99Club says.   

    I did just think of another one which I have heard is a good opportunity but I've never tried exploring myself.   This is where you get queues for a launch event or a high profile sale for example.   Often these events are just advertised as being open from a certain time on a certain day.   However, people who want to be in with a chance of getting the best buys in the sale or the chance of getting the particular phone on launch date will queue many hours before the event and sometimes will even queue outside overnight.   Without doubt those people must need to pee at some point and the shop isn't providing facilities for campers, so they have to improvise.   For example at one event that I heard about, there was a car park nearby that had a stairwell which became the unofficial toilet with people leaving the queue and using the stairwell for relief before re-joining the queue.   Of course, the report that I read was from the point of view of someone who was complaining about the people using the stairwell as a toilet, but it was still good to read about it.   I suspect that there were also a lot of people who went into the actual car park and peed between cars.

    Sales at places like Harrods and Next are guaranteed long queues in the UK, with people camping overnight or from the early hours of the morning.   I'm sure there will be similar in the USA.   Boxing Day sales are on the list of sales that generate the best queues, but to be honest I've got better things to be doing on Boxing Day.  If I lived on my own then things might be different, but as it stands, I'm not likely to go out late on Christmas Day to observe Boxing Day queues.  

    So if you hear of a launch event or sale near you, then you may want to check out the queue - even if you are not interested in the product or sale.

    Another good option is New Years Eve.   There are lots of events where thousands of people go to see the fireworks at midnight.   These huge crowds often involve hanging around for hours and there are just never enough toilets.   People don't like going far from their spot to avoid losing their friends/family or even losing the ability to get back to their spot.   After midnight there are lots of people who all want to seek relief at the same time so look for places where the crowd is leaving or maybe just before the nearest transport station.   Again, I haven't experienced this for myself, but would love to do so.   Only problem is that I always have a commitment on New Years Day which prevents me going to a busy place on New Years Eve.



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  14. Thanks for the comprehensive update.    Certainly sounds like the organisers want to eliminate or at least severely restrict public peeing - maybe as a result of complaints from previous years about lack of facilities or from those who don’t ike seeing people peeing.  Good to know some people are still choosing to pee outside anyway - particularly like the fact that some girls just squat on the lawn.

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