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Everything posted by mickymoist

  1. ..and struggling to find places to pee 😂
  2. not really where I am, we have tourists visiting some of our historic sites but we could probably do with more to help the local economy
  3. Hey @Scot_Lover yes I was hearing about this on the radio, record numbers getting killed up there this year too, its getting ridiculous and apparently the place is just a rubbish dump of stuff that people leave behind, sad
  4. what a good idea, I never thought of that! edit: this works pretty well 😁
  5. okay I'll try 1. Your favourite hobbies? - Gaming, Sports (watching), Photography, 2. Favourite song, band/artist? - Rush 3. Favourite series/movie/cartoon (or all of the three)? - Game of Thrones/Raging Bull/South Park 4. Who are you a fan of? - not sure on this one still thinking 5. Your strongest quality, personality wise? - like to think I'm a kind person 6. How do your friends describe you? - never asked them, but probably fairly outgoing and fun 7. How are you really? (how do you describe yourself?) - introverted, bit of a worrier, closet hypochondriac
  6. Never seen them in the uk, they look good!
  7. to be honest youtube is so rubbish at regulating that I think its good that adult stuff gets deleted, I don't have kids but friends of mine do and they're always saying that despite filters the kids keep finding stuff thats inappropriate. We all know where to go for what we want we dont need it to be on youtube.
  8. I'm so lucky, I only have a little house and there's only three other houses on my street all my neighbours are lovely we all help each other out, you cant buy that
  9. just this minute went outside and pissed on the flowers, video with flash makes some weird effects lol
  10. @Sophie you had me at "a knee length flowing summer dress with no underwear underneath" Thanks for posting that was lovely
  11. @will64 good job, well done 👍🏻
  12. Thanks for sharing, enjoyed it a lot xx
  13. @Lilipee belated happy birthday, hope you had a great day 🤗
  14. I'm single, live alone in a Terrace house in a small town in the countryside in Wales, have a small back yard overlooked by other houses, which is challenging but the risk fun. Like most things about pee Wetting, holding/edging pissing in naughty places, watching girls do all of the above
  15. @PeeBurach welcome to the forums mate, you'll fit right in I'm sure.
  16. More funny and action, Clint Eastwood, Telly Savalas, Donald Sutherland
  17. old funnier one from the 70s
  18. Wow pretty much all my favourites are here, did love Kelly's Heroes though 😂
  19. Sorry to here you've been going through a rough time, I think @gldenwetgoose has put it perfectly above, there's no obligations on what you post, you do things your way...the way you enjoy and are comfortable with and that's how it should be. I'm sure there are many people who like to read a nice descriptive story just as much as seeing close up pics, I love to read and use my imagination so I flit between written stories a lot. Its a problem with the digital life we lead these days, we dip in and out in between all the other things in our lives and often have no clue what's going on i
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